View Full Version : Why the CM series?

10-27-2013, 08:27 AM
What helped make your decision to choose the Kahr CM series over other popular pistols such as the Glock sub compacts, the XDS, the Shield, Sig p290rs, etc?

10-27-2013, 08:51 AM
Price, size and reputation. I own a CM9.

Jim Leslie

10-27-2013, 09:26 AM
I own a G26 as well as a CM9, and the CM9 is much nicer to carry concealed. The Glock measurements are similar, but thickness of the Glock makes a world of difference. My son owns a shield, so I tried it, but found it to be too large for pocket carry, which I use exclusively during the summer months. The CM9 has so much going for it, reliability, accuracy, concealability, customer service, and reputation. It's unbeatable IMO.

10-27-2013, 09:33 AM
If I had wanted a gun for target practice or gun fights I would have gotten a different gun. I was looking for dependability and the ability to conceal well. Price wasn't a concern. I did shop around but decided on the CM9 for all the above reasons. When I held it and fired it I was sold. It has been my constant companion for nearly a year. 1500 rounds and not one glitch.

10-27-2013, 09:49 AM
All of the above for me. I paid $100 more for mine as I bought it when it was hard to get. One reason I did was I checked in with online forums for several guns I was interested in. Since I come from a Engineering Liaison background I liked the tight tolerances expounded to on the forum, the company literature, the companies record with resolving issues if there are some. Good luck on your choice.

10-27-2013, 10:34 AM
I have the CM9.

I'm a relative rookie to the handgun world but the Kahr reputation was known to me for some time. I liked the Shield (still do) but it is a little larger and that was one of the determining factors. The feel of the CM9, to me, is perfect and the trigger...simply the best I've shot. Grip, trigger, comfort, manufacture - all went into the decision. Price was also a big factor. I simply could not justify some of the higher end pricing out there and the CM line really fit my wallet.

This gun is a true pleasure to shoot. Easy on the hands and as accurate as you can ask for a short barrel gun.

10-27-2013, 11:49 AM
I carry a Glock 27 and occasionally a Glock 30. I wanted something a little easier to conceal outside the winter months and something that could be pocket carried. My search began early this year when I bought a Shield. Wound up selling the Shield as I just never really warmed up to it. LGS had their annual "Fall Sale" and I wound up getting the CM9. I still will keep and carry my Glocks but the little CM9 is a pleasure to carry and will be the one I go to the most.

10-27-2013, 11:50 AM
Size, weight, DAO trigger, and reputation for reliability

10-27-2013, 12:35 PM
I have a CM9 and several other similar sized carry guns. In my eyes, the Kahr is one of the first small carry guns, has no unnecessary controls, and is just one of the very best concealable personal protection guns out there!

10-27-2013, 01:02 PM
What helped make your decision to choose the Kahr CM series over other popular pistols such as the Glock sub compacts, the XDS, the Shield, Sig p290rs, etc?

size and weight and simplicity of design and operation. plus kahr quality behind it. It fits my needs 100% ..

10-27-2013, 02:03 PM
I own a G26 as well as a CM9, and the CM9 is much nicer to carry concealed. The Glock measurements are similar, but thickness of the Glock makes a world of difference. My son owns a shield, so I tried it, but found it to be too large for pocket carry, which I use exclusively during the summer months. The CM9 has so much going for it, reliability, accuracy, concealability, customer service, and reputation. It's unbeatable IMO.

This completely. I was planning to carry my Glock 26 in the winter months but I still prefer the thinness of my CM9 over the Glock. The CM9 is so versatile. I carry it pocket, IWB, & yes even OWB. If I want a full grip I can add an extended mag. If I want a pocket carry I can carry a flush mag. I actually always carry with a flush mag and then use an extended 7 round mag for my spare mag. It's the perfect set-up for me. I was surprised at how much I like OWB carry with this gun but it disappears under any shirt and is a pleasure to carry.

Bill K
10-27-2013, 04:13 PM
For me it boils down to the Goldilocks principle.

