View Full Version : price for a 380 got lucky

12-05-2013, 03:26 PM
Last night I went on line to buy a cw380,been looking for a week.So it was about 12 o'clock and I came across grabagun and I thought it was a mis print,$317.10 so I hit add to cart and it took forever to open.
Most of the time the prices were close to $600.00 which was to much for me to pay.
I wanted it to carry because about a week ago I got a cm9 which was small but I thought was to big to carry in my back pocket.
Anyway I should of bought 2 at that price.

Bill K
12-05-2013, 04:01 PM
That sounds like a good deal. Went to the grabagun site and found that they're now out of stock.

12-05-2013, 06:07 PM
I thought it was after checking about 10 sites daily,tomorrow I am taking my cm9 for the first time and see how that shoots,I also have a cw9 which was my first and thats when I started to really like to shoot Kahr.

12-05-2013, 06:56 PM
I thought it was after checking about 10 sites daily,tomorrow I am taking my cm9 for the first time and see how that shoots,I also have a cw9 which was my first and thats when I started to really like to shoot Kahr.

of a price for that kahr. now I would at least give that little bugger the propper prepping job liste don the kahr tech foru. Go out on that first shoot knowing tha tyou did allu can and now it is up to the gun to do its part. It gives u a good insight into the gun before the bang thing.

Keep us posted:Amflag2:

12-06-2013, 10:13 PM
I picked up one of these from Grabagun as well. It's my third purchase from them this year and they are great to deal with. It shipped to my FFL yesterday so hopefully it will be in my hands soon.

12-19-2013, 05:52 PM
Grabagun has them back in stock

12-19-2013, 08:39 PM
I want to order one so bad! Gonna have to wait until after the new year.

12-19-2013, 09:53 PM
GrabAGun is a great site. I have been by their location a few times in person and it is a first class shop. Good group of people.

I just wish they weren't in Texas so I would not have to pay sales tax. ;). Most of the time they are cheaper even with tax.

The CW380 is still available on their site for those that want to buy themselves a Christmas present.

12-19-2013, 10:44 PM
Just checked out the website, theirs a lot of great deals on there, especially on magazines. I'm going to place an order on some Ar mags and spare Kahr mags.

southern thunder
12-20-2013, 07:49 AM

12-20-2013, 07:29 PM
I tried to resist but couldn't hold out, so I caved and ordered the CW380. Now I have to sell my S&W to kind of cover the cost.

I like my CM9 so much that I really had to have the CW380. Goodbye Bodyguard - hello CW380.

12-21-2013, 04:08 PM
I am going to order one after the first of the year & sell my LCP.


12-23-2013, 10:34 PM
I picked up a CW380 last month from them. It shipped very quickly to my FFL, now if I could just find enough ammo to break it in....

12-24-2013, 11:57 AM
I picked up a CW380 last month from them. It shipped very quickly to my FFL, now if I could just find enough ammo to break it in....


12-24-2013, 06:11 PM
Great deal and a great place go buy from. Love GrabaGun. I bought a CW380 today for 349.99 at a LGS. After FFL and shipping it would be close to a wash but a great deal for someone who can't find one locally

01-02-2014, 12:43 AM
Went out to shoot my kahr 380 again and bought me a nice pocket holster,not sure if I could call it a holster but it was to nice to pass up.I think Texas got the best leather makers around when you talk about holsters,I ordered them from bearcreekholsters.
The kahr on the left is a cm9 bought one for that but it's to big for my back pocket,the 380 I don't no I'm even carrying it.


01-02-2014, 09:39 PM
Was looking for a CW45 today and I came across a cw380 for $310.29 at so far if it's true thats the lowest I seen so far and guys should be all over that. I no people were waiting for the price to go down and this could be that time.

Automatic+Pistol&finish_type=None&calib_combo=380&sight_class_combo=None&num_rec=50&instock=all&offset_rec=0&b1.x=63&b1.y=10 (http://www.davidsonsinc.com/consumers/subsites/inven_sql.asp?preview=&manufact_combo=Kahr+Arms&category_combo=1&price_range=None&mod_ser_combo=None&g_type=Semi-Automatic+Pistol&finish_type=None&calib_combo=380&sight_class_combo=None&num_rec=50&instock=all&offset_rec=0&b1.x=63&b1.y=10)