View Full Version : cw9 shooting to the left

10-23-2013, 08:58 AM
Shooting three guns.
cw9 and xd45 shoot to the left by 1 foot.
the cm9 is dead nuts on.
moved the sight to the far right till they were shooting the middle of target.
the cm9 i shot to point of aim.
is it me or the guns.:confused:

10-23-2013, 09:22 AM
It would seem, since moving your site, you would now be off with the cm9 OR you are shooting the cm9 now the same as the other two guns which would lead you to believe it's the shooter???? can't make a guess.

10-23-2013, 10:08 AM
Thats a tough one....Lots of right hand shooters will pull low left with a revolver like trigger on a Kahr but you shoot the CM9 POA....Let a couple other good shooters take a crack at it and see if the problem changes or stays with the guns....Not sure the shooting distance but a full foot off center is not good especially with the XD which are normally very accurate out of the box.....

Welcome to Kahrtalk and let us know how this comes out...

10-23-2013, 10:29 AM
Try benching it off a good sandbag. Start close, then work your way back. I agree with getsome....lots of right hand shooters pull low left. I had to adjust my sight on my PM to get it on...but problem was corrected. On my M&P Pro, I had to buy a lower FRONT sight because the gun was shooting low....went to a custom fit FO Dawson....again problem corrected. Not uncommon for sights to be off. Pain in the .... But not uncommon. I highly recommend that you Bench it to be sure it is not you. Then try some different manufacturer's ammo.

10-23-2013, 02:03 PM
If the sights are fixed and centered in the dovetail or slide it's more than likely the shooter. If only one of the three was shooting to the left it might be the gun, but even that would be rare. You may need to work on your trigger control, grip, or both.

10-23-2013, 03:19 PM
The shooting was at 10 yd and off hand with no high or low..just to the left.
I have moved the sights to where they are dead on for me offhand at ten yards.
Just traded a Star that shot dead on for me.
Maybe it is me.:(

10-23-2013, 08:21 PM
Wild thought here. It's your eyes. The 2 you have problems with have a longer sight radius. The cm9 has the shorter radius. Just a theory but it would make sense.

Do you wear glasses or have older eyes? I'm both and I've noticed a difference as I get older. I have to practice more to overcome the problem, or at least dry fire practice.

Just a thought.