View Full Version : Kahr ammo capacity

10-31-2013, 03:52 PM
So as much as we love the feel of the kahr, it doesn't come with high capacity magazines, so do you all carry extra magazines or not? And if you do, how do you carry your extras?

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10-31-2013, 04:28 PM
My 21 cents on this. IMO bein I am not a LEO I feelno need to carry anymore than what is in my kahr PMJ9. If I can't do it in 7, I am probably dead. If I was really paranoid about this I wuld figure out a way to carry my g19.

I think the one thng I have over most LEO'S is the element of surprise, I don't wear a uniform, so that is advertising element that I don't have to worry about. Next is,,, unless ur fokking with me or my family, I tend to not want to get involved in some one elsesw problems, where as again a LEO doesn'thave that priveledge. Just sayin

10-31-2013, 04:38 PM
Six is good enough for me and all my pistols hold at least that. I didn't even feel under armed when I had my PM45 with five. I NEVER use extended mags in any gun.

10-31-2013, 04:45 PM
My 21 cents on this. IMO bein I am not a LEO I feelno need to carry anymore than what is in my kahr PMJ9. If I can't do it in 7, I am probably dead. If I was really paranoid about this I wuld figure out a way to carry my g19.

I think the one thng I have over most LEO'S is the element of surprise, I don't wear a uniform, so that is advertising element that I don't have to worry about. Next is,,, unless ur fokking with me or my family, I tend to not want to get involved in some one elsesw problems, where as again a LEO doesn'thave that priveledge. Just sayin

Yeah if your not fokking with my family I'm not getting involved lol nice word

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10-31-2013, 04:55 PM
Six is good enough for me and all my pistols hold at least that. I didn't even feel under armed when I had my PM45 with five. I NEVER use extended mags in any gun.

nice thing about carrying a 45, YOU CAN REUSETHE BULLETS.:behindsofa:

10-31-2013, 04:56 PM
Old Goat!

10-31-2013, 05:03 PM
I want myt GOAT horns back to...

10-31-2013, 05:10 PM
I always have an extra Mag. and normally a back up gun. Which more often than not is my LCR 357 in a flash bang holster, or in the winter in a pocket.
I love being well armed. Seriously, I feel better when I'm prepared.

10-31-2013, 05:31 PM
I take the Jocko approach too. At home, I have higher capacity options where I might not be able to run and have a family to be concerned with.

Plus, I have enough cr@p to carry.

10-31-2013, 05:48 PM
+1 on the jocko approach. my whole reason for going Kahr was thin and light. so I carry just the gun and the mag. if I feel that I'm heading somewhere that 8+1 isn't enough, I either don't go or the CZ P-01 goes.

10-31-2013, 07:17 PM
I carry a spare mag in the opposite side my Kahr is on. The single stack mag is so thin it's a non-issue.

10-31-2013, 07:26 PM
I don't carry a spare magazine, but I do carry a spare gun. I carry a P380 as a backup to my CM9. It's quicker to get into action and I don't have to worry about a bobble during the reloading process. I not expecting trouble, but I ready if trouble comes. Street thugs in the urban setting like to work in packs of three or more.

11-01-2013, 08:40 AM
My 21 cents on this. IMO bein I am not a LEO I feelno need to carry anymore than what is in my kahr PMJ9. If I can't do it in 7, I am probably dead. If I was really paranoid about this I wuld figure out a way to carry my g19.

I think the one thng I have over most LEO'S is the element of surprise, I don't wear a uniform, so that is advertising element that I don't have to worry about. Next is,,, unless ur fokking with me or my family, I tend to not want to get involved in some one elsesw problems, where as again a LEO doesn'thave that priveledge. Just sayin

11-01-2013, 09:25 AM
I don't carry a spare magazine, but I do carry a spare gun. I carry a P380 as a backup to my CM9. It's quicker to get into action and I don't have to worry about a bobble during the reloading process. I not expecting trouble, but I ready if trouble comes. Street thugs in the urban setting like to work in packs of three or more.

few friends u have, u should carry more guns to. Just sayin:Amflag2:

11-01-2013, 10:08 AM
Sometimes I carry a spare mag, but usually not. Depends where I am going...not that one ever really knows when it will be needed. I feel comfortable with the PM40 doing the job. I picked it because it has the power I sought in a small, concealable package. I train with it often and I shoot it well. In fact, now that it is bow season (raining here today) I don't shoot my handguns as much and I begin to feel a bit rusty. But that will change again after December.

In my experience, good training comes first...then firepower. It is surprising to see how poorly most are trained...including LE's. That's not a dig against anyone...especially not against LE's. I respect the jobs they do, but must say that many should train much more and much more intensely than they do. I would certainly know my sword better if I were an LE. I am just saying, many pack and some even pack a lot of back up stuff (mags, guns, knives, etc...), but many are not really trained well with them. They get a sense of security just by having them. I'd rather be trained well than carry a lot of different back up pieces.

My point is certainly not to bad mouth back up in any way, but rather to get good with what you have to carry. Practice, practice, practice and get to know different situations...it is about gun handling skills. If you feel you need to carry a spare mag or BUG...by all means do what you feel. Nothing wrong with it. Just get good with doing so....mag exchanges; drawing your BUG, etc.... It won't do you much good to have that spare mag or BUG if you are not well trained with them.

And like Jocko said, if you don't need to get involved, you'll be safer. Getting to know different situations includes knowing when not to go in and when to get out. It feels good to agree with ole Jocko sometimes.

Bill K
11-01-2013, 10:22 AM
Always carry a spare when carrying one of my two single stack pistols. Most often pistol in right front pocket and spare in year left back pocket. When carrying my double stack XDM 45, appendix, I'll forgo the spare (my current spare is now illegal for me to carry with here in CT) and often but not always carry my P3AT right front pocket.

