View Full Version : CW9 getting expensive...
05-14-2010, 07:24 PM
I have carried a number of different guns over the past few years, P-32, P3AT, LCP, PF-9. I usually shoot Glocks on the range, typically the 19 or 34 lately due to ammo costs, but I also love my 20, 23, and 24. I recently got a CW9 on a whim to replace the PF-9 for IWB carry. I figured since I already had the PF-9 in a Kahr holster it was a no brainer. I have had the CW9 to the range twice, about 150 rounds fired without any problems. I like the CW9's attributes, but now I find myself shopping for a PM9. Darn inexpensive CW9 is going to cost me another $700 :confused:
I figure if the CW9 is good the PM9 will be better (more comfortable) for IWB carry. I'm also hoping the PM9 will work to replace the LCP for pocket carry. I'm a big dude, so I don't think the additional few ounces will make a big difference. The local shop had a standard PM9 and a PM9 with black diamond finish and night sights, a bit spendy but very cool. I don't care too much about the night sights on a pocket gun, but the black finish looks great. I may sell the CW9 to fund the PM9, but the wife does seem to like the CW9 for a range gun.
05-14-2010, 08:18 PM
I have an expensive CW40. After purchasing it my wife wanted and I purchesed her a P380 to replace her Bersa Thunder. Now I want a PM40 and my son wants a PM9 to replace his XD9.
05-14-2010, 08:37 PM
I have carried a number of different guns over the past few years, P-32, P3AT, LCP, PF-9. I usually shoot Glocks on the range, typically the 19 or 34 lately due to ammo costs, but I also love my 20, 23, and 24. I recently got a CW9 on a whim to replace the PF-9 for IWB carry. I figured since I already had the PF-9 in a Kahr holster it was a no brainer. I have had the CW9 to the range twice, about 150 rounds fired without any problems. I like the CW9's attributes, but now I find myself shopping for a PM9. Darn inexpensive CW9 is going to cost me another $700 :confused:
I figure if the CW9 is good the PM9 will be better (more comfortable) for IWB carry. I'm also hoping the PM9 will work to replace the LCP for pocket carry. I'm a big dude, so I don't think the additional few ounces will make a big difference. The local shop had a standard PM9 and a PM9 with black diamond finish and night sights, a bit spendy but very cool. I don't care too much about the night sights on a pocket gun, but the black finish looks great. I may sell the CW9 to fund the PM9, but the wife does seem to like the CW9 for a range gun.
the PM9 with the dlc finish and the night sights. A good close up defense gun should have night sights. Indeed u can pocket carry that PM9 with ease. You won't even know your carrying it. The PM9 will spoil you for sure. A great ultra quality semi that will shoot until the cows come home also. After owning a PF9, u will think u died and went toheaven with the PM9, just apples and oranges and I do realize big price difference between both also. the DLC finish is just awesome, total hardness and u can google up kahrs dlc finish and read the process. It rockwells out at 90 where as standard stainless slides are about 30, It will wear like the glock finish. The cw9 is a nice gun for the money, nothing in its class IMO but the PM9 , well if ur gonna pocket carry, it is the gun to have..
The cw9 is a great gun for a woman to, just enough grip to get a good hold on, nothing to remember other than pulling the trigger. Wife might have some issues getting use dto the loooooong but totally smooth trigger butr once she gets the gist of it, she will enjoy the cw9. Weight she will like, recoil in the cw9 is very maneagable to.
05-14-2010, 11:46 PM
I have carried a number of different guns over the past few years, P-32, P3AT, LCP, PF-9. I usually shoot Glocks on the range, typically the 19 or 34 lately due to ammo costs, but I also love my 20, 23, and 24. I recently got a CW9 on a whim to replace the PF-9 for IWB carry. I figured since I already had the PF-9 in a Kahr holster it was a no brainer. I have had the CW9 to the range twice, about 150 rounds fired without any problems. I like the CW9's attributes, but now I find myself shopping for a PM9. Darn inexpensive CW9 is going to cost me another $700 :confused:
I figure if the CW9 is good the PM9 will be better (more comfortable) for IWB carry. I'm also hoping the PM9 will work to replace the LCP for pocket carry. I'm a big dude, so I don't think the additional few ounces will make a big difference. The local shop had a standard PM9 and a PM9 with black diamond finish and night sights, a bit spendy but very cool. I don't care too much about the night sights on a pocket gun, but the black finish looks great. I may sell the CW9 to fund the PM9, but the wife does seem to like the CW9 for a range gun.
