View Full Version : Bawanna's PM45 Preflight Report

05-15-2010, 11:12 AM
Well at long last the much anticipated and desired PM45 arrived yesterday at my NEW FFL! He emailed that it was there and I made a 25 minute drive in aproximately 17 minutes even after being diverted around a car fire about 5 blocks from his shop.
On initial examination everything looks just fine, everything present, finish,sights, slide movement trigger, all good. I got a stainless with standard sights anticipating a set of XS's in the future.

SOOO, this morning in a nice leisurely fashion with a nice cup of coffee at hand and my attitude in a positive karma mode I decided to do the very wise jocko and company prep for your new Kahr deal. I read the manual yesterday at work and again at home and there's some good stuff in there that reinforces much of what we talk about here. It pays to read the book, some big words in there but deal with it.

Right off the bat I felt the grip surface was a bit rough, mostly on the front strap, cheese grater to my hawaiian good luck finger, the fleshy part closest to the hand. Reluctant to put a Wynn innertube on an expensive gun I decided I'd knock the sharpness off with a file and sandpaper. I didn't get too aggressive and it's difficult to tell for sure but I think we're gonna be fine. My finger is so sore from holding it already that I can't tell if it's still too rough or my finger is just sore???? I'm gonna do the tube deal for the initial range session tomorrow just in case. I don't want to mess with the grip much till I know we got a keeper and its gonna run for me.

I decided to do the whole upper end take down and see just what if anything was left in the striker channel, also clean everything up inside and out. My striker channel was spotless, not a speck of debree of any kind. All was lightly oiled and very pretty. I just about left it as is but cleaned and relubed anyhow. The extractor and chain of goodies behind it were all accounted for, fit well and came apart and went together very easy. No flying springs, (used the old bent coat hanger trick, dang I love this place). I utilized the very well done lube chart that works so well on all auto's and was proud to realize that it's precisely all the places I've always lubed so another feather in the cap.

The much talked about notch on the front of the slide is very minimal and as quality as everything else looks on this gun a bit of a dissapointment but I'm not gonna mess with it prior to break in, want to see if it's enough or will need a bit of opening.

The stripper that picks off the top round in the mag is I find not beveled very much, hardly at all but in loading a full mag with the slide locked back it does kick the top round forward enough to create the "gap". I suspect the stripper may have to be beveled just a bit but I'm gonna go for launch as is and see what develops. The stipper itself is smooth as a babies back side, much prettier than some I've seen. The gun takes down and goes together somewhat easier than my K40. So far so good. I'm gonna go see if I can find the neighbor kids bicycle so I can get an inner tube (kidding, derelicts in wheelchairs have lots of innertubes). I think we're ready for break in trial and eval hopefully tomorrow. Never know if I'll feel 108 or 12.
The freshly magnaported K40 will also experience it's maiden range session so I'll share my thoughts on that tomorrow as well.
Aren't you guys glad this arrived so you don't have to listen to me powerwhine about wanting one all this time?:2rolleyes:

05-15-2010, 12:02 PM
ur gonna be good to go bawanna, the PM45 willdo what it is supposed to do. You prepped it right, I would not mess with that cut out IMO. Just get out and shoot it like u stole it. Give it the break in rounds before panicking and wheeling off a cliff. You know what your doing and that helps alot as u well know to.

05-15-2010, 12:34 PM
The next lesson I learned in this adventure is that wheelchair tube ain't even close to big enough to go over a gun handle? 1". I just saw the neighbor kid ride off on his bike, he'll be back shortly and I'll remedy this situation. I found an old Hogue grip in my stash but it's a bit too large for the kahr, close but no cigar.
I also just discovered that Tiny won't ride in my ankle holster for the K40, that's dissapointing but I guess not suprising. Wider bullets, require a slightly wider slide so ain't gonna happen. I did find it fits pretty well in a Beretta 92 belt slide holster I have, that was suprising. Anyhow the saga continues.

05-15-2010, 12:38 PM
ur gonna be good to go bawanna, the PM45 willdo what it is supposed to do. You prepped it right, I would not mess with that cut out IMO. Just get out and shoot it like u stole it. Give it the break in rounds before panicking and wheeling off a cliff. You know what your doing and that helps alot as u well know to.

Well sniff sniff, thank you Mr. Jocko, sniff, I think that's about the nicest thing anyone ever said to me. sniff I'm thinking you lifted the curse on me? I don't know for sure that I know what I'm doing but I do my best to baffle with BS when in doubt. I and many others here have you to thank for alot of good stuff here.

If this dog don't hunt I'm coming over and flattening the tires on your Harley.
Damn, give a boy a 45 and he starts thinking he's tough or something. Sorry, I'll go back to my introverted shy and humble self.

05-15-2010, 02:03 PM
OMG !!!!!! :eek: TURBO BUCKET MOUTH GOT A PM45 !!!!!

I go away for a couple of weeks and the whole damn universe changes !
Well it's about time BAWANNA.

2 Things Bawanna: if you don't want the inner tube thing. Then go get a HOGUE HANDALL JR. stick it in boiling water for a minute or two. Then stretch that bad boy on there. I did that exact thing to mine. Filed & sanded a little of the cheese grater off/ then slapped on the Hogue. It fits the pm45 like it was made for it. PERFECT!

ALSO.: if you decide that you want to go with XS big dot. I have a set , less than 1 yr. old that KAHR installed on my PM45. I decided I did not like them. I had them removed and relpaced with Trijicon Novak set. Which I LOVE. I WILL SELL YOU MY XS SET FOR 1/2 PRICE IF YOU WANT THEM. I WILL PAY POSTAGE TOO.

Let me know if you are interested. We can work out the details.

I am happy for you that you finally got your PM. I just wonder what the heck you are going to Jack Your Jaws about now ????? :D

I'm interested for sure. I was gonna go standard dot but I wanted to try the big dot. PM me with the deal, you don't gotta pay postage and I'll count my marbles. I rummaged around and found another bigger innertube that worked perfect. Still looks like a nice gun with an innertube on the handle but it feels good. I mainly wanted it to try tomorrow, afterwards I'll see what I can do to make it right. I'd rather stay slim and avoid the bulk of the Hogues but that could be the answer.
As far as my jaw jackin you know something will come up to talk about, always seems to anyhow.
Things continueing to improve down in your neck of the woods. Saw Tim McGraw and his lovely wife on the news, quite a mess down there for sure. Hope all is well in your world.

