View Full Version : Hiking sticks

10-27-2013, 10:42 AM
I do quite a bit of walking/hiking and have become a big fan of walking sticks. A big enough fan that I now seem to have a collection of themhttp://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/jumpy.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)
Anyway, here's one that I recently won an auction for (on the right):
It has had a lot of pyrography done on it. I think the person that did the work has some skill at it.
I found the seller's description of the work interesting (even if it's a little mumbo-jumbo):
"A Beautiful Celtic theme hiking staff! Lots of beautiful stippling pyrography work and designs. This staff measures 52 inches long and is 1 and 1/4 inches diameter. Carved from crape Myrtle its light weight but strong.

The dragonflies symbolize good luck and long life, also prosperity, strength, peace, harmony and purity.Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.

The mantis is a symbol of meditation and contemplation. The mantis never makes a move unless she is100% positive it is the right thing for her to do. An appearance from the mantis is a message to be still, go within, meditate, get quite and reach a place of calm. It may also a sign for you to be more mindful of the choices you are making.

Circular Knots: Possibly symbols of cycles of life or eternity, but also seen as a sign of unity. The“endless” quality of Celtic knots seems to make lots of people assume they symbolize time without end, possibly because the look a bit like the familiar horizontal 8 symbol we use the represented eternity

Spiral Slash are universal symbols of the spiritual balance between inner and outer consciousness, the sun,and the Cosmos "

To add some firearm content, I often carry my CW45 when hiking.
...but I must confess that this is more often by my side:
to be continued...

10-27-2013, 10:42 AM
This is where I most often do my walking:
The sun just starting to peek over the mountains (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gila_Mountains_%28Yuma_County%29) (not much as mountains go {3000 ft range} , but they are rugged)
Some of the critters we've run across:
A baby rabbit the dogs caught (a little wet from being mouthed, but no worse for wear...I think)
Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
A Tarantula that my dog Jack found:
A Diamondback Rattlesnake (pretty sure I've posted this one before)

10-27-2013, 10:47 AM
..and a sunset (zoomed in on, I think it looks a little like the desert is on fire):

10-27-2013, 10:52 AM
All interesting pictures and completely foreign regarding my environment. Do more sometime.


10-27-2013, 10:59 AM
Great pics Greg. I could do without the snake and the spider. Good dogs to play with the rabbit but not hurt it, seems like that would be kind of rare. My cat brought in a baby rabbit a couple weeks back that she had chewed badly.
Wasn't happy about that myself.

And somebody definitely put some time and effort into that walking stick, very cool.

All that walking must be the secret to staying slim and trim. I gotta give that a try, I'm not happy going from 6 pack abs to the keg myself.

10-27-2013, 11:21 AM
Have you seen Cold steels defensive walking sticks?
The Irish blackthorn is pretty cool.


10-27-2013, 11:36 AM
Beautiful pictures. Post as many of those as you want. those could make me consider AZ as a place to live.

10-27-2013, 11:39 AM
Great pictures of my favorite part of the planet taken by a well equipped adventurer.

Thank you for sharing, sir! :)

10-27-2013, 01:04 PM
Very cool pictures. Gotta get to the SW sometime soon. As an east coaster, don't get that direction much. Been as far west as Salt Lake City (flew out) coming back from the Grand Tetons on a rock climbing adventure in my younger, dumber days. But starting to plan a long drive round the country at some point and will definitely be headed to the SW on that trip. Absolutely gorgeous!

Hey, gb, what's that holster you are sporting on the Kahr? Looks like neoprene/nylon w/ some retention. Just curious.

10-27-2013, 02:53 PM
Great pictures, Greg. I like walking out in the Southwest, too. I haven't gotten to do that much in the last 6 years or so since Wifey was working and we had to fly to SW Colorado for Christmas. I don't try to hike in the mountains in the snow, either.

Since I have a cell phone and or digital camera with me all of the time, I would be taking a lot more of pictures, too. I liked turning over likely rocks and things to look for "critters". Thanks for sharing!


10-27-2013, 03:00 PM
One of those staffs and this "knife" could come in handy...


10-27-2013, 05:04 PM
humm 52" staff. kinda makes me think of myself!!! Just sayin

10-27-2013, 07:54 PM
humm 52" staff. kinda makes me think of myself!!! Just sayin

You musta really hit your head HARD in that fall?

