View Full Version : Phil Robertson for President

12-19-2013, 12:26 PM

Get your stuff here if you want to support Phil Robertson after the A&E Network banned him from his TV show Duck Dynasty....I've watched the show a few times and it's ok as reality TV shows go but when I learned more about Phil Robertson's story I became a big fan of his.....His book titled "Happy Happy Happy" is really a fantastic story of rags to riches and of a man so consumed by alcohol and the party life that his wife and children ran away from him for several years....

Phil later found Jesus and turned his life around and became the loving husband and father he was meant to be and along with good old fashioned hard work, sweat, determination and his belief in himself and the American Way he founded the Duck Commander company and is now a multi millionaire....

Now Phil is a very religious Born Again Christian and in an article in GQ magazine he was asked his thoughts on what sin is....Phil's answer denounced homosexuality as wrong and a sin against God's will for man as well as saying that sleeping around with women you aren't married to was equally a sin...

Well didn't take long for LGBT and GLAAD to come out and demand he be fired from his TV show simply because his views and his 1st amendment right to express them went against the Gay Community and their idea of what PC is...

Seems this bunch and the lefty loonies in general think it's ok to have an opinion on something so long as your opinion agrees with theirs....Makes me sick just how PC crazy this world has gotten....It's perfectly ok for Miley Cyrus to go on stage and act like a total tramp whore but let a Christian say something he and his religion believe is right and it's game on from the left and the Gay lifestyle crowd....

I ordered my Phil Robertson for President bumper sticker this morning and I hope y'all will too....I still believe in the 1st Amendment and that's why I so strongly support the 2nd so as to keep the 1st valid...:Amflag2:

Pulpit Pistol
12-19-2013, 01:01 PM

Get your stuff here if you want to support Phil Robertson after the A&E Network banned him from his TV show Duck Dynasty....I've watched the show a few times and it's ok as reality TV shows go but when I learned more about Phil Robertson's story I became a big fan of his.....His book titled "Happy Happy Happy" is really a fantastic story of rags to riches and of a man so consumed by alcohol and the party life that his wife and children ran away from him for several years....

Phil later found Jesus and turned his life around and became the loving husband and father he was meant to be and along with good old fashioned hard work, sweat, determination and his belief in himself and the American Way he founded the Duck Commander company and is now a multi millionaire....

Now Phil is a very religious Born Again Christian and in an article in GQ magazine he was asked his thoughts on what sin is....Phil's answer denounced homosexuality as wrong and a sin against God's will for man as well as saying that sleeping around with women you aren't married to was equally a sin...

Well didn't take long for LGBT and GLAAD to come out and demand he be fired from his TV show simply because his views and his 1st amendment right to express them went against the Gay Community and their idea of what PC is...

Seems this bunch and the lefty loonies in general think it's ok to have an opinion on something so long as your opinion agrees with theirs....Makes me sick just how PC crazy this world has gotten....It's perfectly ok for Miley Cyrus to go on stage and act like a total tramp whore but let a Christian say something he and his religion believe is right and it's game on from the left and the Gay lifestyle crowd....

I ordered my Phil Robertson for President bumper sticker this morning and I hope y'all will too....I still believe in the 1st Amendment and that's why I so strongly support the 2nd so as to keep the 1st valid...:Amflag2:

Amen, brother. I couldn't agree with you more. We are no longer free to have our own opinions and convictions on anything that goes against the PC crowd. It cost Phil his job, (though he doesn't need A&E--he's better off distancing himself from them). Chick Fil-A is not welcome in Chicago, because the founder dared to have his own beliefs concerning the same subject.

12-19-2013, 01:08 PM
I suspect the rest of the Robertson clan will rally and walk in protest. I love that show. Its the way things should be and much closer to reality than any other reality show on TV.

It's sad that A&E bows and cow cows to these groups.

I'm actually letting my face grow in hopes that I can move down there and make duck calls, I don't want to be on TV though, one star among us O'Dell is more than enough around here.

12-19-2013, 01:09 PM
A&E is gonna wish they hadn't taken this stand. What do you think the rest of the family is going to do? They may be contractually obligated but I bet it doesn't go well.

Pulpit Pistol
12-19-2013, 01:12 PM
A&E is gonna wish they hadn't taken this stand. What do you think the rest of the family is going to do? They may be contractually obligated but I bet it doesn't go well.

I think they'll bolt from A&E. They certainly should.