05-15-2010, 02:21 PM
Bawanna - quit sniffin and go shoot the silly thing. Let us all know how wonderful it did and how happy you are with your new toy. We'll all be holding our breath to hear back on your report. Life is always better with a new Kahr.
Good luck

Michael W.
05-15-2010, 02:41 PM
Really looking forward to the Sunday Evening Report! Take lots of pics:)

The build up has made this nothing less than an epic event! Wooohoooooo!


05-15-2010, 02:47 PM
Ahhh, he'll be back to whining again... wishing he had gotten the DLC finish.:D
I'll bet he likes it better than the 'ported .40, though. He had better have a S.E. Grin, too!

05-15-2010, 03:04 PM
Really looking forward to the Sunday Evening Report! Take lots of pics:)

The build up has made this nothing less than an epic event! Wooohoooooo!


Dude, yours was the quint essential epic event we all waited for. I felt like I was along for the ride as you were in search of yours. Texting back and forth with much anticipation, stopping here to check, no love there, back on the road again. It was great fun. I doubt my report will hold a candle to yours but an effort will be made and thoughts shared. Will do what I can on the pictures, not sure about the range allowing it but I will know tomorrow.
I'm kind a feeling punk today but staying at it, I'll be up at the range tomorrow if I'm on life support. I got a good feelin.

I just put a buffing wheel on a bench grinder I found and tryed polishing the K40 in a copycat act of Copper&Black, I can't say we're even on the same planet yet but it is shinier than it was. I still haven't connected with the super fine sandpaper which is apparently a key ingredient in the formula. Course polishing compound and even the bench grinder ain't makin it yet. Time is on my side.........................

05-15-2010, 04:39 PM
Well at long last the much anticipated and desired PM45 arrived yesterday at my NEW FFL! He emailed that it was there and I made a 25 minute drive in aproximately 17 minutes even after being diverted around a car fire about 5 blocks from his shop.
On initial examination everything looks just fine, everything present, finish,sights, slide movement trigger, all good. I got a stainless with standard sights anticipating a set of XS's in the future.

SOOO, this morning in a nice leisurely fashion with a nice cup of coffee at hand and my attitude in a positive karma mode I decided to do the very wise jocko and company prep for your new Kahr deal. I read the manual yesterday at work and again at home and there's some good stuff in there that reinforces much of what we talk about here. It pays to read the book, some big words in there but deal with it.

Right off the bat I felt the grip surface was a bit rough, mostly on the front strap, cheese grater to my hawaiian good luck finger, the fleshy part closest to the hand. Reluctant to put a Wynn innertube on an expensive gun I decided I'd knock the sharpness off with a file and sandpaper. I didn't get too aggressive and it's difficult to tell for sure but I think we're gonna be fine. My finger is so sore from holding it already that I can't tell if it's still too rough or my finger is just sore???? I'm gonna do the tube deal for the initial range session tomorrow just in case. I don't want to mess with the grip much till I know we got a keeper and its gonna run for me.

I decided to do the whole upper end take down and see just what if anything was left in the striker channel, also clean everything up inside and out. My striker channel was spotless, not a speck of debree of any kind. All was lightly oiled and very pretty. I just about left it as is but cleaned and relubed anyhow. The extractor and chain of goodies behind it were all accounted for, fit well and came apart and went together very easy. No flying springs, (used the old bent coat hanger trick, dang I love this place). I utilized the very well done lube chart that works so well on all auto's and was proud to realize that it's precisely all the places I've always lubed so another feather in the cap.

The much talked about notch on the front of the slide is very minimal and as quality as everything else looks on this gun a bit of a dissapointment but I'm not gonna mess with it prior to break in, want to see if it's enough or will need a bit of opening.

The stripper that picks off the top round in the mag is I find not beveled very much, hardly at all but in loading a full mag with the slide locked back it does kick the top round forward enough to create the "gap". I suspect the stripper may have to be beveled just a bit but I'm gonna go for launch as is and see what develops. The stipper itself is smooth as a babies back side, much prettier than some I've seen. The gun takes down and goes together somewhat easier than my K40. So far so good. I'm gonna go see if I can find the neighbor kids bicycle so I can get an inner tube (kidding, derelicts in wheelchairs have lots of innertubes). I think we're ready for break in trial and eval hopefully tomorrow. Never know if I'll feel 108 or 12.
The freshly magnaported K40 will also experience it's maiden range session so I'll share my thoughts on that tomorrow as well.
Aren't you guys glad this arrived so you don't have to listen to me powerwhine about wanting one all this time?:2rolleyes:

Hey Bawanna,

Try the "What-A-Grip" tennis racket grip I mentioned in a previous post. It's much thinner than a tube, so it doesn't change the grip profile, but does knock off the sharp corners.

When I got my PM45 back from Kahr the notch was very small, and it was hard to see the beveling on the pickup rail, but it all worked. I think they gave me a new slide, which should be the same as yours.

05-15-2010, 04:48 PM
Hey Bawanna,

Try the "What-A-Grip" tennis racket grip I mentioned in a previous post. It's much thinner than a tube, so it doesn't change the grip profile, but does knock off the sharp corners.

When I got my PM45 back from Kahr the notch was very small, and it was hard to see the beveling on the pickup rail, but it all worked. I think they gave me a new slide, which should be the same as yours.

Thank you, thank you, I remembered that very post talking about that stuff and knew it was something a grip, thought it was get a grip. I recall its for like a tennis racket or some such thing. I got a tube on there for tomorrows test drive but I'll be getting me some What A Grip for trial and eval for future reference. I'm tempted to go light this thing off in the back yard, aching to see how she runs. Legal but don't want to rile the neighborhood. Not sure why not, I'm good at riling people.

05-15-2010, 07:37 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, my friend Bawanna, I am so happy for you. You gotta be happy just to hold it in your hand......the PM45 that is. I can't wait for you to shoot it. You're gonna be surprised and impressed with that little beast. I look forward to your report.