10-27-2013, 06:52 PM
I carry a CM 9 in the pants pocket DeSantis holster. A CW 45 on the belt. A. 40 Shield with safety on in a Tachi-Pac "groin" holster. Size for size the Shield has a 1/2 inch shorter barrel than comparable size Kahr. They each one fit my needs in their own way.

10-28-2013, 07:03 AM
day to day...i normaly carry my cm9, (pocket carry) nemesis holster...but for me one gun doesnt suit all my needs, thats why im a gun whore!!! ;0) when i jog my carry buddy is a ruger lcp (380) when i go to out, depends what i wear, ill carry my sw 360 pd (357 ankle carry) or if i feel i need more firepower, my glock 26 with and xtra mag.....but i do love my kahrs.......

10-28-2013, 12:42 PM
My age and arthritic hip discomfort have required that I downsize the type of sidearm I carry for CCW. For over forty years I carried a government 1911 each day. Then, I downsized to a commander size for ten years and then for the past few years, a Glock 27. Now, even the small Glock is too much for me to carry on a belt for more than a few hours. My solution is the Kahr CM40 for pocket carry.

The design and precision of the CM40 provides a size and weight for front pants pocket carry all day and allows for the delivery of a very powerful .40 bullet.

This caliber is important to me because even though I believe that placement is of paramount importance in stopping an attacker, my diminishing abilities are best supported by the weight, velocity and impact force of a .40 rather than a .380 or less caliber.

10-28-2013, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the input everyone.

Does anyone consider the round count of 6+1 for the CM9 or 5+1 for the CM40 a problem?

If, or when, the time comes that more rounds than that is necessary or does everyone just carry a spare mag?

10-28-2013, 04:02 PM
My thoughts only here.If I can't get the job donein 7 rounds, probalby I am dead already... I guessI also don't get to overly paranoid about carrying alot of armament either. Would be a great world we live in if we didn't have to put a fokkng gun on our body.

10-30-2013, 08:50 PM
Jocko it would indeed be great but alas reality isn't so as you are aware.

My reason for asking about the round count is that my town recently had a robbery of a family coming out of a church with 5 assilants,3 of them vissibly armed with guns, the other 2 unknown. Luckily it did not turn into a gun fight but had it the extra rounds may have been useful.

I understand an extra mag would work and is recommended in the event of a problem. With that said the time it takes to insert a new mag is always going to be slower than squeezing a trigger a few more times but on the other band extra rounds count in a single mag do not help if you encounter a mag related problem.

Just looking at the issue from all sides to see what can be learned from it.

10-30-2013, 09:29 PM
I don't know what the hell ever possessed to buy a CM9, but I sure as hell glad I did. It's easily concealed, light weight, slim, accurate, fits my hand like it was made for it, was very reasonably priced, has low bore axis and light recoil that make it a pleasure to shoot. Other than that I can't think of a single reason. Oh yeah, I bought it for self-defense. :)

10-31-2013, 09:56 AM
I carry a spare P380. That gives me seven more shots without having to be concerned about reloading. Works for me.

10-31-2013, 02:39 PM
Size, weight,fitment in my hand, and price

10-31-2013, 08:40 PM
Size and weight and it couldn't be a 380.

11-02-2013, 10:16 PM
I carry 1911's. There are times when a 1911 is just not practical to carry. I purchased a CM9 because: 9mm is the smallest caliber I wish to carry. It is lighter than the MK9. It is less expensive than the PM9.

I chose Kahr for their reputation.

11-03-2013, 07:14 AM
I was looking for a replacement of my old pocket pistol and after buying the cw9 the cm9 seemed a natural. Great pistol that filled my needs.

11-03-2013, 04:32 PM
Bought the CM9 because it will fit in a pocket. Luv the trigger.

11-04-2013, 03:25 PM
I bought a CM9 for 2 main reasons. It gave me concealability I just couldn't get with my G26 and it had no external safety etc. Just point and shoot. Simplicity rules in a self defense weapon.

