View Full Version : The Best Concealed Carry States

12-01-2013, 06:01 AM
Guns & Ammo magazine ranks your state's conceal carry laws. This article is a bit different than a similar piece ranking 50 states overall gun friendliness.

How does your state stack up?


12-01-2013, 07:00 AM
Glad to see Pa at #7:)

12-01-2013, 07:11 AM
Yeah me too except virtually none of the surrounding states recognize our LTCF.

And our Atty General is removing reciprocity with other states all the time.

12-01-2013, 08:50 AM
NY is in a wonderful 46th place....better than I thought. Figured they would be last. I am surprised we can even own a gun here. Wonder what will happen when they come to take them. Guess now I'll stay a while to find out...haha.

Longitude Zero
12-01-2013, 09:14 AM
Penalizing a duty to inform state is pretty petty along with not issuing permits to non-residents also. I would have said OK would have been in the top 10 or 15. Also penalizing for fees charged is another dubious negative. If other credible criteria is used then the states would change positions. Now the staunch anti-gun states would always be near to bottom.

OK accepts permits from virtually every other state.

12-01-2013, 09:38 AM
Penalizing a duty to inform state is pretty petty along with not issuing permits to non-residents also. I would have said OK would have been in the top 10 or 15. Also penalizing for fees charged is another dubious negative. If other credible criteria is used then the states would change positions. Now the staunch anti-gun states would always be near to bottom.

OK accepts permits from virtually every other state.

Duty to Inform is only weighted 5% of the total score. Some people would argue that having to tell a cop they are carrying is a violation of their Constitutional rights therefore this metric should be given more weight in the ranking formula. You can't please everyone.

There is no perfect way to compare all states, but because the same metrics were applied to every state, it gives a ballpark idea of how individual states compare to the rest.

The Faux King
12-01-2013, 09:56 AM
Missouri is #15 not too shabby!

12-01-2013, 12:31 PM
Glad to see Pa at #7:)

Yeah me too except virtually none of the surrounding states recognize our LTCF.

And our Atty General is removing reciprocity with other states all the time.

'tis true. I'm from MD (#43 - appropriately) but hold a non-resident FL permit. PA used to have non-resident FL reciprocity but the current AG killed that. I used to go camping & hiking in PA - no more. Now I go to WV or VA. PA lost my business because of that.

12-01-2013, 12:40 PM
I am embarrassed that Texas is way down the list.

12-01-2013, 01:06 PM
Florida got ripped off.
"Florida scored well in all categories,
but their $112 application fee is not desirable."

I think I paid $62 for an eight year renewal.
Sounds like Obummer math to me.

12-01-2013, 01:12 PM
Illinois is 42 and you cant even carry there. LOL

VN Vet
12-01-2013, 01:17 PM
Did you notice too many of our Founding-Fathers States have been taken over by the Neo-Nazis? That is a crying shame for sure. I hope we can peacefully take them back.

What about California? I say, let the fish have those people when the Quake happens. Once they're gone, I think most other States will straighten up and fly right.

12-01-2013, 01:35 PM
I'm glad to see Virginia up where it probably should be. I recall a similar, if not the same, ranking methodology in the past couple of years. It had us down around 25-ish. Our laws have not drastically changed, we did repeal the 1 gun a month crap either this past June or the prior June, but otherwise, status-quo here. We were ranked 'down' before because we didn't have Castle, but we fortunately dumped that bill in the garbage where it should be and are (for now) remaining common law. It's a double-edged sword, I know, but for now I prefer it that way vs a codified Castle law.

Did you notice too many of our Founding-Fathers States have been taken over by the Neo-Nazis? That is a crying shame for sure. I hope we can peacefully take them back.

Yup! It's going on here in Virginia, as we speak. Went from red, to purple, now pretty solid blue if you look at popular vote numbers on national elections. But, just like the country as a whole, show it by county and Virginia runs red (for now) and only dumps its big-blue-stink onto the national stage. On that level, we are run by NOVA, Richmond, Chesapeake, and to an extent Charlottesville.

I apologize to the rest of you for the blue-ness of my state. I'm trying but its an uphill battle...

Longitude Zero
12-01-2013, 02:05 PM
Illinois is 42 and you cant even carry there. LOL

That is one reason of many that this "ranking" is of dubious veracity and usefulness.