05-16-2010, 10:48 AM
Well, the big day is here... finally. I wonder if Bawanna' got any sleep last night. I guess he should be up by now and loading up all of his shooting gear, including bullets and a camera, I hope.:D
I'm going to have to get busy around here sweatin' pretty soon. I just took the back door off the garage so I can get the generator (15Kw) after I dismantle its shelter and put new wheels on it. I hope that's not a problem. I want to do all of this maintenance at once... lube, valve job, oil and filters change.
I have the John Deer lawn tractor and my van's oil to change, too. Maybe by the time I get through playing with all of that -- I hope -- Bawanna' will have a good report and maybe some pix.
I had better get going. It's about 87° and will get a little wrmer. i'll drag a big fan out to the garage.

05-16-2010, 11:15 AM
Well, the big day is here... finally. I wonder if Bawanna' got any sleep last night. I guess he should be up by now and loading up all of his shooting gear, including bullets and a camera, I hope.:D
I'm going to have to get busy around here sweatin' pretty soon. I just took the back door off the garage so I can get the generator (15Kw) after I dismantle its shelter and put new wheels on it. I hope that's not a problem. I want to do all of this maintenance at once... lube, valve job, oil and filters change.
I have the John Deer lawn tractor and my van's oil to change, too. Maybe by the time I get through playing with all of that -- I hope -- Bawanna' will have a good report and maybe some pix.
I had better get going. It's about 87° and will get a little wrmer. i'll drag a big fan out to the garage.

Precisely correct. Range opens in about an hour, I just finished loading up the bags and I should be there when the doors open. Waiting for my kids super camera to finish charging, I thought he did it last night but he apparently FORGOT! No matter, it's trigger time we seek and it's trigger time we shall have. I have food for the magnaport 40 test, lots of 45 for Tiny (800 rds including reloads which I hope work) and a test run for my Glock 21 grip reduction modifications and texture.
As a side not, I mentioned the discomfort on my fingers on Tiny's grip, but I've determined my finger is already sore from assembling fishin lures (my new 3rd job). So it may not be so bad were it not for the already sore fingers. No matter, I got the tube on there, alreadys knocked off some of the roughness and will get some of the "What a Grip". SOOOO, all systems are go, if the "F" word van starts (it usually does) I'll see ya in a few hours.

OK bye.:D:D:D:cool:

05-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Is Bawanna back from the range yet?.................................What about now?????

05-16-2010, 11:30 AM
What about now? ............

05-16-2010, 11:36 AM
What about now? ............

Patience, patience. I was just fondling Tiny prior to heading out and noticed that my thumb almost automatically hits on the slide stop lever which of course is a root cause of may problems we hear about here. I'm throwin in a good knife and some bandaids. It if gets in the way I'll just cut if off.
Fingers crossed, I'm out of here.
I'm feeling just a bit of pressure here, hope I don't let you fella's down.

05-16-2010, 11:48 AM
What, no pictures yet?

05-16-2010, 12:03 PM
He should be out playing with it now. We want to know how'd it go? HURRY UP already, don't keep this impatient bunch in suspense.

05-16-2010, 12:45 PM
He should have taken a laptop so he could post from the range. Why didn't he think and throw one in the range bag?????? Shouldn't be long now - hopefully.

05-16-2010, 12:50 PM
Well, about now he ought to at least be there. I hope he's all smiles and grinning a lot... so much it hurts his mouth or face.:D

I got my generator out and am draining gas through a Mr. Filter... the BIG one, unfortunately the flow from the tank is slow. But I should be able to get all of the water and crud out of the gas tank, clean it a bit, and fill it up a bit. The oil's draining, too, and I still have to check the valves, adjust, and then put all new seals, gaskets, filters and fluids in. I hope this puppy works when I get through. I like being able to run my central air when the power's out, but not for long as gas approaches $3 a gallon and it uses about 2 gallons an hour under load!
Back to work. Later guys and gals.

05-16-2010, 01:38 PM
Wynn for 15k, you should be able to run your neighbors a/c too. I have a pair of 140 ton chillers here at work I could run one of when the lights are out on 15K. Bawanna should be back by now, maybe something came loose or he's having to wheel himself home due to a sale of that van for more ammo.

05-16-2010, 02:03 PM
My largest outlet is only 50 amp @240v, so I can only run 12Kw to my circuit box. My 3 1/2 ton heat pump needs most of that. Newer generators have 62.5 amp outlets and a few kw more output. I have UPSs on everything but the refrigerators and freezers in the house... lots of UPSs... big ones for the TV and stereo and computer. Gen. power is not very well-regulated.:)
Trying to adjust valves... need new plugs... one side cruddy. Wally World time!
This will keep me busy until Bawanna gets his report out.

05-16-2010, 04:11 PM
I used to have to do ours when I was in the Corps. Our electricians were LAZY.

05-16-2010, 05:04 PM
I'm not sure where to even begin here but words like awesome, outstanding, magnificent all come to mind. I'm on information overload and I'm sure I'll never remember everything in one post so for you who figured I'd not have anything to talk about now that Tiny is home, you were wrong, we have even more. Just the facts................
I arrived with much trepidation. This little thing is gonna tear my hand off. Wrong. I figured next jamb o matic, wrong. Figured guide rod will come apart and be lost, wrong.
Between myself and my son we put just under 350 rounds, nearly flawless thru Tiny. I at first thought we'll just go easy but we had so much fun that we just kept going. 200 rounds Blazer 230 gr aluminum, 125 or so of my reloads which functioned perfectly and 30 or so Gold Dots. As amazing as the accuracy was with the Blazer and the reloads everything tightend up when I switched to Gold Dots! AND this was end of the session, the last 30 rounds or so of the day. No cleaning, no wipe down! I thought the Gold Dots would be the hand breakers but not so. No more recoil than the Blazer.
The SEG couldn't be bigger.
I did (I know your thinking here comes the bad part, wrong) I did have a couple slide locks, "MY THUMB". My son had none. I did have a few mag drops on the last round???? Not for sure there, my son had none. I had no fail to feed or extract. I chambered from slide lock, I sling shoted. I started very careful not wanting to experience anything bad, I ended with caution out the window, let er buck, shoot it like I rented it.
I got lots of pictures, my son is trying to download them, some sequence shots recoil, etc.
BIG NEWS for Wynn. I shot 6 different Wilson 47D mags in Tiny, they functioned flawlessly and with only 1 count em 1 time, they locked open on empty every time. I was hopping around with joy, received many strange looks. No crowd, it was all good.
Amazing groups, still gotta get used to the trigger a bit but if I don't improve one tiny little bit I'm good to go right now. I even picked up a ankle holster at the range just so I got something to carry it with for now.
Apparently all the curses and tribulations that have led to this didn't work, it's a keeper without question. I checked the guiderod about every 10 shots to make sure it wasn't getting loose. All good.
The magna port K40 is still a little fire breather but better, my son noticed it more than me. It still bucks without doubt and Tiny is more pleasant to shoot by far, more push than buck which didn't surprise me.
No wounds, hands still fine. I couldn't be happier!!!!! I'm sure this is just a hodge podge but I know many of you are waiting on word. I'll follow up with some pics and more info soon.
Even my glock grip mods were a complete success, feels awesome, weird trigger, reverse kahr phsycology.
I'm changing my name from Bawanna to Happy, oh, we already have a Happy around here.

