View Full Version : Done with Kahr...

10-26-2013, 01:01 AM
So... Despite all of the negative things I've read online and on this forum, I went out and got me a CW45... I love the look, and the potential it has as a CCW pistol. I got it used, for a very good price. Original owner put 20 rounds through it. I took it out, shot 12 rounds through it, and it sucked. Mag fell out on the 6th round of the first two... Loaded the third and found that it would not go into the magazine well because it has a crack down the back side. Emailed Kahr, got a quick response that my new Mag catch and a new magazine were on the way. Waited 3 weeks, heard nothing. I emailed again, they apologized and said they would put the order in again. Today, after a month, I got a package. Excited, I opened it up, only to find a magazine, but no magazine catch. Ughhh! I emailed them and told them to hurry up and send it so that I can get rid of the thing. Not impressed.

10-26-2013, 01:42 AM
Aren't you going to see if the mag catch fixes the problem?

10-26-2013, 07:07 AM
I'm done too. After a flawless 250 break in period, I started trying different brands of defensive ammo. It choked on everything.

Sold the CW9 yesterday. Back to old reliable, Mr.G19.

10-26-2013, 07:22 AM
Welcome Newbies, Glad you came here to B!tch....

10-26-2013, 07:26 AM
I give you 100 bucks for your junk cw45. I like to buy trouble shooters guns.

10-26-2013, 08:35 AM
Bye fellas. Don't let the door hit you in the behind on your way out. Some people are just hard to satisfy.

10-26-2013, 08:47 AM
It's been said before. Kahrs aren't for everyone.

10-26-2013, 09:28 AM
Bye and good luck. Too bad you had a bad experience. No hard feelings here. It's just a gun.

10-26-2013, 09:55 AM
I'm not saying either posters here aren't capable of working with a gun. It does seem however we get many random fu and goodbyes on these forums. If I thought a particular gun was garbage I'm not sure I would even waste the time posting about it. I just wonder if some people can't run some guns because of their complexity, unlike blocks. I believe some shooters don't take the time to look at all the details, break it down, lube it properly and things of that nature.

Maybe I'm wrong...

10-26-2013, 10:06 AM
I have a friend who has just bought a CM9, he won't read the manual,take advice or clean the gun before using. I'll wind up with it at a good price sooner than later.

10-26-2013, 10:24 AM
Love my CW40. You couldn't give me a glock.

10-26-2013, 10:35 AM
I don't know that I'll ever even receive the mag catch. As far being new, I have owned other Kahrs, they were ok, but I got rid of each of them for one reason or another. I've read the manual, cleaned and lubed as directed, and it still drops the magazine while I'm firing. It's not my grip, it's a known problem. I'm not completely turned off to the pistol itself, but it's inability to work, combined with the company's inability to get it fixed for me, makes me not want it.

10-26-2013, 10:38 AM
Love my CW40. You couldn't give me a glock.

SAme for me and my CW45 and CM9. :amflag:

10-26-2013, 10:58 AM
Nothing here changed my mind about Kahr. I'm 100% in. Sorry for your troubles.

10-26-2013, 12:13 PM
It seems that some posters like to try and talk us out of owning a Kahr firearm.........I don't think it will work, so I would put them up for sale on the forum for cheap..........one of us suckers will take them off your hands, and get them to work flawlessly.

10-26-2013, 01:17 PM
I don't think any of you should not own Kahr's. I'm just sharing my own experience, so that the people who read reviews will have one more opinion. Not trying to offend anyone.

10-26-2013, 01:53 PM
If you fail to end up with a properly running and reliable Kahr it will be because you gave up. It sucks that you have one with issues, I get that. If they let you down by failing to send the correct parts, that sucks too. Especially to me since I have very little patience.

But if you stick with it, you or Kahr will get it right. I don't know why you seem to be getting jerked around by them but keep after them and you will have a harmonious outcome.

Buying a Kahr is not like gambling in Vega where you take a chance. There's no risk. The bad ones are a tiny minority compared to all the good ones.