Boy, do I know what you mean. About a year ago I bought a CW9 to replace my PF9 [the KT was kinda ammo finicky], and shortly thereafter I sold the PF9. As you said the Kahr uses the same holsters. I really liked the CW9 [my first Kahr], and it has been flawless to this day. Last fall I began a switch from 9mm to 45. Earlier this year, I decided to upgrade my CW9 pocket gun, so I bought a PM45. I do plan to keep the CW9, however.
05-15-2010, 06:44 AM
Darn inexpensive CW9 is going to cost me another $700
I know the feeling.
1996 K9 begat T9.
T9 begat P45.
P45 begat CW9.
CW9 begat K9.
K9 begat TP9.
That initial $375 has cost me $2450 thousands of rounds of ammo!
Amortized over 100 years that's only $24 a year. Yeah...that's what I tell my wife.:D
05-15-2010, 07:58 AM
Ripley I like that logic, now to get my wife to go with that... I too have the sickness, I got a P45, and wanted a K40 (still need to find one and the money at the same time) now I want a PM40, and PM45, and I'm considering a TP45. God help me if Kahr listens to us on this forum and comes out with a steel frame 45. I don't even think to count the ammo, the one thing I have in my favor though is that my wife likes to play with my toys too. Wait is that a good thing, 'cuz then I have to buy her one too!?:eek:
05-15-2010, 09:09 AM
I got my K9 March '97 and around then dreamed of the K45. After many years Kahr started making .45s but still no K45. I had another dream gun but I wasn't sure whether it should be the P45 or the PM45. I really had never seen either. Then Kahr announced the P380. At the time I had been carrying a Walther TPH .22 with Stingers because of the light summer dress here in Florida. I had to have one of those little P380s with all of the big gun features... and Night Sights. I didn't know it would take me 11 months to get that version, and I didn't expect to have to send it back the next day unfired, because one of those Night Sight components was dead. But I finally have that little gun and it and my PM45 are just unbelievably good shooters and so compact for the calibers.
While I was on my long wait for the diminutive .380, I joined this forum and heard all of the praise for the PM series. We finally got all of our bills paid off and I started looking for a PM45, my long time dream gun. I still wasn't sure whether I should get the P or the PM. I did run across the most popular one a black PM9 with NS, LNIB and pounced on that. After another month or two I was able to run down a PM45 and a month later my P380 came in. I now have 4 Kahrs and that's enough for me until they do make a K45. In a little over a month I'll be 64 and I hope they make the K45 in time for me to enjoy it for a decade or two!
05-15-2010, 09:49 AM
Wyntrout, I am with you. I will be 68 this month and have bought, sold and traded many different pistols in the last 10 years. Now that I have discovered Kahr pistols I can see that I have once again set off a series of new necessary additional purchases needed to achieve balance with CCW pistols. So for now I see a need for a PM9 for pocket carry. Who knows where that will led? I won't even get into the issues of accessorizing each pistol and ammo to break them in and shoot for fun. I hope for more that another decade of shooting fun. So many pistols so little time!
-- Richard
05-15-2010, 10:26 AM
age just makes us WISER!! I will be 67. Not as good as I once was but good once as I always was!!
Michael W.
05-15-2010, 10:37 AM
Man, you guys are an old bunch............................:D
05-15-2010, 10:51 AM
Man, you guys are an old bunch............................:D
to get around that is to die young, and I chose the other route, As long as I can throw a leg over my 2010 HD with my PM9 in my front pocket, age means jack sh-t to me..:59:
05-15-2010, 11:45 AM
to get around that is to die young, and I chose the other route, As long as I can throw a leg over my 2010 HD with my PM9 in my front pocket, age means jack sh-t to me..:59:
I think its all about attitude. I think theres much to be said for the your as old as you feel,actually I'm pretty sure this one is true. Today even though the suns out and its warm for some reason I feel 108. But yesterday I only felt like 78 and people usually say I act like I'm 12 so what do ya do ya know. I do however long for the days when I could throw my leg over anything let alone a fine Harley. Actually I still can, just can't do anything with it once it's over there. Deal the cards your dealt I guess. Maybe I'll go ride my kids little 50 quad, let the wind blow thru my hair, ok ok, blow on my face? I got a mustache, does that count?
05-15-2010, 03:02 PM
Attitude is everything. Two of the shooting buddies I shoot IDPA with are 72 years old and can shoot circles around me. One cheats because he has had cataract surgery and he can see again without glasses. We should probably handicap him be he won't hear of it. They snickered the first time I shot the Kahr CW9 at the range. They are not laughing anymore. I think one of those guys is considering a PM9 to replace his S&W .38 as a front pocket or ankle gun.