11-01-2013, 10:30 AM
Always carry a spare. When a gun becomes an expensive club because your magazine decided to **** its contents onto the ground or otherwise be an ass hole, it is easier to just pop the old one out and put a new one in.

11-01-2013, 11:55 AM
Always carry a spare when carrying one of my two single stack pistols. Most often pistol in right front pocket and spare in year left back pocket. When carrying my double stack XDM 45, appendix, I'll forgo the spare (my current spare is now illegal for me to carry with here in CT) and often but not always carry my P3AT right front pocket.

ur 3AT will always be ur friend and with u to. :Amflag2:

11-01-2013, 12:16 PM
I always carry two extended 6 round re-loads with my 5+1 MK40 Elite.

I love my MK.
But it empties quickly.

11-01-2013, 12:54 PM
For me one mag for CW9 when I'm out. At home is a different story.

11-01-2013, 08:00 PM
Totin' concealed carry around town, no extra mags. Traveling out of town/state....two extras.

Matthew L.
11-01-2013, 08:19 PM
95% of the time I do not carry a spare mag. If I feel I need the mag I usually avoid the place. In my opinion most gun fights won't last long enough to see a reload.

11-01-2013, 10:05 PM
I always carry a reload. Too many problems with auto pistol function is traceable to the Mags.
Having reloads give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Better to have it and not need it...

11-02-2013, 05:33 AM
I know of one instance when I would have unloaded my PM45 at BG's..... and for certain reasons I can't say more in public on that incident except perhaps 50 rounds fired and nobody hit, and one minor ricochet injury.

11-03-2013, 06:55 PM
I always carry a reload. Too many problems with auto pistol function is traceable to the Mags.
Having reloads give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Better to have it and not need it...

I carry at least two reloads. Wouldn't matter to me if the capacity of my magazine was 100 rounds I would still carry at least two reloads.

I use a simple Passport double mag pouch, carry it like a wallet on the off hand side. It can go on a belt either horizontally or vetically.

11-04-2013, 10:28 AM
I always carry a spare magazine and a small BUG to boot. Sometimes I will carry my double rear pocket mag made by our friend BEARDOG when I am toting my 1911. Come to think of it BEARDOG made my single pouches also....he does really nice work and I highly recommend him.

11-04-2013, 10:39 AM
He does indeed. I wear the single 1911 mag clip on that he designed for me every day. Perfect fit and very stylish. Sometimes I wear a paddle double mag pouch right next to it, rare but once in awhile.

11-04-2013, 11:22 AM
I always have an extra Mag. and normally a back up gun. Which more often than not is my LCR 357 in a flash bang holster, or in the winter in a pocket.
I love being well armed. Seriously, I feel better when I'm prepared.

The reason I carry the way I do is because of some personal experiences. Until I was 22 I live in the inner city of Detroit. The 1967 riots came within a block and a half of my house. I've been mugged a few times, shot at once (my fault), my Dad's store was robbed at gun point 3 times and he was car jacked once. And in one 6 month time period his car was stolen 4 times (he got it back every time...it wasn't anything special). All of these incidents involved at least 3 BG's, except for the car jacking and I'm not sure about the car thefts.

Since I began carrying the only time I came close to trouble (and was very glad I had a gun and spare mag, It was hot and clothing didn't allow a BUG) involved
5 BG's. Cops came and nothing came of it.

Anyway, my point is BG's OFTEN travel in groups. One mag. might not be enough!!

11-04-2013, 11:41 AM
gee sure looks like a place I would want to raise my 6 illegitimate kids.

U need to get the fokk outta dodge my friend. Last timeI was in Detroi I wentto cobo halltothe Naitonal auto show. got out ofthere at dark and I was scared pissless just waling back tomy car which was parked in their multi teared parkingcomplex. I had forgot what fokking level it was parked on and it was dark as hell and harldy anymore cars was in the comples even and I had to lock my trusty kahr in the car for I could notge tinto cobo hall, I WILL NEVER GO BACK TOTHAT GOD FORSAKEN CITY AGAIN..

I can still rmemeber whenin cobo hall and lookingat allthe new cars, I was wearingmy Leather Harley jacket and I climbed into a Jauguar carto look at it and I no sooner got in and a sales person slipped in on the other side. I said WTf I am just lookingat the car, he said thats OK, look and then please move on. I noticed that allthe knobs was off the radios and anything that had a know. I asked why is that and he said because people like you come in here and steal um. Now that pissed me off. Just sayin.

Every time I see a carwith knobs on the inside, it get pissed...

11-04-2013, 11:50 AM
Don't take it personal. They did the same thing at all of our car shows. Either they take them off before the show or somebody got to all of them before I did.

11-04-2013, 12:01 PM
Well Jocko, Detroit can be a very bad place, especially after dark and it's worse if you don't know the area. These days I only go into certain parts of the city and I go in a group.

I have lots of Detroit stories..... some are even good. For instance I was on my way home from school (Wayne State University, in the inner city) and I had a flat tire while driving through the "Cass corridor" a very dangerous place. Even though the sun hadn't gone down, I was very scared! As soon as I got out of my car a man approached me. I didn't know if he was going to rob me, rape me or help me. The man was very kind, he helped me change the tire and told me to be careful driving in that area.

Fortunately, these days I live in the suburbs. But growing up the way I did has served me well. I'm alert and careful....and it just might save my life one day. Sorry for the dramatics.

11-04-2013, 12:22 PM
I always carry a spare mag in my left hip or front pocket with the Kahr. They are so thin that I don't notice them so why not?