View Full Version : Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
12-16-2013, 07:12 PM
Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
December 16, 2013 by Ben Bullard
Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
Despite the efforts of 2nd Amendment revisionists to link mass shootings and urban violence with Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to bear arms, public will remains on the side of the 2nd Amendment. A recent Reason/Rupe poll is the latest survey to demonstrate that most Americans aren’t convinced that tougher gun laws have anything to do with lowering the crime rate.
The poll, released late last week, shows that 63 percent of Americans surveyed believe criminals are going to get their hands on guns, regardless of whether new laws are enacted that make it tough for people to obtain firearms.
The poll asked: “Do you think tighter restrictions on buying and owning guns would be effective or would not be effective in preventing criminals from obtaining guns?” Sixty-three percent of respondents answered “not effective,” while only 32 percent answered “effective.”
Broken down by political leanings, 70 percent of Republican respondents thought gun control is ineffective. Fifty-two percent of Democrats agreed, while only 44 percent of Democrats said gun control would help. “Nonwhite women” was the only demographic category in which more people favored gun control, by a margin of 50 percent to 44 percent.
The results suggest the massive outlay of advertising money spent by gun control advocates in 2013 hasn’t yielded much success. Despite the fact that gun control groups outspent their gun rights adversaries by a 7 to 1 margin this year, public opinion has steadily turned against gun control as a salve for violent social ills.
Don't you love these polls?
12-16-2013, 07:41 PM
Non white women!!! U mean Blacks and of those I cold give a rats ass. Ask Jewish people what they think!! Just sayin
12-17-2013, 02:39 AM
Non white women!!! U mean Blacks and of those I cold give a rats ass. Ask Jewish people what they think!! Just sayin
Orthodox Jews are Conservative and can often be seen at my shooting range, The other Jewish people are very liberal and anti-gun. (The Bloomberg Followers)
12-17-2013, 08:07 AM
Serving tougher prison sentences will! The operative word is serving and STOP releasing offenders back to the streets so they can double or triple the gun crime statistics. Someone should poll Americans to see what they think about that solution and then ram it up the politicians......
12-17-2013, 08:11 PM
The government banned the importation of illegal drugs and they stopped coming into our country, didn't they? You guys are just anti anti-gun. :rolleyes:
12-18-2013, 10:29 AM
Non white women!!! U mean Blacks and of those I cold give a rats ass. Ask Jewish people what they think!! Just sayin
Very subtle and understated. Pretty much standard, low-key jocko.;)
Just sayin
I'm all for reasonable gun control. By which I mean prohibiting further purchase and confiscation of existing firearms from all bad guys and the mental defectives.
12-19-2013, 11:51 AM
Non white women!!! U mean Blacks and of those I cold give a rats ass. Ask Jewish people what they think!! Just sayin
There you go with that big paint brush again Jocko. (
12-23-2013, 08:39 AM
To hell with polls, crime statistics show that gun control increases crime. What the hell do we need a poll for?
12-23-2013, 08:12 PM
Serving tougher prison sentences will! The operative word is serving and STOP releasing offenders back to the streets so they can double or triple the gun crime statistics. Someone should poll Americans to see what they think about that solution and then ram it up the politicians......
I Absolutely agree with you, but I have a question; why does the US have the highest prison population of any so called civilized nation?
We must be doing a lot of things wrong, i.e. the punishments don't discourage the Bad Guys.
12-23-2013, 08:58 PM
I Absolutely agree with you, but I have a question; why does the US have the highest prison population of any so called civilized nation?
We must be doing a lot of things wrong, i.e. the punishments don't discourage the Bad Guys.
Could be be because were better at catching criminals than the other so called civilized nations?
12-26-2013, 08:05 PM
I thought polls were for scantily clad women to dance around. Like in the photo on the OP'ers signature.
I think the reason our prisons are so crowded, is for one we have more criminals, per capita than other nations, and that we actually make them do some time instead of slapping them on the wrist, and charging the victim with a crime for defending himself, like in Jolly Old England.