-- Richard
05-15-2010, 05:44 PM
Man, you guys are an old bunch............................:D
Hey watch it!! I'm 66.
05-15-2010, 05:48 PM
Attitude is everything. Two of the shooting buddies I shoot IDPA with are 72 years old and can shoot circles around me. One cheats because he has had cataract surgery and he can see again without glasses. We should probably handicap him be he won't hear of it. They snickered the first time I shot the Kahr CW9 at the range. They are not laughing anymore. I think one of those guys is considering a PM9 to replace his S&W .38 as a front pocket or ankle gun.
-- Richard
I got lens replacement surgery in both eyes two years ago. Now I'm better than 20-20, and the only glasses I wear are the sun variety. I don't consider it cheating - just leveling the field.
05-15-2010, 05:52 PM
I got lens replacement surgery in both eyes two years ago. Now I'm better than 20-20, and the only glasses I wear are the sun variety. I don't consider it cheating - just leveling the field.
And we have another bingo. Not cheating, leveling the playing field.
05-15-2010, 08:26 PM
I can remember the "good old days" when we thought 60 was one foot in the grave and the other on shaky ground. Well, I'm almost 64 and I ain't quite ready for the rocking chair on the porch waiting for the Grim Reaper to come along and collect me like the garbage we put out on collection day! I really do believe that 60 is the new 40... or something like that. Having had a military career and retirement, I've had good medical care most of my adult life. I think that I would be much worse off had that not been the case. I have a one-year-younger cousin up there in Washington State and he doesn't get regular medical care and probably has all kinds of things he should be taking medicine for. He doesn't have and won't spend the money for finding out if he has any problems that need treating. I think a lot of people are in that situation... maybe most.
But dang, if you have a problem and can get it fixed enough to get more out of life... great. Some guys could do that, but Friday and Saturday night life are more important to them. That's a choice they make, though. I'm glad to be "healthy" enough to enjoy life and do most of the things I want and put off the things I don't want to do. I take a pile of pills every day and some are just elective supplements... and if I had to pay for all of that, I would probably spend the money on something else, too. The PM45 comes to mind.:D
My mother didn't make it to 48 and my Dad didn't make it to 52. Both died of heart related problems... myocardial infarctions. I was pretty active up until my doggy had to be put down. That was about 6 years ago and I sit on my butt too much these days and have packed on some extra poundage trying to "avoid hypoglycemia". I kind of overdo that and with no exercise except when "hunting"... walking the large warehouse stores like Costco, Sam's Club and Wal*Mart.
My fingers do a lot of walking here on the keyboard and since I've gotten "into Kahrs", I've done a lot more "hunting" for ammo and gun accessories. I'm enjoying life a lot more "playing' with my Kahrs and talking and helping and trying to keep you guys amused. :D I spend way too much time here and I'm having too much fun.
There's so much work around here that I've been putting off for years... and now I have an even bigger distraction -- this forum. I love it!
My wife got an eye infection yesterday and I took her to acute care over at the big Jax Navy Hospital and then we went to the commissary this afternoon.
Anyhow, she's here and I have to entertain her now. I run the DVR and we watch recorded TV. She works 2PM to 11PM or later and we can't watch the Prime Time programs, so I record them and we watch at least an hour every night after she gets home. It works for us and we enjoy that.
I feel pretty guilty about all the time I spend here, and the stuff I don't do that I should, but it will get done or not. I do need to service the big generator and get ready for hurricane season... it's almost here. We've been lucky the last few years, but you never know when you might wish that you had been a little more prepared... after goofing off the last couple of years.:D
Well, duty calls... Wifey, anyhow. You guys take care. I'll catch you later. I can't wait to hear about Bawanna's range trip tomorrow. I practically pushed him off the fence into buying that new .45! I'm hoping he enjoys it and gets us some pictures of it and the magna-ported .40.
05-15-2010, 10:48 PM
Well, it was a busy day gun wise. I sold the CW9 this morning and set out looking for a PM9. My range ( ( that had the standard PM9 for $650 had sold it, and the other shops I went to wanted $700 or $720 for the standard one :crazy: I went to two shops that had the PM9 with black diamond finish and night sights, both were $759. At the second shop the gun had some significant handling marks and a nick in the finish, so I ended up going back to the first shop ( ( and buying it.
I would be fondling it right now, except that I am a moron and didn't have my DL on me. (I had a 7 hour delayed flight from San Antonio last night that got in at 3am and never put my DL back in my wallet after airport security). It was 5 minutes to closing time and I live 15 minutes away. I went ahead and purchased the gun, but I have to go back tomorrow and do the 4473.