10-26-2013, 02:15 PM
I don't know... I had a K9 that I carried for almost a year and never had even a hiccup with. This CW45 and their lack of interest in helping me fix it really makes me not want it anymore. I know there are a lot of people on this site that have had good experiences with Kahr, and I have too. I'm just disappointed I guess. And for every awesome story on here, there's a negative one somewhere else. I'd call that a gamble, for sure.

Longitude Zero
10-26-2013, 02:35 PM
I have several thousand trouble free rounds thru my CW45 with no bobbles.

10-26-2013, 03:40 PM
Love my CW40. You couldn't give me a glock.

New to Kahr. Just have 50 rds through my P380 and had a failure to feed. Think I'll get rid of it! :p Not!!

You could give me a Glock, just make it one other than the G26 which I have had for quite a while and love.

G26 -- belt

P380 --pocket

10-26-2013, 04:18 PM
Hey voodoo, That was just the lead singers. The chorus didn't chimed in.

10-26-2013, 08:02 PM
After OP concern I'm reopening this one, removed a couple of the personal attack unpleasant post.

Stay civil, stay nice and it shall remain open.

Any ugliness and we'll close it for good.

Thank you, have a pleasant evening and a better tomorrow.

10-26-2013, 08:51 PM
Thanks Bawanna! I really didn't come here or start this thread to fight with or offend anyone. I am extremely disappointed that my CW45 isn't all that it could be. And not only that, I do understand that some of their pistols are a labor of love, and that some are great. But they said they'd send me the parts to fix it, and didn't.

10-26-2013, 11:05 PM
listen up: write Jay at kahr an email and tellhim they were to sen dout a new mag catch ad u have bot gotten it yet. Be nice. someone there just dropped the ball. Ur issue is not a issue wityh kahr either. We have seen this before but it certaihly is not an issue.

Have u tried a couple of things to test out even. Like slamming the magazine a half dozen times insid ethe mag well to maybe get ride of a burr that could be on that catch. When the magazine is out ofthge gun notice the right side and how the mag catch is flush with the frame itself. Now insert a magazine, it should look the same , if it is kinda stuck inwoard and not flush then it is not seating in the mag well cut ouyt. If it is flush, they try to physically pll the magazine out of the gun. If u can, then again it is the mag catch out of spec. If u cannot puyll the magazine out of the gun, then IMO firng the gun is also not gonna release that magzine and thenI would suggest u try shootng t left handed to see if the magtazine still falls out. It just might not be the mag catch but u need to eliminate qall the possabilites. A new catch , kahr will send to you I have no doubt about that. Ur issues ia a minor issue andeasily fixable, one way or the utter..

these guys are here to help, so take us lightly sometimes. I am known as the gentle lamb on this forum. Notbecuase I anm gentle but I have a longing for SHEEP. Just sayin

10-26-2013, 11:10 PM
kweezy, can't say I blame you given your experience. on the one hand, shoot the crap out of it, tolerate the finicky behavior, deal with Kahr as best you can...and maybe you'll end up w/ something you are happy with. on the other, life is short and each person has their own level of tolerance and time they are willing to put into any given problem in life.

I am one of those guys that hasn't had nary a problem out of my Kahrs. 3 different polymer 9mm models, still own two of them. but I would have to say that I'd be of the same mind as you and others that come here, share your experience, and decide it is just not worth it. there is NOTHING wrong with that, NOTHING at all. I for one just wouldn't have the time or inclination or patience to deal with it. it is what it is. if any of my Kahrs has been a PIA out of the box, i'd have thrown in the towel, no question.

I personally will never understand the 'keep working on it mentality'. I don't begrudge someone taking that path, but they should also not criticize the other path of expecting something to just work or just plain not having time to deal with it. I understand the difference in various gun manufacturers design choices, I understand tight vs loose tolerances, yadda yadda. But I have many many important things to do and shipping a gun back-n-forth for the manufacturer to tinker with it while I'm either in need of it, or worse, have more important things to be doing with my life, then i'm not going to stick w/ the product. I only get to the range once or twice a month if I'm lucky. I only have a few grand invested in firearms, not tens of thousands like some folks. So when I hit the range, I need whatever I grab out of the safe to be ready to roll, flawlessly.

coming here and sharing your experience HELPS (contrary to what others might believe) other folks that might visit and be of the same personality, similar time/tolerance constraints, similar expectations. nobody with a lick of sense is gonna come here, read your post, or some of mine, and make a decision based on 2 pieces of anecdotal evidence. they'll read everything and then decide.