12-01-2013, 02:23 PM
~~~we didn't have Castle, but we fortunately dumped that bill in the garbage where it should be and are (for now) remaining common law. It's a double-edged sword, I know, but for now I prefer it that way vs a codified Castle law.

Hey, chrish, I don't understand the disadvantage of a Castle law. Can you explain that to me, or point me to some resource?

Thank you.

12-01-2013, 03:40 PM
Hey, chrish, I don't understand the disadvantage of a Castle law. Can you explain that to me, or point me to some resource?

Thank you.

As the SNL Al Gore would say, "That's an excellent question...and I thank you for it."

Basically, we already have it in Virginia case law. It's not limited to your home, your castle. Basically anywhere you can legally be, you are within your right to defend yourself as long as you were not part of the problem/disturbance to begin with. The bills proposed here were VERY vague to non-existence in their clarification of that issue. Second, once you put a codified law in place, common law goes out the window, new precedents and interpretations are defined thru the courts and its a whole new shooting match. You open up an avenue (that has already been decided thru case law) for laws to be amended and/or repealed when the libs and proggies take over again, and with the older case law out the window already, then what? I'll tell you what, you get charged with murder, manslaughter, etc.

There were a number of issues at play here, from the lack of effort put into writing the laws, lack of research, speed (happened too damn fast), wording of the 3 or 4 proposed bills on the floor at different times. It just smelled bad. And true conservative and tea folk in Virginia smelled something funny in it all. We have learned not to trust our establishment GOP brethren any farther than we than throw them.

Admittedly, even by those of us that fought against it, it's a tough subject and you can make an argument on BOTH sides of this coming from a pro-gun, pro-self-defense perspective.

Here are a couple of links that really do the whole debate justice, regardless of which side you come down on.



BTW...don't get me wrong. I don't think Castle laws are bad in general. In a state where you were more limited to begin with, they are great, good stuff. But here, or anywhere you have case law backing you up already and nothing in place (codified), then you should really give it some thought.

12-01-2013, 03:48 PM
Thanks, chrish. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

12-01-2013, 03:53 PM
Yea haw, California did not come in last !:)

12-01-2013, 03:58 PM
Thanks, chrish. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

Sure, glad to. Hope it helps/explains.

It's kinda like the 2A. They felt the need to spell it out. But the Constitution was already clear, since it didn't speak on the subject, firearm regulation was 'off limits' to the federal government. But, some felt it necessary, so they added it w/ the other 9 to get it ratified. Now, every Tom Dick and Harry over the decades wants to 'interpret' what the 2A meant. They create federal law and agencies to regulate it. Yadda Yadda. Didn't work out so well, definitely not the way Madison intended.

12-01-2013, 04:05 PM
U can't think of many things to complain of here in Michigan about our CPL's. Could someone let me know where Michigan ranks. My phone couldn't handle that web page. Thanks in advance.

12-01-2013, 04:09 PM
U can't think of many things to complain of here in Michigan about our CPL's. Could someone let me know where Michigan ranks. My phone couldn't handle that web page. Thanks in advance.

36. Michigan

Permit Issuance: 20
Reciprocity: 18
Training Time: 7
Application Fee: 2
Stand Your Ground: 10
Best States for Gun Owners: 4
Duty to Inform: 0
Pre-Emption: 5
Issued to Non-Residents: 0
With the economic decline experienced in cities such as Detroit, residents of Michigan may want to carry now more than ever. Licenses are issued on a Shall-Issue basis to residents only, and may cost up to $120.

12-01-2013, 04:22 PM
Thank you RRP. My personal experience. 7 years ago my company paid for the CPL class. My renewal was $104. I don't have the insurance. I don't have to go to a class again unless I let the permit lapse. The rankings confuse me some but I do know to notify police in case of a traffic stop. If I understood some of the figures Michigan isn't as good as I thought.

12-01-2013, 08:53 PM
I am embarrassed that Texas is way down the list.

Meh! I'm fine with Texas law as it is. I always thought the required amount of class room time was an olive branch to haters who never wanted the law.

The legislature solved that in the last term quite handily trimming the time to a more realistic level. Of course that came shortly after I had to renew my CHL... the long way. Still, it was easy and the instructor filled the extra time well.

Way better here than in some better ranking states where the law is ignored or side-stepped in some cities and counties (i.e. Big cities) by local politicians. In Texas what you see is what everyone gets and the AG office supports the legal gun owner over some chicken sh!t mayor.

So if Texas ain't #1, I'd still rather be here than anyplace else. (cept for AZ).

12-01-2013, 10:07 PM
There are only 4 types of carry states: constitutional carry, shall issue, may issue, and no chance in hell. If you are in a constitutional carry or shall issue state then you are free to carry within the law. Ranking states based on a formula is pointless. Ask yourself this: is it reasonable that you would be able to obtain a license carry a concealed pistol in your state? If you answered yes than your state is good. If you answered no then move.