And then you have this phony war on drugs, that ends up putting a lot of minorities in jail, while the people with more money get the best lawyers to get them off. I say phony war on drugs, because it's only a war when they want it to be. For example, the Taliban and almost eliminated opium poppies growth in Afghanistan, but now that we have invaded, they are having record harvests. Plus if you remember the Iran-Contra deal, the CIA was dealing with a lot of cocaine, that seems to have ended up in the inner cities, to help fund the secret black ops they were doing. I don't know if you remember all the talk about Bill Clinton and the Mena airport, and all the cocaine said to have come into the country via that airport, then sold to the big dealers in the inner cities. I'm surprised there was any left after Slick Willie stuck his nose into the pile. And they jail a lot of pot smokers, even paroling violent criminals to make room for them. That is stupid, most pot smokers are non violent people just wanting to catch a buzz and eat all the junk food in the house. Why not put them on house arrest since it's a non-violent "crime". I've seen it help people get through chemotherapy, and some have used the concentrated oil to beat cancer. The plant has a myriad of uses, making paper, clothing, good old fashioned hemp rope, and all sorts of things, but we aren't allowed to even grow hemp which has almost no THC in it, just very small trace. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, as was probably the Constitution, and most other documents of that time. One of the first few presidents said that hemp should be part of every farmers crops they grow. But our overzealous bigwigs in Washington have decided that anything with even a trace of THC must remain illegal. I think politicians (that may be getting payoffs from the drug dealers), and businesses that produce competing items conspire to keep it illegal. I found it a bit ironic that in California, one of the biggest anti-legalization efforts was led by the marijuana growers, that didn't want any competition. In the states that have legalized it, we haven't seen society go to hell or anything. Just because it's legal doesn't mean people are going to start smoking it, if they don't already. Unless it's for treatment of a medical condition like glaucoma, or to help get through chemotherapy. I sure don't think a law keeps anyone from smoking it. Just like during Prohibition, people still drank, and millionaire bootleggers were created.
I think if we legalized it and taxed it, we'd make a lot of money, and get back some of the $40 BILLION (as of 2010) spent each year on the War on Drugs (adding Federal, State, and local budgets together) $15 billion by the Feds. The plant grows naturally, it requires no processing or anything, I think God put it here for us to use as a medicine, or even to get high with, the same way he created grapes so they can be converted to wine, and grains that can be turned into beer, or hard drink. The Bible even addresses this saying to sell your merchandise or livestock for money, then take it to the Feasts, and buy whatever you wish, including wine and strong drink. (Sorry those that think that drinking is a sin, but that's what the Bible says about it)
I think some will probably be upset about my thoughts about legalizing it, but if you look at it logically, without emotion or prejudice, you will see that it much less harmful than alcohol. The only deaths it causes are from warring gangs or drug cartels, and possibly an auto accident, which I am sure is way less than the number of booze related lethal wrecks. Why let ALL the money flow to the dealers, when we could get our share by taxing it. And hopefully putting a big dent in the drug cartel's profits, and causing fewer deaths in their wars. The idea of legalizing it is being talked about by more and more politicians, and public advocates, scientists, people in the media, and all sorts of people.
I believe it's time we ended the prohibition on the relatively benign plant, and start growing hemp again and producing things from it. You can make about the same amount of paper out of an acre of trees, or an acre of hemp. The trees will take 10-50 years to regrow, while another hemp crop will be ready to harvest the next year. It even makes sense environmentally. It's basically a weed, that doesn't need as much fertilizer as other crops, so there is another advantage to it
Hard drugs are a different story, I think if you get caught selling meth, a bullet to the back of the head would work. That stuff is cheap to buy, and ruins peoples health, causes pre-mature death, and probably deaths from overdoses, and tears families apart, is very addictive, and is a horrible thing to have let loose on the population. There is no medical use for it. And I guess the first time you smoke it, you get some fantastic high, that you can never get again, and people spend all kinds of money trying to reproduce that first high. So you get armed robberies, and burglaries, forged or stolen checks, or any other way to make money illegally so they can buy more and more of that garbage. I hear that in Missouri, it's automatic life in prison if you get caught with over a certain amount. Save the money and hang em high. Off the street lights, in areas of heavy use. And just leave em until the buzzards and crows have ate them all. Maybe people would get the message if they saw something like that. Oh the libtards would be crying loud and hard about the injustice of it all, and calling it racist, and whatever else they can dream up.
