View Full Version : The Greatest Generation

11-18-2013, 06:25 PM
The Greatest Generation celebrates VJ day in Honolulu, Aug 14, 1945.:amflag:


11-18-2013, 07:16 PM
"The Past is another country. They do thing differently there.” Unfortunately. America at it's finest and I'm both proud and blessed to have been alive then and raised in that culture.

11-18-2013, 11:34 PM
Great video. Proud to be the son of a WWII US Navy sailor who was a great dad. In another 10 years they'll most all be gone. When our generation is gone, they'll be all but forgotten with the libs rewriting history.

11-19-2013, 01:14 AM
Excellent video. I hope one day in the future that something will pull the country together like that again. It will likely have to be a terrible thing but that will be what it takes.

In helping my daughter with her AP history classes we were reading about Andrew Jackson and his standing for the common man, and standing against cronyism by government and the "elite." I would hope that there would be visionary leaders in the future that would bring us back to these values.

I think it's up to us to instill these values in our children and grandchildren. We are making our future as difficult as it is.

11-19-2013, 10:07 AM
My dad was in Paris, France for both V-E Day and V-J Day after surviving the Aleutian Campaign and the Battle of the Bulge.

He was a fine officer and gentleman. :Amflag2:

God Bless them all. :Amflag2:

Pulpit Pistol
11-19-2013, 10:15 AM
"The Past is another country. They do thing differently there.” Unfortunately. America at it's finest and I'm both proud and blessed to have been alive then and raised in that culture.

I know how you feel. I tend to agree with you.

11-19-2013, 11:30 AM
The Greatest Generation celebrates VJ day in Honolulu, Aug 14, 1945.:amflag:


our fokking school are not evendiscussng the wars and the cost in lives etc. So the =youth today is just unaware of the past and what gtive sthem the right to do what they are doin today. They expect it, the leaders of our schools wantto be so political correct that they forget what got us where we are today.

No doubt ur gonna see more books in schools on the muzzy culture:7: u can callit pol;itical correctness if u want, I call it bull sh!t. History in our schools today sucks. Readsomeof thse damnschool books. Nuttin mention ordiscussed about any of the Wars, but ur gonna read about abortion, drugs, gun control. I makesmy stomach turn to see osme of our vets comingback with legsgone,arms gone, their body totally blow apart. Whata hell of alife they are gonna live, let alone our government looking the utter way. When u have to have outsdie organizations likewounded warriorsw doing all they can while our goverhment sits back and makes it so damn hard for some of these vets to getcoverage.Sucks

Not to be sinical but we didn't see this kind of body carnage during the Wars back then, WWII, Korean, Nam. if u got blown up more than likely u just bleed to death, today our military does its par t to save a soldier that was blown up and probalby had he had a choice would have chosen to die for their country to be treated like a POS when they got back home

VN Vet
11-19-2013, 12:13 PM
My Dad was in Berlin for both VE and VJ. I was not born until 1949. In my eyes, my Dad, my Father was one of the Greatest the State of Indiana ever produced; well, he and my Grandfather who was a WWI Veteran.

Our present Government and all who speak bad of Our Veterans can just KMA Period. Yes Mr. Period Man, you too.

11-19-2013, 02:20 PM
Excellent video. I hope one day in the future that something will pull the country together like that again. It will likely have to be a terrible thing but that will be what it takes.

If 9/11 didn"t do it, nothing will! The problem is that it won't effect everyone like it did back in the 40's. And if it doesn't effect everyone they won't care! What pisses me off the most is that the ones the don't care are the f@@kers that wine about how the U.S. goes about doing something about it!

11-19-2013, 06:32 PM
you may be right

11-19-2013, 10:34 PM
My late Dad was In the 3rd Armored Division and was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge. Much of what I know about courage and character, I learned from him and others of his generation. Couldn't be prouder.

11-20-2013, 02:56 AM
I made it a point that my girls knew about what their Grandfather's did for this country. My Avatar-The Mighty 8th Army Air Corp (B-17 heavy Bomber grp) and US Navy. and to make sure others know about this now and in the future! That after they are gone, the schools will wipe this history off the chalkboard, as well as the Korean/Viet Nam vets sacrifice to this country.
I let them know there were no Parades or Welcome home banners and many people shunned those soldiers for simply being there. America has a guilty conscience and now the US soldiers, today are rightfully shown their appreciation for their service.