I have little patience in life, I'm aware of it, and I'm fine w/ it. I don't get angry or belligerent about it. I just make my decision and move on. But I might well post my experience for the reasons I mentioned above. So good for you and thanks for sharing.

10-27-2013, 09:20 AM
I must be one of the lucky ones, because I have never had an issue with ANY firearm I have owned. Hang in there, let's see if Kahr makes it right, and if not, then you have a right to be pissed off..................you are dealing with humans you know................

10-27-2013, 09:38 AM
I had a few hangups with mine and luckily got them worked out over the 200 rounds suggested. Now I wouldn't think of getting rid of mine. My problems were round hand ups and although easily removed irritating. I must say though if I had to return a new purchase one or two times I would be VERY irritated. I would especially be pissed if the builder didn't do what he said he was going to do. I like to be tolerant but limits are quickly reached. I can't think of one instance on the forum that if the owner followed thru with doing as suggested by forum members which included sending it back to "Jay" that the problem didn't get resolved. But Patience here is the word. Some have it some don't as "chrish" says in post 25.

Good luck and hope you stick with it.

10-27-2013, 09:59 AM
Life is full of challenges. I prefer to work through mine. But, as chrish says, we are all different.

10-27-2013, 10:13 AM
I don't know that I'll ever even receive the mag catch. As far being new, I have owned other Kahrs, they were ok, but I got rid of each of them for one reason or another. I've read the manual, cleaned and lubed as directed, and it still drops the magazine while I'm firing. It's not my grip, it's a known problem. I'm not completely turned off to the pistol itself, but it's inability to work, combined with the company's inability to get it fixed for me, makes me not want it.

You have a valid point, sometimes it just doesn't work out. I've had Kimber Ultra & Pro Carry (that are suppose to be high end) not work properly for one reason or another. Even after taking everyone's advice on there forum I still could not get them to function correctly. Sold them both... Now there full size 45's I have no problem with, weird. Anyhoo I definitely see where you're coming from, hope you're able to have better luck with its replacement.

Guns are like women, if one doesn't work out go get yourself another!!!

10-27-2013, 11:25 AM
I recently purchased a CM9 and have been very pleased with it thus far. I have put 150 flawless rounds through it and I have started carrying it. I just got a spare Kahr magazine in the mail Friday and plan to run the last 50 break in rounds through the CM9 and test the new magazine. This little pistol has been a pleasure to shoot and I feel if it was going to have a malfunction, I'd have seen it by now.

Having said that, I have a friend who had a heck of a time with a PM40 and never got it right. The pistol was sent to Kahr and still did not function right for him. He gave up on it and wound up trading it off. I know for a fact he did not try try any of the lubing and cleaning tips found here. I figured it could not hurt to follow them and learned a little more about the pistol at the same time. My friend said the other day(while laughing), "maybe I should have tried those directions out."

VN Vet
10-27-2013, 04:23 PM
I had two FTF amoug my first 25 rounds. Nothing after that. My PT45 will likely replace my G40 as my Daily Carrie.

Man wants the machine to adapt to him, but in time it will be he will adapt to the machine. Learn the tool and then use it. My Father told me that a half-decade ago.

10-27-2013, 04:35 PM
u can lead a horse to water but u cannot make him drink.