12-19-2013, 01:13 PM
Making an issue of this only boosts the show. Dumb move by the gay lobby.

12-19-2013, 01:25 PM
I'd love to hear what Phil thinks of ovomit, I bet that would be a great interview.

Those folks down there are so use to speaking the truth and saying what's on their minds that it's like a foreign language to most others especially those in California and New York and such where they are afraid of offending someone cause they have black hair or are 2 pounds over weight.

The truth shouldn't hurt anybody. If you call a fat chick fat, that ain't offensive it's the truth, but lord help me if I tell any of the violets around here they are fat which they are. A lot!

12-19-2013, 02:11 PM
I am so effin sick of the 3.5% of the population that identifies themselves as LGBT, jerking the rest of us around, I was very glad to see someone with the balls to say what he really feels. They get their way by being very vocal, using the courts to sue people that won't photograph their "wedding" (if you can call it that) or for not baking them a cake for a gay wedding. Whatever happened to the right to the rights of the 96.5% that don't cater to their sinful lifestyle. Why do we have to be forced to accept them? One of the sick bastards even tweeted that he wished all Christians would die, now to me, that is a hell of a lot more offensive, than saying a woman's private parts are much more appealing to Phil, than some guys ********.
And then Glaad tried to tell us how a "real" Christian should behave. Eff them! They have no idea what a Christian is, or they wouldn't be living their lifestyle. In God's own words, A man that lays with another man, the way he would with a woman, is an abomination, and they should be killed. The gays should be damn happy they aren't living in a muslim country where they WOULD be killed if caught doing their thing. I wish the gays would just shut up and get out of our faces, and quit trying to make everyone accept their crap, and quit whining and crying when someone speaks out against them, or running to the lawyers if someone doesn't want their business.

12-19-2013, 02:14 PM
Thank you for describing how I feel. My PC correctness is intact but everyone knows how I feel.

A win/win in my book.

12-19-2013, 02:29 PM
Duck Dynasty as a TV show almost never got out of the gate because Phil demanded that the last scene be of his family around the dinner table with him leading a prayer....A&E almost cancelled the show because they thought Christian Prayer would offend some people and not be PC enough....
Phil told A&E they could take a hike if they cut that part of the show out and by then it had become the #1 show on their network so they begrudgingly let each episode end with prayer....

I support what Phil said in the GQ article and the fact that he said it to a magazine totally unconnected with the A&E Network makes it his personal opinion and it had nothing to do with the show....My thoughts are that A&E got exactly what they were paying for and it was Perfectly Peachy PC to make fun of a white backwoods Christian family so long as the network was making a killing off the ratings....For Gods sake what did A&E think a man like Phil Robertson would say if asked his opinion on Gay people, did they think he would say "Well God's blessed me with everything a man could want except for a couple of Flaming Gay sons"......REALLY......I hope Duck Dynasty moves to a new network and the Robertson's send a life size picture of the whole family mooning the CEO and Board of Directors of the A&E Network...

12-19-2013, 03:23 PM
It's not the gay population that's jerking us around (and could you have picked a better verb? I mean, really. :eek:)

Homosexuality and all other behaviors that undermine the family unit have been tools used by the Marxists since the early 20th century, first in Europe, now here. The goal is to destroy Western values and have the vacuum filled with their Marxist claptrap. You can bet that your average left wing liberal doesn't give a crap about gays or women. If they did, they'd be demanding we invade the Muslim world to make them stop killing and maiming them.

This is why the left is hostile toward Christianity, it's direct competition with their religion of socialism.

Pulpit Pistol
12-19-2013, 03:35 PM
The libs are in the process of setting up acceptance of "gayness" as an acid test of American "tolerance." Any who will not subscribe to its "legitimacy" will lose all legal "privileges." For instance, if churches will not cave in to the gay lifestyle (and their "marriages," etc.), they will lose their tax-exempt statuses. Barring a miracle--for which we ought to pray--the America we once knew will no longer be (in any form).

Anything may now be tolerated *except* Biblical Christianity.

Too bad we can't trade Obama for Putin. The Russians are too smart to agree to that deal.

12-19-2013, 03:36 PM
Agree 100%....The Government wants to remove God and Christianity from the Country and replace it with their PC anything goes Coexist Crap....I'm sick of it....

