View Full Version : The end of lead bullets?

12-18-2013, 04:18 PM

12-18-2013, 04:30 PM
As long as my hollow points expand reliably, I don't see a problem. Ammo is already historically high anyways.

12-18-2013, 04:44 PM
As long as my hollow points expand reliably, I don't see a problem. Ammo is already historically high anyways.

Well, now....given most are lead core that may well be an issue wouldn't ya think?

12-18-2013, 04:50 PM
Well, now....given most are lead core that may well be an issue wouldn't ya think?

No I don't. I believe in the free market and the theory of the invisible hand. If lead is phased out over several years, then a suitable replacement will be found for the same or slightly greater cost. There is the added benefit that there are already billions of rounds of lead core bullets out on the market right now that have not been fired and probably won't be for a while. Now, a solid copper bullet will increase costs significantly, but that isn't the only option. You don't shoot hornady critical duty by the case full, you go with a cheaper more economical option and save the good stuff for specific roles. Solid copper bullets will fill that role and a suitable replacement will fill the cheap but plentiful role.

12-18-2013, 05:00 PM
This whole smelting plant closure has been all over the news prior to this article. I remember reading somewhere that the major ammo manufacturers had already chimed in and said this would have almost no impact on their ability to produce or their prices due to the ability to buy recycled lead or import what they need and that it wouldn't be any more/less expensive or available. The article also mentioned that the vast majority of ammo produced in this country to begin with comes from recycled led, not freshly produced led (which is what this smelting plant does).

Now, how we feel about this is a different story. Yet another way to make us more dependent on the outside world vs the U.S. being self sufficient. I think we need the ability to produce the necessities in life. Food, power, clothing, construction materials, clean water, guns, ammo...without being largely dependent on foreign entities to provide that for us. Otherwise, open the gates and buy/sell internationally. But those things are 'national security' level products if you ask me.

12-18-2013, 05:05 PM
I have plenty of ammunition in my safe. Enough to get me through the rest of what's left of my life as far as hunting and SD are concerned. I may be forced to spend a little less time and money at the range. I also have about 100 pounds of lead in my basement and a good supply of components.

12-18-2013, 05:45 PM
Glad I have a lot of wheel weights and molds.

12-18-2013, 06:49 PM
No I don't. I believe in the free market and the theory of the invisible hand. If lead is phased out over several years, then a suitable replacement will be found for the same or slightly greater cost. There is the added benefit that there are already billions of rounds of lead core bullets out on the market right now that have not been fired and probably won't be for a while. Now, a solid copper bullet will increase costs significantly, but that isn't the only option. You don't shoot hornady critical duty by the case full, you go with a cheaper more economical option and save the good stuff for specific roles. Solid copper bullets will fill that role and a suitable replacement will fill the cheap but plentiful role.

Methinks that would be lead core ball, right? Trusting you are....

12-18-2013, 07:27 PM
I also have about 100 pounds of lead in my basement and a good supply of components.

Yes, but when the smart people in this country ban the production of lead bullets, you'll have to cast those by candlelight on a moonless night.

12-18-2013, 08:54 PM
Yes, but when the smart people in this country ban the production of lead bullets, you'll have to cast those by candlelight on a moonless night.

And lead takes a long, long time to melt using candles.

12-19-2013, 12:16 AM
auto batteries are lead :001_tt2:
just sayin'

12-19-2013, 07:49 AM
Yes, but when the smart people in this country ban the production of lead bullets, you'll have to cast those by candlelight on a moonless night.

I can cast lead bullets in my sleep and the way that I shoot some people think that I do. :)

12-19-2013, 07:51 AM
auto batteries are lead :001_tt2:
just sayin'

Not all car batteries are lead. Lead seems to be going the way of the buffalo and buggy whip. In that regard it's kinda like personal freedom in this country. :(

12-19-2013, 09:53 AM
Glad I kept that box full of Depleted Uranium one of my sons buddies brought back from over in Iraq....Stuff is a real bugger to melt though, have to use an acetylene torch to even get it softened up enough to mold....Even if I never use it to make bullets I'm going to hang on to it, dang if it doesn't keep the basement real warm in the winter and I don't even have to turn the light on to see down there anymore....Not sure how it works but it's great stuff....:p

12-20-2013, 10:20 AM
I look at this from a different angle. Yes there are substitutes, but the cost will surely double. That said, I envision a no lead ammo at public ranges, hunting with lead ammo, I think they will go after and prohibit the manufacture of all lead ammo in the relatively near future.

