View Full Version : A salute to Officer Ann Carrizales: former Marine and "one tough cookie"

10-27-2013, 10:21 AM
Well done Officer Carrizales!

10-27-2013, 10:44 AM
Agreed, well done.

10-27-2013, 11:01 AM
YES well done and glad you're still here among us.

VN Vet
10-27-2013, 03:17 PM
Cool read. I love it when good people are able to survive their problems.

10-27-2013, 04:00 PM
I'm gonna ask a question of which I intend no malacie towards the officer but juyst asking what u think.
Have u read where a 23 veteran cop shot and killed I think a 12 year old who pointed his AK47 style squirt gun at him and anutter officer. the LEO had told the youth to drop the gun and he did not and the cop put 6 slugs into him. My qeustion is this:

If you were sitting on ur porch and this little prick walked by and pointed his ak47 squirt gun at you and u as like the officer just did not know what it realy was and you pulled ur gun out and put 6 slugs in him. Do you think you would be cvharged????

Just sayin.

10-27-2013, 04:29 PM
It wasn't quite like that... not that simple. It was a full-sized Airsoft pellet gun with the orange safety tip removed. It's hard to sort out the hoody-wearing gangsta's and the similarly dressed kids and wannabes. I do think the cop was a little fast on the trigger, but I wasn't in his shoes.

If I really thought the situation was worse than a kid with a toy gun, I might have done the same thing. One thing I won't do... is wear a hoody and openly carry anything that LOOKED like an assault rifle... and I for sure, wouldn't turn toward the cops with the deadly looking "toy"!

Here's the complete story and pictures of the "toy":



10-27-2013, 04:46 PM
Dang! sorry to contribute to diverting this thread from the original intent! Kudos to the former Marine and brave officer who continued pursuit while wounded. I imagine that a lot of officers would have stopped and waited for the ambulance.

Semper Fi!


10-27-2013, 05:52 PM
Very inspirational!

10-27-2013, 05:54 PM
It wasn't quite like that... not that simple. It was a full-sized Airsoft pellet gun with the orange safety tip removed. It's hard to sort out the hoody-wearing gangsta's and the similarly dressed kids and wannabes. I do think the cop was a little fast on the trigger, but I wasn't in his shoes.

If I really thought the situation was worse than a kid with a toy gun, I might have done the same thing. One thing I won't do... is wear a hoody and openly carry anything that LOOKED like an assault rifle... and I for sure, wouldn't turn toward the cops with the deadly looking "toy"!

Here's the complete story and pictures of the "toy":



where it said he was wearing a hoodie, did I miss that somewhere. My point was and it was not intendfed to hi jack the thread either was not if the cop did wrong but if a civilian did this same thing, would he be justified???/ Just sayin

accordibg to the article the ak47 was not modified witht he orage end peace taken off, as from what wyn posted, that law was never pased to cover air rifles. He was a very stupid young boy to have done this for any reason utter than maybe hge just didn't know right from wrong..:7:

10-27-2013, 06:56 PM
A warrant has also been by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for illegal re-entry.

Maybe these scumbags came back here to register for some free Obamacare?

Good goin' Officer Carrizales! :Amflag2:

Don't mess with our Texas women! :7:

10-27-2013, 09:32 PM
This is why I have nothing but respect for our men and women in uniform. They put their lives on the line for us every day.