View Full Version : Gunowners have to show ID, but not Illegals

05-12-2010, 07:23 AM
:blushing:Thought so much of this that I stole it from another site, just so I could share it with you:

Civil rights and double standards: Gun owners are forced to “show papers,” but media say illegal aliens shouldn’t have to?
By Tim Inwood

Buckeye Firearms Foundation - Ohio
I’ve been watching with some interest the fallout over the new Arizona law dealing with illegal aliens. I hear the news media moaning that the new law “makes it a crime to be an illegal alien.”

I’m not joking, that is exactly how they phrased it on several networks and cable news shows. Wow, that is what I always thought illegal meant. I really wish the media would think about what they utter.

I hear President Obama, the ACLU and pro immigrant liberals in general say that to ask someone to show identification to prove they are an American citizen is a violation of their civil rights. These same folks, as I recall, told us that asking someone to show ID when voting is a violation of their civil rights as well.

So now I am a bit confused?
With such a broad definition of what a civil right is, and the slightest inconvenience in enforcing the law an outrage, will someone please explain something to me? Why, when using the above logic, that when exercising your civil right to buy and own a gun you have to show identification and undergo a background check to purchase that gun?

After all, the U.S. Supreme Court told us in the 2008 Heller decision that gun ownership is a constitutionally protected civil right. Also, tell me why when it comes to bearing those arms, a specifically enumerated constitutionally protected right, we must take concealed carry classes, pay high fees and again undergo additional background checks, fingerprinting and submit a specific size photograph to the state to do something specifically protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 section 4 of Ohio’s Constitution. Was not turning a right into a state-issued privilege a violation of our rights?

As I am writing this I am watching politicians and media talking heads saying this new law in Arizona is pure fascism and ****-like demands to “show their papers.” Oh really!

As a concealed handgun license-holder in Ohio, in any encounter with a police officer I am required under penalty of law to disclose I am a CHL-holder (if I am carrying), and then show identification. Funny how I don’t see my fellow CHL holders protesting or rioting over that.

Prior to 1968 in the United States, citizens in most states could buy firearms via mail order with no identification. You just clipped out the ad, told the dealer what you wanted, sent in your check and your postal carrier delivered the gun to your door, with ammo if you ordered that too. I am old enough to remember those days. However, all that ended with the Gun Control Act of 1968, a law largely written by Democrat Senator Thomas Dodd, father of current Senator Chris Dodd. The 1968 U.S. law was largely based on a gun control law written in 1938 that Dodd Sr. learned about while serving on the staff of those prosecuting war criminals in Nuremberg following World War II. That law forced firearm purchasers to show identification “papers” and registry of those arms. Who wrote this law? The National Socialist German government! That is where we got the U.S. 1968 Gun Control Act! That is unarguably a **** piece of legislation where you do have to show “papers.” So I have to ask, where is the screaming and gnashing of teeth about that **** law?

Where is the media’s and President Obama’s outrage over this truly **** violation of civil rights? I’d love to hear the tortured logic. After all, the crime rate among American gun owners is far lower than that of illegal aliens.

Meanwhile, let’s enforce the laws and protect our borders.

Tim Inwood is the current Legislative Liaison and Past President of the Clinton County Farmers and Sportsmen Association, an Endowment Member of the NRA and Life Member of the OGCA, Republican Central Committeeman for Chester Township A, in Clinton County, Ohio, and a volunteer for Buckeye Firearms Association

05-12-2010, 07:38 AM
I hate to say this because I know that written words carry no inflection, but don't you know guns are taboo, and nasty, and scary? They are evil things that should be wiped off the face of the planet, as they are responsible for crime and evil and such. And those of us who cling to them are backwards, barbaric and uneducated. So they teach in schools. Lately we have won some battles, but I fear that we will ultimately loose the good fight, and be forced to repeat history yet again. History has shown that the elite are the worst rulers and will do what they want and what benefits themselves. I too agree that there should be outrage, but more toward those of us (yes, we did it) that put these idiots into office. These morons actually believe what they spout, and think that a law or two more will make this a utopian society. The difference between us though is one good mugging... Better get off the soap box I hear the black helicopters coming.