We here can only give advice, one can takeit or leave it. Manyt who take the advice end up with a greatworking gun that once had an issue. Sure in hell beats sending it back IMO. Sometimes it just ha to go back and again it iswnot the end of the world, Kahrs are great guns but they are not exempt from issues in some guns. That is why we have a warranty also. Man makes um, man can certainly fkk um up to. Just sayin

We read here more oftren to of a owner saying, :"why should I do someof the prep stuff and some of the tips mentioned, the gun is new it should worki perfect. Send it back and wait a few weeks for it to return, its ur call to make..:Amflag2:

10-27-2013, 05:33 PM
I don't blame you kweezy, i bought a cw45 and spent a lot of time by buying different ammo and trying to figure out how to make it as reliable and realized that I don't feel safe carrying a gun that you have to play trial and error with to figure out how to make it go boom when you pull the trigger. Some people just don't understand that and will attack you for feeling different than they do. I loved how it felt and how it shoots, but I'm still carrying glocks rather than kahr. I'm more about reliability and I feel more confident putting anything in my Glock and knowing it'll shoot

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

10-27-2013, 06:34 PM
New to Kahr. Just have 50 rds through my P380 and had a failure to feed. Think I'll get rid of it! :p Not!!

You could give me a Glock, just make it one other than the G26 which I have had for quite a while and love.

G26 -- belt

P380 --pocket
Well I guess you could give me one...I could then trade it for a CW45. I would like to have one of those! :D

10-28-2013, 10:57 AM
It seems to me all the handguns have some issues, including Glock. I frequent websites for Glock, Ruger, Kahr and S & W, all have issues sometimes. It is a matter of luck with a little patience thrown in. I thought my G27 was the greatest until I got my CW9, never looked back. Now have a PM9 and PM40, best shooting for me because of size of my grip and some arthritis. Now, the P380, thats another story, however, the people on this forum have been the most helpful of any forum I belong to. Attitude makes the diff. If the gun is not right for you, sell it and find one you like, cause life is too short to dwell on it! Kahr service is right up there on top. However, emails don't always work, but the tele does. Call them and they will make it right. IMHO

10-28-2013, 11:10 AM
well said

10-28-2013, 06:30 PM
Sometimes things that seem bad at first end up being a completely good thing....First Kahr pistol I bought in 2009 was a CW40 and it had the same problem with the magazine falling out after firing 4 or 5 rounds which really ticked me off as I had never had another gun do that before BUT having that problem is how I ended up finding this wonderful place....I Googled the problem and the first site on the list was Kahrtalk....

I joined up and started asking questions....The site was much smaller back then and I immediately saw it was and still is a friendly place with some really nice folks that helped me out....I called Kahr and they sent me a new mag release and a nice hat at no charge...I wasn't sure at all how to install it but again with a little help from my friends here it proved to be a no brainer AND it fixed the problem...

That turned out to be a blessing in two ways, first the gun shot and functioned great with the new catch installed, I felt pumped that I was able to fix her myself AND best of all I found the best firearms site on the interweb to hang out with my cyber friends and have fun with....Couldn't ask for a better ending than that!!!!

10-28-2013, 06:40 PM
Ok getsome I know ur a modest person and hate to pat any one person on the back for ur fantastic welcome back when u came on and how that special person helped you to get ur gun running right. But say it like it is. OL JOCKO

who can walk on water--- as long as it is a 1/4" deep. Just sayin

10-28-2013, 06:46 PM
Baaaa haa haa haa haa haa

10-28-2013, 06:50 PM
I just went through my mail after bein gone for a week and I got this letter from medicare and it said I am being dropped from their coverage due to over 600 complaints from people on a gun forum, that I was rude and insensitve to utter people troubles. This troubles me alot, so I guess I willjust go on Medicaid and let you 600 people (u know who u are) pay for my now FREE HEALTH coverage.

10-28-2013, 06:51 PM
Ok getsome I know ur a modest person and hate to pat any one person on the back for ur fantastic welcome back when u came on and how that special person helped you to get ur gun running right. But say it like it is. OL JOCKO

who can walk on water--- as long as it is a 1/4" deep. Just sayin


10-28-2013, 06:55 PM
OL JOCKO who can walk on water--- as long as it is a 1/4" deep. Just sayin

As long as there are no steps and no glass walls. OUCH

sorry you got hurt Jocko but I couldn't resist.

10-28-2013, 06:57 PM
thank you tinman, ur always so sincere on this forum!!!

10-28-2013, 07:18 PM
Glad you didn't get hurt when you busted your a$$ but you should know better than to wear pumps in a place like that, next time go with some low heal flats....:cool:

10-29-2013, 04:58 PM
<sigh> Like the OP I've also had issues with a Kahr (CW9) that just seemed to be cursed.

