View Full Version : Finally, CW380

11-09-2013, 03:10 PM
I've been waiting so long that I thought the CW380 was just a myth. Went to the gun show today and spotted one at a dealer's table. Yup, it is now mine, yeehaw!! I just got done cleaning and lubing the little beauty. I also picked up a second 6 round magazine and a 7 rounder too. I ordered a CT laser for it that should be delivered next week. Can't wait to shoot it tomorrow.

11-09-2013, 03:21 PM
Nice, post pics if you can. What did you end up paying?

11-09-2013, 03:48 PM
I might have overpaid a little but what the heck. $369.00 plus tax.

Short Bus
11-09-2013, 04:01 PM
I might have overpaid a little but what the heck. $369.00 plus tax.
Not as bad as the Gun Broker price ($419.99 starting bid)

11-09-2013, 04:25 PM
Yeah, I think you did good. I would expect it to cost the same as the other CW/CMs and the lowest I've seen for a CM9 is $379. Post pics when you can.

11-09-2013, 04:46 PM
congrats....and good luck!

Short Bus
11-09-2013, 05:00 PM
Cabella's has them listed at $349.99 for the regular price. IMO The price will come down with availability (I'm guessing about $300).

11-09-2013, 05:23 PM
There is a Cabella's about 20 miles from where I live. The problem is that it is over the state line so I would have to get it shipped to my FFL. Shipping and FFL fees would put it over what I paid for mine. I won't complain about the price if it works. Has anyone tried the Pearce grip extensions on their 380?

11-09-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm waiting on the CM45, I hope it comes out soon

11-09-2013, 05:43 PM
I use the Pearce ext on my MK9 but I ground it down to half the size. It's perfect IMNSHO.

11-09-2013, 05:52 PM
I'm waiting on the CM45, I hope it comes out soon
They've updated the website: "The Kahr CM4543 is scheduled to start shipping in March 2014"

11-09-2013, 06:08 PM
I might have overpaid a little but what the heck. $369.00 plus tax.

You did alright. Put it through its paces and report back.

11-09-2013, 07:24 PM
LE price is around 299 so I would say mid to low 3's. PICS or it didn't happen!

11-10-2013, 08:42 AM
That sounds like a hell of a price to me! Excellent deal.

11-10-2013, 04:22 PM
Pictures!! It's like a unicorn!!

11-10-2013, 06:41 PM
I just got the call that my CW380 is in. 2 months so not too bad.

11-10-2013, 09:13 PM
If you do post pictures, please include the inside of the front of the slide where the front sight is pinned in, I am interested in seeing that area. Or whatever you want...

11-11-2013, 10:31 AM
Congratulations! But, as many will say, "It did not happen without photos!"


11-11-2013, 04:02 PM
Here's one. I'm kinda' new at the photo thing. Bear with me.


11-11-2013, 04:07 PM
humm u must be some distant relation to ol jocko. ur photobucket sucks!!!

11-11-2013, 04:08 PM
It's probably me. I'll try to figure it out.

11-11-2013, 04:18 PM
It's probably me. I'll try to figure it out.

We are waiting for your range report, how did it go?

11-11-2013, 04:47 PM

11-11-2013, 04:48 PM
aw, much better..

11-11-2013, 04:50 PM
Slow but sure. I will get this photo thing down. lol

MW surveyor
11-11-2013, 05:00 PM
Aww, how cute :/

Interesting that they put the serial number on the grip. What's up with that?

11-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Ikeo74, I went to the range yesterday and put about 170 rounds through it. In the first
100 rounds I had 4 failures to go into battery and the trigger failed to reset twice. A light tap the back of the slide took care of the failure to go into battery. At this point I am attributing the trigger reset problems to user error. The last 70 rounds were flawless. I would have put more rounds downrange but I ran out of ammo. I used 100 rounds of Patriot fmj. It has a flat nose like WWB. I also shot 50 rounds of Michigan Ammo Co. fmj and 20 rounds of Fiochi jhp. The little gun is pretty accurate and has less recoil than my LCP. I've got a CT laser coming this week and picked up 2 more boxes of practice ammo.

11-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Oh, I like that:) Thanks for posting those excellent photos.