If you feel strongly as I do that what A&E did was a direct slap in the face of what little decency is left in America then send A&E an e-mail and let them know what you think....If they lose anough viewers that buy all the crap their sponsors advertise then they may rethink what they do in the future.....


sas PM9
12-19-2013, 04:44 PM
Duck Dynasty as a TV show almost never got out of the gate because Phil demanded that the last scene be of his family around the dinner table with him leading a prayer....A&E almost cancelled the show because they thought Christian Prayer would offend some people and not be PC enough....
Phil told A&E they could take a hike if they cut that part of the show out and by then it had become the #1 show on their network so they begrudgingly let each episode end with prayer....

I support what Phil said in the GQ article and the fact that he said it to a magazine totally unconnected with the A&E Network makes it his personal opinion and it had nothing to do with the show....My thoughts are that A&E got exactly what they were paying for and it was Perfectly Peachy PC to make fun of a white backwoods Christian family so long as the network was making a killing off the ratings....For Gods sake what did A&E think a man like Phil Robertson would say if asked his opinion on Gay people, did they think he would say "Well God's blessed me with everything a man could want except for a couple of Flaming Gay sons"......REALLY......I hope Duck Dynasty moves to a new network and the Robertson's send a life size picture of the whole family mooning the CEO and Board of Directors of the A&E Network...

/\ /\ /\ THIS! +1Gig


12-19-2013, 04:49 PM
I don't have anything against homosexuals and lesbians. Heck, I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body! ;)

But I don't have a problem with real Christians believing that those folks are sinners.

However I do NOT subscribe to the haters who want to stone those people to death, nor those Westboro "Baptist" church dirtbag fanatics.

I do agree that a lot of the "in your face" gay crowd are a PITA, just like the pop culture sluts & whoremongers are.

Just let people live their private lives.

As far as the "Duck" dude goes, he wasn't professing hate, he just thought those people are weird. So what? I agree with him that a woman's...uh...sweet spot is much preferable than a man's sewer dump. :D

God Bless everybody - hate the sin but not the sinner.

I have a friend who is gay and has been with his "husband" (wife?) for 10 years. I don't care what they do in the privacy of their bedroom.

A couple weeks ago a group of our local friends who belong to a Las Vegas message board met at a member's restaurant in Austin to welcome another member touring Texas for the first time as my & my wife's guest. Some of us are very conservative, some liberal, but nobody cares about politics or being pc. A great time was had by all.

Left to right:

Our English visitor (sweet lady recently widowed), Mrs.Armybrat, me, the "husband", the "wife", a Canadian friend (straight guy), the restaurant owner's wife, the restaurant owner:


None of my three sons are gay - oldest has been married twice (10 years to wife #2), the next was recently widowed after 15 years of marriage, and the youngest has his girlfriend living with him.

Mrs.Brat's very nice, harmless cousin has been in a loving relationship with his boyfriend for 50 years, so who am I to judge those good people?

Just sayin'

But I don't think pc politics should mess with those who express their opinions like the Duck Dynasty dude did.

PS - I never heard of that show until a couple weeks ago, but don't watch it.

I don't think that guy gives a shitzu if those jellyfish TV execs censored & dumped him.

For the record, I voted for W twice, despise what BHO is doing to this country, have been married to the same lovely woman for 46 years, and think that we are being ruled by one party of fascist commies, the republicrats.
Plus I think that, despite being a blowhard, Rush Limbaugh (who I haven't listened to in years) is a moderate. Neil Boortz was my favorite radio guy.

12-19-2013, 04:58 PM
The left preaches tolerance, but has none for anyone who disagrees with their point of view. They also champion free speech unless you say something with which they disagree. Where I come from they refer to that as hypocrisy. A&E's loss will be another networks gain. God works in mysterious ways.

12-19-2013, 05:03 PM
If you're interested, here's a link to sign a petition to A&E to reinstate Phil:


NRA Life Member

12-19-2013, 05:06 PM
The left preaches tolerance, but has none for anyone who disagrees with their point of view. They also champion free speech unless you say something with which they disagree. Where I come from they refer to that as hypocrisy. A&E's loss will be another networks gain. God works in mysterious ways.

You are correct, sir.

12-19-2013, 05:37 PM
IMHO this has not so much to do with hating gays or their lifestyles as much as it does with being able to express your personal religious beliefs without being punished....I wonder if Phil Robertson was a Muslim and said the same things would the result have been the same from A&E, I sincerly doubt it....Muslims have much less tolerance for homosexuality than Christians do but to punish a Muslim for expressing his or her religious beliefs and saying what the Koran says about the subject would cause alarms to go off with the PC Police and would never fly, can't touch a Muslim no matter what....

