View Full Version : Is Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber Safe on Kahr Polymer Frames?

05-12-2010, 05:41 PM
Is Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber safe on Kahr polymers frames?

05-12-2010, 06:03 PM
yes. it is non cholorinated and that is what u need to always look for. YOu can go to NAPA and buy 3M high pressure (much more pressure than birchwood even) non cholorinated brake cleaner that is the same stuff for about $3 per can. Super stuff, part #08880. Ihave used it for over 3 years on my glocks, kahrs, smiths.

One should keep all of these spray cleaners though away from wood finished grips.

05-14-2010, 09:56 AM
One of the really good gun cleaners around is Simple Green. Easy on you, the gun and the environment if that matters to you.

American Gunsmithing Institute uses it for almost all gun cleaning.

Only problem is it removes ALL the oils from steel and if not re oiled soon they will rust from lack of protection.

Be sure to cut it half and half with water as it seems to work even better. I have been using it for years. Try it on some steel part and then feel the steel after it dries. Most of us have never felt steel devoid of all oil, it FEELS different!

05-14-2010, 10:07 AM
One of the really good gun cleaners around is Simple Green. Easy on you, the gun and the environment if that matters to you.

American Gunsmithing Institute uses it for almost all gun cleaning.

Only problem is it removes ALL the oils from steel and if not re oiled soon they will rust from lack of protection.

Be sure to cut it half and half with water as it seems to work even better. I have been using it for years. Try it on some steel part and then feel the steel after it dries. Most of us have never felt steel devoid of all oil, it FEELS different!

Simple Green is amazing stuff. I rarely use any of the strong aerosol cleaners except for like the firing pin channel on Kahrs or nasty guns people bring me for hard to get places where you need the blasting pressure. I avoid dissasembly whenever possible and often just soak in a solvent tank and then use the compressor.

05-14-2010, 11:06 AM
Steel without oil does feel different. I hadn't thought of using simple green to clean though. We used that stuff by the truck load in the Corps. Good stuff.

05-14-2010, 12:45 PM
One of the really good gun cleaners around is Simple Green. Easy on you, the gun and the environment if that matters to you.

American Gunsmithing Institute uses it for almost all gun cleaning.

Only problem is it removes ALL the oils from steel and if not re oiled soon they will rust from lack of protection.

Be sure to cut it half and half with water as it seems to work even better. I have been using it for years. Try it on some steel part and then feel the steel after it dries. Most of us have never felt steel devoid of all oil, it FEELS different!

I've used Simple Green several times to get all the old nasty oils out of buttstocks that I was refinishing, you know where all the years of cleaning and oiling has run down into the wood making the pistol grip all dark and nasty. Just wiping it on and letting it run off numerous times takes it out pretty good. Lot more pleasant that the oven cleaner routine, now that stuff is nasty, course the new nice smelling stuff doesn't work for beans, go figure.

05-15-2010, 09:06 PM
People forget that Simple Green was originally marketed as an automotive parts cleaner to replace the solvents. It came with as sink like washer sort of like a Safty Kleen. I have used it rebuilding VW Bug engines and it is perfect for such stuff. It is also very easy on your skin, lungs and sinuses.

I know some people think if it can't kill you it must not be any good but that is B.S.:D