View Full Version : Sold --- DeSantis Nemesis for CM9, CW9, K9, and similar: ambidexterous

10-26-2013, 03:51 PM
I have for sale a lightly used (one month) DeSantis Nemesis Item #: N38BJMKZ0, pocket holster. This is the improved model Nemesis with the longer tab on the bottom for better retention. The photo shows it with my CM9 (which is not included) but also fits the CW9, K9, PM9, PM40, MK9, MK40, Ruger SR9C, and Keltec PF9.http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx338/Tslepebull/photo5_zpsf5455701.jpg (http://s769.photobucket.com/user/Tslepebull/media/photo5_zpsf5455701.jpg.html)

Price is $20 shipped. Item is sold