View Full Version : TP-9 frame quality/issues with magazine well?

11-16-2013, 07:33 PM
I was in a LGS today and started looking at the Kahr selection, they had a TP-9 in the case, so I asked to see it. During my inspection I turned it over and the bottom of the mag well toward the front looked like it had been hit with a belt sander.... I asked if this was a new pistol and the clerk responded that it was, I then pointed out what I had seen. The usual "oh that is nothing, plastic usually has flashing" lines came out of the clerks mouth. I reinserted the magazine and found that the front of the magazine base plate was still butting into the front of the mag well and needed a good smack to seat the magazine. I guess its better to cast too much than too little, but what had surprised me, knowing Kahr's quality, was that it literally had just been pushed against a belt sander, with only the front of the mag well being sanded off maybe an 3/32nds of an inch. The grit looked like about 80-100 on the marks, I have repaired some polymer scuffs with 600 grit and finer, it looks almost unnoticeable with minimal effort, but Kahr had shipped this pistol with this "touch up". I am not disparaging Kahr, I just cannot believe this was in the LGS like this, of course they had not noticed either until I pointed it out, in fact the clerk had removed the rough edge and called it "flashing" when I showed them. Has anyone else seen something like this on other polymer Kahrs? They wouldn't let me take a picture, or I would be able to show what I was talking about. No apparent functional issues from this, just a lack of finishing of the "repair".

The reason I was looking at the TP-9 was to get the feel of the longer frame, with my hands, it fits wonderfully.... and if I want to cut it down, I know a belt sander would work... :D

11-16-2013, 08:03 PM
Have never seen anything similar. Stuff happens and gets past inspectors. Kahr runs TP9's only rarely. They are usually tough to find. I love mine, appreciating the increased dimensions and capacity for better shooting than with the smaller guns.

Since this is more a cosmetic than a functional problem, and easily fixed by you as you said, if you want it, get it, if the price is right.

11-17-2013, 07:12 AM
I liked it too, but I was simply handling it to get the dimensions, a P380 is next for me. I wanted to handle a TP for other reasons, I started a thread looking at the idea of a larger .380 Kahr: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=21057

I have no idea on the volume of TP runs that Kahr does, and had not seen one, besides the LGS I went to was the priciest one in town, I just happened to be near it and their selection is pretty good. I would have no problem purchasing the one I looked at with the "blemish" it may be a good point of negotiation for a better price anyway, I just couldn't believe that the frame made it past QC like that and the clerks at the LGS did not inspect it upon putting it out.

Perhaps I should have put the bigger .380 Kahr idea in this sub-forum anyway, it looks like everyone that has a TP enjoys the larger grip for their purposes. I was trying to see if the TP frame would accept 9 rounds of .380, but it does not look like that would be so, and a P sized .380 would have at least 7 rounds of .380, with possibly 8 on a slightly extended magazine.

11-18-2013, 05:33 AM
I bought my TP sight unseen. First time that's happened . Seems like a model in the same basic style can always be found tp handle at least. Mine sat at Sport South for a year and 1 month before my dealer went looking for it and at a price that was a fair amount lower than comparably made P series pistol. I bought it as a house pistol in 40sw . As it turns out it is getting more carry time than my cm9 and cm9 now.

I had a holster made that lets me front side carry and sets the grip parallel to my belt about an 1" about it so the bigger grip is not a problem.

Now since buy'n my tp40 I did get to swap pistols at a range with a tp9 owner. Man is that thing a soft shooting pistol. I could not think anyone could not shot a tp9 very well as recoil is just not much to deal with.

11-18-2013, 03:50 PM
^ Thanks for that feedback on the TP9, I kind of figured it was soft shooting, but had not had the chance to actually fire one. If you have any 380 mouseguns, and have not fired a Kahr P380 yet, you will be surprised as I was. I have shot the LCP, P3AT, a Sig 232 and a .32 Tomcat, the Kahr beat them all in the recoil department. I can only imagine how easy a TP380 sized Kahr would shoot.... How is the TP40 for recoil?

I have only bought a couple of pistols sight unseen, that can be a gamble, but glad it worked out.

Any pics of the holster? I think that the TP size is easier to conceal than the G19 size due to the thickness, but without a good holster it is a moot point.

11-19-2013, 02:58 AM
I do seethat my tp's grip has a look as if it has be beltsanded to the just right angle to fit against a mag base tightly. Its not shinny like the rest of the poly but not sloppy looking ether. Bad edge is sharp like right from the mold ,front edge has been sanded down to about a 1/8" wide flat area then tapered from end to end. I am fine with that as it fits the mags.

If you look closely at some 1911's where the back of the frame above and below the grip safety where all metal work was been blended in you may see its not allways the same perfect radius side to side but it flows well and you really need a good eye to pick any flaws up.