11-05-2013, 08:51 AM
I was looking for something for pocket carry in the summer and something I could maybe use in a belly band when jogging and such. I spent almost a year looking at different pistols and cailbers.
I narrowed it down between the TCP 738, SCCY CPX-2 and CM-9. Ended up with the CM9 and I am so glad I did.
It has everything I look for in a gun. 1) I can pocket carry it or put it in a IWB holster 2) Large slide lock lever (I always like that in a gun) 3) Holds open on last shot 4) I wanted a two tone gun (just a personal thing I like, IMO this is one of the best looking guns on the market) 5) Its in 9mm so I dont have to buy a different caliber 6) Crimson Trace makes a laser for it 7) Aftermarket sites are available for it. 8) No manual saftey

There not ONE thing I dont like about the gun. Now I can even sling shot load the first round after breaking it in. I would suggest it for anyone looking for a pocket carry gun.

11-06-2013, 09:41 PM
What helped make your decision to choose the Kahr CM series over other popular pistols such as the Glock sub
compacts, the XDS, the Shield, Sig p290rs, etc?BEST ADVICE... go shoot as many of them as you can. Go to ranges that
have guns to rent. From my research, I personally would advise to avoid
the: Berretta Nano, Sig P290, Kimber Solo to name a few. The Shield is a
nice looking gun made by a good manufacture, but I don't care about
looks or name brands. As another poster said it is not the smallest of the
small and will not fit in your pocket... if that is your thing. It is not my
thing, but I like the option for the rare occasion it is called for.

As other posters stated CM9's SIZE is a plus. I also own a Glock 26 Gen4.
I like both. If you want a true pocket 9mm or 40 there is only a few
choices, and the Kahr CM9 is the best value and quality IMHO. I mostly
use a pancake belt holster because that is the most accessible draw and
security. However sometimes I want to put a gun in pant pocket. The
CM9 fills the bill. Other super small 9mm's are Diamondback DB9 (Rep
for being cheaply made I hear, no personal experience) and Rohrbaugh
R9 (very expensive). Keep in mind the smaller the gun the harder to
shoot in general. The Rohrbaugh's are hand made and nice guns but a
handful to shoot I hear. The Diamondback DB9 is light which might mean
light duty. The DB9 is not made for +P rounds. I typically practice with
both my CM9 and Glock 26 with normal pressure ammo, but carry +P
ammo. I have shot at least 50 +P rounds through he Kahr CM9, and it
loves it.

I had a Ruger LC9 which is a great gun, great value and company.
The trigger is loooong pull and heavy. You get use to it and shoot
accurately with practice.... I did not know why people complained, but
then I got the Glock 26 Gen4. I shot better and faster, with no effort. I
shot well w/ a Ruger LC9 taking my time, but after experiencing a lighter
shorter pull trigger, I sold the Ruger LC9. I could have modified the
Ruger LC9 with the Galloway trigger bar kit, trick trigger and lower
force spring. http://gallowayprecision.com/ruger/lc9-and-lc380/ . At the
time they did not have parts outright. You had to send your stock trigger
bar in to be modified, forever making the gun modified. Ruger does not
sell the stock trigger bars outright. They now have trigger bars and
triggers to buy, allowing you to keep the stock parts stock. If you ever
send a modified Ruger to them for repair, they would return it to stock
and charge you. If you have to defend yourself and go to court, a
modified gun might be a liability. The CM9 has the trigger the LC9 should
have had stock out of the box.

I found a CM9 new-used for a good price. They let me shoot some rounds
through it. I loved it from the get go. Never looked back. Not as nice to
shoot as Glock 26 on the range, but the CM9 is a delight and a deadly
concealed weapon. I decided not to go the 380ACP route. The CM9 is
light and small enough to put in a pocket, barely, but it does fit. Again
not a fan of pocket carry, I use holsters, K-bar TDI waist pack and a vest
with inner breast pocket for gun. Holster is by far the best for defense.
So pocket carry is not super critical to me, but it's nice to have the option
to throw my piece in my pocket, OF COURSE ALWAYS IN MY NEMESIS

