View Full Version : I Found something my cw45 hates...

11-03-2013, 07:18 PM
200gr lead swc... They made it choke...
Its been great with hard ball & hydra shocks.
Im about 500 rounds down the pipe.
I think I will carry it at work tomorrow.
Much lighter than my 1911 or model 13 smith.

11-03-2013, 07:53 PM
SWC is difficult on several makes of guns. Lots of complaints on 1911's where the forums say if it were supposed to shoot SWC John Browning would have made it that way. Same for Glocks but you have to whisper it so you don't get your house egged by rabid Glock fanboys.

The issue is the frontal lip wants to hang instead of slide. My answer to the PM9 was to get a Wolfe over strength recoil spring and mag spring. That fixed a lot of feed and ejection symptoms. My 1911 was just to replace the factory springs as they had never been changed over the many years. For my Glock reloads I increased the powder load.

I wish I had not bought the SWC bullets and stuck with round nose but now I have a lifetime supply yet to load.

11-03-2013, 09:59 PM
I shoot 200 gr. Lead SWC in my Colt Gold Cup almost exclusively without any problems what-so-ever. The feed ramp is polished, but no other modifications have been made to the gun.

11-04-2013, 06:03 PM
You can probably unload them localy on a 1911 shooter. I am using bayous green 200gr swc's. Good bullet also there swc in my kahr 40sw

sas PM9
11-04-2013, 06:14 PM

I have used 230gr SWC's for decades with my Colts LW Commander without any problems.
I was unaware of SWC complications until I purchased my XD.45 Tactical which will not feed them.

It's good to know in advance that it is a problem with the CW45 platform. I'm anxiously awaiting the availability of the CM45.


11-05-2013, 11:26 AM
My Sig P220 carry just loves 185gr SWCs. So far it has fed, fired, and extracted everything I have thrown at it. Hopefully my new CM9 will like my reloads as well :D

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