View Full Version : Question about CZ-75's and variants.
12-10-2013, 03:27 PM
I had always thought the CZ-75 to be one of the best 9mm's available. Recently James Yeager was commenting on some different pistols suitable for self/home defense, and he said that the CZ pistols break too often to be a reliable sidearm. I think he is full of caca, as he is on a number of other subjects. But still I thought I'd pose this question to long time owners of CZ-75, and variants. Has anyone had any major problems with their CZ-75? Any problem with it jamming or FTF's. Anyone had any issues other than minor issues such as springs wearing out and other things that can be fixed at home? I figured if I was going to buy another full size 9mm, that the CZ-75 was at the top of the list. Thanks to anyone that responds.
12-10-2013, 06:01 PM
I think you are right...he's full of caca. Mine has been perfect. Read a lot of good reviews about them too.
12-10-2013, 06:10 PM
I am usually less than impressed with James Yeagers opinions and the manner in which he presents them. Don't get me wrong I think he has a lot of valid points but take what you hear and then research it fully.
12-10-2013, 06:17 PM
James Yeager? That the test pilot, right stuff guy, no, that's Chuck.
Well I guess I never heard of him then. :cool:
12-10-2013, 06:26 PM
Never heard of any problems with the CZ75s. Jeff Cooper was very partial to them and based the Bren Ten design on them.
12-10-2013, 07:42 PM
If Jeff Cooper was partial to them, then I KNOW James Yeager is full of it.
For those that don't know him James Yeager has a boatload of YouTube videos, And runs a training outfit called Tactical Response (I think).
One of the most viewed is called "1911's Suck" and goes on to say how EVERY ONE that is brought to his classes breaks, and then sings the praises of Glock. He's very opinionated, and can be quite a jerk. He's the one that had the photographer taking pictures from besides the targets that were being used in a live fire drill. STUPID. Even if they were only shooting from 3 or 5 yards, someone could have sneezed or something just as the gun fired and very easily shot the photographer. He really thinks he is hot stuff, a legend in his own mind. A Jeff Cooper wannabe.
Thanks for the input. I had a feeling he was full of it.
12-10-2013, 08:09 PM
I'm new to the whole CZ business. But I research to a fault on most things I purchase. I spent the better part of a year reading about the whole CZ 75 story, design, etc before I bought one. I'm not a gunsmith, not even a little bit, so maybe I don't know jack. But in all my e-travels, haven't seen much of anything regarding complaints or problems. The latest iterations like the P-01 have been abused at or above the level of that mystical, never failing, all seeing, all knowing product we all know and love (Glock).
So I would tend to agree, once again James Yeager has mouthed off about something he knows little about or just has some kind if uninformed position about something because he saw one fail on the 4th Tuesday of May after a new moon that made him wonder about its reliability. He's a tool.
TMan, Yeager is also the one that mouthed off about shooting people going after the 2A and lost his TN concealed permit and had to ultimately do w/o one for a time, involved a lawyer and do a couple of 'mea culpa' videos on the internet to get it back.
I love my P-01. I will soon be adding a CZ P-09 next to it in the safe. Those will probably be the only 2 CZs that I ever buy. I'm not partial to 40oz guns and pretty much everything else CZ offers is that weight or so close to the P-01 (like the P-07, compact, PCR) that I don't really need one.
12-10-2013, 09:00 PM
There have been more than a few reported instances of broken slide stops, but I haven't read much of this recently and I haven't had a problem with mine.
Guns with a single roll pin retaining the firing pin should not be dry fired without snap caps as the roll pin can be damaged. Newer guns have nested roll pins replacing the single roll pin. There is also a solid pin available from the CZ Custom shop as a replacement part for the single roll pin. The nested pins can also be installed as a retrofit.
Early 75's may have weak extraction. CZ has since upgraded the extractor spring.
BTW, the above is not meant to endorse anything James Yeager says.
12-10-2013, 11:06 PM
I thought the CZ was one of the most widely used pistols in the world? Maybe not so much here, but definitely in Europe. I thought they are used by more military's than any other sidearm? If this were true, they must have some good things going for them.