It seems to me that it's only Christians and the Bible that come under attack from the left and LGBT groups.....I am so sick and tired of the rainbow crowd being classed as super citizens that can flaunt their gay lifestyles in a parade down main street and can do no wrong no matter how weird and gross it may be and then tell me I have a problem and that I'm a bigot because I don't happen to think that kind of thing is normal and that children shouldn't be exposed to that kind of lifestyle ....

12-19-2013, 05:39 PM
Damn armybrat, I had not idea you were so gosh darn good looking!

You may never be president but you'll always be good looking.

Not in any mano mano way ya understand.

VN Vet
12-19-2013, 05:42 PM
Our 1st Amendment is in as much deep trouble as is our 2nd.

The Bible does not approve a man sleeping with another man or a woman with another woman. Those who disobey is risking damnation if they do not ask for forgiveness and stop practicing homosexual acts. It's the same as all the other sins Phil stated.

A person must take the Bible in total and not just those verses they want to use.

Our Holy Book is the Bible. It is much more tolerable of sexual sins than the Muslims. Holy Book.

12-19-2013, 07:26 PM
I'm a bit torn on the Bible and the gay thing. We are too love all mankind yet homosexuality is a sin. What to do as a Christian?

That being said, I had always been against homosexuality until my little brother told me he was gay. In an instant, I realized that it didn't matter to me that he was gay. He was the same brother I grew up with and loved. Nothing had changed other than him telling me he was gay. I wasn't about to lose my brother over that.

This is why I'm a bit torn over the issue. To top things off, he died five years ago from AIDS. I cried like a baby. I could never turn my back on him then and I can't today, nor will I tomorrow.

I don't appreciate the gay folks flaunting their life style in my face with their parades and protests and whatnot. I've come to point that I really don't care what one does in private, I just don't want to see it in public. Having a brother that was gay really does change one's opinion on the whole topic.

And I support Phil in everything he said.

12-19-2013, 07:41 PM
I'm a bit torn on the Bible and the gay thing. We are too love all mankind yet homosexuality is a sin. What to do as a Christian?

That being said, I had always been against homosexuality until my little brother told me he was gay. In an instant, I realized that it didn't matter to me that he was gay. He was the same brother I grew up with and loved. Nothing had changed other than him telling me he was gay. I wasn't about to lose my brother over that.

This is why I'm a bit torn over the issue. To top things off, he died five years ago from AIDS. I cried like a baby. I could never turn my back on him then and I can't today, nor will I tomorrow.

I don't appreciate the gay folks flaunting their life style in my face with their parades and protests and whatnot. I've come to point that I really don't care what one does in private, I just don't want to see it in public. Having a brother that was gay really does change one's opinion on the whole topic.

And I support Phil in everything he said.

Homosexual acts are the sin. Christians are taught to love the sinner and hate the sin. What's there to be torn over?

12-19-2013, 07:50 PM
I don't like Miley Cyrus shoving her heterosexuality in my face any more than I like gays doing it. I really don't care if people have gay sex in private, or cheat on their wives or husbands in private, or swap wives. That doesn't really affect me.

The reason it's considered sinful is because all the obsession with sex takes your focus of what's really important in life, which ain't the thing between your legs.

12-19-2013, 07:52 PM
Homosexual acts are the sin. Christians are taught to love the sinner and hate the sin. What's there to be torn over?

Well, I sure as heck don't want my rear end to ever get torn.

Just sayin'
(to quote a resident sage)

12-19-2013, 08:04 PM
I support Phil for president.!!!

12-19-2013, 08:30 PM
I'm gonna boycott every show on A&E EXCEPT Duck Dynasty.

12-19-2013, 08:59 PM

12-19-2013, 10:44 PM

+1,000 I'm e-mailing this one out.

12-20-2013, 06:52 AM
Well, I sure as heck don't want my rear end to ever get torn.

Just sayin'
(to quote a resident sage)

Small chance of that happening, Armybrat. Have you looked in the mirror lately. Of course we Navy men live by the motto, "Any port in a storm.' Just sayin.

12-20-2013, 07:21 AM

I am also stealing that one to post elsewhere.

12-20-2013, 09:38 AM
I don't like Miley Cyrus shoving her heterosexuality in my face any more than I like gays doing it. I really don't care if people have gay sex in private, or cheat on their wives or husbands in private, or swap wives. That doesn't really affect me.

