View Full Version : Someone please explain this to me!

11-16-2013, 05:23 PM
Out of curiosity I downloaded the operating instruction manual for the Kahr K, T, P and PM series pistols. There is NO break-in recommended nor even mentioned for these series pistols. The loading instructions for these series specifically tells you to slingshot the slide while the C series specifically recommends against this.
Unless Kahr knows there are inherent flaws in the C series (lower price) pistols that are not present in their higher priced series, why would this glaring difference in the manuals exist?


Gringo Pistolero
11-16-2013, 05:35 PM
Not sure where you found your download, but it must be an old one. The current manual covers all of the Kahr pistols...

11-16-2013, 05:43 PM
It was on the interweb so it must be true... ;)

11-16-2013, 05:48 PM
Out of curiosity I downloaded the operating instruction manual for the Kahr K, T, P and PM series pistols. There is NO break-in recommended nor even mentioned for these series pistols. The loading instructions for these series specifically tells you to slingshot the slide while the C series specifically recommends against this.
Unless Kahr knows there are inherent flaws in the C series (lower price) pistols that are not present in their higher priced series, why would this glaring difference in the manuals exist?


Not sure where you found your download, but it must be an old one. The current manual covers all of the Kahr pistols...
+1 on Gringo Pistolero's post. Where are you downloading from? (Steve's pages?)
The current Kahr manual covers all series: http://www.kahr.com/PDF/kahrmanual.pdf
Chambering via the slide stop is covered on page 16 (with no deviation between series mentioned).
The "Break in Period' is outlined on page 17.

11-16-2013, 07:25 PM
Yes, it is an an older manual, printed in 2002, but it is the Kahr manual. So what changed in these series pistols that in 2002 they needed no break-in but now they do? Why did they suddenly need it after the C series was introduced?


11-16-2013, 07:31 PM
I think kahr just put that in their manual so maybe eliminate guns being fired 20 times and a few issues showing up and then wanting to send it back. Because they didn't put that in the manual in the first place doesn't mean that the guns didn't need to be broken in some what. I think this was a kahr CYA put in their manuals. Most owners here do reort that after a few hundred rounds many piddly issues from the start up session are now gone. YMMV.

11-16-2013, 07:42 PM
Yes, it is an an older manual, printed in 2002, but it is the Kahr manual. So what changed in these series pistols that in 2002 they needed no break-in but now they do? Why did they suddenly need it after the C series was introduced?

What are you fishing for?
Here's a 2002 dated manual for Kahr K, T, P and PM series pistols:
The "Break in Period" is detailed on page 11.
Break-In Period
"The KAHR Pistol must run through an ini-
tial break-in period before achieving fully
reliable feeding and functioning. The pis-
tol should not be considered fully reliable
until after it has fired 200 rounds."

11-16-2013, 07:52 PM
What are you fishing for?
Here's a 2002 dated manual for Kahr K, T, P and PM series pistols:
The "Break in Period" is detailed on page 11.
Break-In Period
"The KAHR Pistol must run through an ini-
tial break-in period before achieving fully
reliable feeding and functioning. The pis-
tol should not be considered fully reliable
until after it has fired 200 rounds."

You're right. I'm wrong. Somehow I missed that page when looking through that manual. I apologize!
However, I am still right about the change of slide loading recommendation. Why the change?


11-16-2013, 08:17 PM
I think they encountered so many operator error guns that they decided to suggest the slide release method which gives a full slide momentum.

They all will work fine with the sling shot method out of the box if the sling shot method is performed properly. They just don't handle any slide ride at all. A lot happening in a small package especially till they get a few rounds through them.

I know they used to get lots of guns back that they could find nothing wrong with. Still do now I reckon.

11-16-2013, 09:04 PM
That's a reasonable explanation. Thanks!


mr surveyor
11-16-2013, 09:50 PM
I think they encountered so many operator error guns that they decided to suggest the slide release method which gives a full slide momentum.

They all will work fine with the sling shot method out of the box if the sling shot method is performed properly. They just don't handle any slide ride at all. A lot happening in a small package especially till they get a few rounds through them.

I know they used to get lots of guns back that they could find nothing wrong with. Still do now I reckon.


absolutely no doubt that a whole new "generation" of shooters entered the market after the turn of y2k .... many of whom got their firearms training from watching the silly Hollywood movie garbage (or tv) and seeing semi-autos racked "slow and quite" (as well as multiple times during the course of the chase). A large part of the new-to-gun folks had absolutely NO knowledge of how to properly handle their new hardware .... and a lot was sent back to the various motherships for pseudo-malfunctions. The same is still true with all the limp-wristing of the micro pistols by unknowledgeable "newbies".