As far as Glock it has more options, has a deserved reputation for
reliability and all Glock 9mm magazines from 10 to 33 rounds fit; all
9mm Glock mags are interchangeable with the G26. Parts and
accessories are more plentiful as well. However it is thicker. I mostly
holster carry, so thickness does not matter too much. However I can tell
the difference between the CM9. In part it is weight as well. I only load 7
rounds in the Glock... ammo has weight as well. However having the
ability to carry 10+1 or 15+1 with my G19 magazine and X-sleeve is
nice. The Glock 26 is more fire power no doubt. Heaver, longer barrel
means more accuracy, and with an awesome trigger out the box, it's
hard to argue with that. The Glock comes with 3 magazines. Most other
guns to save money only give you one magazine.

There is NO PERFECT GUN.... It is a personal choice. I can say the
CM9 fits me and I like it. It is a keeper. If I could only truly have one
gun, it would be the Glock.... but of course I don't have to make that
choice. Having the Glock 26 and Kahr CM9 is a nice pair.

Kahr CM9 0.90" wide x 5.42" long x 4.0" tall, 15.9 Oz, 3" barrel, 6+1 Rds
Glock 26 1.18" wide x 6.41" long x 4.17" tall, 19.75 Oz, 3.42" barrel, 10+1 Rds
Diamondback DB9: 0.80" wide x 5.6" long x 4.0" tall, 12.7 Oz, 3" barrel, 6+1 Rds
Ruger LC9: 0.90" wide x 6.0" long x 4.5" tall, 17.1 Oz, 3.12" barrel, 7+1 Rds
Rohrbaugh R9: 0.90" wide x 5.2" long x 3.7" tall, 13.5 Oz, 2.9" barrel, 6+1 Rds


Kahr CM9 and Rohrbaugh R9 Superimposed. The Rohrbaugh cost
twice as much.

This is the Glock 26 and Rohrbaugh superimposed. The Kahr CM/PM9
is in the middle in size, thinner than Glock 26.


11-07-2013, 03:57 PM
I have the CM40 and it works perfectly.
My most favorite pocket gun the the Glock 27 EXO. It just shoots so fine and makes BIG holes. Even people who know I am carrying can't spot it in my pocket.

However, due to andy cuomo (coming to a White House near you in 2016) I mostly carry the G26 in my pocket, because as a retired LEO I can legally carry 10 rounds in the mag and 15 in a spare. 16 9mms beat 8 .40's every time.

**** YOU andy cumhole

11-07-2013, 05:21 PM
I know the R9 ios very expensive but I have always had a b0ner on when I see one them, which is very rare around this area. I just cabn't make myself pull out the 4100 bills for one though, but I do like um. I do realize they arenot a true rsange gun and are alittle more ammo sensitive than most but for over all in ur face ccw, thatis just a nice gun-=---over priced but nice. Just sayin

11-08-2013, 07:13 PM
I'm in southeast TX and in the summer, deep concealment is an issue. The CM9 in a Galco Pocket Protector solved the problem without having to bet my life on a .380 acp. It's cold here now and I have a Sig P229 on my hip. The CM9 is still in my pocket, as it is now year round. So for me, summer is the season for CM9 and extra mag. Late fall through early spring is the season for P229 and extra gun.

11-12-2013, 08:44 AM
The ability to conceal much more easily.

i have the XDS, Shield, and the kahr is far easier to conceal in the summer. i have a hard time concealing the shield due to the length of the grip. The xds is easier but its also heavier fully loaded. The kahr can be concealed in any thing.

In the winter months, i tend to go with my XDS mostly. But i can always stuff the kahr in a pocket if i have too.

the CM9 size is about perfect to conceal. I wouldn't trade the gun for any other.

11-12-2013, 07:02 PM
Any issues with the reported CM 9 guide rod sticking on the slide at the front? I REALLY want a CM9!!!!

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11-12-2013, 08:04 PM
Any issues with the reported CM 9 guide rod sticking on the slide at the front? I REALLY want a CM9!!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Rack the slide a couple times. Worst case, take the slide back off, reposition the spring and put it back together. Mine does it occasionally. No big deal. Buy the CM.