05-12-2010, 10:26 AM
The thing is we need to get rid of all of them, every last one and start all over. Clear the building, no janitors, no secretary's, no aides. Empty fumigate and start fresh. Otherwise the old cronies indoctrinate the new people who come in with fresh ideas to actually fix things and ultimately nothing ever changes.
Term limits, overview boards, accountability. No money, no buying, spending.

05-12-2010, 11:20 AM
I like that but it'll never happen. Then there are the folks who put them there, those are the ones that frighten me. I really think the term limits would be a good start, followed by voter referendums, and before a pay raise to themselves it comes to the voters first as well. But them folks are firmly entrenched, and the only way to shake them loose is going to be VERY ugly. Think April 19, type ugly (you Apple Seeder's should get that).

05-12-2010, 12:32 PM
Fussing about this politician or that one is getting lost in the trees in my opinion. We wouldn't have this mess if it weren't for a Supreme Court that refuses to correct its past errors, treating precedent as holy writ, or even accept cases that cry out "unconstitutional". They try to make law instead of turn issues back to Congress to legislate if they don't like the current state of the law. If Congress is dysfunctional, that is another issue, but it is not the Supreme Court's mission to cover all that up...to engage in social engineering.

05-12-2010, 12:53 PM
Agreed there as well. I think all the bums and Soros need to be lit out on a rail. Maybe in time we can clean house, until then...

05-12-2010, 03:51 PM
The thing is we need to get rid of all of them, every last one and start all over. Clear the building, no janitors, no secretary's, no aides. Empty fumigate and start fresh. Otherwise the old cronies indoctrinate the new people who come in with fresh ideas to actually fix things and ultimately nothing ever changes.
Term limits, overview boards, accountability. No money, no buying, spending.

Being a Libertarian, the idea of term limits or any artificial limit is repugnant to me. After all the voters have the opportunity to clean house, literally, every two years. However having said that, it's obvious that the voters have reneged on their responsibility - otherwise how could we have gotten into this mess. Everyone seems to think that the members of Congress are all liars and thieves, except mine of course, so we get the same liars and thieves back year after year.

Therefore, I have to agree with you. Let's force term limits on them and while we're at it, let's nuke K Street, and get rid of the lobbyist. In that same vein, let's cut the budget of the members of congress for aids, so they might actually have to read the bills on which they're voting.

05-12-2010, 11:31 PM
Maybe the taboo thing about gun ownership makes showing your "papers" to own onw more acceptable to society; yet just as ridiculous, according to the new health care bill, we are going to have to show our "papers" that we have health care, or else pay a fine. Proof of complying with the law is okay there and asking for papers totally necessary, yeah, right.

05-13-2010, 07:15 AM
Why, when using the above logic, that when exercising your civil right to buy and own a gun you have to show identification and undergo a background check to purchase that gun?

Because of the Brady Law and because the Supreme Court ruled in favor of it when challenged. It still comes back to the Supreme Court ruling against something clearly stated in the COTUS because it was socially convenient. All that business was much more clear after the Civil War, but it is still going on big time. The legal system is completely entangled in its own nonsense. Words no longer mean what they say. They mean what some judge says they mean.

05-13-2010, 02:18 PM
1. Take away any and all retirement benefits for politicians. It is unlikely you'll see career politicians stay in office. It was never meant to be a career in the first place. Public service was to be for those who wanted to do some good and go back to private industry after their service.

2. Make the politicians fall under the same rules as everyone else. This elite ism will no longer be tolerated. They will be forced into Social Security like everyone else, same goes for health care (if it's good enough for the public, it's good enough for them). And any other rules or laws that they currently don't have to follow.

3. Force the Federal government to balance the budget, give the President the line item veto. No more printing money we don't have.

Take away these three items and you'll see a different government. I would guess that you'd see alot less government.

05-13-2010, 09:22 PM
Well, these are all good ideas, my thoughts also lean like this. At this point if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. My question is this, what are we going to do about it? I say lets put these rules in place but better yet lets find the folks who will put these changes into politics, and put them there. The time has come to take our country back, do the research and vote accordingly. The days of the lesser of the two evils is long over.