View Full Version : CW9 firing pin & chamber questions

11-09-2013, 01:49 PM
Bought a used cw9 4 days ago, it was made 4/11. Shot it this morning, about 95 rounds, 50 Blazer, 20 Cor-Bon, 25 Fiocchi. Upon inspecting the empty brass, all exhibited firing pin drag tails. That mark on the primer hit that tails off indicating the firing pin has not retracted when the breach begins to open and the barrel drops. I guessing I'm missing a small spring that returns the striker back. Anybody else seen this?

Second, Fiocchi brass, the majority of them were split! 1/2 - 3/4 of the case length. None of the Blazer (alum) or Cor-Bon did this. Upon comparison, unfired shells (3 brands), all fit very loose in the cw9 chamber. I hauled out a S&W 59 for comparison, that fit was much tighter, albeit, perfect. Is this a design trait to allow for more reliable feeding? Anybody looked at theirs?

Functioning is spite of these issues was good, only one FTC, quickly fed by "burping" the slide.

11-09-2013, 02:19 PM
The Kahr design does NOT include a spring to retract the pin on the front of the striker that hits the primer.

As a result, the striker does not retract and drag marks on the primer are just a normal result.

In other words, your pistol is behaving normally in this respect.

It's harder to say why your used pistol's chamber is larger than your other brand of pistol. Normally, the complaint with Kahr chambers is that they are a little tight compared to other brands. I suppose it is possible that the former owner may have loosened up the chamber trying to improve feeding.

Welcome to the forum! It's good to hear that your pistol is working well, despite the possibly loose chamber.

11-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Fiocchi brass is craptastic. If that's the only brass cracking,don't worry be hoppy.

The primer drags happen on my cw9 and cm9 and to some extent the g19

11-09-2013, 02:34 PM
Bought a used cw9 4 days ago, it was made 4/11. Shot it this morning, about 95 rounds, 50 Blazer, 20 Cor-Bon, 25 Fiocchi. Upon inspecting the empty brass, all exhibited firing pin drag tails. That mark on the primer hit that tails off indicating the firing pin has not retracted when the breach begins to open and the barrel drops. I guessing I'm missing a small spring that returns the striker back. Anybody else seen this?

Second, Fiocchi brass, the majority of them were split! 1/2 - 3/4 of the case length. None of the Blazer (alum) or Cor-Bon did this. Upon comparison, unfired shells (3 brands), all fit very loose in the cw9 chamber. I hauled out a S&W 59 for comparison, that fit was much tighter, albeit, perfect. Is this a design trait to allow for more reliable feeding? Anybody looked at theirs?

Functioning is spite of these issues was good, only one FTC, quickly fed by "burping" the slide.

, u got some bad fiochhi brass, more than likely. Bein the utters did not do this consider it the ammo and certainly not the gun. the firing pin like they stated is normal. It is enertia and when the slide retracts to empty then and only then is the firing pin retracted back by te cocking cam. Until then it is like a limp d!ck, which as u know causes no harm. Ur gun is good to go, just shoot it like u stole it... Never compare on makers chamber to anutter, ..

If yhou had gotten the kahr manual or pulled up the kahr manual on their webb site it talkes abou the primer swipe. Your glocks do that to...

11-09-2013, 02:38 PM
In a Kahr pistol the striker isn't retracted until the slide comes forward to strip the next round from the magazine. It is retracted mechanically to a preloaded position and prevented from going forward by the striker block. Your gun is performing exactly as it was intended to perform. Primer smear is normal.

11-09-2013, 02:53 PM
Use Fiocchi ammo all the time..................never had that issue.

11-09-2013, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the information, especially the firing pin/striker drag. That I can live with. The chamber, no so much. Perhaps the original owner(s) reamed it out for some reason. Wiggly shells are not much fun. I realize there would be some variation between manufacturers, a thou or 2, OK, however there are specification tolerances and this has some serious wiggle. If I had a very strong light maybe I could see evidence of reaming. The Kahr is now back at the dealer for his smith to look at, especially since I paid top dollar for it. This may explain why at seven yards hits were not predicable. Incidently, my G21 does not drag it's striker.

11-09-2013, 03:25 PM
Myh G19 certainly does.

I seriously douvbt if anyone did anything to the chamber, but again it is used so we just don';t know either, but Kahr will not do anything about it, aqs it is used and who knows hwat happened before u boufght it. My 7 yard hits after 32K rounds are still unpredictable. I certainly can't blame my PMJ9 though. Hope it works out OK for u. I would be surprised if the smitty tells you it is OK and u accept that and be happy with it......Just sayin

11-09-2013, 03:37 PM
Sure would be nice to see another barrel. Kahr list price is $140, whew!

11-09-2013, 03:40 PM
Maybe I can get my money back and order a new one. Especially since more mags and a holster will show up from Midway on Tuesday. $28 & change for factory mags. I wouldn't go after market on something like this.