11-12-2013, 08:22 PM
Any issues with the reported CM 9 guide rod sticking on the slide at the front? I REALLY want a CM9!!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

I hadn't heard of this issue.
My CM9 has been awesome so far, 300 rounds.

Personally, there are better guns. There are smother working guns. There are better looking guns. There are guns with better finishes.

BUT... There are no other 9mm guns of this size. It functions very well. I am very happy with my CM9. Remember that this is a tool, not a show piece.

11-12-2013, 08:58 PM
I don't carry the cm9 all the time. What I carry most often would likely be too big when I need to carry deeper than normal. The G26 can be too thick, the XDS9 too heavy and the shield too narrow in my hand plus I don't care for it's slide safety, but to me the cm9 is just right. With the cm9 I don't have to compromise and pick the 380 lcp very often because in most cases the cm9 can be used where I might be tempted to choose the lcp.

I might have gotten a cm40 instead of the cm9 had it been available when I got the cm9 and perhaps someday I'll get that to carry in place of the cm9, but right now I am quite happy with the cm9 for what I use it for.

11-13-2013, 12:14 AM
Any issues with the reported CM 9 guide rod sticking on the slide at the front? I REALLY want a CM9!!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)I saw the MAC video you saw with the issue. I can tell you I've tried to duplicate it with my CM9 and I can't. I suspect it was an earlier production gun that had this issue possible. Mine is less than a year old and is beveled slightly at the back of the guide rod face. I can't even induce it to catch by trying. If you did buy a used one with the straight wall face, 2 minutes with a metal file would resolve the issue or Kahr would likely mail you a newer replacement.

11-13-2013, 09:45 AM
it really didn't i had to have all 3 so thats what i did. Call me crazy.

11-22-2013, 03:53 PM
For me, I had a few PM series then tried the CM series and was a happy camper with more money left in my wallet. I love Glocks and the subcompact models shoot great but they're too big to pocket carry. I wanted to think I could pocket a G27 but no, that's not going to happen. But I can pocket carry the CM40 just fine. To top it off, the CM40 consistently averages higher velocities than the longer barrels G27. Win, win!

12-03-2013, 12:29 PM
I too was looking for a small pistol that would be easy to conceal and carry. Not something so heavy I didn't want to carry it, I could stick in my pocket and just forget about it. I also have been actively researching all the available offerings out there. LCP and SIG were near the top of my list, I wanted a 9mm and not a .380. I watched the videos with Hickock45 and Nutnfancy on the PM9 and they both loved it. I seen one on sale and decided to go take a closer look. What really sold me was the trigger. Nice and smooth and nice break, plus it fit me well. I also heard alot about the reliability of the Kahr. Now there isn't a truck load of accessories for it as some others, but what more do you need in a pocket pistol? Extra clip? Laser maybe? Night sights? I also like some of the little things, like no safety, large slide lock, locking back on last shot, good accuracy, plus I like the fact that they do come very tight from the factory. Usually something you want in a competition gun, but to me it shows that they can hold tight tolerances. I pretty much agree with everybody here for their reasons for buying a CM9. I would of loved a PM9 but I don't think those extras are worth that much more. You get 95% of the gun for 2/3 the cost.

12-04-2013, 06:16 PM
price and size! or size and price? Love my CM9

12-04-2013, 06:21 PM
no doubt the cm9 has stolen lot of kahrs PMJ9's thunder in sales.I predict the cw380 will do the same thing to.

12-07-2013, 12:26 AM
I wanted a 9mm and not a .380. I watched the videos with Hickock45
and Nutnfancy on the PM9 and they both loved it.

That is one thing that has not come up in the PM/CM9 as a pocket gun.
The .380's are way more easy to conceal, smaller in every way and lighter.
Kahr and almost every manufacture makes a .380 for a reason, people
buy them. Mouse guns, 22, 25, 32's have been around for a long time,
some are very small and light. I would not mind having one as a novelty.