ok bye

05-16-2010, 05:10 PM
I'm not sure where to even begin here but words like awesome, outstanding, magnificent all come to mind. I'm on information overload and I'm sure I'll never remember everything in one post so for you who figured I'd not have anything to talk about now that Tiny is home, you were wrong, we have even more. Just the facts................
I arrived with much trepidation. This little thing is gonna tear my hand off. Wrong. I figured next jamb o matic, wrong. Figured guide rod will come apart and be lost, wrong.
Between myself and my son we put just under 350 rounds, nearly flawless thru Tiny. I at first thought we'll just go easy but we had so much fun that we just kept going. 200 rounds Blazer 230 gr aluminum, 125 or so of my reloads which functioned perfectly and 30 or so Gold Dots. As amazing as the accuracy was with the Blazer and the reloads everything tightend up when I switched to Gold Dots! AND this was end of the session, the last 30 rounds or so of the day. No cleaning, no wipe down! I thought the Gold Dots would be the hand breakers but not so. No more recoil than the Blazer.
The SEG couldn't be bigger.
I did (I know your thinking here comes the bad part, wrong) I did have a couple slide locks, "MY THUMB". My son had none. I did have a few mag drops on the last round???? Not for sure there, my son had none. I had no fail to feed or extract. I chambered from slide lock, I sling shoted. I started very careful not wanting to experience anything bad, I ended with caution out the window, let er buck, shoot it like I rented it.
I got lots of pictures, my son is trying to download them, some sequence shots recoil, etc.
BIG NEWS for Wynn. I shot 6 different Wilson 47D mags in Tiny, they functioned flawlessly and with only 1 count em 1 time, they locked open on empty every time. I was hopping around with joy, received many strange looks. No crowd, it was all good.
Amazing groups, still gotta get used to the trigger a bit but if I don't improve one tiny little bit I'm good to go right now. I even picked up a ankle holster at the range just so I got something to carry it with for now.
Apparently all the curses and tribulations that have led to this didn't work, it's a keeper without question. I checked the guiderod about every 10 shots to make sure it wasn't getting loose. All good.
The magna port K40 is still a little fire breather but better, my son noticed it more than me. It still bucks without doubt and Tiny is more pleasant to shoot by far, more push than buck which didn't surprise me.
No wounds, hands still fine. I couldn't be happier!!!!! I'm sure this is just a hodge podge but I know many of you are waiting on word. I'll follow up with some pics and more info soon.
Even my glock grip mods were a complete success, feels awesome, weird trigger, reverse kahr phsycology.
I'm changing my name from Bawanna to Happy, oh, we already have a Happy around here.

ok bye

That's great! I knew you'd love that PM45. Recoil very managable, VERY ACCURATE, and just a pleasant experience in your hand. Can't wait to see pics.....Wonderful Report. I'm Happy for you.

05-16-2010, 05:20 PM
I'm elated for you my friend.. honest..

Michael W.
05-16-2010, 05:24 PM
Hot dang, I'm so glad for you! I certainly can identify with that euphoria
after the first range session with mine. Starts with "wow, I'm not having any of
those problems I read about.." slowly turning into...."holy frap what a NICE little

Also, very glad to hear about the 47D's. I've been scouring the web
to see if anyone was able to use the Wilson 8 rd mags on the PM45.
In fact, I've been holding off buying a higher cap reload for that very reason.
I think that's going to be the way to go for a spare.

Looking forward to the pics...


05-16-2010, 05:29 PM
congratulations,bawanna.Im glad everything worked like it was supposed to.:)

05-16-2010, 05:41 PM
Congrats on Tiny Bawanna, sure sounds like a keeper:)
Looking forward to seeing the photos.

05-16-2010, 05:42 PM
Pictures, pictures, pictures :cheer2: Congrats on the new toy!!!

05-16-2010, 06:21 PM
Promised pictures. My photographer was wicked fast on this batch. The target is the first 10 rounds out of the gun. # 1 was smack in the bull, the little stray down low was when the janitor hit me in the back with a broom?
I knew that went astray as soon as it went off, pure anticipation, a total screwup for a seasoned untrained certifiable professional like myself. No excuses.
Must be good, the photographer now wants one to call his own, one of the Wynn black DLC models, he's got more marbles than me.

05-16-2010, 06:25 PM
Very impressive results. A lot of rounds fired and a lot could have gone wrong and didn't. I have had excellent results in my PM45 with the aluminum Blazer rounds and let us know how other ammo runs through it. I also think that Kahr has worked out the few bugs that these tight small 45s have had in the early production runs - like the bevelled strippers, etc. It actually would be valuable info to have - what has Kahr done to slightly modify/upgrade guns that have bugs when they first come on the market. Would give us all more practical info on which ones may not be the best to buy used or at least int he very early production days. Anyway congrats on your new Tiny!!

05-16-2010, 06:51 PM
Promised pictures. My photographer was wicked fast on this batch. The target is the first 10 rounds out of the gun. # 1 was smack in the bull, the little stray down low was when the janitor hit me in the back with a broom?
I knew that went astray as soon as it went off, pure anticipation, a total screwup for a seasoned untrained certifiable professional like myself. No excuses.
Must be good, the photographer now wants one to call his own, one of the Wynn black DLC models, he's got more marbles than me.

