View Full Version : This one's for TheTman

11-22-2013, 11:01 PM
Being a life long hunter and having visited the school book depository in Dallas I've often wondered why Lee Harvey Oswald waited for Kennedy's limo to start down Elm Street when the best shot offered came as the limo was headed directly toward the depository on Huston. The limo slowed almost to a stop as it turned onto Elm St. and was accelerating and angling away as it went down Elm St. Was Oswald waiting to give a second assassin his opportunity for a shot? It makes one wonder.

11-23-2013, 05:44 AM
I think it's a good point for all. Why should thetman be the only foil hatted one? I wanna Play....

11-23-2013, 08:39 AM
Maybe because he wouldn't have had cover from the storage boxes in the other window like he prepared for the southwestern exposure?

BTW - I had more fun visiting Jack Ruby's Carousel Club back in the day.

11-23-2013, 11:43 AM
They weren't in range of the shooter on the grassy knoll?
Some of Kennedy's brains ended up on the trunk of the Limo. That would seem to indicate the fatal shot came from the front. I've never shot an animal and had tissue blown back towards me. There are more conspiracy theories on the Kennedy assassination than I can keep up with. Here's a video from the supposed conspirators in the muder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5vfKK_tSfw

11-23-2013, 02:04 PM
Go T Go!

11-23-2013, 04:09 PM
We will never know for sure. Anything is possible.

11-23-2013, 05:26 PM
They weren't in range of the shooter on the grassy knoll?
Some of Kennedy's brains ended up on the trunk of the Limo. That would seem to indicate the fatal shot came from the front. I've never shot an animal and had tissue blown back towards me. There are more conspiracy theories on the Kennedy assassination than I can keep up with. Here's a video from the supposed conspirators in the muder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5vfKK_tSfw

I once shot a woodchuck that was facing me from about 100 yards with a 22-250. He had been feeding for some time and his belly was full. Bullet struck him in the solar plexus and his belly split wide open down to between his hind legs. His innards came out the front. That was the only such occurrence, but it did happen.

11-23-2013, 06:01 PM
That's awesome! Honey what's for dinner?

11-23-2013, 06:56 PM
The person who actually shot JFK was the woman on the grassy knoll who was pretending to protect her kids as a cover. She was banging Ruby on the side and they were in it together. Ruby offed Oswald both as a convenient distraction and because Oswald knew about the affair.

11-23-2013, 07:16 PM
This may be one we just want to leave alone. Most of the conspiracy theories, end up implicating people in high places, even LBJ and G H W Bush. Maybe we don't really want to know who did it. The man had a lot of enemies, so the conspiracy theories are endless. Some CIA spook named E. Howard Hunt confessed to killing him more than once, said it was codenamed The Big Event. Here is one of his confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsBiVJsgzmI
Here an FBI agent says it was the work of violent Ku Klux Klan type: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSXQYvm57YM And a whole bunch more are out there. Take your pick. I don't think Oswald acted alone. But have no idea who else was in on it.

11-23-2013, 07:24 PM
Of course Oswald didn't. The grassy knoll chick was a CIA agent. Oswald was the fall guy.

11-24-2013, 08:52 AM
I don't think Oswald acted alone. But have no idea who else was in on it.

Great minds think alike. I believe that it could have been accomplished by a single shooter, but that it's highly unlikely that it was. I also believe that four shots were taken, not three.

11-24-2013, 12:05 PM
In the video with the FBI agent that was on the scene, he says he heard ELEVEN shots fired. There have been many people that tried to duplicate the 3 shots Oswald fired in however many seconds the assassination took, and hitting the moving target at least twice, and very few (if any) have succeeded, using the same type Carcano rifle Oswald used.

11-24-2013, 01:13 PM
Anybody that thinks that event wasn't much much larger than Oswald has blinders on. I'd be surprised if he even hit the president and more surprised if anyone actually ever bothered to look for bullets.

11-24-2013, 02:49 PM
agree,its the rifle and scope that ets to me. I can rememberback then u could have bought that set up in any gun rag add for little or nutting. Had the first shot be the killing sot,I might bow my head and say great shot but the second shot in the head and two hits in a row from a moving vehicle with bodies all around it, and Ihave no clue how far the shot was either. Oswwald should have been saved for at least one olypic shooting match, wewould have won iteasily with him behind that POS rifle, Naw, he was not alone, our government knows who was but we will never see the light of day.