Please no caliber war, everyone knows a 22LR can kill you dead and the
bigger and the faster the bullet and/or longer the barrel the better, as far
a ENERGY of projectile. Yes bigger rounds make bigger holes, but a 45 is
not a death ray. Forget knock down. My 12 gauge has knock down power
at close range. With that said 9mm ammo has more energy than .380. +P
self defense 9mm rounds are effective, as shown by test. People don't get
"knocked down" by the impact of pistol bullets, but the bullet has to hit
something that incapacitates them, slowly or fast depending on what the
bullet damages. It might be their brain saying to the assailant: YOU HAVE
BEEN SHOT, STOP, RETREAT, RUN! Bigger guns do make bigger booms
which can be more intimidating.

The counter to caliber argument is a .380 in you pocket is far more
effective than that bigger gun you keep in your safe and don't carry
because it's not comfortable. If a PM/CM9 is too much for you to
carry comfortably, and you don't carry it, then it is useless.
However .380's are not for me, but never say never. I am
committed to 9mm.

For me 9mm is practical. I have one caliber pistol round to deal with. I
reload. I have one set of dies an one recipe and one box of brass and one
box of bullets... I like to keep it simple. 9mm is easier more available to
buy, comes in all kinds of variations, and I recall is cheaper than .380.

9mm is most definitely cheaper than bigger rounds. If I went to another
round it would be 357 magnum for a revolver I have my eye on, for home
defense. Those rounds are more expensive; fun gun to shoot a few
rounds with at the range but not too many, unless you like pain.

12-07-2013, 01:49 AM
The first homicide I ever responded to was done with a .380. I have seen more than my share of people shot. Of those that lived or died, diameter of the projectile mattered little. I have seen people survive the .45 and oo buckshot but die from a .22! Shot placement is more important than caliber. Carry what you feel comfortable with and can afford to shoot regularly. If that little cm is readily available, its better than that 1911 that is concealed under a layer or two of cover garments.

12-07-2013, 07:22 AM
More people die from a .22 than any other caliber. My best friends brother was killed by one, it was an accidental shooting. Hit him in the temple.

Great point jetpilot, a .45/9/whatever in the safe is useless. If the .380 fits you better and you carry then it's better for you. The .380 was tempting for me, they are tiny and fit very well in the pocket. I just wanted a slightly more punch. CM9 seemed the best compromise.

01-07-2014, 11:53 AM
I only bought the PM9 because early last year, there was quite the wait for the CM. I can't nor am I interested in supporting/discounting the differences of the series' as to their effect, because they just don't matter to me. CM is quite the bargain and of great quality. I'll be grabbing a CM40 very shortly, matter of fact.

I carried a Glock 19 for 16 or 17 years with the NYPD but I never could find a comfortable enough set-up for me to carry it off duty. I instead opted to carry my Ruger SPNY (re-badged SP101). Too heavy, though. In retirement I wanted easy concealment but spoiled by my Glock's flawless performance, reliability was of course key. Hence the draw to Kahr.

I want the CM40 now just because I can, lol... NYPD cops can buy whatever gun they want but they're only authorized to carry off-duty an equal caliber to their service handguns. That means .38 and 9mm are the only authorized choices, so they're all I've ever carried.

01-10-2014, 01:39 PM
i just loved the size of the CM, but it didn't stop me from buying an XDS, CW9 and a Shield. Nice to have choices.

01-10-2014, 05:10 PM
My wife and I went to an indoor range to try out all the pocket 380. We shot them all and didn't really care for any if them. The shop owner then suggested the CM9. It just felt better than the others we had tried, and the fact it was a 9mm was a plus.

The funny part about that was everybody in the shop had a CM or PM gun as a ccw. My wife does alot of biking and this gun just fits.

01-11-2014, 09:48 AM
I too chose the CM9 for all of the reasons others have listed above. I love shooting it. The have only added the Talon rubberized grip. Glock just announced the G42 which is a single stack .380. They will probably use the same framework for a 9mm and .40 cal.