View Full Version : K40 for $395

12-19-2013, 06:41 AM
I was on Gunbroker last night and watched a K40 in decent shape go for $395.

I did place a bid, but I could see the winner (by his name) had the resources to re-condition it to perfection.

But damn, I could kick myself now for not bidding it up. What a deal.

12-19-2013, 10:40 AM
I bought mine from Gunbroker. It was listed at $350, with a buy now of $399. I bid the $350 then a day or two later I decided to buy it now for $399 (didn't want to lose it over $49). Anyway, new springs, new grips,(didn't need them, just went to wood) and a little Flitz and it's beautiful. Shoots flawlessly too. Had factory night sights that were a little dim. I am in the process of putting on XS Big Dots.

Bongo Boy
01-03-2014, 10:14 PM
I got mine at GunsAmerica.com for, I think, about $425. It was a factory refurb in very good condition with some very minor corrosion under the grips. Polished all that out with little effort, put some Trijicons on it, and it's an excellent bargain IMO.

I wouldn't be too concerned--such a deal will come along again and you probably won't have to wait all that long, either.