Does anyone here have any clue of the adrenalin pump that oswald had to have on that first shot, ow throw in the fac t that he didn't succedd on the first shot so do u thik his heartbeat slowed any on the second shot which was a direct head shot. nAW i NEVER B OUGHTINTO IT. i DO THINK HE WAS PART OF THE CONSPRIRACY plot to. He was the "fall guy, for sure. Ruby was not fokking patriot, he was the end of the story missing link...Maybe back then we were n shock and to stupid to put two andtwo together to get 4, WTFg do I or anyone know, but thequestion is today...do u trust your government???????

DAMN i DID NOT read or seeItxi's statement. Damn, two great minds thinking alike:amflag:

11-24-2013, 05:20 PM
There's an old saying among deer hunters. One shot for sure, two shots maybe, three shots no way. Holds true most of the time.

11-24-2013, 06:10 PM
My friend Ron B. had dogs, and also had large toxic toads - cane toads - living all around his house. This is nothing new but his dogs would molest the toads and get really sick. Toad eradication was fun with a Chipmunk rifle and .22 CB caps. Typically Ron would do the shooting, and I'd do the fetching. Fetching was behind bushes and trash cans and just about anyplace a toad would go while trying to evade human contact. I really wanted my turn to go for a trophy toad. After a little break in the action, Ron came running in to tell me a huge toad, probably a Boone and Crocket specimen, was in the bushes. He handed me the Chipmunk and a CB cap.

It was a plant. I took a trophy class tennis ball.

Ron got great sport from all this, showing everyone present (wimmen folk) the said, dead, ball. I plotted revenge. Still posessing the rifle, I knew what to do, and loaded the chamber with a .22 Stinger, and carefully decocked the Chipmunk. I went out and found a huge toad, probably a good five inches across. Ron blustered up....."You HAD your turn, its MY turn again!" I handed him the rifle, and told him the chamber was loaded, all he had to do was cock it.

And cock it he did. And aim it he did. And fire it he did. He didn't notice that I slipped directly behind him.


A long string of explatives came from Ron. He turned around, and I was really laughing at that point, because I foresaw the loud crack, but did not quite fully imagine that Ron would be painted with the remnants of the wee beastie. Last laugh was on yours truely.

And things most definately will eject toward the entry wound.

The second suicide shooter we had at the range, put a .41 magnum reload into the front of his head. Most of his brain ejecta, and a good section of skull went into the drop ceiling, through the fibre tile. Part of it though.... went out into the range in front of the firing position, and onto painted cement floor.

I think its a matter of hydraulics.

11-24-2013, 08:06 PM
We probably don't want to know who all was really involved. If it did lead back to some high ranking officials, what could we do about it? My favorite conspiracy theory is that the banking cartel had him killed for trying to reign in the Federal Reserve, I like that one because it doesn't necessarily involve any govt. agents, although it probably would.
Funny that one of LBJ's first official acts as President, was to undo the actions Kennedy had taken against the Federal Reserve. The Conspiracy Theorists buying in on that conspiracy, say it was also a warning to other leaders not to mess with the Rothchilds and their banking cartel. The Rothschilds are an extremely greedy family that will do anything to make money. And are responsible for millions of deaths from the wars they have manipulated countries into, and then sell munitions and supplies to both sides, thru their subsidiaries in each country. I believe they are also Luciferians (worship Lucifer as their God), with human sacrifices and all that devil worship crap. Their fortune is estimated to be around $500 TRILLION.
That kind of money can buy ANYTHING you want, including Presidents assassinated.
I wonder how we could get them pissed off at Obummer?

11-24-2013, 10:46 PM
I'd put my money on organized crime figures. Not only did they have a motive, but some worked for the CIA.

11-25-2013, 06:27 PM
Prolly best for us all he was shot and killed that day....see "11/22/63" written by the good, very well informed, Mr King. :spider::spider:

11-25-2013, 06:46 PM
Prolly best for us all he was shot and killed that day....see "11/22/63" written by the good, very well informed, Mr King. :spider::spider:

So your saying it was like a gang turf war?