I am not saying I will dump mine, but I did have to go to steel shot for waterfowl hunting. Cost x 3

If you can't take the guns, mess with the ammo supply using executive orders.

It worked with light bulbs.

The last three years of this jackass are going to be painful.

12-20-2013, 10:38 AM
I don't see why it would be the end of lead bullets just because the military is using non-lead ammo. Civilian demand is massive and will be met by the current manufacturers. If the military stops using them, that frees up supply, which is ideal. Prices may even come down.

12-20-2013, 11:43 AM
Me thinks the EPA Nazi's will ban consumer use of lead in the near future for no other reason than to work with the Presbo and make ammo so hard to find and expensive that it will be impossible to shoot and that it will be a legal and constitutional way to control guns.....

The EPA is second only to the IRS when it comes to controlling the sheeple and making sure we don't have any choices...They already have pretty much outlawed incandescent light bulbs so that 60 watt bulb that did cost 89 cents now costs 12 bucks for the florescent one but it "Saves Energy and the Environment"....The EPA has mandated that all toilets be water saving even though you have to flush the thing 4 times in order for it to work but it "Saves Energy and the Environment"...

Have you looked at washing machines lately? The EPA has mandated that all new washing machines be low water usage models which pretty much eliminates top loaders so now we will be forced to buy front loaders that cost 3 times as much and break down way more often than the old simple top loaders but the new ones "Save energy and the Environment"

I think you will see the end of lead/acid car batteries soon too and we will be forced to buy the newer dry cell Optima type batteries which cost 2 to 3 times what a conventional lead/acid costs but remember they "Save Energy and the Environment"

I believe the EPA will outlaw lead, number 1, because THEY CAN....number 2, because it will cause bullets to be almost impossible to purchase and number 3, because they will say lead is bad for the environment in general but you've got to remember, The EPA's mission is not about protecting the Environment, it's all about protecting the Governments ability to Control the Citizens.....

12-20-2013, 04:02 PM
If the EPA doesn't lead to the death of this planet, I don't know what will ... no pun intended btw.

12-20-2013, 05:54 PM
Me thinks the EPA Nazi's will ban consumer use of lead in the near future for no other reason than to work with the Presbo and make ammo so hard to find and expensive that it will be impossible to shoot and that it will be a legal and constitutional way to control guns.....

The EPA is second only to the IRS when it comes to controlling the sheeple and making sure we don't have any choices...They already have pretty much outlawed incandescent light bulbs so that 60 watt bulb that did cost 89 cents now costs 12 bucks for the florescent one but it "Saves Energy and the Environment"....The EPA has mandated that all toilets be water saving even though you have to flush the thing 4 times in order for it to work but it "Saves Energy and the Environment"...

Have you looked at washing machines lately? The EPA has mandated that all new washing machines be low water usage models which pretty much eliminates top loaders so now we will be forced to buy front loaders that cost 3 times as much and break down way more often than the old simple top loaders but the new ones "Save energy and the Environment"

I think you will see the end of lead/acid car batteries soon too and we will be forced to buy the newer dry cell Optima type batteries which cost 2 to 3 times what a conventional lead/acid costs but remember they "Save Energy and the Environment"

I believe the EPA will outlaw lead, number 1, because THEY CAN....number 2, because it will cause bullets to be almost impossible to purchase and number 3, because they will say lead is bad for the environment in general but you've got to remember, The EPA's mission is not about protecting the Environment, it's all about protecting the Governments ability to Control the Citizens.....

I'm not fond of government Nazism either and I've some go 'rounds with EPA, but to be fair....

...Killing off most common incandescent light bulbs was a congressional action, not EPA regulation. EPA was given the task of developing standards. And the US is behind many countries wrt this. Personally, after first freaking out and stocking up on 100 watt bulbs I'm now going to never use, I'm moving to LED lighting.

...Toilets: Don't believe EPA regulates them, either....just developed standards. Other governmental agencies write the regs/law. Again, for me....living on a high arid plain water use is a real issue. I live in a 40 year old house and about three years ago replaced our three old water hogs with 1.25 gallon Totos. They work one hell of a lot better and our base water consumption dropped by two-thirds. Just don't buy $35 junk from big box and no worries.

...Washing machines: Don't confuse the EnergyStar program with mandates. Any mandated adherence to those standards come from other than the EPA. I like front load washing machine....seven or eight years with no trouble.

...AGM car batteries (Optima, Odyessy, etc) contain just as much lead as the traditional flooded plate type. It's how the electrolyte is dealt with that's different. I began using those for off road work maybe 20 years back because they're vibration resistant and work when you're upside down. And I've never, ever had to replace one.