Damn fine shootin. It's great when a new gun works the way it's supposed to. By the way, does yours go BOOM?:75:

05-16-2010, 07:02 PM
Damn fine shootin. It's great when a new gun works the way it's supposed to. By the way, does yours go BOOM?:75:

Oh yeah good boom. I was surprised at the pictures, I remember seeing Wynns and thought wow that thing kicks like a mule, I didn't think it was that bad at all but my pics look like it's tearing my arm off too. Guess it's so fast you don't realize how much flip is happening.
I'm so glad it likes Speer Gold Dots, and it seems to like my reloaded Rainier TMJ's so life is good.

05-16-2010, 07:20 PM
Did ya remember. :confused:


05-16-2010, 07:36 PM
Did ya remember. :confused:


I'm not sure I"m remembering the right thing snuffy but my serial # is SV14xx which according to that list that I thank you for sending is Aprox July 2009. Not sure where that puts mine in the overall scheme of things but it's all good. I started to say so far but I'm not even going there. It's great. PERIOD.
If I fell out of a boat and lost this thing, I'd order another one just like it tomorrow. It's a keeper.

05-16-2010, 07:52 PM
Guys, I promise to stop bragging and showing off in a year or so. I truely am not a natural good shot so when you see minute of pie plate or better from me you know the gun is doing well.
The little group circled is 10 rounds of Gold Dot, I was aiming at the line between the 7 and 8. After the circle I ran it back out to between 7 and 10 yards, closer to 7 and put 7 more in the circle but 3 got away. The photographer refused to photograph such sloppiness. :eek:

Even got a piece of brass on the fly, photogs doing good.

05-16-2010, 07:58 PM
Bawanna', good shooting! Mine is newer, I guess... the serial number is SV35xx. Mine had the little notch and no bevel originally. My photos make it look like the gun kicks more because I don't hold it down as much as I should. I let it rise.
I held the P380 down on purpose and that was easy. Boomer will take a bit more effort.
My back's killing me and I'm gonna jump in the shower. I did fire up the generator and it ran! Surprised me... but it kicked the crap out of me with scrapes, scratches, probably bruises. It was a b!tch to manhandle in a limited area... around 480 pounds.
Later guys.
I'm so relieved and happy for you, Bawanna'. Now I guess we can start working on Jocko.

Michael W.
05-16-2010, 09:24 PM
I'm not sure I"m remembering the right thing snuffy but my serial # is SV14xx which according to that list that I thank you for sending is Aprox July 2009. Not sure where that puts mine in the overall scheme of things but it's all good. I started to say so far but I'm not even going there. It's great. PERIOD.
If I fell out of a boat and lost this thing, I'd order another one just like it tomorrow. It's a keeper.

Mine is SV24XX....so where does that put it? There's no fired casing with
any of my Kahrs, do they only do that for Mass. guns?

But really, since both yours and mine rock who cares:)


Michael W.
05-16-2010, 09:27 PM
Promised pictures. My photographer was wicked fast on this batch. The target is the first 10 rounds out of the gun. # 1 was smack in the bull, the little stray down low was when the janitor hit me in the back with a broom?
I knew that went astray as soon as it went off, pure anticipation, a total screwup for a seasoned untrained certifiable professional like myself. No excuses.
Must be good, the photographer now wants one to call his own, one of the Wynn black DLC models, he's got more marbles than me.

That one shot catching the ignition in the ejection port
is way cool! Hey did you get dinged in the forehead with any brass?

I got a few of those when I "limped" it. Same thing happens on my G26
towards the end of the shooting session when I'm getting tired.


05-16-2010, 09:55 PM
Good pistol and good shootin Bawanna. Now that we have the report, we can breathe again. Everything so far indicates it's gonna be a keeper.

Did you save any of that brass on the floor? We reloaders don't leave anything behind.

05-16-2010, 11:04 PM
Good shootin' Bawanna. :cheer2:
Welcome to "The Club".

05-16-2010, 11:22 PM
I did catch a round or two in the face but not consistantly and not often. Perhaps limp wristing contributes, no biggie. I caught a bunch watching my kid shoot it. I also noticed that my stripper is not beveled but it gave no issues except the Gold Dot for some unexplained reason, then all I had to do was push the shell forward or pull the slide back, none of the others gave any issue at all. My Glock 21 incidently pummeled me in the face a bunch??? Jealousy perhaps but when cleaning it I noticed a radical bevel on it's stripper, take a peek at a glock and you'll see.
jfrey, I picked up every thing that resembled brass, my own and anyone elses I could get in my bag. No waste, no worries.
Next to the gun itself, the biggest victory of the day is those Wilson mags (my favorite) functioning and even locking open consistently. I was thrilled when I heard 1911 mags worked and really didn't care if it locked open or not. So Tiny can be the ultimate and perfect backup for my much loved and hopefully not too jealous Para. Or, my Cbob when/if that ever happens and frankly I'm so satisfied right now that the Dan Wesson is pretty far off on the radar screen.

05-17-2010, 04:28 AM
I did catch a round or two in the face but not consistantly and not often. Perhaps limp wristing contributes, no biggie. I caught a bunch watching my kid shoot it. I also noticed that my stripper is not beveled but it gave no issues except the Gold Dot for some unexplained reason, then all I had to do was push the shell forward or pull the slide back, none of the others gave any issue at all. My Glock 21 incidently pummeled me in the face a bunch??? Jealousy perhaps but when cleaning it I noticed a radical bevel on it's stripper, take a peek at a glock and you'll see.
jfrey, I picked up every thing that resembled brass, my own and anyone elses I could get in my bag. No waste, no worries.
Next to the gun itself, the biggest victory of the day is those Wilson mags (my favorite) functioning and even locking open consistently. I was thrilled when I heard 1911 mags worked and really didn't care if it locked open or not. So Tiny can be the ultimate and perfect backup for my much loved and hopefully not too jealous Para. Or, my Cbob when/if that ever happens and frankly I'm so satisfied right now that the Dan Wesson is pretty far off on the radar screen.
Awsome Bawanna I'm happy that you have a keeper.
Love the pics also, there could never be too many pictures.

05-17-2010, 04:30 AM
super accuracy Bawanna, really is. These kahrs will shoot once one learns the basics of kahrs. Not sure anything will ever tame a 40 cal down but trust me magna porting sure helps it alot.