11-17-2013, 08:52 AM
I can't argue with that. As a former SC CWP instructor, I've seen plenty of newbies do strange things. Had one that complained about their pistol not working right. Turned out she was loading the rounds into the magazine backwards.


11-17-2013, 12:31 PM
Surv is dead right.I can remembefyears back toakingto a keltektech manand herelated to me thatover halfof all their guns sent back for malfunctions, that there was nuttin wrongwith thegun, but like he said u try to tellan owner shootererror and they go balistic. So according tohim. they always stated thatthey did sumpin tothe gunand that seemed to appease most owners..

11-17-2013, 01:23 PM
It won't appease me unless what they say they did fixes the problems. I'm not a newbie by any definition.


Longitude Zero
11-17-2013, 01:57 PM
Slingshot or slide release I have never had any troubles doing either with Kahr or any other pistol except a brand new Bill Wilson.

11-17-2013, 05:25 PM
Its all CYA on Kahr's part.

I'm surprised that continuially more lengthy Ruger manuals don't already have the same warnings and caveats.

mr surveyor
11-17-2013, 06:29 PM
It won't appease me unless what they say they did fixes the problems. I'm not a newbie by any definition.


I believe you 100%.

I've found that there are lemons released by every manufacturer I ever followed. More often than that though, I've found that some guns fit some people, and some just don't work for some folks no matter what. My 37 year old son is a classic case of that. Several years ago he exposed himself with a tremendous amount of liability (wife + spending too much) and bought a new Kimber Classic II. He could make that thing lock up in ways that would for sure make JMB be rolling over in his grave. When he did get a few rounds down range (7 yards), they were all over the place. That pistol would literally sing "bullseye" for everyone else. He had problems with a perfectly good Sig, can make my early model Kimber choke, make my XDs choke, as well as most all of my semi-auto pistols. Funny thing is, a couple of years ago he bought a lightly used CM9 from the same guy that bought his Kimber several years earlier and he's never had a single issue. Strange. Other than his revolvers, the CM9 is his number one handgun .... go figger.

Shadow, you may have one of those lemons, or you may just have a gun that ain't gonna fit your hand/grip/wrist no matter what.

My short thick fingers (I'm some what digitally challenged), and thick palm at the thumb joint, restrict me to single stacks and overall short length of pull revolvers. Can't change that.

I'm bettin that Kahr can make it right for you .... if not, most of us have been there, done that, and move on to see what's behind door #2.


11-17-2013, 06:55 PM
if not, most of us have been there, done that, and move on to see what's behind door #2.


Good point...

...darn it. my gun sucks. I have to go buy another one. geez, life IS hard ain't it.

11-17-2013, 08:22 PM
Good point...

...darn it. my gun sucks. I have to go buy another one. geez, life IS hard ain't it.
Ain't it tho...:D

11-17-2013, 08:34 PM
Good point...

...darn it. my gun sucks. I have to go buy another one. geez, life IS hard ain't it.

I certainly can't argue with that! :D


mr surveyor
11-18-2013, 10:11 AM
for what it's worth, having seen all the doom and gloom stories of magazine issues with the plastic fantastic Kahr .45 acp pistols, and desperately wanting to get a functional, small framed .45 DA pistol, I decided to forego the risk of getting a lemon .... so I bought an XDs. :rolleyes:

I absolutely hate plastic anyway .... I hear Para is coming out with a small framed DA in .45 acp in the next few months, but I don't want to be a beta tester for them either.

11-18-2013, 11:53 AM
for what it's worth, having seen all the doom and gloom stories of magazine issues with the plastic fantastic Kahr .45 acp pistols, and desperately wanting to get a functional, small framed .45 DA pistol, I decided to forego the risk of getting a lemon .... so I bought an XDs. :rolleyes:

I absolutely hate plastic anyway .... I hear Para is coming out with a small framed DA in .45 acp in the next few months, but I don't want to be a beta tester for them either.

Do you mean the LDA series? That's been around for a long while. You won't be a beta tester. I have a 6.45 Carry model from 2001 and I recommend it highly. It's about the same size as my K40 and shoots great. Trigger is different from a Kahr but good: starts light then stacks before a clean break. The only negative I can see is that the new models have been "coming soon" for a long time.

11-18-2013, 12:16 PM
I have a 6.54 too, great little gun. Have a 7.45 and a 13.45 too. Love them all.

mr surveyor
11-18-2013, 09:45 PM
I think this one is "new" ....


3" carry model

mr surveyor
11-18-2013, 09:57 PM
I know absolutely zip about the P-O line .... a buddy had one a few years ago, and I don't know which model. I do remember it had a very nice feel, and shot well, but he trades pistols quicker than I wear out socks.

Maybe the 3" LDA Carry in .45 has been around a while.

I may start a fresh thread on "other firearms" so as non to taint this one any more than I already have.
