View Full Version : VA shrink gets $3K per vet that has guns confistcated.

12-03-2013, 09:29 PM
A psychiatrist for the VA says he gets $3000 per Veteran that he causes to have their guns seized.



Google results of searching the subject:
Gets quite a few hits.
Looks like more than a few shrinks are in on the deal.

What a lowlife bunch of thugs we have running (ruining?) the country.

12-03-2013, 10:20 PM
Now that the word is out, I hope their business drops down to nothing.

12-03-2013, 11:44 PM
I'm gonna throw out a possible bright side to this. Sarcastic of course. But maybe this will help get the country off its 'I feel bad today, gimme some pills' mentality. People are gonna stop going for fear of government intrusion whether it be their guns, their drivers license, their kids, whatever...

...could be a good thing over time...

12-04-2013, 01:54 AM
Or, more likely, we'll see more suicides and mass shootings because people who could genuinely benefit from some type of drug won't seek "professional" help and let their situation get worse.

Obviously, you've never had a real anxiety or panic attack where a tiny .25 mg Xanax could totally calm you down and get you past a major problem... possibly brought on by the death or absence of a loved one.

There are many problems that can be controlled with some kind of drug like that, but if you know you might get into a gun-grab situation, you're going to not seek help and might suffer very serious and ever degrading mental problems.

We already have too many "homeless" people who can't function... many of whom were turned out into the streets from care facilities where they were being treated... and yes, "imprisoned" against their wills in some cases... but now they are "free" to live on the streets because they don't get treated at all.

It's a real shame when veterans are treated that way... especially the ones who developed mental problems after traumatic combat experiences and/or injuries.


12-04-2013, 07:36 AM
Hmmmmmm. Good points chrish and wynn.

I certainly don't want any dangerous person harming themselves or others. But I also don't want some doctor taking a free person's property because his (the doctor's) house payment is due. But typically, when you involve the government in an issue, you get the wrong people doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

12-04-2013, 08:08 AM
wyntrout, sorry, didn't mean to offend. i'm fully aware that meds help some folks and that in some cases they are a good thing. its an inexact medical profession. I was more referring to the over diagnosis and over medication of this country, particularly our youth. but there are plenty of adults as well that just medicate because some shrink told them they had to.

12-04-2013, 09:17 AM
The article states that even if a patient has been totally stable for years they still get their guns seized. That's a far cry from taking a precaution with a current treatable issue. The solution doesn't have to be "have the Federal Government confiscate a patient's personal property and rescind their Constitutional rights." Why not have all kitchen knives removed from the home?

And the bounty paid to doctors for gun grabbing is just unconscionable.

12-04-2013, 09:24 AM
No problem, Chrish. I did notice the "sarcastic" warning. :)

I just hope that we can get the present regime out of power and try to flush out all of the underlings installed everywhere possible to create the laws and policies that hamstring our economy and our society.


12-04-2013, 09:58 AM
It must be true it comes from anonymous sources.

12-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Sage, look at the Google results page. Some of the Dr.'s are not remaining anonymous.

One Vet allegedly had his guns seized because he refuse a mental evaluation when he sought help for back pain. So even refusing to se a Shrink can lead to confiscation.

12-04-2013, 01:16 PM
The Google results page appears to be all links to this one story over and over.

Unless we get some hard evidence I'll put this in my False Flag file, as a ruse by the regime to foment the rebellion that justifies martial law. :cool:

12-04-2013, 06:09 PM
its an inexact medical profession.

Maybe that's why it's called a medical PRACTICE. Just sayin'.

12-04-2013, 08:16 PM
I was going to post my tin foil hat graphic but I appear to have lost it. I think the rabbits that live under our ground level deck took it to use as a family room wall hanging but I'm not really sure. We had a fair amount of snow here in Denver today so next will have to wait until I can clear out their front door entrance tomorrow. But I plan to send my best tunnel rat Pomeranian in to check as soon as possible and I'll get back to you Tman/guys soonest.

12-05-2013, 04:33 PM
I'm not a veteran, so I'm not affected. Just thought I might give the vets a heads up. It may be true, it may not be.
I was thinking knowing that there might be/or is something going on like this may help the Veterans of the forum keep their firearms. So dog me if you want, I was only trying to prevent someone from losing their weapons.
We can doubt it, but can anyone disprove it?

12-05-2013, 05:09 PM
Here you go Itxi: Some tin foil hat pics for you:





12-05-2013, 06:04 PM
When the Dr.'s drop the Dr. X pseudonym, I may have a tendency to believe the stories.

12-05-2013, 08:59 PM
Here you go Itxi: Some tin foil hat pics for you:





Hey, thanks for these. Report back from tunnel rat pom is that the bunnies do indeed have mine and refuse to give it up.

Rather than start a war with them in our sub-zero weather I'm gonna adopt two of these as replacements....that one of my wife's aging ass, which is inherently rabbit theft proof, and the one of Andy Kaufman in the afterlife.

12-06-2013, 10:20 AM
The real point of this article is that govmint can or has the potential to do things that are contrary to personal liberties in the name of keeping the public safer and using the medical establishment as tool to do such is not unrealistic. With that said, one has to ponder what safeguards will be in place to protect our personal liberties when the gov IS the medical establishment?

12-10-2013, 03:28 PM
My healthcare provider called me today and asked if I was experiencing depression. I told them that I was the happiest MF'er that they'd ever want to meet. That ended the questioning.

12-11-2013, 08:21 PM
And another reason for jlottmc not to set FOOT in the VA here in Dallas, course, doesn't help that they are the WORST (proven by their own standards and reports) by the VA System.