View Full Version : I think I'll be insulting Muslims quite often...

11-13-2013, 09:35 AM

11-13-2013, 09:50 AM

Yeah, like I need the incentive.

11-13-2013, 10:49 AM

11-13-2013, 11:40 AM

does give head mean??? I have sheep heads out the ass and a few left of my famouse Jocko Horse heads, is that what they want. Just sayin:amflag:

11-13-2013, 11:42 AM
I think his message lost something in the translation. Gotta give him am "A" for effort though. In fact, maybe up his "A".

11-13-2013, 11:49 AM
take head of finatics. :7:

11-13-2013, 11:49 AM
actually that is when u want to walk up to tyhat muzzy fokker with a big dripping ass pork barbecue sandwich and eat it in front of him and slober it down ur chest.

11-13-2013, 11:54 AM
actually that is when u want to walk up to tyhat muzzy fokker with a big dripping ass pork barbecue sandwich and eat it in front of him and slober it down ur chest.

I'm sitting here in my tower blind waiting to put another deer in the freezer laughing my bow limbs off in 17 deg weather. Funny!

11-13-2013, 12:00 PM
good luck, been there and done that for years. Nuttin like it, but most wopuld not understand. Today though I like to look at a deer more than even think aobut shootin one, I guess that is an age thing. WhenI was younger I never hunted big game with a gun, always a bow and back then I kiled every fokking thing that moved,Box turtles I used to stick in a fork of a small tee and blow um apart. Today I will stop my motorcycle or car on any highway when i see a box turtle crossing ad help the little pr!ck get to the utter side. Done that manyt many times when walking even. Age thing I guess.

11-13-2013, 12:08 PM
I appreciate that. I try to take advantage of the time I am still able to get out here to hunt. The wife and I don't eat much beef, although I love a good sirloin.2-3 deer get the two of us through the year. Her garden provides most of the rest. Gotta love bow hunting and the good protein it provides. Now back to them giving head....and slobbering pork...haha. That was funny. Hope the deer didn't hear me laughing.

11-13-2013, 12:16 PM
does give head mean??? I have sheep heads out the ass and a few left of my famouse Jocko Horse heads, is that what they want. Just sayin:amflag:

See that mouth wide open like that. That right there is a target of opportunity.

11-13-2013, 12:19 PM
I would rather stick a pigs d!ck in there then.Let him choke on his own pork.

11-13-2013, 02:18 PM
Don't we all pretty much insult Muslims as long as we're still breathing?

11-13-2013, 02:50 PM
wow, give the Rev the gold badge to wear for a month. He is dead on with that statement. Move him to the front of Bawannas favorite peoples line, two positions ahead of ol jocko even..

11-13-2013, 05:14 PM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1462935_598927140142662_1292278485_n.jpg Pullstart.....................

11-13-2013, 05:17 PM
What I don't understand is a lot of their women are right behind their men throwing rocks or worse.


11-13-2013, 05:48 PM
Ready to give head!
Pick one
a la pot luck!:eek:

11-13-2013, 05:49 PM
sure would love to send that guy to see his 72 virgins. Just sayin. Nodoubt he is not in American for 72 virgins is about like the ovomit care program, Not to many qualify.

11-13-2013, 09:58 PM
That last pick looks like a parade from a monster movie.

11-13-2013, 10:49 PM
guys guys guys, don't get so riled up over a photo shop job propaganda photo. This stuff in manufactured to stir the pot. Don't fall for it.

11-13-2013, 11:15 PM
True. Probably should halt the public hating anyhow. We need to keep up the standards ya know?

11-13-2013, 11:43 PM
Yeah, we should stick to insulting Christians and Jews cause they're used to it. Don't wanna make the Muslims start bombing us after all.

11-14-2013, 10:48 AM
Yeah, we should stick to insulting Christians and Jews cause they're used to it. Don't wanna make the Muslims start bombing us after all.

I understand your frustrations and other people's frustration too. BUT when I see obvious chop jobs done on photos to incite this kind of hate, I have to speak up. So far most of the stuff I see on this forum is "chopped". Save your emotions for real pictures. Lets no be led into a fervor fueled by propaganda machines so we can do the bidding for the privileged few.

11-14-2013, 11:06 AM
Sorry but I don't forgive or forget.....



11-14-2013, 11:38 AM
Yeah, we should stick to insulting Christians and Jews cause they're used to it. Don't wanna make the Muslims start bombing us after all.

on that We need to give these Muzzy's and towel head our utmost respect.I wonderhow many of those muzzy wereinsidethe twin towers when it went down?? Fokk they knew to get out of dodge, dont sh1turself on that.

Screw um, make umeat pork. When are we ever gonnawake up and realize like I think the Rev said, as long as we live ,they wll always hate us.

I remember maybe a year ago, soof those muzzy's bought some acerage dwon in Texas to build a Mosque or sumpin to get their fokking knees dirty o, and next to the land was a HOG farmer. Those worthless POS Muzzy had the balls to ask that rancher to stop raising pigs next to their property. I think I would have built a nice chain link fence bordering both propereties and hung my dead piglets on the fence..If a muzzy registered on this forum and raised hell to our mods about ol jocko's stance and many utters here, o think our mods would side with them or tell them to go fokk themselves??? Just sayin Would that make um a racists then??? IMO no, I hate chinese food and I think they hate Italian food,. so fokking what, to me that is still a right we have. We are so damn critical about the views of the minority that the majority is forgotten about.

I still say if a politician would run on the principal that you have to be a citizen to stay in this cuntry and to get the rights and privledges of American citizens, and he would run ever illegal, be they from the north or south or foregin out of this cuntry. He would get elected. but as u know most of our politicians have no balls:Amflag2:

Ooops doorbell just rang, I think it is my "calm" me down meds.

