View Full Version : Mk9 ftf

12-19-2013, 01:25 PM
My used MK9 has not performed flawlessly. I just went today to blow 50 rounds downrange, and had 1 failure to feed. The slide locked back with the round in and still in the mag. Racked it and it was fine.

The ammo was FMJ, Atlanta Arms, in an older 7 round K9 mag. I cleaned the pistol when I got it, so I'm not sure what's going on. Previous range sessions also had some FTFs.

Is the recoil spring a possibility? It supposedly had 1000 rounds through it when I got it and I've read the spring should be replaced about now (+/- 1200 rounds).

12-19-2013, 03:43 PM
I would start with the mag spring, since you say it's an older one. New recoil spring is a cheap change also. I also polish my feed ramps to a like glass finish. I am not familiar with Atlanta Arms, but if they are reloads(which I never shoot) could have been light loads.

12-19-2013, 03:49 PM
indeed get anew set of recoil springs. It is allabout timing on ur semi's and itf it was OK awhile back then I would go to the springs change before getting to excited, and then a look at the ammo etc. Personaly I hate the 7 round extended magsin those guns. try it witht he 6 round flush fit and see what flies also. My bet it willbe OK.

Try the flush fit magazine first ,

12-19-2013, 04:13 PM
The 6 round mag worked fine. I was just thinking, I took the ugly plastic doohickey off of the 7 round mag so it's just a K9 mag that I can use in the MK9. I wonder if I was moving it with my grip when it was supposed to feed.

If that's the issue, I'll need to order another 6 rounder and keep the 7s for the K9.

12-19-2013, 04:21 PM
stick with the flush fit, u bought a ultra small cw gun, leave it that way. Besides tht the gun looks butt ugly with that extended magazine in it. IMO. If u have a K9 u have the best of both worlds to

12-19-2013, 05:53 PM
Its also possible I could jigger the 6 rounder with the whale tail pinky extension I put on it. It sure makes shooting easier but maybe it's better off with the factory flush fit mag base plate.

Now I gotta me a reason to go shootin again tomorrow! :-)

12-19-2013, 06:01 PM
i can make my mk9 and pmj9 pm9 act up with pinky ext. usually a nose dive. i have never been able to make 7 rd mags work reliably in these guns

12-19-2013, 06:16 PM
IMHO...............your better off with the flush plates. When I first purchased my MK, I was used to full size firearms. I did own a BG, but that's a different animal. I was determined to get comfortable with the Kahr, just using the 6 rd. mag. I am right handed. I put my right hand on, with the two middle fingers on the grip, the pinkie on the mag plate, with my right thumb running perpendicular just under the slide stop. My left hand does a wraparound on the right, with the fleshy part of my index finger just under the front of the radius on the trigger guard. My right thumb rests partly on the gun, and on my left thumb. My left thumb runs perpendicular, pressing slightly on the firearm side, just under the slide. The only thing that is squeezing is the two fingers on the right hand. The reason I say this, is, it seems that people purchase small firearms, then, want to try to make them larger in grip. They are what they are. I think you're better off getting used to them the way they are. That particular grip has worked for me, and I can't imagine using a mag extension now. JMHO.....;)

12-19-2013, 08:13 PM
I replaced the recoil assembly when I got mine just because....it seemed wise. Haven't had any problems. I also had the Pearce ext thingy on my 6rd mag and I ground off half of it. Now there's just enough that my pinky doesn't flop around and it hasn't caused any problems. I really expect those are your two most likely causes....and easy fixes.