View Full Version : Proper Prep Questions

11-06-2013, 12:50 PM
I'm new to Karhr and want to do right by my PM9. Looking for some sage advice on two points of the proper prep. First, with regards to cleaning, I generally employ Hitchcock45's method of not using anything but brushes and alcohol when cleaning strikers,etc. No oil. I either use Ballistol on the Glocks or Eezox on the Seecamp with some TW25 on the lube points. The Kahr pre-prep says spray the hole with cleaner. Does that mean mean spray with something like Ballistol into the hole?

As for polishing the feed ramp. which Dremel, attachment, and Polish is recommended? Or should I bother with this as I have not used one before. I pick up pretty quick, but I don't want to hurt my new treasure. Thank you.

11-06-2013, 02:40 PM
any guhn spray cleaner will keep that channel clean. I personally use the 3M prodeuct sold as parts cleaner. It is non chororinated, so it harms no polymer and dries instantly and there is no lubricant in it. Works great in the striker channel if u use that little clean out hole on thge bottom of the slide. I polish my feed ramp with a dremel aqnd a cotton end peace and flitz or just the fine polishig compound that dremel sells even. Again ur just polishing, not emoving anything. Some just use some 600-800 grit paper and it willdo the sae thing.

welcome aboard, u got a dandy gun in the PM9. IMO the best of the kahrs U can buy CRC spray cleaner at wal mart and it willwork just as good as the 3M brandthatI buy at Napa. Both are just alot cheaper than gun sprays like gunslick or otters or any of the utters, but if you feel better using something that says for gun, then do it. I think the 3M is the most powerful spray out of a can I have ever used. It willblow sh!tout of areas that you never could see or brush out.

11-06-2013, 03:17 PM
While polishing the feed ramp certainly won't hurt anything as long as you just polish and not grind, that step was back when many of the feed ramps were not as clean as they could be. Most all of the Kahrs I see now days are polished pretty as can be out of the box.

I'd say cleaning and lubing (maybe extra a bit at first) and full power name brand ammo for break in are more important than the feed ramp now days.

Even the lubing may not be as necessary anymore. I think things are generally better out of the box.

11-06-2013, 03:33 PM
damn, colonel I just read where ur fokking state of Washngton is about t6o elect TWO DEAD CANDIDATES. Don't u people up and over there ever read the obituaries???? Just sayin

No wonder that state is called t"THE FORGOTTEN STATE" They tell me that even school now don't require one to know all the states in the Union, and it is OK to no know that Washington is a state. Kudos to the educators on that.

I seem to remember some years back I was flying to Mexico and the pilot said they had to take a northern route, and when asked why, all he would say was watch out ur window. He circled Washington about 4 times and they actualy flushed out the toilets in the 747 over Washington. According to him every lane that flys west does that.:amflag:

11-06-2013, 05:49 PM
* Your Kahr will last and shoot a long, long time by just doing normal cleaning and lubing. Most strikers need little or no lube. Enough will get in just doing regular wipe downs. Ballostol, Eezox an TW25b are all fine products. Use them as you'd normally do so.
* Shoot the gun some. Then you'll see where wear areas are and pay attention to them with your TW25b.
* I'd advise you leave the ramp alone.

Enjoy your new Kahr.

11-06-2013, 06:39 PM
I'm heeding your collective wisdom. Only going to follow the protocol, throw down enough rounds to make it reliable. Thank you.

11-07-2013, 05:58 PM
any guhn spray cleaner will keep that channel clean. I personally use the 3M prodeuct sold as parts cleaner. It is non chororinated, so it harms no polymer and dries instantly and there is no lubricant in it. Works great in the striker channel if u use that little clean out hole on thge bottom of the slide. I polish my feed ramp with a dremel aqnd a cotton end peace and flitz or just the fine polishig compound that dremel sells even. Again ur just polishing, not emoving anything. Some just use some 600-800 grit paper and it willdo the sae thing.

welcome aboard, u got a dandy gun in the PM9. IMO the best of the kahrs U can buy CRC spray cleaner at wal mart and it willwork just as good as the 3M brandthatI buy at Napa. Both are just alot cheaper than gun sprays like gunslick or otters or any of the utters, but if you feel better using something that says for gun, then do it. I think the 3M is the most powerful spray out of a can I have ever used. It willblow sh!tout of areas that you never could see or brush out.

Jocko -- What is the name of the 3M cleaner that you use?

11-07-2013, 06:02 PM

11-07-2013, 06:11 PM
thanks Tinman, I couldn'tfindthe photo.

dbp67, go to the propper preppingthread on the kahr tech section andI thinkI give the name of the spray I use. I pay less than3$ acan for it and it hurts nadda in the polymer world. It is the most powerful spray I have ever used and I like that feature more than anyhting.It will blow sh!it out of places that a low pressure cleaner will not do.

Gun Douche is hard to find. Ihaveaskedofr it numerous times in differentshops and always seemed to getexcortedoout of the building. It has anodor that men love. I know neighbor who has a case of that stuff and he doesn't even own a gun....

11-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Very funny Jocko!! I had a good laugh. Thanks for the info.

11-09-2013, 08:11 AM
CRC non-chlorinated brake cleaner is the best product to use for cleaning the striker channel. It dries quickly and leaves no residue. The Kahr manual specifically states that you should not lube the striker channel. As to the feed ramp, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Like Bawanna said they come from the factory with a mirror finish.