11-14-2013, 11:49 AM
I understand your frustrations and other people's frustration too. BUT when I see obvious chop jobs done on photos to incite this kind of hate, I have to speak up. So far most of the stuff I see on this forum is "chopped". Save your emotions for real pictures. Lets no be led into a fervor fueled by propaganda machines so we can do the bidding for the privileged few.

I don't need chopped photos to hate those Muslim MFers. The sight of Americans jumping to their death from the flaming twin towers is burned into my memory.

11-14-2013, 12:07 PM
I need to visit my optometrist, I thought it said insulting to Muggsy!

11-14-2013, 02:16 PM
I think u seen right colonel. How do I know what is a chopped photo??? or even u know what is a chopped photo?? Just sayin. that really doesn't insite my hatred. After 9-11, I think they did a pretty goodjob of tatooing it on my mind. . Yet to see or hear of any muzzy's in this cuntry going against their own kind . When their mindset is to kill Americans,, I really think it is time to built a very big boat and LOAD um up here and sendum back. We will wake up someday,might take anutter 9-11 to do it but those fokking towel heads are not gonna quit. The difference with them and Us is that their violence never has a real ESCAPE plan. It is so hard to combat that type of suicide..

11-18-2013, 10:58 AM
This has gone around many times, but is still funny to me:

"Recently I received a warning about the use of the politically incorrect term 'Towel heads', so please note:

We all need to be more sensitive in our choice of words. I have been informed that the Islamic terrorists who hate our guts and want to kill us do not like to be called 'towel heads', since the item they wear on their heads is not actually a towel, but in fact, a small folded sheet.

Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as 'Little Sheet Heads'.

Thank you for your support and compliance on this delicate matter."

11-18-2013, 04:52 PM
This has gone around many times, but is still funny to me:

"Recently I received a warning about the use of the politically incorrect term 'Towel heads', so please note:

We all need to be more sensitive in our choice of words. I have been informed that the Islamic terrorists who hate our guts and want to kill us do not like to be called 'towel heads', since the item they wear on their heads is not actually a towel, but in fact, a small folded sheet.

Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as 'Little Sheet Heads'.

Thank you for your support and compliance on this delicate matter."

Well there ya go. :D

11-18-2013, 04:57 PM
one last note. I keep coming back to this then I will never butt into a thread like this again.

The Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWII were treated much like you guys want to treat the Muslims that live here now. How did that work out?

11-18-2013, 05:07 PM
Why take offense at poking fun at a people overseas whose large majority generally despises Americans.

Heck, us Texans make fun of you Yankees & Californians, and everybody loves to pile on us.

I don't think anyone here hates reasonable individuals of any race, ethnic group, or creed. Most of the Internet invective is directed at the stereotypical a-holes we see burning US flags and shooting or stoning defenseless women in news videos.

Achmed selling gas, beer, and lottery tickets at your corner drive in ain't in the equation, IMO.

11-18-2013, 06:11 PM
one last note. I keep coming back to this then I will never butt into a thread like this again.

The Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWII were treated much like you guys want to treat the Muslims that live here now. How did that work out?
You are comparing apples to oranges. Muslims are totally different from the Japanese. They are planning to take over the world in the name of Islam and believe they will be rewarded in heaven by killing you if you are not a believer. So you have 2 choices, join Islam or prepare to defend yourself.:Amflag2:

11-18-2013, 06:43 PM
correct me if I am wrong, but has any Japanese since the war ended strapped on a bomb pack and walked into a neighborhood restaurant and blew everyone up. I can't recall any Japanese sitting pressure cooker bombs at a sporting event. Not sure the japs wanted us all dead because of religious differences either, PLUS we kicked their fokking asses for fokking with us to.

I have yet to reador see a Muzzy rally against violence towards AMERICANSor a Muzzy fund raiser for solddier wounded in service. Last big name Muzzy that I see to remember killeda obut 15 soldiers in our cuntry. Oh yea, defend um if u want, I want no use for them Period. There religious beliefs are to deep for them to be truly Americans IMO. The only good Ameircan to themis a dead American.

Course I read somewhere that we might even see a Muzzy postage stamp. Icanassure u,one will never go on any of my mail EVER..:amflag:

11-18-2013, 08:37 PM
What do you call a group of Muslim(insert terrorist here) skydivers??? Sceet :33::eek:

mr surveyor
11-18-2013, 09:31 PM
sKeet, maybe?

mr surveyor
11-18-2013, 10:06 PM
or, scat?

11-19-2013, 10:54 AM
correct me if I am wrong, but has any Japanese since the war ended strapped on a bomb pack and walked into a neighborhood restaurant and blew everyone up. I can't recall any Japanese sitting pressure cooker bombs at a sporting event. Not sure the japs wanted us all dead because of religious differences either, PLUS we kicked their fokking asses for fokking with us to.

I have yet to reador see a Muzzy rally against violence towards AMERICANSor a Muzzy fund raiser for solddier wounded in service. Last big name Muzzy that I see to remember killeda obut 15 soldiers in our cuntry. Oh yea, defend um if u want, I want no use for them Period. There religious beliefs are to deep for them to be truly Americans IMO. The only good Ameircan to themis a dead American.

Course I read somewhere that we might even see a Muzzy postage stamp. Icanassure u,one will never go on any of my mail EVER..:amflag:

I understand your account of history. In short, I just cannot get comfortable with blanket hate. Call me crazy.

11-19-2013, 12:12 PM
CRAZY: buy a new BLANKET