I purchased one of the first production run CW9s years ago. I fell in love with the ergonomics and the trigger. Unfortunately it suffered from the dreaded 'nose dive' issue and wouldn't feed from either of the two magazines I had. Kahr simply couldn't get it to run right so after a few months of frustration I traded it off (with full disclosure). I always lamented the fact that a pistol with such great ergonomics just wouldn't run right. Fast forward almost eight years and I was once again on the hunt for a single stack 9mm with great ergonomics. I absolutely hated the Ruger LC9 I had been carrying - a terrible trigger even though the thing was utterly, boringly reliable.

About a month ago I was perusing the case at my local gun shop and spied a few Kahr CW9s nestled in there. I asked the sales guy, who's opinion and information I trust, if they've seen many Kahr's come back through for repair. He commented that their rate of return didn't seem any worse than any other quality brand and folks that bought them seemed to like them.

I bit my lower lip, figured that surely by now Kahr had the problems ironed out and asked what he'd give me towards the LC9. We worked a trade and I came home with a new current production CW9. I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive the next day when I took it out to shoot. I figured I'd start out with the worst case scenario so I didn't tear it down and lube it before this first outing.

To my delight and surprise the thing functioned flawlessly and now has about 250 rounds through it. There have been a few failures to go into battery with a new magazine but that's my fault because I kept on sling-shotting the slide (old Glock habit). When using the slide release things always work just fine.

I would like to think that my recent experience with the CW9 is now the norm with Kahr. It would be an awful world if such good ergonomics and such a great trigger were cruelly mated to an unreliable pistol.

10-29-2013, 05:14 PM
at least you didn't give up the ship abnd never come back,U bought a lemon back then not much else to say, it happens. Not sure but I would bet this forum back then could have been somne great help to you. We have seen those issues before and thgeir are some thingsw to check out to see if they are the culprit.

10-29-2013, 05:16 PM
Glad you didn't get hurt when you busted your a$$ but you should know better than to wear pumps in a place like that, next time go with some low heal flats....:cool:

whats pumps??? Icouldn'tbring any pumps into washington, the laws forbid it,so I left my 8 shot mooseberg at home. Just sayin

10-29-2013, 05:44 PM
welcome newbies, glad you came here to b!tch....

+1 on that

11-02-2013, 05:29 PM
Kinda late getting in on this, but had my CW45 for a couple years plus. Have the original K9 and a CM9 also, all have been perfect from shot one except the K9. On the first mag had to push the slide forward about 1/8 inch into battery to fully seat one round. That's it! Why do some guys luck out and others feel bad karma? Don't know, but I bought a Taurus 24/7 45 that broke trigger before even firing. Got new replacement which was flawless, but the stigma was there in my mind. Yep...traded it for the CW45 and never looked back!

11-03-2013, 06:49 AM
I got 4 I'm out too :)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

Matthew L.
11-03-2013, 07:00 AM
***** ***** *****. I've probably put 300-400 rounds through my PM9 without a malfunction, at least I don't remember one. I did have problems with my P380 with FTE's but a new extractor seemed to have fixed it. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

11-03-2013, 08:40 AM
Wouldn't anyone be angry if they bought a new gun & had problems? It could even cause one to call the gun a POS. Since my guns work properly I consider myself fortunate & think that when I read about a new one that's problematic “better you than me” but I can't justify being disrespectful to the one with the “bad gun”.

11-03-2013, 09:39 AM
Wouldn't anyone be angry if they bought a new gun & had problems? It could even cause one to call the gun a POS. Since my guns work properly I consider myself fortunate & think that when I read about a new one that's problematic “better you than me” but I can't justify being disrespectful to the one with the “bad gun”.

Couldn't agree more

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

11-03-2013, 11:17 AM
Wouldn't anyone be angry if they bought a new gun & had problems? It could even cause one to call the gun a POS. Since my guns work properly I consider myself fortunate & think that when I read about a new one that's problematic “better you than me” but I can't justify being disrespectful to the one with the “bad gun”.

