View Full Version : Miltec-1 and polymer frame?

11-21-2013, 05:56 PM
I have a question for anyone here with a polymer framed Kahr. I have used Miltec-1 on metal firearms and thought it worked well for lubrication. It did not seem too affected by dirt and did not seem to accumulate dirt like other lubes.

I thought it would be great on my hair clippers, so I lubed the blade with it and less than a month later the plastic the blades clipped into broke. The clippers were well used, so I replaced them with the same ones and lubed again with Miltec-1, in less than a month, the new pair broke the same as the old. It looked to me like the plastic was made brittle by the Miltec-1 and I have been hesitant to try it on my polymer framed pistols ever since.

My question is: Has anyone been using Miltec-1 on their polymer Kahr for over a year? Have there been any issues with it while you have been using it? I am not badmouthing Miltec-1, just looking for some real world experience.


11-21-2013, 06:10 PM
many here use it, IMOtwo different polymers. Handgun polymer I am sure is alot more expensive than hair clippers.

I dont use Miltec but never have I heard a complaint about it. It is good stuff..

11-21-2013, 07:43 PM
Miltec is ok, seems to evaporate quickly... its gone!

I like just a very light swipe of synth grease on rails and barrel upper and lower locking surfaces. The green synth works great for me in this application. Other spots, just a drop of CLP. Done.

You can also make your own witches brew of green synth grease and a few drops of CLP to thin it a bit if you're using it on lighter weight parts for .22LRs for instance

11-21-2013, 08:17 PM
I have used Militec-1 for about 7 years on all of my pistols. I've yet to see or note any deleterious effect.

11-21-2013, 08:45 PM
used militec-1 for years no problem

11-21-2013, 09:31 PM
Handgun polymer is I believe a much higher grade. I don't know of any modern gun oils that are a problem on guns.

11-22-2013, 08:59 PM
Thanks, I just had some trepidation because of how the cheaper plastic became brittle so quickly. No sign of failure before hand, it just crumbled... Now the bottle of Miltec-1 I found will be put to good use. I appreciate the feedback.

11-22-2013, 09:17 PM
I use Miltec-1 for oiling [rotating parts] on all my pistols. I use grease on the rails and barrel and any other sliding contact.

11-23-2013, 05:48 AM
The intended purpose of Militec-1 is as a dry lube. There shouldn't be gobs of it contacting too much plastic. Even the "wet" use is supposed to be as a very thin film on metal parts. I generally use a hair dryer for the heat application.

Whereas I'm a big fan of militec-1, and treat all of my guns with it. I do still use a daub of TW25b on the rails also. When I use both lubes, I swear I can hear my guns go "ahhhh" when I rack the slide. It was good for me too. :o