View Full Version : Some just dont get it

11-05-2013, 12:21 PM

11-05-2013, 12:56 PM
Perceptions is a strange thing with all the PC and don't offend anyone and I'm not sure why I even started to type here.

I'm in violet armageddon here, I better focus on job survival for myself, don't want to rely on obuttforbrains affordable care.

Note to self. Pick up scotch on the way home.

11-05-2013, 01:06 PM
Hang in there Bawannaman, we're with ya....


11-05-2013, 01:33 PM
Really? Its not about PC. How about jus being decent or respectful?

11-05-2013, 01:40 PM
Please don't hate me, I'm just one half man in a field of violets with a muslim president and a ***** running for mayor.

11-05-2013, 02:03 PM
Are things like this disrespectful? Yes.

Should they be national news? No.

This country is rapidly becoming a collection of whiny little b*tches.

Live your life, take care of you and yours, and to hell with what anyone else says, thinks or does.

11-05-2013, 02:12 PM
You have to keep things in perspective, the Boston bombing costume is pretty tacky but who am I to say....I went to a Halloween party with an Obama mask on while wearing a suicide vest and everybody thought it was funny as hell....:cool:

11-05-2013, 02:39 PM
Fukk I am a *****. Too sensitive lately.

11-05-2013, 02:43 PM
You thought that was tasteless? On Halloween Jocko went out trick or treating naked on roller skates as an adult pull toy!

11-05-2013, 02:46 PM
You thought that was tasteless? On Halloween Jocko went out trick or treating naked on roller skates as an adult pull toy!

u didn't elaborate on the LONG pull toy handle either:blah:

I have a photo of that to but I am not allowed to post it here. U will have to go to John Dong Long. com for the video.:hungry:

11-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Fukk I am a *****. Too sensitive lately.

I doubt it.

Longitude Zero
11-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Fukk I am a *****. Too sensitive lately.

Not really. While I am not directly upset, it is pretty tasteless and disrespectful.

11-05-2013, 03:10 PM
u didn't elaborate on the LONG pull toy handle either:blah:

I have a photo of that to but I am not allowed to post it here. U will have to go to John Dong Long. com for the video.:hungry:

Pictures would help, so far we haven't gone to the metric system which makes small numbers more manageable that fractions.

Longitude Zero
11-05-2013, 03:12 PM
Please no pics I would need to poke out my eye(s) with a stick.

11-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Perceptions is a strange thing with all the PC and don't offend anyone and I'm not sure why I even started to type here.

I'm in violet armageddon here, I better focus on job survival for myself, don't want to rely on obuttforbrains affordable care.

Note to self. Pick up scotch on the way home.

Mmmmm Scotch :hungry:....my son just bought me a bottle of Johnny Walker Green Label. Didn't even know they made Green Label! I usually buy Red Label. I will think of ya when I have a drink.;)

11-05-2013, 03:46 PM
$60 abottle.

11-05-2013, 03:56 PM
Sometime in the 1970s I dam near got into a fight with an okie fan at the Texas State Fair for the annual Texas-Oklahoma football game at the annual Red River Shootout bigtime rivalry game in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.

The OU dork was wearing a T-shirt that said "Where's Charles Whitman when you need him?" under Whitman's picture.

Having watched first hand Whitman doing his evil work from the University of Texas Tower on August 1, 1966....and having a family friend shot by that a-hole, I was somewhat seriously offended by that Oklahoma "fan".

Some things just ain't funny.

Too bad for that dumb wench in the OP that got fired, but she doesn't get any sympathy from me.

11-05-2013, 04:00 PM
Mmmmm Scotch :hungry:....my son just bought me a bottle of Johnny Walker Green Label. Didn't even know they made Green Label! I usually buy Red Label. I will think of ya when I have a drink.;)

I've only recently heard of the Green myself, usually get the Red myself.

Today a bottle of cough syrup might have to do, this place is like the fed government on a tiny scale but the same ego flood water boarding in my face.

11-05-2013, 04:17 PM
that price is getting close to what I would pay, but right now. I buy the Mogan David Rose in gallons for $3.75 and that includes shipping. Bein on SSI and what ovom9it is tryingt to do to me, thatis all I can afford. Just sayin

I like the gallon bottle size of Mogan David, for when done, I can use the bottle to put my used oil in when I change oil in my Audi. Ol Jocko is always thinkin...Just sayin

11-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Please don't hate me, I'm just one half man in a field of violets with a muslim president and a ***** running for mayor.

Ok, now you've done it. I'm now so depressed I'm cutting my violet extermination fee to zero....including expenses.

11-05-2013, 04:43 PM
Your being depressed makes me even more depressed, knock it off would ya. Let me suffer in my own personal cesspool of violet ego juice.

I should be filming around here, would me make really crummy reality TV much better than what's on now. Wonder if I could get Eastwood to play me.

Frankly violet, I don't give a damn. I'm pondering a damn rope but I'd probably mess up and become a derelict.

Wait? I already are one. What's to lose.

11-05-2013, 04:52 PM
Help is on the way my friend. Well her name is not realy help, it is Monica. Just sayin

11-05-2013, 05:02 PM
Your being depressed makes me even more depressed, knock it off would ya. Let me suffer in my own personal cesspool of violet ego juice.