I'm looking at getting a Desantis Superfly pocket holster and a good IWB holster for the weekends. I'll start reading the PM forum.
I will likely get a P9 or another CW9 later for the wife to use on the range, but I had to sell the CW9 to comfortably fund the PM9.
05-15-2010, 10:50 PM
How did my simple thread become an old age debate? Is that just the way things go around here?
Michael W.
05-15-2010, 11:01 PM
How did my simple thread become an old age debate? Is that just the way things go around here?
Yah, I'm learning that happens a lot here......not so much thread "drift" as much
as thread "meandering"..... I think it has something to do with the median age of
this bunch....:D
Congrats on your new you got the DLC with night sights? That's
not a bad price at all. I paid $699 for my DLC with standard sights.
It's definitely a more pocketable piece than the CW series, although I am
loving my CW40 also.
Love to hear your shooting impressions when you get it to the range.
05-15-2010, 11:29 PM
Hey! Who ya callin' old. Sounds like you got a bit o' the C.R.S., too.:D
A few months ago I had a doctor appointment across town. After parking my van and dismounting, I found that I had forgotten my dang wallet. I did have a photocopy of my driver's license and my military ID, so I got that and went on to my appointment. They copied my copy and then took my VISA CC info for the copay. I have a few things memorized... like my main CC for online use. I don't have to run for my wallet every time I make an online purchase... hell, my Norton software takes care of stuff like that automatically or the repeat sites have that stuff on record for my account.
Anyhow, I at least had a backup set of IDs..., but I don't know how a cop would view that on an ID check... including my CCW permit.:confused:
OLD!?? I'm almost 64 years young!
Oh! Congrats on the new PM9. That sounds like a pretty good price. I "like" mine, but it's definitely the stepchild... twice removed... or once? The PM45 is número uno, and the P380 is maybe second.... :D
05-15-2010, 11:59 PM
Yah, I'm learning that happens a lot here......not so much thread "drift" as much
as thread "meandering"..... I think it has something to do with the median age of
this bunch....:D
Congrats on your new you got the DLC with night sights? That's
not a bad price at all. I paid $699 for my DLC with standard sights.
It's definitely a more pocketable piece than the CW series, although I am
loving my CW40 also.
Love to hear your shooting impressions when you get it to the range.
I think that there is also some A.D.D. problems with this bunch (and A.D.D. gets worse with age) :madgrin:.
For instance a know a guy who shall remain nameless that bought a PM9 and before he was finished bragging about it on this forum he went ahead and got himself a PM45 ( I wonder who that was? :9:).
In the interest of full disclosure the folks on this forum were no help to him, no that he needed much pushing.
05-16-2010, 12:06 AM
Uh, I think that fits a LOT of people here, including me! It's kind of a natural progression of Kahr Fever... very contagious. People have been known to sell off their possessions to fund this addiction... er, disease.
05-16-2010, 12:23 AM
I have made the decision that I will be keeping my LCP for air travel use. I'd be a lot less upset if those sofakings baggage handlers lost/stole my $300 LCP over the PM9.
05-16-2010, 12:43 AM
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had to go to the big base here today and I wanted to carry something, but not lose a Kahr if I won a "random" check. I broke out the W.C. gun, my .22 TPH. It cost me about $460 ~16 years ago, but I would much rather lose it than one of my Kahrs!:eek:
The next time we fly to see my wife's folks in SW Colorado, I'm thinking of taking my PM45. The thought of losing that is really scary, but I would like to shoot that with my wife's relatives... we all shot poorly last time. I can hit the bullseye with my PM45 after all the Kahr practice I've had now. I don't care if we'll be standing in several feet of snow and wind with the temperature well below freezing... again, I'll damn sure shoot better. I hadn't shot anything in 4-5 years, probably, at that point. I think I've popped close to a few thousand caps this year already... 9mm, .45, and .380... lot's of testing at the range. Practice really helps.:D
05-16-2010, 01:42 AM
Hey, Bawanna', don't forget the ammo later today. I hope you made a list and checked it twice.:D
Have fun and give the targets hell!:33:
Michael W.
05-16-2010, 04:39 PM
I think that there is also some A.D.D. problems with this bunch (and A.D.D. gets worse with age) :madgrin:.
For instance a know a guy who shall remain nameless that bought a PM9 and before he was finished bragging about it on this forum he went ahead and got himself a PM45 ( I wonder who that was? :9:).
In the interest of full disclosure the folks on this forum were no help to him, no that he needed much pushing.
