View Full Version : Now they gone and done it!

11-08-2013, 09:07 PM
Let the shrill voice of (no) reason start singing now. Time to outlaw 3D printers before the crooks begin printing guns by the "thousands".:rolleyes:

... at 6K each in materials, that oh-by-the-way are easily tracked. :eek:


11-09-2013, 03:55 PM
I agree. Ban the printers now! It will be a logistical nightmare for the government to protect us before another law can be passed to stop distribution of printed firearms through the United States Postal Service.

11-09-2013, 06:08 PM
Heheh.... where there's a will, there's a way.

11-10-2013, 12:42 AM
Let the shrill voice of (no) reason start singing now. Time to outlaw 3D printers before the crooks begin printing guns by the "thousands".:rolleyes:

... at 6K each in materials, that oh-by-the-way are easily tracked. :eek:


speak quietly about that, u gotta know wehaveslugsin congresslike Pegosie thatwould ban this stuff and then read whatthe fokkshe actually voted for.She has no clue what a printer is. Certainlyt don't tellovomit either that slug is dropping in the polls every day, finaly AMERICA is waking up.I think in many ways it is to late. Ihear his library when he builds it is gonna have onefokkingbook in it. MEIN KOMPE.:Amflag2:

11-10-2013, 09:43 AM
Not sure if that thing cycles all that well. The 3 shot string you can clearly see the slide hiccup going in to battery. Then the rest are all single shots with the slide locking open afterwards. And yup, I am sure all those criminally minded folks will shuck out a couple hundred grand to print out an illegal gun, lol.

The best is to read the comments posted by idiots on the news pages reporting this. Scarey to think they are allowed to reproduce.

11-10-2013, 07:07 PM
I first became acquainted with the technology in late 1990 or early 1991 when it was in it's, sometimes classified, infancy. Back then cellphones were rare, home voice mail recorders used cassette tapes, and my new computer was a x386 with a 130Mb hard drive, 3.5 floppies, and no "what the hell is this internet thing" access.

So, where do suppose 3D printing is gonna be by the time I'm gonna need diy penile implants? Up and ready I hope.