11-11-2013, 05:06 PM
Aww, how cute :/

Interesting that they put the serial number on the grip. What's up with that?

There's not enough room on the frame under the barrel as there is on the larger pistols!

Nice score!


11-11-2013, 05:32 PM
all kahr 380 have the # there. wyns right..

11-12-2013, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the update and pics franco. I think its safe to say, your one of the first kids on the block with the cw380. Make sure to stop back in with more updates and round counts.

11-13-2013, 09:47 AM
Ikeo74, I went to the range yesterday and put about 170 rounds through it. In the first
100 rounds ...the trigger failed to reset twice. ...At this point I am attributing the trigger reset problems to user error.

How can a user possibly cause the trigger not to reset properly? The trigger of any gun should reset on its own no matter what the hell you do. Failure to go into battery during the break in I would accept and can be user error. Trigger reset issues? That's a no go for me. Keep us updated.

11-13-2013, 11:46 AM
u have a point, but trigger reset definitely needs to be allowed toreset, some have not let up enough to reset, which IMO is very hard to do but it can be done. My bet is that the gun might need the striker channel really cleaned out to make sure there is no crude in there preventing propper reset. I would not get to excited with 2x in 170 rounds, for IMO if there is a mechanaical issue it should reduplicate itself time and time again, so right now lets say MAYBE shooter error and in need of a good striker channel cleaning, then after that u should not have a dead trigger..
Sometimes it is amazing how a few more rounds down range seems to cure certain start up ills. at this time the owner doesnb't seemn to concerned, so lets give the gun and shooter a chance to mate up to. takes to to tango u know. Just sayin

11-13-2013, 02:27 PM
u have a point, but trigger reset definitely needs to be allowed toreset, some have not let up enough to reset, which IMO is very hard to do but it can be done.


11-13-2013, 02:33 PM
u have a point, but trigger reset definitely needs to be allowed toreset, some have not let up enough to reset, which IMO is very hard to do but it can be done. My bet is that the gun might need the striker channel really cleaned out to make sure there is no crude in there preventing propper reset. I would not get to excited with 2x in 170 rounds, for IMO if there is a mechanaical issue it should reduplicate itself time and time again, so right now lets say MAYBE shooter error and in need of a good striker channel cleaning, then after that u should not have a dead trigger..
Sometimes it is amazing how a few more rounds down range seems to cure certain start up ills. at this time the owner doesnb't seemn to concerned, so lets give the gun and shooter a chance to mate up to. takes to to tango u know. Just sayin

Have to agree with ol jocko here. I could see, on a rare occasion that a user could negatively influence trigger reset. It would more likely be, though, something in the channel area.
Clean it...shoot it...shoot it some more!

11-15-2013, 06:28 PM
OK, so you guys got me thinking. I was wondering if the trigger reset issue could have actually been failure to go into battery also. If I rack the slide and reset the trigger and then pull the slide back just a little bit the trigger doesn't work. I did the prep according to Jocko's instruction including the flush of the striker channel prior to shooting (also did it again after shooting). I wonder if what I thought was reset issues was actually the gun being closer to being in battery than the other times but still not completely in battery. What do you think? I will shoot it again this weekend and watch more closely. Truthfully I don't expect any more issues though because I sent quite a few downrange at the end of my session with no issues.

11-15-2013, 06:39 PM
excellent point and yes it willgive u a dead trigger is it is not in full battery. I think I would give the gun its 200 rounds of trials before getting to excited. If u get a dead trigger, just give the slide alittle bump forward and see what happens. Could stillbe very tight.

11-15-2013, 07:06 PM
I will do exactly that Jocko.

11-17-2013, 04:22 PM
Gotta get me one of those little jewels.

Thanks for the report.

11-17-2013, 08:11 PM
Just picked up my CW380 today. My serial number is only a few numbers from the posters gun. I really like how the gun feels and the sights are good for a small gun. Hope to shoot it soon. This is replacing a Ruger LCP for me which had more recoil than my 9MM PM9 so I hope this will work out.
BTW GrabAgun has in stock the Kahr 7 round extended mags for 27.50 and low shipping.:D

11-17-2013, 08:43 PM
cool congrats OP and rwschill.... I had one on order about 8 months ago and got tired of waiting.