10-27-2013, 09:38 PM
The close ups of the burned staff background would lead you to believe he might be a good stipple'r of grips.

mr surveyor
10-27-2013, 10:02 PM
as I get older, and still "active in the field", I've become a big proponent of carrying a walking stick. For the field, I either carry an old aluminum extension type stick that I painted shut to my favorite length, or just carry a 48" 1x1 survey stake (hand picked for the straight grain). It's saved me a many a fall in the last several years. When mrs surv and I took our trip to Alaska a couple of months ago, I took one of the commercial extension walking stick for both of us to use when hiking. She didn't want to "keep up" with her's, but I never was without mine for the entire trip. I don't think I'll ever want to use an "old people cane", but I do like my "stick".

Incidentally, I have a hand carved cane passed down from my great grandfather. It was given to him in the 1880's when he was about 14 years old by an old fellar that sat on a bench in front of the general store. The old guy never completely finished the detail before he gave it to "grandpaw", then died a couple of weeks later. It's a thin, round handled walking stick with a rattle snake carved in wrapping the entire length. I'd post a picture, but I still can't get pukebucket to work for me (even when I deactivate my AVG s/w).

I've been carrying some sort of walking stick / brush beater since I got into surveying in the mid 70's, even if it was just cutting one from a small sapling for just the day. I do love the security of having a good stick in hand :)

10-27-2013, 10:20 PM
Someday I got to get out of Cleveland. I'll send you some pictures of our steel mills and oil refineries. Just sayin.

10-28-2013, 08:48 AM
Nice sticks and walking companions. Love the desert - Southern Utah desert is my mental "recovery area". I now have to use a walking aid (stick) but before always kept one with me for walking. A tripod makes a sturdy platform. Your pictures illustrate the ease of carry features of the 1911. I keep a mag of 185 gr. 45 acp Hornady Zombies available for the desert walks.

10-28-2013, 10:02 AM
Hey folks!
Thank you all for your comments, they are very much appreciated.

Great pics Greg. I could do without the snake and the spider. Good dogs to play with the rabbit but not hurt it, seems like that would be kind of rare. My cat brought in a baby rabbit a couple weeks back that she had chewed badly.
Wasn't happy about that myself.

And somebody definitely put some time and effort into that walking stick, very cool.

All that walking must be the secret to staying slim and trim. I gotta give that a try, I'm not happy going from 6 pack abs to the keg myself.
They are good dogs Boss and they certainly make my walks more enjoyable. One is a little lame right now. They took off after some coyotes the other day and were up and over a wash wall before I could call them back. By the time I got out of the wash, neither dogs or coyotes were in sight.. Heading the last direction I had seen them going, I soon heard the coyotes jabbering (about a half mile away). I fired a shot to shut them up and it seemed to work, then a short while later my dogs turned up. No marks or anything and both were walking well then, but the older one is limping a little now (but improving).

Have you seen Cold steels defensive walking sticks?
The Irish blackthorn is pretty cool.

I have looked at those and like them (BTW, thanks for the video link). They are too short for the desert, but should work quite well in town or on level trails.
I do have two wood sticks made in similar fashion. One is Hazel and the other is Basswood. The Basswood one is too short for me to use comfortably as a
walking stick, but would serve for defensive purposes. I do carry it with me on occassion, but the Hazel one has pretty much replaced it.
I do have something made of Blackthorn:)

Hey, gb, what's that holster you are sporting on the Kahr? Looks like neoprene/nylon w/ some retention. Just curious.
That's a Safariland 560-54. It's made of SafariLaminate: which I've heard described as synthetic leather/suede over a Kydex like material. So, it's a plastic holster with fake leather on the outside and lined with faux suede. It works well..

One of those staffs and this "knife" could come in handy...
That's a cool little knife (Ninja Janitor favorite?)> I thought about getting a Cold Steel bushman with the same thing in mind, but hardly carry a fixed blade anymore. I do keep one in the Jeep; my favorite being this one;:

humm 52" staff. kinda makes me think of myself!!! Just sayinFor some reason, I had thought you were taller than that:D

The close ups of the burned staff background would lead you to believe he might be a good stipple'r of grips.
That thought crossed my mind as well:cool:

as I get older, and still "active in the field", I've become a big proponent of carrying a walking stick. For the field, I either carry an old aluminum extension type stick that I painted shut to my favorite length, or just carry a 48" 1x1 survey stake (hand picked for the straight grain). It's saved me a many a fall in the last several years. When mrs surv and I took our trip to Alaska a couple of months ago, I took one of the commercial extension walking stick for both of us to use when hiking. She didn't want to "keep up" with her's, but I never was without mine for the entire trip. I don't think I'll ever want to use an "old people cane", but I do like my "stick".

