View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

11-26-2013, 07:04 PM
To all my friends at KahrTalk;
Have a happy as safe holiday season!

11-26-2013, 07:20 PM
Thanks. Turkey Day is our favorite holiday...a relaxing time with friends and family. And a 4 day weekend don't hurt either. Enjoy yourselves everyone!

11-26-2013, 08:51 PM
Thanks, Barth. Wifey and I are staying home this Thanksgiving... home, but not alone!

We wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for and we are happy to be together and not on the road during this weather change up where we usually go... southern Illinois by way of Atlanta and Chattanooga!


11-26-2013, 09:02 PM
GOBBLE..........................GOBBLE............ ..............Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

11-26-2013, 09:22 PM
Thank you! May God bless you all this year!
Family coming in tomorrow, can't wait to see 'em

11-26-2013, 10:02 PM
My son invited my ex-wife and me, and his sisters to his house for dinner. Should be interesting.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We still have plenty to be thankful for, even if the country is being trashed. We have roofs over or head, food to eat, and all manner of "toys" to keep us occupied.
We could be living in the Philippines with nothing at all left after the big typhoon. If you have roof over your head, a car to drive, and plenty of food, a job or other means of steady income, that means we're richer than 80-90% of the world. That is truly something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from Tinfoil Hat Tman.

11-27-2013, 07:08 AM
Our baby girl is away at college and has a part time job in a Big Box retailer. They're opening at 6pm tomorrow so she's got to be there or no job. 'Tis the season.

So since she can't come home for Thanksgiving, we're saddling up in the morning and making the 3.5 hour trek to Penn State to bring Thanksgiving to her.
It's not where you spend it, it's who you spend it with.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at Kahrtalk.
Please remember all the brave patriots having their Thanksgiving far from their loved ones.

11-27-2013, 07:56 AM
I wouldn't go out on Black Friday on a bet. This year some stores are opening on Thanksgiving Day. I will not patronize those stores year round. If they can't take the time to thank God for all of their blessings, I don't have time for them. You guys and Gals enjoy the holidays with family and friends, if possible.

11-27-2013, 09:38 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at Kahrtalk and thanks for putting up with me....I'm very thankful for a loving God who forgives me and blesses me even when I'm not thinking of him....I thankful for my family and good friends, a warm house and plenty to eat....I have everything a person could ever want and like Tman said I'm a rich man compared to most of the world...

I'm going to a funeral later today for an old friend same age as me who passed away Saturday from complications after minor surgery and it really got me to thinking just how fragile life is and how we should put minor problems away and just enjoy one another and the gifts God has given all of us because nobody is promised another minute in this world.....

Be safe, hug your family and enjoy the day....See y'all next week....;)

11-27-2013, 09:56 AM
Muggs, I think it's disgusting that stores are open for Thanksgiving, when people should be home with their families. Our grocery store stays open until about noon, for people needing last minute food items, but then they shut down at noon so the employees can go be with their families. I don't mind that, but opening a store just to make a few extra dollars sucks.

11-27-2013, 10:59 AM
My son invited my ex-wife and me, and his sisters to his house for dinner. Should be interesting.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We still have plenty to be thankful for, even if the country is being trashed. We have roofs over or head, food to eat, and all manner of "toys" to keep us occupied.
We could be living in the Philippines with nothing at all left after the big typhoon. If you have roof over your head, a car to drive, and plenty of food, a job or other means of steady income, that means we're richer than 80-90% of the world. That is truly something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from Tinfoil Hat Tman.

that scenario tells me someone is gonna get sliced up utter than just the turkey.:Amflag2:

11-27-2013, 11:00 AM

VN Vet
11-27-2013, 11:46 AM
My prayers go out to all those who have no family or friends to share Thanksgiving Day. On November 28, 2013, our Christian efforts around Indianapolis give out about 44,000 hot Thanksgiving Day Meals. For this, I am thankful.

Tomorrow is a time for family and friends to get together to enjoy nothing more than just being together and a good meal. Tomorrow my family and extended family will get together to celebrate all the good things God has given us through the past year.

I pray that this Thanksgiving Day will be a good day for you to share with your friends and family.