If I had the PM45 I would port it for sure, why not, must more pleasant to shoot and as u stated certainly looks good to.

05-19-2010, 08:03 AM
I'm happy for you Bawanna, :) Tiny and you will become closer and closer as you two bond.:33:Looked like some good shooting to me. Nice report.

05-19-2010, 12:27 PM
I'm happy for you Bawanna, :) Tiny and you will become closer and closer as you two bond.:33:Looked like some good shooting to me. Nice report.


05-19-2010, 12:53 PM

I think you've discovered one of the true facts of life. Probably why I so prefer guns over women. I love women without a doubt but much prefer guns. Much less agravation and heartache.
About the only thing in life really that doesn't piss me off at one point or another. Even a good Harley ticks ya off when it decides it don't want to start, same with street rods, you name it. Guns always good except the waiting for a new one periods and sadly those periods seem to be becoming further and further apart. And if they fail, you can just set it aside or tinker with it at your leisure until all is well again.
Tiny may not talk but she barks really loud, but it's sort of musical in it's own way.

05-20-2010, 06:58 PM
:) Hey Bawanna,

I have gone back and read this entire thread. Since I cannot get online as much as I am use to. Due to the WORK thing and the FLOOD thing here in Nashville.
But, I am really happy to read your range report on the new PM45. CONGRATS to you !!! I am really glad that yours is functioning good.

I got really frustrated when mine had it's problems. But, now, with the help of the mothership. My PM45 is flawless too ! I just love that little gun. I never leave home without it. :D

Once again, congrats. I know you have wanted to own one for a long, long time................


I think Mr. Jocko is a pretty devout PM9 and if he got one it would just be a wall hanger which is perfectly fine for me. The PM45 has made a couple of my others more wall hanger status and thats ok too.
I'm about to go out and attempt to pound them XS Big dots on Tiny. Last time I pounded on Kahr sites they were down right tight. I brought home a couple site pushers hoping one will at least break em loose. I think once I get the old off, the new will go on easy. Some loot headed your way tomorrow for sure.
I'll report back on my progress if I don't smack my finger with the hammer.

Michael W.
05-20-2010, 08:33 PM
I think Mr. Jocko is a pretty devout PM9 and if he got one it would just be a wall hanger which is perfectly fine for me. The PM45 has made a couple of my others more wall hanger status and thats ok too.
I'm about to go out and attempt to pound them XS Big dots on Tiny. Last time I pounded on Kahr sites they were down right tight. I brought home a couple site pushers hoping one will at least break em loose. I think once I get the old off, the new will go on easy. Some loot headed your way tomorrow for sure.
I'll report back on my progress if I don't smack my finger with the hammer.

Hey I'm definitely interested in how you make out with the sights.
I've ALWAYS done my own night sights on my Glocks with a drift punch.
But all this talk of Kahr welding their sights on has got me a-skeered to try
it. To quote a famous and wise native american...."Looks dangerous kemosabee, you go first....":)


05-20-2010, 09:17 PM
Hey I'm definitely interested in how you make out with the sights.
I've ALWAYS done my own night sights on my Glocks with a drift punch.
But all this talk of Kahr welding their sights on has got me a-skeered to try
it. To quote a famous and wise native american...."Looks dangerous kemosabee, you go first....":)


I'm happy to announce the operation was a complete success. About 10 minutes to install, 2.8 hours to take pictures. Tiny is resting comfortably in the recovery room in the dark with his own built in night light.

The last Kahr sights I messed with were incredibly tight. I did the front first and it went slick, so I figured I would be totally cursed on the back. No sweat. Brass punch, couple of whacks and it moved, I knew I was home free. I did do the prerequiste little dings in the sight base, and one very small ding in the slide, hardly worth noting. No harm, battle scars are good. I like em a bunch. Now I gotta go shoot it again to make sure we're looking in the same place but I think we're good.
I thought a good shot of mangled fingers that went thru the table saw first week of january would be a nice bonus. As you can see the finger nails are almost all the way back, fingers a little crooked but the thought of straightening them makes me hurt thinking about it.

05-20-2010, 09:54 PM
Glad to hear the operation was a success. I've been thinking of a sight swap myself and hearing that the old sights came out without major surgery just might get me motivated. ;)

05-21-2010, 06:02 AM
I'm happy to announce the operation was a complete success. About 10 minutes to install, 2.8 hours to take pictures. Tiny is resting comfortably in the recovery room in the dark with his own built in night light.

The last Kahr sights I messed with were incredibly tight. I did the front first and it went slick, so I figured I would be totally cursed on the back. No sweat. Brass punch, couple of whacks and it moved, I knew I was home free. I did do the prerequiste little dings in the sight base, and one very small ding in the slide, hardly worth noting. No harm, battle scars are good. I like em a bunch. Now I gotta go shoot it again to make sure we're looking in the same place but I think we're good.
I thought a good shot of mangled fingers that went thru the table saw first week of january would be a nice bonus. As you can see the finger nails are almost all the way back, fingers a little crooked but the thought of straightening them makes me hurt thinking about it.

Glad Tiny's operation was a success. LOVE your ring, very cool. Just a question....is it the angle of the camera in the last picture that makes it look off kilter? Sights don't look like they're lining up.:confused:

05-21-2010, 09:07 AM
Glad Tiny's operation was a success. LOVE your ring, very cool. Just a question....is it the angle of the camera in the last picture that makes it look off kilter? Sights don't look like they're lining up.:confused:

Yup it's camera angle, try taking that picture sometime. It's real tough to get the sights and the camera and everything on the same plane. Some here have done a beautiful job of it in the past. My son took these pics, too many buttons on his camera for me to figure it out.
My wife had that ring made for me about 35 years ago, quite a few years before we got hitched. Had it redone several times, been broke, squished, construction was tough on rings, watches and carpenters. I do truely charish it and I'm glad it got in the picture to share.
For the record, the morning after I love these XS sights even more. I looked at em before I even got up to see if I'd have to chew my arm off to escape coyote ugly but didn't happen, I like em, some don't but I surely do.
Thanks ryoung for hooking me up with these, your are indeed da man!

