View Full Version : K9 vs MK9

12-17-2013, 04:27 PM
Excluding the NY trade-ins, which is the more desirable model between the K9 and the MK9.

I'm interested because I want to buy both of models and want to figure a realistic buy price for both of them.


12-17-2013, 05:15 PM
It's really a question of personal preference. The K9 is only about a half inch longer & a half inch higher. I've found that because they are the same width, they both work reasonably well as concealed carry guns. If you're a larger guy, probably a K9 would be better, but until you've tried both of them out it's almost a toss-up.

12-17-2013, 05:22 PM
I concur. They are very similar. If you have large hands at all, K9 gets the nod. Both are easy to carry in a proper holster on a proper belt.

12-17-2013, 07:47 PM
I personally own both of them and I love them both. The grip on the K9 is one of the best out there. I added the wood grips to my mk9 and I love the look and the feel. I don't think you can go wrong with either one. I love how they both shoot and can make tight groups with them. If you have trouble deciding, buy both!

12-17-2013, 08:06 PM
I'm interested because I want to buy both of models and want to figure a realistic buy price for both of them.

As you can see it's personal. I don't think you'll find either model more or less sought-after on the used market. Expect similar values. I've seen prices all over the board so some patience looking could be rewarding. Prices online for used steel Kahrs can be darn reasonable too. Happy hunting.

12-17-2013, 08:25 PM
K9: 7+1, rubbery grips like an Otterbox, shoots like a Cadillac, conceals great.

MK9: smooth hard plastic grips, 6+1, shoots like a Cadillac sports car, better with a Pearce pinky extension. Conceals marginally better than the K9.

, both mine were bought used, so I can't help with pricing.

12-17-2013, 09:29 PM
Thanks to all for your help ~ I think my post was not clear, I really want them both.

Safe and happy holiday to all!!

08-27-2015, 04:34 PM
To me it depends on how you carry them. I personally can't pocket carry any of the Kahrs so it's belt carry for me and I can conceal the 3.5" brl as well as the 3" so it would be the K9 for me. We are all built different and dress different. Pick the one you like.

08-27-2015, 04:56 PM
I have both. I wouldn't sell either. For pricing, look at places like Grabagun for new and watch gunbroker options for used prices.

08-29-2015, 05:13 PM
I also have both.

Bought the MK9 NIB in 2005 and carried 5yrs, maybe 4K down the pipe, it both in a pocket (AHolster) and IWB (CrossBreed SuperTuck, Romora, Bianchi 100).

It has even attended an intermediate pistol course and was the only going that did not choke all day. (1911's, XD, a G19 and revolver. Revolver choke was shooter induced during a reload, but still took two people to clear)

The gun is amazing and a real gem to shoot. The added weight of the steel frame really soaks up the recoil.

I bought the K9 used, I knew it was a problem child when I bought, but it was crazy cheap. Sent it to the Mother Ship and it was returned in under two weeks and has never jammed been a problem, not once.

The K9 is easily the most accurate 9mm I have ever shot. True match grade gun. The rubber grips are my favorite grips on any gun I own I 5K rounds, it have because my favorite skinny gun. I carry it more than the MK9, IWB or OWB. and ever in a SmartCarry when I wear loose trunks.

Both are amazing guns, the K9 wins out for the grips and accuracy, but barely.

08-29-2015, 06:37 PM
Thanks to all for your help ~ I think my post was not clear, I really want them both.

IMHO you should buy both. That was easy.

08-29-2015, 09:17 PM
I just ordered a stainless K9 w/night sights from Bud's gun shop.... Looking forward in getting it as I keep hearing so many good things about it.

09-25-2015, 08:56 PM
I own a MK40 Elite and rented a K40.
Both great guns.
But if I could turn back time?
Would switch to a K40/K9 Elite.

IMHO the MK gun are too heavy for pocket carry.
On a belt? Why not have the extra capacity and grip?
Also my MK is the hardest to rack semi auto I've got.
The K series seems easier to rack and take down to me.


06-29-2018, 06:07 PM
I have the MK9 Elite and going to add a K9 to the family. I do have the CW9 and the accuracy of that pistol amazes me. I am a certified NRA as well as a USCCA Training Counselor as well as a Glock armorer. The CW is 10 years old and I cannot begin to count how many rounds it has fired. I do routine maintenance and changed the guide rod spring,but that is it. the CW point much better than the Glock 43 and felt recoil is milder with the same load. Now I said all that to say this. The MK9 is a true jewel to shoot. Negligible recoil and a good heft in the hand that you do not get with your polymer pistols. The balance is excellent and once again you get a natural point with either gun that you do not get with the Glock. I am not bashing Glock, just saying what works for me.