Touche! (But you left out the CW40 that I got a week after the PM45:)
No doubt I got bitten hard by the Kahr bug. But in my case it's more like OCD,
or M.A.O.C.D. (Middle Aged Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Although my wife
wouldn't hesitate to tell you that I also have a pretty severe deficit of
attention when it comes to letting her talk any sense into me!
Sigh....well, my safe is a couple of guns lighter and shy a good number of my
Spyderco collection in order to fund buying 3 Kahrs in 3 weeks. But hey, who
the heck needs safe queens anyway right? I've still got my 4 or 5 EDC user
blades and now I can start all over again:p
05-16-2010, 04:46 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had to go to the big base here today and I wanted to carry something, but not lose a Kahr if I won a "random" check. I broke out the W.C. gun, my .22 TPH. It cost me about $460 ~16 years ago, but I would much rather lose it than one of my Kahrs!:eek:
The next time we fly to see my wife's folks in SW Colorado, I'm thinking of taking my PM45. The thought of losing that is really scary, but I would like to shoot that with my wife's relatives... we all shot poorly last time. I can hit the bullseye with my PM45 after all the Kahr practice I've had now. I don't care if we'll be standing in several feet of snow and wind with the temperature well below freezing... again, I'll damn sure shoot better. I hadn't shot anything in 4-5 years, probably, at that point. I think I've popped close to a few thousand caps this year already... 9mm, .45, and .380... lot's of testing at the range. Practice really helps.:D
you pack in a suit case is very subject to getting stolen. I would not chance it with such a nice gun..
05-16-2010, 04:57 PM
I'll make it as hard as possible with my steel gun safe and cable/chains and locks. They might have to steal the whole suitcase... not that that isn't done a lot.
Just got back from Wally World... no .45... don't really need it... no $9.47 9mm, either.
I needed things for my generator and I loaded up on platinum plugs for it and my tractor. I need to get going here and get through before dark and the bugs really get bad.
05-16-2010, 04:58 PM
I have not had but one problem and that was with the TSA/FAA, they pulled me off a plane to ensure that it was unloaded.
05-16-2010, 06:22 PM
I have not had but one problem and that was with the TSA/FAA, they pulled me off a plane to ensure that it was unloaded.
to me is problem enough to not even try it.
05-17-2010, 11:23 AM
Touche! (But you left out the CW40 that I got a week after the PM45:)
No doubt I got bitten hard by the Kahr bug. But in my case it's more like OCD,
or M.A.O.C.D. (Middle Aged Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Although my wife
wouldn't hesitate to tell you that I also have a pretty severe deficit of
attention when it comes to letting her talk any sense into me!
Sigh....well, my safe is a couple of guns lighter and shy a good number of my
Spyderco collection in order to fund buying 3 Kahrs in 3 weeks. But hey, who
the heck needs safe queens anyway right? I've still got my 4 or 5 EDC user
blades and now I can start all over again:p
You are right, I forgot about the CW40, but you get my point.
For what is worth I don't think you need any sense talked into you, if anyting you deserve some kind of medal for buying 3 Kahrs in 3 weeks (I'm a little jealous to be perfectly honest).
05-17-2010, 03:42 PM
I've checked a bag with a firearm for personal travel numerous times. I have never had a problem with it. Generally you declare the weapon to the baggage agent, they give you the small declaration form, then they have a porter walk you and your bag over for immediate TSA screening. There is no reason why they would ever have to pull me off the plane to see if it is unloaded. I use a small locked travel safe cabled into my suitcase. I always walk back with the porter and watch my bag go out of sight on the conveyor. All in all it isn't much hassle in a free state.
05-17-2010, 08:54 PM
I did that very thing, had a tag on the outside of the case and all. That was out of DFW, I think they had little regard for fire arms and wanted to show it. I have done it many times before, and never had a problem, nor have I had one since, though different airports.
05-17-2010, 09:05 PM
The TSA are the only ones who would have access, the airline has no proof or record that you checked a firearm. The TSA scanning equipment can plainly see if the gun is loaded or not.
05-18-2010, 08:00 AM
Either way it was a bunch of crap, and the only time it has ever happened was out of DFW, I've flown to any a place with weapons checked. I think the TSA just wanted me to know that they were not happy with my not being a sheep. Oh well. that was half the reason I quit flying.
05-21-2010, 01:21 AM
Dammit, now I got another one. I picked up a used P9 today. I figured I'd get one eventually, I just didn't know it'd be this fast. It's a standard model born in October 2006. It looks great cosmetically, shows some wear on the barrel and guide rod from being shot, but who knows how much. I may want to replace the recoil spring as it feels pretty light, but I'll shoot it first and see.
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