12-02-2013, 06:04 AM
Illinois is the best!!!!

Badup tsssss!

12-02-2013, 08:55 AM
I still highly resent having to pay a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Longitude Zero
12-02-2013, 11:36 AM
I still highly resent having to pay a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

I hear ya but there is a cost to everything. Here in OK a study was commissioned to determine the cost to process and handle apps. The fee is precisely what the accounting firm said was the cost. Just as I hate my taxes supporting that which I do not it is only fair that the cost be born by the applicant and not a taxpayer who disagrees with CCW.

12-02-2013, 03:27 PM
I am lucky enough to be in #1 Az. We have had open carry since statehood, But now anyone 21 & legal can carry concealed.

12-02-2013, 03:33 PM
I still highly resent having to pay a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

is free, get used to it. In Indiana we have a lifetime permit for $100 factor that in for 20 years and u get $5 a year, Price of a good beer tha tyour gonna Piss donw the stool an hour later. My son has had his now since he was 19, so if he lives to be 60, that will be 41 years, , about $2.50 a year, again the price of rut gut beer that u will certainly piss downt he stool a hour later:7:

12-02-2013, 04:04 PM
Introducing Jocko's RutGut Lager
Now available in fine beverage establishments


12-02-2013, 06:40 PM
Shouldn't have to have a permit to begin with, anywhere! You underwent a federal background check to get the gun in the first place. If I can own it, I should be able to carry it anywhere, anytime. There is nothing dangerous about me carrying a firearm concealed that warrants an additional tax/fee. So the 'cost to process' is just a way to justify one of two things. One, income generating tax. Two, discourage your 2A rights. Nothing more, nothing less.

The CCW permit needs to be abolished nationwide. Forget reciprocity. Constitutional carry in all 50 states.

12-02-2013, 09:22 PM
Interesting article. Thanks again for reminding me to relocate.

12-03-2013, 08:11 AM
Shouldn't have to have a permit to begin with, anywhere! You underwent a federal background check to get the gun in the first place. If I can own it, I should be able to carry it anywhere, anytime. There is nothing dangerous about me carrying a firearm concealed that warrants an additional tax/fee. So the 'cost to process' is just a way to justify one of two things. One, income generating tax. Two, discourage your 2A rights. Nothing more, nothing less.

The CCW permit needs to be abolished nationwide. Forget reciprocity. Constitutional carry in all 50 states.

You are correct.

12-03-2013, 09:30 AM
Shouldn't have to have a permit to begin with, anywhere! You underwent a federal background check to get the gun in the first place. If I can own it, I should be able to carry it anywhere, anytime. There is nothing dangerous about me carrying a firearm concealed that warrants an additional tax/fee. So the 'cost to process' is just a way to justify one of two things. One, income generating tax. Two, discourage your 2A rights. Nothing more, nothing less.

The CCW permit needs to be abolished nationwide. Forget reciprocity. Constitutional carry in all 50 states.

+1000 Damn Right!!!

Longitude Zero
12-03-2013, 09:49 AM
The CCW permit needs to be abolished nationwide. Forget reciprocity. Constitutional carry in all 50 states.

Agreed but the reality is different and always will be. The ideal is one to be strived for but never is achieved. Something about a mans reach must always exceed his grasp.

12-03-2013, 10:17 AM
That being said, if we believe in the the Constitution as being the Final Say and the Law of the Land and when the only Amendment ever to come in question as to it's meaning is the 2nd then something's wrong....IMHO it's very clear when it says "The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms SHALL NOT Be Infringed".....It doesn't say "Shall Not be Infringed so Long as the People stand in line, fill out multiple forms, pay a tax, get fingerprinted, wait 3 months for a permit, figure out if it's legal to travel from state to state armed THEN AND ONLY THEN "Shall the People Have the Right to Bear Arms"....

The only reason they are able to hold CCW Laws over us is because WE the People have become We the Sheeple and allow it to happen....We are already seeing the 1st and 4th slipping away and once they're gone they are gone for good....If we don't stand up and fight they will all soon be gone!!!

12-03-2013, 10:26 AM
Agreed but the reality is different and always will be. The ideal is one to be strived for but never is achieved. Something about a mans reach must always exceed his grasp.

Yea, I know. But it sounded good didn't it. Got myself all whipped into a frenzy to the point that I 'bout had a fainting spell. :D

A boy can dream.

I was born in the wrong century. Sometimes I think I'd much rather have a black powder firearm and be dealing with famine, disease, and invading hordes than living in modern society.

12-03-2013, 10:28 AM
You could always move to Detroit.

12-03-2013, 07:29 PM
You could always move to Detroit.
Now, that's funny:emptybath:

12-03-2013, 07:37 PM
# 8 isn't bad considering its out of 50.

12-03-2013, 10:39 PM
You could always move to Detroit.

That's hysterial. But...no thanks.