The reason it's considered sinful is because all the obsession with sex takes your focus of what's really important in life, which ain't the thing between your legs.

On the contrary, John. Homosexuality, and infidelity affects us all. As taxpayers we're asked to clean up the messes that those who engage in such practices make. Quite frankly, I have better things to do with my hard earned money.

12-20-2013, 10:47 AM
I personally don't have a problem with gay people at all...I have known several openly gay men and women and they were all perfectly nice people and I got along with them fine and I really don't give a rats rump what they do in their own homes and I expect the same from them....Life Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness is the American way and whatever floats your boat is fine with me so long as I don't have to see it, hear it or participate BUT

When the LGBT bunch which is less than 2% of the general population gets SO MUCH power that they are able to control what the other 98% of us can even say about the subject then I got a real problem....

When this same 2% can cause a religious Christian man to be fired from his job just for saying that he believes the Bible is the Word of God and that the Bible says Homosexuality is a sin against God's Word....If one small 2% now has that kind of power over the 1st Amendment then our Country is Terribly Broken

12-20-2013, 12:59 PM
Homosexuals aren't seeking equality. They are seeking social acceptance. They want everyone to believe that homosexuality is a perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle. It isn't. Once the definition of marriage is changed it will no longer have the same meaning. If we accept one perversion it won't be long before were asked to accept another. Next thing you know old Jocko will want to marry one of his sheep!

12-20-2013, 01:04 PM
I agree. They really want spouse benefits from insurance / employers etc.

I'm ok with that but don't call it a marriage, it ain't. Call it a union, call it an abomination, call it whatever but don't call it a marriage.

It's another step toward spiraling down the drain of morals and ethics.

VN Vet
12-20-2013, 01:17 PM
Guys, after reading your comments on this subject I know I have joined a Forum with many like minded people: American Values and Firearms.

Thank you. I feel at home.

12-20-2013, 03:59 PM
I agree. They really want spouse benefits from insurance / employers etc.

I'm ok with that but don't call it a marriage, it ain't. Call it a union, call it an abomination, call it whatever but don't call it a marriage.

It's another step toward spiraling down the drain of morals and ethics.

We're on the same page, but I'd use the word "aberration" rather than "abomination".

I don't think the gays got this guy fired, it was the jellyfish pc TV executives who are afraid of being labeled homophobes and are anti-Christian.

12-22-2013, 09:07 AM
Well, I sure as heck don't want my rear end to ever get torn.

Just sayin'
(to quote a resident sage)

Just don't drop the soap in the shower. You'll be ok.

southern thunder
12-22-2013, 10:08 AM
I glad someone took a stand on what I believe.

southern thunder
12-22-2013, 10:10 AM
I agree. They really want spouse benefits from insurance / employers etc.

I'm ok with that but don't call it a marriage, it ain't. Call it a union, call it an abomination, call it whatever but don't call it a marriage.

It's another step toward spiraling down the drain of morals and ethics.

So true.

12-22-2013, 04:55 PM
The left preaches tolerance, but has none for anyone who disagrees with their point of view. They also champion free speech unless you say something with which they disagree. Where I come from they refer to that as hypocrisy.

Exactly. And that's the part that hacks me off the most.

Message to the GBLT community and ALL other whiney groups:
Life is tough. It's always been tough. Get used to it. People aren't going to like you sometimes just like some people don't like me. Too bad. Get over it. Quit asking for special treatment. Make something successful out of your life and then you'll be respected. Quit being the thought police. Quit whining. This is a free speech country (for now anyway) and if you don't like it here go to Iran. Leave me alone. I don't care about your views and don't want to hear them. Live how you want but leave me alone. Oh, and by the way, I'm keeping my guns and bible too so don't bring it up, and my preacher can say whatever he wants and if I don't like it I'll leave his church. And I'll say what I think since that's my right.

Have a nice day.

:amflag: Phil for President :amflag:

Pulpit Pistol
12-22-2013, 05:01 PM
Homosexuals aren't seeking equality. They are seeking social acceptance. They want everyone to believe that homosexuality is a perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle. It isn't. Once the definition of marriage is changed it will no longer have the same meaning. If we accept one perversion it won't be long before were asked to accept another. Next thing you know old Jocko will want to marry one of his sheep!

I wonder what Jocko will do when the libs come to take his Kahr guns away??!!