I should be filming around here, would me make really crummy reality TV much better than what's on now. Wonder if I could get Eastwood to play me.

Frankly violet, I don't give a damn. I'm pondering a damn rope but I'd probably mess up and become a derelict.

Wait? I already are one. What's to lose.

Hey, dude....you started it. I was pretty happy today....got to go to work....then I come home to....this.

Get Google Glass. Wear it into the office/work with a demented here's johnny grin on your face. Sell the video and retire wealthy....like I suggested before.

I think Clint would be good. He's pretty feeble looking these days. Steve McQueen would be better tho, methinks.

I hate workplace violets.

11-05-2013, 05:42 PM
Yeah McQueens a might feeble looking these days too sadly.

Maybe Walhman, from shooter, he'd be pretty good.

Now don't let anything distract you, shoot them right in the face one at a time. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Dam it, I'm getting a chubby.

11-05-2013, 05:45 PM
Hey, dude....you started it. I was pretty happy today....got to go to work....then I come home to....this.

Get Google Glass. Wear it into the office/work with a demented here's johnny grin on your face. Sell the video and retire wealthy....like I suggested before.

I think Clint would be good. He's pretty feeble looking these days. Steve McQueen would be better tho, methinks.

I hate workplace violets.

Maybe meet me at Jeepsters and we'll all share that bottle of green and world will be a better place. We can stop at Jocko's on the way home an pee on his lawn.

Crap, now I'm sounding like a democrap, with share the bounty. I buy us our own and don't consider it a hand out, it's a gift, bounty if you will for a job well done sometime, someplace far far away and long long ago.

11-05-2013, 05:49 PM
Maybe meet me at Jeepsters and we'll all share that bottle of green and world will be a better place. We can stop at Jocko's on the way home an pee on his lawn.

Crap, now I'm sounding like a democrap, with share the bounty. I buy us our own and don't consider it a hand out, it's a gift, bounty if you will for a job well done sometime, someplace far far away and long long ago.

You just never think big enough....we pee on the horse's head in his bed.

11-05-2013, 07:03 PM
Your an evil person Itxi and I think I love you in a mano mano way.

11-05-2013, 07:11 PM
Ahhh humanity.... A never ending source of amusement.

Sent from my GT-P6210 using Tapatalk 4

11-06-2013, 01:47 AM
I'm in violet armageddon here, I better focus on job survival for myself, don't want to rely on obuttforbrains affordable care.

I realized yesterday the people running my company came from the TV show "Big Bang Theory." Never saw that show till last weekend.

Note to self. Pick up scotch on the way home.

I ended up choosing brandy. Note time of post. Big Bang Theory leadership kept me working till 2AM. No OT either. :(

11-06-2013, 10:00 AM
that price is getting close to what I would pay, but right now. I buy the Mogan David Rose in gallons for $3.75 and that includes shipping. Bein on SSI and what ovom9it is tryingt to do to me, thatis all I can afford. Just sayin

I like the gallon bottle size of Mogan David, for when done, I can use the bottle to put my used oil in when I change oil in my Audi. Ol Jocko is always thinkin...Just sayin
My grandfather used to share his MD with me when I was a tyke, along with a puff of his pipe........................pizzed off my mother something fierce. Is it still as good as it was then?http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

11-06-2013, 11:02 AM
When I was a little kid my Grandmother dipped Bruton Snuff and she would give me a little bit of brown sugar in an empty snuff can and let me dip that along with her so I could spit juice just like she did....One day I found the real Bruton can and figured that since what she was giving me tasted great then the real stuff would be fantastic so i poured me out a handfull and crammed it in my mouth and immediately inhaled it up my nose, had a seizure, went temporarily blind, started running in circles, coughed up my liver then threw up all over myself........Found out real quick that snuff don't taste anything like brown sugar, the adults had a big laugh and I nearly died....Gave up tobacco at 5 years old....Live and learn...:rolleyes:

11-06-2013, 11:56 AM
Yup seen that . I had a ol iron worker that was always putting skoal in his mouth and chewing and oneday at ourtire store,he was asked by a friend of mineif he could try some kso he gavehim a pinch of it. Thefella put it betweenhis cheek and gum and then all of a sudden he dissappeard. Awile later a customer cae in and said, "do u know there is a guy out back laying by the curb. He isn't moving. I went out andsur eenough that is as far as my friend got. I ask him if he was OK and his only comment was. Dopn'
t talk to me, leave me alone. I did.. getsome,I et ur grand mother was marrie dto an iron worker or a coal miner. Just sayin

11-06-2013, 12:07 PM
Nope, Grandpa was a farmer, raised corn and soybeans...He had a small herd of cows and a few hogs (he didn't care much for sheep) and I never saw the man without either a Pall Mall unfiltered cigarette or if unable to smoke he had a huge wad of Beachnut chewing tobacco in his cheek....He lived until he was 88 and only died then because of a fall and broken hip...

11-06-2013, 12:08 PM
Careful about them coal miners. I have a long line of them in my family...haha.

11-06-2013, 12:33 PM
my home town was all coal miners back in the day and mostly all Italians to.