View Full Version : For Sale WTS- K9 barrel and Desantis Tuck This II Righty

12-11-2013, 03:09 PM
Hey all had these laying around for a while and wanted to maybe get rid of them.

K9 Barrel (002K9S)- completely unused and rust free in a little baggie. Bought it when I bought my K9 for just in case and just in case hasn't happened. Online it sells for $140 I'll part with it for $100 even.

Tuck This II Right - Also had this laying around. Bought This and two Mitch Rosen holsters. I liked the Mitch Rosen's better and they fulfill my needs. So this one has been sitting in my gun bag with all original packaging and documents and the little tool that comes with it. Online it sells for about $35 so I'll part with it for $25.

Let me know, thanks.

12-12-2013, 12:22 PM
If no one is interested, could anyone perhaps give me a few ideas of where I could unload them?


12-12-2013, 12:52 PM
post a picture of the holster? guess you can't yet try a link to a website image ??

12-13-2013, 01:54 PM
Yeah didn't even think of that. I think this should work.