Same thing for cocaine and heroin, although both have medical uses, I guess Heroin is the most potent pain killer there is although they can't prescribe it, maybe they should for terminal patients in great pain, and cocaine is used in plastic surgery, like nose jobs to deaden the area to pain, while they break your nose to reshape it.
But anyone selling it on the streets has most likely caused deaths, and ruined peoples health, and broke up families. A bullet to the back of the head would be a cheap solution, and we wouldn't have to pay all the money to feed them and keep them in prison. I guess it depends, I suppose if you buy a small amount and sell some to a friend, that doesn't necessarily warrant a death sentence, but if you have ounces or pounds of it, you are most likely out to make money, and your product is killing people, creating all sorts of havoc, and causing gangs to form, and if they are absolutely certain that they have the right person, then a bullet in the head makes sense. Then hang the bodies off a street light. Treat these people the same way you would if you caught someone molesting your child. Maybe execution on the spot is a bit overboard. I don't know, but it is a death sentence in some parts of the world to even possess a small quantity. Either poop or get off the toilet. Fight the war or don't, just make it consistent.
01-12-2014, 08:06 AM
Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
December 16, 2013 by Ben Bullard
Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
Despite the efforts of 2nd Amendment revisionists to link mass shootings and urban violence with Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to bear arms, public will remains on the side of the 2nd Amendment. A recent Reason/Rupe poll is the latest survey to demonstrate that most Americans aren’t convinced that tougher gun laws have anything to do with lowering the crime rate.
The poll, released late last week, shows that 63 percent of Americans surveyed believe criminals are going to get their hands on guns, regardless of whether new laws are enacted that make it tough for people to obtain firearms.
The poll asked: “Do you think tighter restrictions on buying and owning guns would be effective or would not be effective in preventing criminals from obtaining guns?” Sixty-three percent of respondents answered “not effective,” while only 32 percent answered “effective.”
Broken down by political leanings, 70 percent of Republican respondents thought gun control is ineffective. Fifty-two percent of Democrats agreed, while only 44 percent of Democrats said gun control would help. “Nonwhite women” was the only demographic category in which more people favored gun control, by a margin of 50 percent to 44 percent.
The results suggest the massive outlay of advertising money spent by gun control advocates in 2013 hasn’t yielded much success. Despite the fact that gun control groups outspent their gun rights adversaries by a 7 to 1 margin this year, public opinion has steadily turned against gun control as a salve for violent social ills.
Don't you love these polls?
So a majority of liberal Democrats agree. Seems consistent in all the polling I see. So why all the hate here?
01-12-2014, 08:12 AM
I Absolutely agree with you, but I have a question; why does the US have the highest prison population of any so called civilized nation?
We must be doing a lot of things wrong, i.e. the punishments don't discourage the Bad Guys.
Because they put people in prison for dumb crap with manditory minimum sentences. DUI's because of silly low alcohol levels, pot smokers and other misc drug users. No room for murderers and rapist. They get early release to make room for these folks.
01-12-2014, 08:13 AM
Very subtle and understated. Pretty much standard, low-key jocko.;)
Just sayin
Reads like racist flag waving to me. Just saying!
01-12-2014, 09:37 AM
Because they put people in prison for dumb crap with manditory minimum sentences. DUI's because of silly low alcohol levels, pot smokers and other misc drug users. No room for murderers and rapist. They get early release to make room for these folks.
I agree with you mounty, I think that all drug drug pushers and drug abusers should be executed. That would make for more room in the prisons for murderers and rapists. In fact, lets just execute them all and then we won't need any fokking prisons. Think of the money we could save by just taking out the trash. The reason that we have a high rate of crime in this country is because we allow it. (Written by a kinder gentler muggsy.)
01-12-2014, 10:21 AM
I Absolutely agree with you, but I have a question; why does the US have the highest prison population of any so called civilized nation?
We must be doing a lot of things wrong, i.e. the punishments don't discourage the Bad Guys.
Because we have the most crooks, and degenerates..................
01-13-2014, 07:18 PM
Because we have the most crooks, and degenerates..................
You don't have a very high opinion of our country do you?
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