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05-17-2010, 05:55 AM
fill your shorts:

YouTube - Lion Attacks Safari Hunter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEIGqD80N6U&feature=related)

05-17-2010, 09:57 AM
Oh yeah, shorts filled!

mr surveyor
05-17-2010, 10:57 AM

05-17-2010, 11:05 AM
That was a BF lion and he didn't look too "wounded", but he WAS really pissed!
Lion slobber on the knee... that guy was lucky. I saw at least one guy with a scoped rifle and most seemed to have drillings of considerable caliber. If two shots doesn't do it, you're lion food.:eek: Nice video and momento, as I'm sure his shorts were... a momento. I would ziplock bag those for posterity.

05-17-2010, 11:58 AM
Lion size fill on those shorts.

05-17-2010, 02:33 PM
That was a BF lion and he didn't look too "wounded", but he WAS really pissed!
Lion slobber on the knee... that guy was lucky. I saw at least one guy with a scoped rifle and most seemed to have drillings of considerable caliber. If two shots doesn't do it, you're lion food.:eek: Nice video and momento, as I'm sure his shorts were... a momento. I would ziplock bag those for posterity.

look wounded to me when he came out of the brush. Did you notice that hunter was also the lead hunter, all the others were well behind him. Those nartives ain't dumb. they probalby say "those F--king dumb Americans"

No doubt that hunter got his $50 bucks worth for sure. Next to that mounted lion in his den should be a glass case with his shorts in there with an air filter attached to it..

thats when you want a 454 casual 6 shot. revolver also, five to the charging lion and the last round for the shooter, so he doesn't get eaten "alive".. I bet Bawanna rubber tires would be buring rubber had he been there?????? Course he could have shot that nasty ass lion with his new and trusty PM45!!!!

05-17-2010, 03:17 PM
Incredible shot! Darn near right between the eyes at full speed. Head shot or loose a your own head. One swipe from a lion paw would mess you up something severe.

05-17-2010, 04:57 PM
I wonder what your insurance company would say when you put down Lion hunter on their app. Kind of crazy.

05-17-2010, 08:34 PM
I think I'll leave the big pussies alone after that. Yet another reason I like long range...

05-19-2010, 05:59 PM
fill your shorts:

YouTube - Lion Attacks Safari Hunter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEIGqD80N6U&feature=related)

YouTube - tiger attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs6Uu64dynI)

05-19-2010, 06:22 PM
Lion Attacks Hunter (Just Misses) - Video (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1176317/lion_attacks_hunter_just_misses/)

Try this one on for size. Seen it long ago. I can't believe the hunters just stood there continued to shoot and cycle the bolt right up to getting bowled over. Brave and/or foolish men indeed.
How come my link don't look like yours? Bet it ain't gonna work huh?
Don't mind telling you, I'm feeling just a little bit stupid right about now. Perhaps copy and paste. Hmmmm.

05-19-2010, 07:14 PM
Again, my sympathy was with the lion... look at all of those guys with big powerful guns and they can't make a clean kill. That was a brave lion making his last charge with much less than full power. he didn't have anything left by the time he got to that guy and it's a wonder he was able to get up and run as far as he did after the charge.
At least THEY had their adventure, and at least one guy must have messed up his drawers.
Why don't they go hunt Taliban or Al Qua'eda and leave the few remaining natural predators alone? Hell, go gang hunting in any big city. Some of those guys would welcome the diversion from drug trafficking and running ho's. That would be challenge... someone who could fight back with equal or better weapons.
If you want some real adventure, go hiking near Iran, China, or North Korea... or a private sailing cruise near Somalia.
I'm not anti-hunting, but killing for fun... solely for fun -- no plans for eating your kill, isn't "right".

05-19-2010, 07:43 PM
Again, my sympathy was with the lion... look at all of those guys with big powerful guns and they can't make a clean kill. That was a brave lion making his last charge with much less than full power. he didn't have anything left by the time he got to that guy and it's a wonder he was able to get up and run as far as he did after the charge.
At least THEY had their adventure, and at least one guy must have messed up his drawers.
Why don't they go hunt Taliban or Al Qua'eda and leave the few remaining natural predators alone? Hell, go gang hunting in any big city. Some of those guys would welcome the diversion from drug trafficking and running ho's. That would be challenge... someone who could fight back with equal or better weapons.
If you want some real adventure, go hiking near Iran, China, or North Korea... or a private sailing cruise near Somalia.
I'm not anti-hunting, but killing for fun... solely for fun -- no plans for eating your kill, isn't "right".
Im with you on that one wyn.I have been hunting most of my life,I dont kill things Im not going to eat,Nor do I kill for sport.:)

05-19-2010, 07:58 PM
Swampman, I know you enjoy hunting, but hog-hunting serves several worthwhile purposes... those things are destructive nuisances and tasty. They are a challenging prey, too, and can be dangerous! There are a lot of critters here that need thinning so they don't starve to death and we don't kill enough with our cars.:D
I was very happy that I never had a good shot at a deer and didn't have to haul one up and down hillsides back to the vehicle. Actually those were more like mountains in California... National Forest just west of Tahoe.
Those ferocious doves, quail, rabbits, pheasants, ducks, geese, and squirrels were a bit easier to handle... and clean! I always wanted to try javelina or wild pig/hog with a pistol. I used to read about that a lot in the gun magazines back in the 70's and 80's.

