View Full Version : Navy 34 army 7

12-14-2013, 04:50 PM
Twelve in a row!!!!!!


12-14-2013, 04:53 PM
That's my boys!

12-14-2013, 05:10 PM
blame it on the sequester.

army looks like sh!t IMO, they coulldnt beat their meat on a warm day. I hope they never fight like they played today. Just sayin:Amflag2::Amflag2:

12-14-2013, 05:42 PM
GEAUX Navy!!!

12-14-2013, 05:46 PM
GEAUX Navy!!!

You must be Cajun.

12-14-2013, 05:58 PM
You must be Cajun.
Truth be told, I'm only half a coonass on my dad's side. I was born and raised in CO but been visiting down here all my life. Now I live down here but plan on moving back up to CO next year.

Love my LSU football and baseball, though!

12-14-2013, 06:26 PM
They both suck so who cares... ;)

12-14-2013, 06:58 PM
They both suck so who cares... ;)

I do. Where did you go to school so I can express indifference to your Alma Mater

12-14-2013, 08:03 PM
I wasn't going to watch ... but then I did ... but I stopped watching at 17-0. My 45th reunion is next year ... but I'm thinking I'll wait & go to the 50th.

12-14-2013, 08:05 PM
They both suck so who cares... ;)
Nobody cares about the longest standing rivalry in college football? How about anyone who has ever served in the Army or the Navy and Marine Corps?!?

Ever wonder why this game is the LAST game played before the bowl season starts? Do yourself a favor and do a little research about this game. Yes, the teams are not national title contenders but there is so much history in this game that you would be ashamed of yourself for your post if you had a clue.

12-14-2013, 08:32 PM
Go Navy.

12-15-2013, 03:29 PM
Well chit! :mad:

12-16-2013, 04:54 AM
Nobody cares about the longest standing rivalry in college football? How about anyone who has ever served in the Army or the Navy and Marine Corps?!?

Ever wonder why this game is the LAST game played before the bowl season starts? Do yourself a favor and do a little research about this game. Yes, the teams are not national title contenders but there is so much history in this game that you would be ashamed of yourself for your post if you had a clue.

Sensitive much? It was a JOKE...

12-16-2013, 05:47 AM
You never joke about the most serious things in life. :)

12-16-2013, 06:34 AM
You never joke about the most serious things in life. :)

I hear you. Most sensitive subjects, religion and military... Woulda thought I was telling momma jokes.

12-16-2013, 06:02 PM
I hear you. Most sensitive subjects, religion and military... Woulda thought I was telling momma jokes.
I like momma jokes!

12-16-2013, 07:32 PM
I started the thread and will hopefully close it. The "joke" irritated me because every player on the field and every member of the Brigade and the Corp in the stands will be putting their life on the line for their country in one to four years. Also, both institutions are incredibly hard to get into. The men and women of the Service Academies deserve better for their efforts and sacrifices.

As for one comment about 'Taking a knee', these men are not trained to consider enough is good enough. They only know one speed, 100%. If I had been a Cadet, and the Navy quarterback held back in any way, I would have been insulted.

12-16-2013, 08:42 PM
Sorry if I offended anyone. I was joking solely on their football, not that they are soldiers.

I'm a big ten fan and more importantly a Indiana fan. Navy beat us at home and I was at the game... Just a little trash talking is all.

They may be in the military but you have to expect bs when a ball is involved.

I have nothing but the most respect for men and woman in any branch of military.

12-17-2013, 08:52 AM
The following is being provided to give those who have been following this thread a sense of the depth of the feelings that some in this country hold for the Army- Navy Game and all that it represents. For those of you who served in the Navy or Air Force or Marines or Coast Guard, please know that this is not being posted to demean any of your wonderful service. And for those of you who served in the Army, but were not from West Point, please know that this does not reduce in any way the significance of your service. When I first read it it brought a tear to my eye, and I thought some of you might appreciate it as well. It comes from an email that has been forwarded on several times over ...

Folks, please forward to your lists as you see fit.

Open Post:

West Point is the Nation

This is not mine, I am not the author or recipient but the sentiments match. Sent by a son to his graduate father on Saturday.

"My son sent the below email immediately to me after the A-N game. He knew how badly the results of the game would have on me. The email speaks for itself."


I know this was heart wrenching for you. This horrible game. I want you to know that West Point is more than just a game against Navy once a year. West Point is the Savior of this Nation. The Naval Academy can win football games from now until doomsday, what they can't do and have never done is build a nation and save the world. They have been actors and participants throughout most of our history, but it was West Pointers who stormed Chapultepec during the War With Mexico and
also ensured a stretched out Army could be maintained logistically in that war. It was West Point that preserved the Union of this nation. It was West Point that built the infrastructure to this nation. They were west pointers who tamed the west. The man who lead the AEF in WWI was a West Pointer who ensured Americans would fight as an independent command and they were West Pointers who commanded the Corps and Divisions and Brigades who went over the top to destroy The Germans.

It was West Pointers who beat the Nazis and the Japs because MacArthur was the man who accepted the Surrender not Nimitz. West Point has saved the nation time and time again from the frozen mountains of Korea to the steamy Jungles of Vietnam places that you as a West Pointer served with distinction. It was a West Point Captain in the Ranger Regiment who hotwired the bulldozer to beat the Cubans in Grenada. It was a West Pointer that brought victory in Iraq. No where did the graduates of the Naval Academy come even close to the accomplishments of West Pointers.

West Point is the single most important institution this nation has ever opened. No other College in the nation has held the safety of the nation in their hands as The Graduates of The United States Military Academy has. West Point is the nation. Not a football game. West Point is the true builder and protector of the nation. West Point has provided the greatest battle captains in history. The Naval Academy has never approached the true greatness of West Point. West Point is America.

As your son I have always held you as my hero. Though I am a graduate of The Citadel, I am a son of a West Point as are all Army Officers. Most importantly I am your son. I will forever be grateful to God for giving you as my father. You are the Greatest West Point Graduate. I salute you and your Academy dad. "

12-17-2013, 05:09 PM
Rev, that does touch on the importance of the game for many, though I may "disagree" a bit as I was a Navy man. But this really does bring home why this game is so important to many, many folks.

There is a reason why the various bowls love having one of the academies playing. There are veterans scattered all across the country and flock to the games regardless of who the other team is. The academies have the best "road fans" in the country, bar none.

12-20-2013, 08:56 AM
It took the best efforts of all of our men and women in uniform supported by those at home to accomplish what was accomplished by our military throughout the history of the United States. The best military of the best nation on the face of the earth. Football after all is just a game.

12-23-2013, 11:15 AM
Hey RevRay. As a graduate of USNA, I did find the quote a bit bias, but I understand. The "Military" consist of all the services and all have made their contributions to our country in equal measure.

BTW, I'm still glad Navy WON!