MW surveyor
11-27-2013, 11:55 AM
A full of turkey and other eats to all.

Oldest daughter, son in law and 2 1/2 grandkids (one in the oven) made it in yesterday. Not sure what the youngest daughter is doing tomorrow.
SWMBO has been cooking up a storm. I keep out of the way!

11-27-2013, 02:43 PM
You all have become a good set of virtual friends, and I am thankful for each and every one of you. It would be cool if we could ever figure out how to have a real live face-to-face get-together someday.

Anyway, even with my wife's recent broken ankle and her current recovery, God has been good to us this past year. We have a comfortable home, more than enough to eat, many wonderful friends, and we are assured in our hearts that when our time on earth is done, we will be with Him forever and ever.

May you all enjoy God's blessings beyond all your expectations. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-27-2013, 02:47 PM
many years ago, some wise guy on the kel tek forum said lets all get together at Knobs Creek in KY for a get together. Right after that get together I was banned. Naw I like u guys the way u are..

11-27-2013, 06:05 PM
. Happy Thanksgiving from Tinfoil Hat Tman.
I heard that Thanksgiving was actually a giant government conspiracy to ..
just kiddin. Just wanted to chime in and wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving as well!!

11-28-2013, 07:28 AM
I am especially thankful for all the great advice and banter I get from our friends here on Kahrtalk. Have a great day with your families everyone.

11-28-2013, 12:06 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the gang here at Kahrtalk! I hope everyone has a relaxing, warm, and tasty holiday! I am tending the turkey on the Green Egg as I type. Hopefully some hickory smoked goodness awaits! :)

11-28-2013, 01:26 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all, hope everyone filled their bellies with goodies.

11-28-2013, 02:04 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here.

11-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to All!

11-28-2013, 04:35 PM
I spent my day volunteering at a local soup kitchen. We served a full Thanksgiving meal to approximately 300 people, who might otherwise have spent the holiday alone.

Being in their presence helped me realize I have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

11-28-2013, 04:54 PM
I spent my day volunteering at a local soup kitchen. We served a full Thanksgiving meal to approximately 300 people, who might otherwise have spent the holiday alone.

Being in their presence helped me realize I have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Last year my wife and I served meals to all the light and power crews from all over the country in the aftermath of Sandy. It was the most gratifying time ever spent. These folks were a long ways from home and they enjoyed the appreciation we had for their skills and service.:hungry:

11-28-2013, 05:43 PM
Great day spent with my Daughter, Son his wife and 1yr. old Grandson. Mom at 94 yrs was not up to coming over,but we will visit this weekend. Thanks to all who provided services to others on Holidays.

11-29-2013, 09:22 AM
My daughter & her husband came to spend a couple of days with us. Because of my wife's broken ankle, they brought all the food & did all the cooking ... and did a wonderful job as well. AND TODAY my son-in-law is going shooting with me for the first time ever in his life.

So, we went out to the range for a little less than an hour. It was 32F, so we were never going to be out for a real long time. But he got a chance to fire at least two magazines through each of the following ... CM9 w/ CT, E9, MK9 and Bersa Thunder 380. After the first couple of mags he started doing quite well with everything pretty much staying within about 3-4" of center mass. He said he preferred the Bersa because of the short trigger pull ... and the CM9 because of the laser sight.

11-30-2013, 11:18 AM
We had our Thanksgiving dinner Friday (did the Texas-Texas Tech football game & tailgate Thursday).

Our three sons and their families plus a special guest - an Internet friend from Canada who recently moved to Austin (so no family & few friends yet).

They all seem to have enjoyed the huge meal & adult libations, especially since everybody contributed.

11-30-2013, 09:52 PM
Years past, my wife and I would bring a buddy or four to her parents house when I was in the Corps. None of us minded because they couldn't get home and well it was nice for everyone. This year my little sister had some heartburn with the $1800 tires she had put on the day before. I leave and take her to work (Paramedic), when I come back, my uncle that does the Mountain Man recreations had his treadle sewing machine out and back up, making my daughter a doll out of some scrap canvas. She was so proud of it, and she got to help make it. It was a great day.