05-21-2010, 04:05 PM
:) Bawanna,
Dang ! Those things look good on your gun !!!! I don't remember them looking that good on mine. I guess I am just too accustomed to 3 dot sights to change my ways now.

Glad you got em' on with no problem. Nice pic's. :D

Yup, no problems, all is good. I sent a package of marbles your way in todays outgoing mail. Cateyes, purees, lots of good ones, no steelies, to heavy.
Now to build up my nerve to do a little jocko melt down on that slide lock lever. For some reason I'm almost afraid to mess with it. She's looking pretty fine right about now.

06-20-2010, 09:20 PM
Good and bad Fathers day range session today. Second trip out for Tiny. As my usual practice I shot Tiny first with the rounds I've been carrying in her to make sure everything is right with the world. It lit off all 6 Gold dots in fine fashion and not a bad group either.
After that for as yet unexplained reasons it all went wrong. Numerous failures to go into battery, sometimes what I call a catastrophic failure, the round started in, didn't go all the way, couldn't force it into battery but also the slide didn't want to retract, stuck up tight. Your basic throw the gun at the bad guy and run for your life scenario, not good. Haven't dissasembled it yet to look things over. I did discover and convince myself in my own mine that limp wristing really effects the rounds to the forhead. I shot a couple times in an awkward position, derelicts do that now and then and anything remotely close to limp wristing caused a hot case to the forehead. One actually got stuck in my shooting glasses. I thought wow that one hurts and it's still burning, then I realized it was still there and didn't fall away. No lasting damage and I didn't even cry. Anytime I shot what I call solid, there was no smack to the forhead..................
I played with other stuff so I didn't get too frustrated and towards the end of the session tried it again. Went thru 2 mags of my reloads and a mag full of Gold Dots with no hiccups????? It didn't run on Gold Dot's, Handloads or even some round ball I had for awhile.
On the good side, the XS Big Dot's work like a champ, easy to see and right on the money. I shot my Smith 41 and it was a tack driver as usual. Took out my winchester 52 and it was perfect too.
My Para's which didn't do so good accuracy wise last trip were all right on the money this time so all is semi good.
Tiny is on the injured reserve list in a state of confusion until I can figure out what's what with that.
My slide lock lever reduction worked super also. Not a single slide lock with bullets left, wasn't even an issue. So 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
We're up to about 350 rounds thru Tiny, I'll post an update when I get inside and see whats what. I'm really not dissapointed at this point more like totally confused. First trip nearly flawless and this trip a mulitude of issues.


Michael W.
06-20-2010, 09:35 PM
Good and bad Fathers day range session today. Second trip out for Tiny. As my usual practice I shot Tiny first with the rounds I've been carrying in her to make sure everything is right with the world. It lit off all 6 Gold dots in fine fashion and not a bad group either.
After that for as yet unexplained reasons it all went wrong. Numerous failures to go into battery, sometimes what I call a catastrophic failure, the round started in, didn't go all the way, couldn't force it into battery but also the slide didn't want to retract, stuck up tight. Your basic throw the gun at the bad guy and run for your life scenario, not good. Haven't dissasembled it yet to look things over. I did discover and convince myself in my own mine that limp wristing really effects the rounds to the forhead. I shot a couple times in an awkward position, derelicts do that now and then and anything remotely close to limp wristing caused a hot case to the forehead. One actually got stuck in my shooting glasses. I thought wow that one hurts and it's still burning, then I realized it was still there and didn't fall away. No lasting damage and I didn't even cry. Anytime I shot what I call solid, there was no smack to the forhead..................
I played with other stuff so I didn't get too frustrated and towards the end of the session tried it again. Went thru 2 mags of my reloads and a mag full of Gold Dots with no hiccups????? It didn't run on Gold Dot's, Handloads or even some round ball I had for awhile.
On the good side, the XS Big Dot's work like a champ, easy to see and right on the money. I shot my Smith 41 and it was a tack driver as usual. Took out my winchester 52 and it was perfect too.
My Para's which didn't do so good accuracy wise last trip were all right on the money this time so all is semi good.
Tiny is on the injured reserve list in a state of confusion until I can figure out what's what with that.
My slide lock lever reduction worked super also. Not a single slide lock with bullets left, wasn't even an issue. So 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
We're up to about 350 rounds thru Tiny, I'll post an update when I get inside and see whats what. I'm really not dissapointed at this point more like totally confused. First trip nearly flawless and this trip a mulitude of issues.



Sorry to hear about Tiny. But true to form I think you and I are on
the same "track". If you recall my second trip out with my PM45 it got locked
up the same way and I wound up calling for the range hand for help. He gave
it a good shove and it opened up ejecting the unfired round. In my case
it was the recoil srping guide retention flange taking flight somewhere
during that shooting string allowing the recoil guide assembly to get
mis-aligned (or cattywampus) which locked up the works. I'd be
looking closely at the recoil spring assembly as a possible culprit for causing
the lockup.

Looking forward to the "research" findings......(sorry couldn't resist:p)


06-20-2010, 10:28 PM

Sorry to hear about Tiny. But true to form I think you and I are on
the same "track". If you recall my second trip out with my PM45 it got locked
up the same way and I wound up calling for the range hand for help. He gave
it a good shove and it opened up ejecting the unfired round. In my case
it was the recoil srping guide retention flange taking flight somewhere
during that shooting string allowing the recoil guide assembly to get
mis-aligned (or cattywampus) which locked up the works. I'd be
looking closely at the recoil spring assembly as a possible culprit for causing
the lockup.

Looking forward to the "research" findings......(sorry couldn't resist:p)


At this point I'm just considering it another personal challeng. I actually remembered your 2nd range trip post and when I saw Tiny out of battery, a string of colorful language exited my lips with your name at the end. First thing I did was look to see if the end of the quide rod was still in close proximity to the front of the gun and alas all was where it belonged and still tight. I was able to briskly jerk the slide back and get it open but I thought I was in deep trouble for a bit.
Like I say I haven't even took it apart yet but you can rest assure I'll make it run if I have to spend years researching. I don't have much give up in me. I've been called a loser many times but never a quitter.
As a side note, I took 3 poor novist shooters, a lady, daughter and son who were in the next lane with dad, grandpa and unknown others and turned them into pretty fair and much more confident shooters.
Their grips were all wrong, the boy was a bit outgunned shooting a 45 1911, he did ok but he wasn't enjoying it. Let them shoot my Smith 41 "alot" and then had the boy go back to the 45 with a good solid grip and all he could do was smile. Group went from about target size to maybe 6" at 5 yards. Mom and daughter very similar but stayed with the 22. Grandpa even came over to watch and asked how to adjust his grip better. My son was actually a bit embarrased, said I shouldn't just jump in and try to help, I told him they are much happier, more confident, and will be more anxious to come to the range again. The fact that I donated 150 or so 22's didn't hurt in the slightest. That made my day right there, even earned me a hug from mom and daughter and a high five from the boy. Don't get better than that.