We have a few 380 in the family as some of the ladies cc pistols. I have shot a p380 but I must say I like the Taurus tcp 380 best for a micro pistol and they are a c series. Great 4lb da trigger with all the standard functions feature we are use to on a larger pistol like last round slide hold open!! I have so far bought two of them for me and they both ended up being claimed by my wife and my youngest daughter as part of there CC rotation. I have given up for now as I have my cm9 and its not that make larger anyhow. May look at the cw380 when its been around a while but probably will pick up another tcp as a back up.

Good holsters ?? Lots a makers now cover kahr and I have found many of the normal sized kahrs will also fit in most regular 1911 holsters as some makers still don't cover all kahrs .

A holster maker in my area made these for use. Mine was made for the cw9 but my tp40 has founf a new home. These are a custom design , note the rearward cant and note the flap to keep it sucked in against you nice and tight over time. Kind of a cross draw design. I found my 1911 fits this holster well also just to long as its a 5" version. My comp-tac for my kahr carries my 1911 well too. This maker is Nelson Holsters in lenior nc
This holster makes CC'n the tp40 a breeze and driving and sitting is what it was made for so I can still get to a handgun quickly.
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_100_0368_zps1b2d179b.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/100_0368_zps1b2d179b.jpg.html)
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_100_0369_zpse1e51818.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/100_0369_zpse1e51818.jpg.html)

TP40's recoil is a little snappy as 40's but far from unpleasant with my carry loads.
Practice loads are a 155gr bayou bullet at 960fps. Nice shooting load.
Carry ammo is underwoods hot 155gr gd at 1300fps. That is like shooting a cm9 with speer short barrel +P loads. Snappy but still very controlable.

11-20-2013, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the information on the TCP, I have heard good things about them, and not actually fired one, so I may look into them as well. I do like a good mousegun, and the P380 was very impressive, the sights were as good as any, let alone the recoil, but it may have a running mate with the TCP.

I agree the fix by Kahr is purely cosmetic, but in my experience a couple of minutes with finer paper and you would not be able to notice it, so why did it leave the factory that way? No acceptable reason, but not that big of a deal, if I ever get one, it will be a negotiable point for me on the price.

Your holsters are good looking and functional, that carry style is very practical in my opinion, too often people forget how much time they spend seated or in a vehicle. Sort of a cross appendix carry, very nice. The maker does quality work, and if I am correct, the "clip" on the backside is a very practical addition, I imagine it adds quite a bit of wear-ability. I did not think about the fact the TP's would fit in 1911 holsters, good to know.

11-21-2013, 06:25 AM
The tcp like most ever micro pistol had its share of problems in its earlier days. The 2 latest "updated" model have a C and the newest D in the serial number and seem to work very well . The only design issue for some was if you short stroked the trigger while resetting it you can get a false trigger reset with a "click" and you must then rack it to reset. Seems like a non issue for DA shooters. But for some striker only shooters it can be a problem.

If I though I would get to keep another tcp if I was to buy a 3rd tcp I would try . Makes an easy to carry back up. Problem is with I one more daughter I am sure she would say "daddy can I" .

So far I have 800 rounds fired thru them and no pistol of my own to show for it !! Women!! None of us have dealt with the short stroke issue.

Gota watch out as Taurus makes about 5 or 6 models. With a black bottom they have a oxide carbon steel with one mag, a SS with 2 mags and a odd belt bag for it and a black finished SS with 2 mags and that bag. Price can be almost 80 dollar apart from cheapest to most costly version and price run from around 180 to 260 here.

After you brought up the grinded look at the bottom of the grip it got my attention I had to check mine and comment on it but just now went to look at my cw9 and cm9. Interesting as they both have been near a sander too. The cw9 looks very much like the tp and the cm has a very small area that touched a sanding belt. Guess its something that happens to all of them more or less just depending on the over flow from the injection molding.

Holster? The biggest difference that a novice to good leather like me see's is where the ejection port is located on a 1911 and a kahr. They are about 3/8 different in there location but does not seem to be enough of an issue to matter.

Now git out there and get ya a kahr . Only problem is they do tend to be like lay's potato chips, nobody can have just one. Not many tp guys out there as this tread shows.

11-21-2013, 05:16 PM
I understand the sentiment with women and our guns, I have lost a couple of LCR's to the wife and daughter.... I am happy they liked them enough to claim them...

I had not seen the sander issue before with my exams of CW and P Kahrs, and with the TP being a rarer version, I was surprised when I saw it. I had an E9 years back and let someone talk me out of it... That will never happen again with a Kahr. I am saving for a P380 right now and may look for a K9, I love a steel framed single stack...

Thanks for the update with your other Kahrs, as common as it sounds, I would still try to use it to lower the price if I bought one....