05-19-2010, 08:08 PM
Swampman, I know you enjoy hunting, but hog-hunting serves several worthwhile purposes... those things are destructive nuisances and tasty. They are a challenging prey, too, and can be dangerous! There are a lot of critters here that need thinning so they don't starve to death and we don't kill enough with our cars.:D
I was very happy that I never had a good shot at a deer and didn't have to haul one up and down hillsides back to the vehicle. Actually those were more like mountains in California... National Forest just west of Tahoe.
Those ferocious doves, quail, rabbits, pheasants, ducks, geese, and squirrels were a bit easier to handle... and clean! I always wanted to try javelina or wild pig/hog with a pistol. I used to read about that a lot in the gun magazines back in the 70's and 80's.
Ruger super Redhawk in .454 casull does well on Hogs and deer.:)

05-19-2010, 08:15 PM
Ruger super Redhawk in .454 casull does well on Hogs and deer.:)

A TC Contender in 30-30 is good medicine also. 1 shot, 1 kill, you or the beast depending on the day.

05-19-2010, 08:17 PM
I did carry a Ruger Security Six SS or a S&W M66, both 6", when deer hunting and finally left the rifle at home... the pistol was quite enough to NOT shoot anything. I was in Texas then... Abilene for about 9 years.:D
I did have later, a beautiful, super-smooth S&W 629 with 6" barrel... wow what an action! I sold that after I got down here in Jacksonville... just didn't need it and I don't hold onto stuff I can easily sell like that... that I'm not using.

Hey! I want more than one shot! I always wanted an Automag in .44 Magnum, but those were expensive. I'm not looking for a coin flip!

05-19-2010, 08:22 PM
I did carry a Ruger Security Six SS or a S&W M66, both 6", when deer hunting and finally left the rifle at home... the pistol was quite enough to NOT shoot anything. I was in Texas then... Abilene for about 9 years.:D
I did have later, a beautiful, super-smooth S&W 629 with 6" barrel... wow what an action! I sold that after I got down here in Jacksonville... just didn't need it and I don't hold onto stuff I can easily sell like that... that I'm not using.

I wish I had your ability to give stuff up or sell what you don't play with. Once I get a gun I have a darn hard time parting with it. I've often thought of liquidating a few and perhaps upgrading, sort of less but better stuff but hard for me. I use to be the same way with pickups but they are too big and hard to store. Now days all junk anyhow, so not much love there. I'll stick with the guns.

05-19-2010, 08:23 PM
A TC Contender in 30-30 is good medicine also. 1 shot, 1 kill, you or the beast depending on the day.
my uncle used to have one in that caliber,I believe I shot it more than he did.:)

05-19-2010, 08:30 PM
my uncle used to have one in that caliber,I believe I shot it more than he did.:)

I sure had alot of fun with mine in an earlier life. I didn't kill a whole lot of animals but I sure shot it a bunch. Great fun. Probably haven't shot it in 20 years but theres always this weekend?
When I first got it I had one in 45 colt, 410. Had a friend along up in the woods who wanted to shoot. Course to a non gun guy they looked identical, had them on the tailgate of the truck but he only saw 1. I grabbed the 410 and blasted a pop can at maybe 10 yards kind of quick draw, then told him to try but I loaded the 30-30 and handed him that, course he couldnt' hit the mountain quick draw like, so I got it back and took another shot with the 410, back and forth me with the 410 and him with the 30-30. He thought I was Annie Oakely or something, told him he just needed to practice some. I still chuckle thinking about it.

05-19-2010, 08:33 PM
Uh oh. Duty calls... Wife's ready for entertainment. I cut her hair earlier tonight and she had to dye it. Grey sucks... makes you look old. I don't have enough hair to dye... tried the Grecian Formula... reddish... not natural.
Just saw in the paper today that the "average" woman spends about $195 a year on haircuts. I cut my own, too. We save a few bucks there. I could never stand being in a barber chair... too personal and public.
Gotta go run the DVR!

05-20-2010, 01:04 AM
Just sittin' here fondling the Tupperware. I tried to see if I could get all three into the "travel safe"... nope, any two, but not three.
I tried .380 and 9mm in the wrong guns. I don't know how you could do that... the 9mm won't fit the .380 magazine or chamber fully. The .380 goes into the 9mm magazine, but the difference is too noticeable and the .380 goes too far into the chamber. I guess if you fed one by magazine and the extractor held it in place, it could go boom. There would probably be some pretty good blowback as the cartridge mouth expands and the bullet jumps the extra distance to the barrel.:eek:
I don't feel enough curiosity to risk MY gun, though.
If anyone can't resist trying that... firing a .380 in the 9mm pistol. Do a video and post some pictures with a range report... or accident report. I am kind of curious.
I guess someone must have posted that on YouTube already.

05-20-2010, 12:22 PM
Wow! Just two days after maintenance on my generator, it's called into service for a few hours today. The utility poles outside that carry my power are being replaced. They just cut power about 8 minutes ago and as soon as I got finished putting another 5 gallons in it, along with some more Gumout, I fired it up and put it on line. This time I remembered to cut the water heater circuit breakers off... forgot that the other day.:)
A guy came to the door about 5 minutes before and warned me. I told him I was going to run my generator... don't like the heat. Also told him I had an interconnect-disconnect or whatever to preclude back feeding power. I know they hate surprises like HOT wires that are supposed to be dead.:D
It must be prescience or something that caused me to get a "round tuit" at the latest possible time.
Sometimes I just feel so brilliant... sometimes.:rolleyes:
Anyhow, doing a real test and cleaning the carburetor now. All of the UPSs are quieter without the water heater on.

05-20-2010, 01:06 PM
Going back to the hunting bit, I do when ever I get a chance, but like you guys I don't kill unless I am going to eat it, or need to keep it from killing me (west TX snakes...)

05-20-2010, 02:48 PM
I wish the lion would of gotten that hunter...