06-21-2010, 03:43 AM
At this point I'm just considering it another personal challeng. I actually remembered your 2nd range trip post and when I saw Tiny out of battery, a string of colorful language exited my lips with your name at the end. First thing I did was look to see if the end of the quide rod was still in close proximity to the front of the gun and alas all was where it belonged and still tight. I was able to briskly jerk the slide back and get it open but I thought I was in deep trouble for a bit.
Like I say I haven't even took it apart yet but you can rest assure I'll make it run if I have to spend years researching. I don't have much give up in me. I've been called a loser many times but never a quitter.
As a side note, I took 3 poor novist shooters, a lady, daughter and son who were in the next lane with dad, grandpa and unknown others and turned them into pretty fair and much more confident shooters.
Their grips were all wrong, the boy was a bit outgunned shooting a 45 1911, he did ok but he wasn't enjoying it. Let them shoot my Smith 41 "alot" and then had the boy go back to the 45 with a good solid grip and all he could do was smile. Group went from about target size to maybe 6" at 5 yards. Mom and daughter very similar but stayed with the 22. Grandpa even came over to watch and asked how to adjust his grip better. My son was actually a bit embarrased, said I shouldn't just jump in and try to help, I told him they are much happier, more confident, and will be more anxious to come to the range again. The fact that I donated 150 or so 22's didn't hurt in the slightest. That made my day right there, even earned me a hug from mom and daughter and a high five from the boy. Don't get better than that.

I'm sorry about Tiny. I'm well over 400 rounds now with my PM45 with nary a problem. I've shot mostly Federal ball and GD's and GS's. The only time I get hit by a casing is when they bounce off the wall next to me. When I sent my pistol back to Kahr for the "notch" and "gap" work they installed a new recoil assy, even though it only had a hundred rounds or so at that point. Maybe they have a new and improved one.

I think you did right helping the other family. I would have done the same.

06-21-2010, 06:43 AM
Hey Bawanna, sorry to hear about Tiny, but I'm sure it's just a hiccup. Sounds like you had a mighty fine Fathers Day none the less. Glad you didn't let the hiccup get you down.

06-21-2010, 12:48 PM
I meant to mention but neglected to add that the 2 Chip McCormack 10rd 1911 mags that I got from MrSig worked quite well with no glitches at all in my Para. Fella seen them sticking out and asked if I was like a competition shooter, told him I was just lazy and didn't like to reload so often. Some truth to that too. They worked sweet and when Tiny gets back for another visit I intend to try them in her. That ought to raise a few eyebrows?
Thanks Mrsig.

06-21-2010, 01:44 PM
I told him they are much happier, more confident, and will be more anxious to come to the range again. The fact that I donated 150 or so 22's didn't hurt in the slightest. That made my day right there, even earned me a hug from mom and daughter and a high five from the boy. Don't get better than that.You're a good man Bawanna.

06-21-2010, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the kind word OldLincoln, sure the opposite of what people usually say about me and it feels good hearing it.

Here's the rest of the story on Tiny after some quality bench time.
I don't see anything wrong! I do notice that a little corner of the tupperware frame is cracked right at the back of those molded in rails, kind of back of the dust cover? I could bust if off but I just trimmed a couple burrs off. I don't see it causing a issue, doubt it would slow things down much but if it don't run next time out I'll take a second look at that.
It was very dirty for the low number of rounds but it was the same recipe of reloads that ran flawlessly last trip. I did towards the end shoot some ball ammo reloads that maybe have been either 2400 or Unique so that could explain the dirty but not the early malfunctions. Next trip I'll get another box of the blazers that worked so good, didn't have any this trip. I thought maybe the loads just didn't have quite enough horsepower but again they worked before.
I cleaned her up, and lubed it a bit more than last time. I used my new tube of TW25 grease and even found some TW25 oil I didn't even know I had.
I just hoping that we need a little more run time to get mated up.
I'm still carrying it so it doesn't think I've lost faith, but not by itself as I've done a few times. The big Para is back on full time duty as it should be anyhow. Fingers crossed, confidence is high! Well medium high.

06-22-2010, 04:49 AM
Well, maybe it was just a temporary thing... your gun being "female" and all... maybe that time of the month.
I was wondering about those new magazines and how they would work in the PM45. Do you have any of the 6-round compact or officer's model mags to try in Tiny? I hate that most pictures of magazines online have cartridges in the way and I can't see if the follower is metal or plastic. I like the minimal metal followers that will work with the slide lock. Too many of those things have welded bases, but the follower and spring can be removed through the top.
I still think about a flush-fitting 6-round mag for the PM45, though that extra bit of grip on the Kahr mag is nice, giving me a good grip.

06-22-2010, 09:43 AM
Well, maybe it was just a temporary thing... your gun being "female" and all... maybe that time of the month.
I was wondering about those new magazines and how they would work in the PM45. Do you have any of the 6-round compact or officer's model mags to try in Tiny? I hate that most pictures of magazines online have cartridges in the way and I can't see if the follower is metal or plastic. I like the minimal metal followers that will work with the slide lock. Too many of those things have welded bases, but the follower and spring can be removed through the top.
I still think about a flush-fitting 6-round mag for the PM45, though that extra bit of grip on the Kahr mag is nice, giving me a good grip.

I have several Wilson officers model mags and the originals for my officers size Para. The followers are exactly the same so they should work well in the PM45. The followers in the Chip McCormacks are totally different. Metal, they do have nice removeable base pads. I'm not sure if they will lock the PM open or not. Could have potential for the first High Cap PM45. You can throw pocket carry right out the window though, they are pretty long, course I guess they could be mistaken for a banana.