View Full Version : cw380 now shipping???

11-08-2013, 07:43 AM
From the Kahr website:

The Kahr CW380 is now shipping!!

The Kahr CM45 will start shipping in 1st Qtr 2014.

The first batch of CW380s left the factory the last week of October. Additional shipments will be headed out the door in November.

The Kahr CM4543 is scheduled to start shipping in March 2014.

Thanks for everyone's patience while we worked to fill customers' orders with current models that were heavily backordered since December 2012.

Maybe i can get one in time for Christmas? :amflag:

11-10-2013, 01:40 PM
waiting to see one in shop, to check out.....

11-10-2013, 03:37 PM
I wannahear reports on the cw380...

11-13-2013, 08:12 AM
I'm really crossing my fingers on this one. I had the P380 a few years ago and loved the gun, but the reliability issues forced me to sell it. I really miss it and check up once in a while to see if they are better now- it's been spotty as far as I can tell. Lets hope the CW version knocks it out of the park.