12-11-2013, 12:57 AM
While I agree with James Yeager on some things, his opinions on CZ's and 1911's are not one of them. My CZ 75B has been nothing short of perfect. In fact, it's probably the gun I shoot the best and I plan on adding a second to my collection. A CZ 75 should be at the top of your list. Don't let some YouTube know it all-wanna be commando change that.
12-11-2013, 08:29 AM
I have a CZ 75B Stainless, a CZ 75 PCR and a CZ 75 Kadet. All have been flawless. Right out of the box, none have had a single FTE, FTB or failure to feed. Perhaps my sample is not as large as James Yeager's, but I wouldn't hesitate to own another. The ergonomics and reliability have been perfect. Would I change anything? Yes, the stock sights are too small. That can be easily remedied. I highly recommend the CZ 75 platform and that is coming from a former Colt, SIG and HK owner.
12-11-2013, 06:53 PM
Thanks all. I figured Mr. Yeager was full of it. It seems like the CZ-75 may have had some growing pains, but so did the M-16, which Mr. Yeager is in love with.
I knew the deal about him losing his CC permit over mouthing off on YouTube.
He just comes across as such an opinionated, arrogant know it all, that don't even know why I watch his videos, other than sometimes the title attracts my attention, like the one "1911's Suck". I don't even remember what video this was, maybe one where they were suggesting good self defense pistols, of which there are none better than Glock according to Mr. Yeager. Glocks are a good jack of all trades, master of none pistol in my opinion. I have a big problem with their Glock Perfection nonsense. Glocks can and do fail. Probably not as often as some other pistols, but they do fail. I've done without one this long, and I'll put my S&W M&P Pro up against anything Glock has to offer. I looked at the Glock 34, then looked at the M&P Pro, and for me there was no comparison, the M&P Pro was totally superior in my book. It fit in my hand like it was molded to it, the front fiber optic site is great, and it has a DAO trigger like none I've ever used before. I take up the slack, with almost no resistance, then feel it stop, applying another 4-5 lbs of pressure produces a very crisp break, almost comparable to a SA 1911. It's not quite as accurate as I expected, but I think the groups will tighten up once I get it really broken in well. I still haven't put more than 2 or 3 hundred rounds through it, but did not have one single problem during my 200 round break in that I do on all semi-autos, whether the manual says too or not. I don't trust a pistol that won't deliver at least 200 trouble free rounds down range. Even the slightest malfunction (unless I can prove it was user error, like not seating the mag correctly, or short stroking the slide when I chamber the first round) resets the count to zero. I'm not so picky on revolvers, if it will shoot 5 or 6 cylinders ok, I consider it good to go. I've seldom had any problems with revolvers.
No idea on the authors... but I had an '82 CZ75 that was gotten in the USA through "alternate" means back when you couldn't get them here.
Fantastic pistol in all respects. The safety lever was a bit of a pita to get back on, with the recessed detent and spring, but a slave pin (paper clip) did ok for assustance. I had one problem though. Took apart the entire pistol to KKote it and the screw that held the trigger bar spring to the frame, in the front of the mag well, snapped its head off. I had to wire EDM the screw out, and ended up enlarging the hole and tapped it for a 6-32 socket head cap screw. After that, zero issues. Anyone sees a dark grey KKote '82, it was mine! Sold it to get up money for my house...sadly... with lots of other fine guns.:-(
12-12-2013, 10:00 AM
I have a CZ sp 01 tactical and my husband has a CZ 75 B. We love them and have never had a single issue. The CZ is the most accurate handgun I own!!
In fact I am in the market for a CZ 85. It's the same as the 75 but has ambi controls!
12-12-2013, 11:13 PM
I have two 75b style, and they have been wonderful so far. I am up to 1000 rounds on one of them. I've only had them 6 months. I haven't had a single failure to anything.
Cajun Gun works makes a new firing pin kit that can make them dry fire proof as well if you want to dry fire them and using a snap cap or o-ring is too much trouble.
They are my favorite pistols to shoot.
12-13-2013, 11:04 AM
My CZ75 SP01 Phantom has been flawless. Full size and less than 30 oz due to the polymer frame. Highly recommend. They also make a fine line of rifles.
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