11-09-2013, 05:01 PM
not sure whatu call a loose chamber is gonna fokk up ur accuracy. Once that bullet hits the rifly and barrel it should straighten out like it is supposed to. Look at any mli8taryt 1911, that chamber is normally loose as a goose. I don't forsee this as an accuracy issue. What I do see is that mayb eu need some more range time with your kahr. They ain't a glock, their trigger system is totally different as u have foundout. It is loooong by design. certainly if you read moe on this forum ur gonna fin d out (I think) that ur groups are as good as anyone else here and it will get better as you get use dto the trigger system of a kahr. They ain't target guns,. Oh yes they will shoot um in the same hole, its just that98% of trhe shooters can't do it. If u ever shoot a wheelgun double action, I feel the accuracy withtem is about what ur gonna get with a kahr.. U never stated what u paid for this used gun either, so if it was within 50-100$ of a new gun, then maybe u outta buy new and at leat get a 5 year warranty on it. In my own mind, I don't think here is a thing wrong with your kahr. but most here will tell you my mind is shot to hell.

I use my self as an example, but I am a horrible shot, it takes a good gun with a dynamite trigger system for me to shoot good. I shoot all of my 3 kahrs terrible, but at 7 yards I feel 99% sure I am gonna put some rounds in a BG when needed. not sure where. I am just not a good loooong trigger shooter, but I ain't gonna blame my kahrs for my poor groups. If my guns could talekthey would beg me to not shoot them. Just sayin

11-09-2013, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the information, especially the firing pin/striker drag.
Glad we could help. The pin drag is a surprise to a lot of people.

The Kahr is now back at the dealer for his smith to look at, especially since I paid top dollar for it.
Having a local dealer to help is a good thing. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

. . . at seven yards hits were not predicable.
I hate it when I have to agree with Jocko (just kidding) but, there definitely is a learning curve with the Kahr platform.

By way of example, my wife and I just recently started shooting a couple of J-frame S&W revolvers. Their trigger pull is as long as the Kahr trigger, but heavier. I shot the target below after about 500 rounds of practice. I would be embarrassed to post any of my early targets where some of the rounds were not even on the paper. :o


Yes, I can easily shoot as well with my Kahr. But, you would expect that after more than 2,000 rounds of practice.

If you stick with it, you will get there too . . . unless you take shooting lessons from Jocko. :behindsofa:

11-10-2013, 10:17 AM
My MK9 has striker drag marks also...............normal.............I even shoot it at 25 yds...............I'm no crackshot, but I can hit the 10" target, and that's good enough for me. Practice, and you will get a lot better. As far as ammo, I use Fiocchi all the time, no problems..............you might want to try Lucky Gunner for your ammo needs. No promises...................

11-10-2013, 12:06 PM


Nice S&W, good grouping! Nothing wrong with a .38 at conversation distance. I have 2 DA revolvers, an old .38 S&W police and a .22 Colt police target from my grandfather. Their not asthetically great, function very smooth, but I rarely shoot them. I'm more of an auto pistol guy.

The long trigger of the Kahr is smooth and no I'm not proficient with it yet. I'm more used to the short reset of my Glock ,the 559 in SA, or even my .357 Blackhawk SA. In fact I am somewhat concerned about habit and transition from one to the other.

As far as chamber sloppyness, this used cw9, is the loosest I've ever seen on anything! You could wiggle a cartridge side to side 4 - 6 thousandths, OMG!?! From all I've read, and people I've talked to, that's one more variation contributing to inconsistant accuracy. Sure the shell will seat on the shell rim, but off a 10 thou or 2 each time. So now the bullet mass starts off slightly out of line with the barrel.

Ya, I've shot some sloppy 1911s. The ones we were issued for qual. in the Corps (mid 70s) would be lucky to group 6 - 8 in. at 25yds. No doubt WWII or Korea, rebuilds. They always functioned though. Negatively colored my opinion of 1911s for years.

You guys are funny, no satire. A pleasure to converse with right minded individuals.

Veterans Day and USMC birthday tomorrow. Remember.

11-10-2013, 12:33 PM
Glad we could help. The pin drag is a surprise to a lot of people.

Having a local dealer to help is a good thing. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

I hate it when I have to agree with Jocko (just kidding) but, there definitely is a learning curve with the Kahr platform.

By way of example, my wife and I just recently started shooting a couple of J-frame S&W revolvers. Their trigger pull is as long as the Kahr trigger, but heavier. I shot the target below after about 500 rounds of practice. I would be embarrassed to post any of my early targets where some of the rounds were not even on the paper. :o


Yes, I can easily shoot as well with my Kahr. But, you would expect that after more than 2,000 rounds of practice.

If you stick with it, you will get there too . . . unless you take shooting lessons from Jocko. :behindsofa:

looks like my model 342. super nice gun. I should have never sold it.:Amflag2:

11-10-2013, 12:37 PM
Tucson: don't ever be afraid of "agreein" with ol jocko. It just shows the true man in ur to have to admit that someone stupidier than u was maybe "

Just sayin

11-13-2013, 08:35 PM
Follow up. Sad to say I'm no longer a Kahr owner. The store's 'smith agreed that the way over sized chamber was a serious problem and said they were shipping the cw9 back to Kahr along with the empty shells I supplied, some of which were the split ones.

I looked at a couple of other pistols and decided to just get a refund. The DA "style" trigger has been nagging at me as well. Just me on that one.

I sure did like the way that cw9 felt and that they managed to stuff a 3.5" barrel in there. A very neat design.

Many thanks again to all those who shared!