View Full Version : Don't go to chapmans in davison

12-09-2013, 03:30 PM
Well my experience started out good, but soon went south after purchase. Upon getting my new atv home I discovered the tires were low, battery was dead, no gas, extra bolts laying in the frame, and here is where it gets good the rear brake master cylinder was not hooked up and the brake pedal itself was not attached to the machine! All of this after they told me how great their techincians are. I called and they didn't seem all that worried about it , but did order the parts. I was told the parts would be in in 3 days. When I called to check on my parts after 1 week I was informed that they had not been ordered yet because they did not have enough items for an order , when I asked the service guy about the 3 days he got mad and hung up on me. I called back and talked to the owner and his repsonse was "well you must have sworn at him." not a chance I have done automotive service for 20 years I know that doesn't get you anywhere. I then received my parts which I will install myself since I witnessed the kind of service work they do first hand. I called and asked salesman to check with the owner and see if he would ok heavy duty front springs for my inconvienence. Salesman never called back so I called and he stated the owner would sell them to me for cost. $56.00 each ??? retail is $74.95 a pair. Bottom line is these people do not care about customer service ,are not knowledgable about the products they are selling, they lie, they don't return phone calls etc. buyer beware!!!!

12-09-2013, 05:38 PM
Okay....whatever that/they/whom/wherever are. Sure you got the right forum??

12-09-2013, 07:01 PM
Okay....whatever that/thewhom/wherever are. Sure you got the right forum??

12-09-2013, 07:20 PM
How does one go about looking up all posts of a member? I'm just curious to see what else ol' Mich has posted up.

12-09-2013, 08:46 PM
Oh......and don't buy sour milk......EVER! And don't send money to Nigeria :eek:

12-09-2013, 09:03 PM
Oh......and don't buy sour milk......EVER! And don't send money to Nigeria :eek:

Well, that brings to mind a story......

12-10-2013, 08:47 PM
all you have to do is click on my name to see what I have posted.

Just trying to give fellow forum members a heads up obviously you don't appreciate it so feel free to unsubscribe from the thread.

12-11-2013, 08:12 AM
A heads up to what Michstorm? Read your original post. It's so vague that no one knows what you're talking about. What is Chapmans? Where is Davison? Were not mind readers. You posted a rant that makes very little sense.

12-11-2013, 09:03 AM
Just checked his other posts and they make sense. He must've been fuming when he started this thread.

And Mitch, thanks for the tip on looking up posts. I knew there was a way but didn't have a clue.

12-11-2013, 09:34 AM
seems self explanatory to me, but maybe not I guess

12-11-2013, 09:47 AM
I'm going to take a wildass guess. You bought an ATV from an outfit called Chapman's located in a city called Davidson. From you screen name I'm guessing it's somewhere in Michigan. We Buckeyes are pretty good at figuring out Michiganese, so I'm guessing I figured right. BTW, if ya can't take a little good natured ribbing don't ever post on Glock talk. They'll rip you far worse than we'd ever rip you here. Ya gotta have a sense of humor. Just sayin. Welcome aboard. :)

12-11-2013, 09:47 AM
Not worth getting in a fuss about this. Hope the ATV works out for you once you get it fixed. Let the dust settle and get back on the forum about Kahr guns. The folks here are helpful and fun to banter with.

12-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Would you perhaps have Chapman's phone number handy? My Mother in Law was asking me about a good place to pick up an ATV and being the fine Son in Law that I am I figured I'd hook her up....:rolleyes:

12-11-2013, 10:04 AM
your right on muggsy. lol
getsome they would hook her right up

12-11-2013, 10:34 AM
Don't let the guys scare you off, we're a fun bunch here so welcome.....Oh one last question, You mentioned your ATV had no brakes....Did you have to special order it that way or is that standard equipment for that model???....I just want to be sure she gets that option correct on the sales order for sure!!!

12-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Don't let them throw you mitch. I have learned so much on this forum. Very helpful people here. Haven't learned much about guns but have learned a lot about typing, correct use of the English language and agriculture. (Sheep, mainly).

12-11-2013, 06:41 PM
No worries I have thick skin. I don't have a lot of posts, but I have been around the forum for a few years. I admit my original post was a bit off the wall. I was very angry and wanted to spread the word so to speak.

12-11-2013, 10:33 PM
Don't worry............between "spreading the word", and spreading something else, they both get equal attention here.......................

12-11-2013, 11:49 PM
Chapmans is a sports shop boats ect. Just east of Davison, Michigan. Been there along time, I myself have not shopped there.

12-12-2013, 07:22 AM
Unless the reader is from s.e. Michigan, the post will not make sense, especially since this is a firearms forum and Chapman's is an RV dealer.

12-12-2013, 07:29 AM
All right you guys. Stop picking on my my new best buddy Michstorm. We have to cut him a little slack being that he's from Michigan and all. Mich, anyone gives you a hard time let me know. If I can't handle 'em I'll have Jocko send them a horsehead. :)

12-12-2013, 07:44 AM
ok sounds good muggsy