View Full Version : Pm9 magna ported

10-23-2013, 05:44 PM
Has anyone had any experience with a pm 9
That has been Magna Ported ? I just bought one
With slide and barrel Magna ported , crimson trace laser guard
Night sights and 3 extra mags for 500.00 otd
I haven't shot it yet but wondering how the
Magna port will effect the performance .
Thanks for any comments

10-23-2013, 05:57 PM
First one comes to mind is Jocko. He had his magna ported long ago. I had my K40 magna ported a couple years back.

I think they do a real nice job, it looks good too. I hope to have my PM45 done some day.

10-23-2013, 05:58 PM
I had my K40 magna-ported and love it.

10-23-2013, 06:28 PM
Ya done it now. I ain't touching this one. Check with Kahr first to see if it voids your warranty. There...now I done it too. Haha.
Peace !

10-23-2013, 06:31 PM
I seriously doubt there will be any warranty issues. I may have to eat my words but I'm confident it won't be an issue.

10-23-2013, 07:20 PM
Hi Jeff, Welcome to Kahrtalk....Too bad you wasted so much money on a Mag-Na-Ported pistol....Didn't somebody warn you that you will set your nose hairs afire with that thing....Tell ya what, Being a nice guy and all I'll take that ruined pistol off your hands for two hundred bucks and thats a deal and I'll even pay shipping, whata you say???....It will make a perfect pair with my Mag-Na Ported PM40 which is a dream to shoot....

You got a great deal for that pistol combo and the Mag-Na-Port job will only make it better....Good luck to you and shoot um up!!!

10-23-2013, 08:04 PM
Thank you all for the replies and sounds like I'm
Going to enjoy the magna port job, I'm slowly becoming a Kahr
Fanatic , just got a new Talon IWB holster to use with the crimson
Trace also have a PM40 and thinking of sending off got the Magna Port
On it.

10-23-2013, 08:11 PM
why the 9 is tame as it is already?

10-23-2013, 08:35 PM
so is the .45!

10-23-2013, 11:29 PM
Pics or it never happened! :p

10-24-2013, 06:45 AM
Pics or it never happened! :p


10-24-2013, 09:28 AM
My Mag-na-ported P40 was my favorite EDC until I put Big Dots on it. The upward flash doesn't bother me, but you have to remember it when firing the pistol. If you try firing from the hip of close to your stomach, you can get the blast directed at your face. It's still safer than a revolver with the blast from the gap between the cylinder and the forcing cone!

I have the G23C and appreciate the lessened recoil and barrel rise with the .40's.

I've done a lot of posts with frame freeze shots of the flashes on this forum.


10-24-2013, 10:01 AM
My P40 "Blog" gets into flash testing at page 2 and there's more throughout the long thread.


This IS .40 S&W, though, not 9mm!



10-24-2013, 10:09 AM
Just don't question anyone that's standing next to you at a range, giving you dirty looks................lots of people don't like standing next to someone shooting a ported firearm.................................

10-24-2013, 10:55 AM
It's not that noticeable without the freeze-framing. And, it doesn't increase the sound as compensated shotguns do. I really didn't "see" the flashes until I was videoing another guy shoot my pistol. I could see and feel the blast when beside the other guy, but doing the same to my buddy shooting his magnum .357 Security Six was worse, especially when he had several cases burst... old ammo... loose cylinders... or combination:



I even included the video where he thought nothing was wrong... just normal magnum stuff!:rolleyes:


10-25-2013, 12:10 PM
Y'all smell somethin burning???....:eek:

10-25-2013, 12:15 PM
Dayum, really is like an explosion in your hand ain't it. I think I just developed a serious flinch and I seen them photo's before.

10-26-2013, 07:52 PM
My Mag-na-ported P40 was my favorite EDC until I put Big Dots on it. ...


I gotta ask because I am thinking about getting some big dots for one of my EDCs. Did the big dots change how the P40 un-holstered, or re-holstered, or some other reason the P40 fell out of EDC favor?
I'm concerned that the front dot will snag in the holster, but i've never seen one up close.


10-26-2013, 09:15 PM
Big dot night sight won't snag on holstering or drawing with the right holster. Most kydex holsters now have a bigger channel to fix this and if they don't nothing a hair dryer can't fix. Leather works the same way although I've never tried to increase a sight channel on that. I have big dot's on a few of my CC guns with no issues.

10-26-2013, 10:35 PM
Your holster definitely should have a proper sight track/channel. I haven't carried it since I installed the Big Dots.


10-28-2013, 08:53 AM
I seriously doubt there will be any warranty issues. I may have to eat my words but I'm confident it won't be an issue.
I contacted Kahr direct. Jay advised me via email that magnaporting your Kahr voids your warranty. Be advised !
I am out bow hunting and can forward his email later if anyone wishes to see it. Any functional mod voids the warranty.

10-28-2013, 10:18 AM
I would expect them to say that to. w3ould not worryt me in thge slightest..

I know for a fact thatif you buy a rolex and even put on an after market strap/band, that they will not honor their warranty, and that has nuttin to do with mechanical mechanixm that keeps the time. this is a scape goat for all makerrs of any product.. they will not even service the watch on ur dime even if they receive it with any after market anything on it.. It is there option to say no we won't warranty such and such.

any altering of most any product gives that company/maker the option to say no. doesn't mean they will say that either. Never having any issues with my ported kahrs, so have no real proof that they would say no to any warranty issues. I can tellyou that I had a kel tek 380 that was ported and the slide went bad on it where tyhe recoil springs were and tey ate through the slide itsewlf. Had no relationship to the porting part of the slide and barrel. KT replaced the slide and barrel NC and I wasout the porting cost, as it was an after market job. They could have opted out of the warranty part also.

My opinion is if one is worrying about that or worrying about doing anything to his gun, in fear of warranty being denied, THEN DON'T DO IT. I guess they cold say grip stipply9ing would vo9id warranty also, if they so desire or even the 5# wolffs striker spring or for that matter any recoil springs bought from wolffs and not from kahr directly. again if it scares u, then don't do it..

I would say evern if u had ur kahr refinished by anyone utter than kahr, this could give them an out to say NO, but I will go with Bawanna on his statement..:7:.

Bill K
10-28-2013, 11:03 AM
You did ask for any comments... I personally would not carry the gun for SD - unless I had nothing else to carry.

10-28-2013, 02:32 PM
Just passing along what Jay / Kahr advised me by email. I guess modified gun owners will know what Kahr will cover and what they won't. Don't shoot the messenger fellas.

10-28-2013, 04:09 PM
fokk ur safe garyb if I shoot at u with my kahr, but watch out if u see a G19 in my hand. Just sayin