I do not believe the OP's gun was new. It was one that was only driven to church on Sundays by a little old lady. And the split mag. Has anyone else seen this? The .45 mags I have from Kahr seem very well made.

11-03-2013, 12:40 PM
early on we had some busted magazines in the upper back portion of the gun. Sounds like this gun could have beena round awhile even. I think kahr has that issue behind them. I always attributed that issue to the feed ramp busing the magazine, and not a defective magqazine as such. Kahr mags, are well made, all stainless but hey are like all magazine designed to feed rounds not take a hammering like what has to had happen to bust any magazine.

I realize kwhen one has issues he has the right to callhis gun a POS but also one has to realize that your not making friends here either. We all acknowledge that kahrs like utter guns can give headaches at times, but they are great guns, U get a lemon send it back or ask for help here. Many times this fourm is skilled enough to sqave sending your gun back to.

Not sure how much help anyone will get in calling a kahr a POS especially on a kahr forum. Just sayin jTry that on a glock forum with ur glock:amflag:

11-03-2013, 01:24 PM
I like the respectful advice...but it goes both ways. :)

11-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Often times it's not what you say but how you say it, where you say it can also be a factor from time to time.

A lot of guys for example are put off my Jocko's meek, mild mannerisms and I suspect some run for their lives until they get to know him and they learn it's mostly chop and not much chip (but very wise chips) with a fondness for sheep.

11-03-2013, 03:21 PM
PM me a list of "those lot of guys"./ I have some nice stuff for those fokkers. Just sayin

Seriously, do any of youse really believe tha those ol SHEPARDS just tended to their sheep? Just sahyin

11-03-2013, 03:30 PM
It gets lonely out there...at least so I've heard.

11-03-2013, 04:14 PM
It gets lonely out there...at least so I've heard.

depends if ur a good shepard or not. I never hear a baa from any of the sheep in my flock. Just sayin:amflag:

U must be a rookie yet ,,,normally they start u rookiues out with 4 sheep of which 3 are stuffed and you get no sheep dog, where as I a veteren herder I have a black and white border collie that I call "ol yeller"

Ol yeller lots of tmes serves as my "pimp" dog to.:amflag:

11-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. My Kahrs have been great.

11-04-2013, 06:58 AM
Wouldn't anyone be angry if they bought a new gun & had problems? It could even cause one to call the gun a POS. Since my guns work properly I consider myself fortunate & think that when I read about a new one that's problematic “better you than me” but I can't justify being disrespectful to the one with the “bad gun”.

Only an immature child would call a malfunctioning piece of equipment a POS. An adult would look for a cure for the problem. Anyone irrational enough to call an inanimate object a POS shouldn't own a gun. Anyone who owns a gun should be able to control their temper and their mouth. When you go into someone's home it isn't considered polite to crap on their coffee table. Consider this a learning experience.

11-04-2013, 07:22 AM
Anyone who owns a gun should be able to control their temper and their mouth.

Given the context, not sure if I'm taken aback more from the irony or offensiveness of that statement.

Only an immature child would call a malfunctioning piece of equipment a POS. An adult would look for a cure for the problem. Anyone irrational enough to call an inanimate object a POS shouldn't own a gun.

Does that also go for a car, lawnmower, cheap tool, washing machine, dryer, website...the list goes on? Do you REALLY believe what you just wrote. There are plenty of products in this world that are a POS out of the box and no amount of tinkering or fiddling are going to make them better. And make no mistake, while Kahr is not one of them, or the vast majority of Karh guns produced anyway...there are guns out there that are most definitely a POS out of the box. And even Kahr might make a POS from time to time, whether it be a particular model/line that is plagued with problems or a single gun that had some major manufacturing issue.

How many times would you send your brand new car back to the dealership before you invoked the lemon law?

If this website ate your posts, never loaded and was never available...would you call the code written by whoever a POS or would you just keep coming here, trying and trying, looking for a solution...or go elsewhere?

11-04-2013, 09:55 AM
I thought this horse had been rode down last week and was gonna close. I see now that for sure the horse has been rode down and I'm closing it now.

I'd send the head to Jocko but I think that would be a conflict of interest. Lawyers don't ya know.

Enough negative in the world without creating our own.