Incidentally, I have a hand carved cane passed down from my great grandfather. It was given to him in the 1880's when he was about 14 years old by an old fellar that sat on a bench in front of the general store. The old guy never completely finished the detail before he gave it to "grandpaw", then died a couple of weeks later. It's a thin, round handled walking stick with a rattle snake carved in wrapping the entire length. I'd post a picture, but I still can't get pukebucket to work for me (even when I deactivate my AVG s/w).

I've been carrying some sort of walking stick / brush beater since I got into surveying in the mid 70's, even if it was just cutting one from a small sapling for just the day. I do love the security of having a good stick in hand
Amen to that sir!

Someday I got to get out of Cleveland. I'll send you some pictures of our steel mills and oil refineries. Just sayin.
Are you a Browns fan?


10-28-2013, 10:04 AM
Not all my walking is done in the desert. We live in area that gets an influx of winter visitors each year. Some live in their RVs, but many maintain property here. Quite a few of those properties will have a mobile/park model home on it. There must be something to living in one of these that brings out the eccentric in folks:
..and here's another snake (sorry Bawanna). This one is good to have in your yard as it will take care of mice and such, but it can give you a start because (I'm going to quote Wikipedia as they say it well) "the gopher snake has an odd defensive mechanism, in which it will puff up its body and curl itself into the classic strike pose of a pit viper. However, rather than delivering an open-mouthed strike, the gopher snake is known for striking with a closed mouth, using its blunt nose to "warn-off" possible predators. Also, it will often shake its tail, confusing predators into thinking it is a rattlesnake. This works best when the snake is in dry leaves or on gravel."


10-28-2013, 10:25 AM
Only two varieties of snakes to me, live snakes and good snakes.(dead)

We gotta hook you up with a Mernickle PS6 holster for that 1911. It would work perfectly for you. You'd have pleasant thoughts of me every time you strapped it on.

I might just have one sent to ya, you'll love it.

10-28-2013, 05:43 PM
Sticks....walking sticks. Wonderful things. Have a small collection of good, sturdy ones myself, from staff to cane, picked up over the last thirty some years. Used them a lot in the past for desert to mountain hiking. Not so much anymore because my aging, intolerant back.

10-28-2013, 05:51 PM
I think they are pretty cool and seen some really nice ones. I don't have much use for em myself.

Now that piece of blackthorn Greg posted a picture of, I can see a million uses for something like that right here in the office of violets, it could be ugly but I'm getting a bit of a chubby just thinking about it.

We could name it the Whacker!

10-29-2013, 01:02 AM
I just had to look up the Irish shillelagh... wasn't sure of the spelling:




10-29-2013, 10:10 AM
Bawanna you'd have loved my mother. When she was out using the hoe in the garden and came across a snake, you'd be hard pressed to find a piece of snake longer than an inch or two. She was not pleased when I purchased a Boa Constrictor for a pet. It had to be kept down in the storm celler, and I don't think she ever went back down there once the snake was there. I had that Boa Constrictor for several years. It died when I was out of town, and it's light bulb/heater burntout and he froze. I just threw him in the bottom of the trash cart and a couple days later I hear a bunch of commotion outside early in the morning, the trashmen were surprised and was out their beating on the dead snake with sticks and cussing and raising hell. One of the funniest things I ever saw.

10-29-2013, 01:44 PM
Now thats a good one Tman, much better than ol jocko running into a glasswindow..

10-29-2013, 02:40 PM
just threw him in the bottom of the trash cart and a couple days later i hear a bunch of commotion outside early in the morning, the trashmen were surprised and was out their beating on the dead snake with sticks and cussing and raising hell. One of the funniest things i ever saw.

now that's funny!!!

10-29-2013, 05:02 PM
Now thats a good one Tman, much better than ol jocko running into a glasswindow..
Astute as you are, I bet you were tricked into it. :D
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/H5VVxx7.gif (http://uberhumor.com/here-let-me-get-that-for-you)

10-29-2013, 05:11 PM
Gosh I love that!

You think I'm a mean and hateful person?

10-29-2013, 05:19 PM
If you are..then that makes two of us !!

10-29-2013, 06:02 PM
Watched it about 40 times and I still chuckle every time. That's a good one.