View Full Version : Cal car registration

12-23-2013, 12:36 PM
In Calif you pay for registration of you car every year and it is based on what the value of the car is. During the holidays, I got into a spirited disc at a get together re this topic. I feel that it is unfair that if you buy a new car, you pay more than if the car is older. Is this a classic example of you should pay more because you can mentality? After all, I hit the same amount of potholes, same number of red lights and put the same wear and tear on the streets as a car that is older. I don't get it. What am I missing here?

12-23-2013, 01:00 PM
I agree and you probably use less gas and run more efficiently than an older car too. Should be a flat rate.
I'm really not one to ask though, I've never had a new car, my current van was less than 10 years old when I bought it. Probably newest rig I ever had.

12-23-2013, 01:35 PM
It's the same in most states.....it's called greed. Gimmie your money we need MORE, it is never enough. In my city they are just finishing up on adding a sidewalk on frontage road near freeway. Part of adding it required major work near a lake [which means VERY EXPENSIVE project]. This sidewalk most likely will see very little use because of it's location. But guess what, city announced are taxes will be going up because they need more money to continue "serving us". The whole country is broken and out of control.:amflag:

12-23-2013, 01:43 PM
We don't have that stupid tax... We Have TOLL roads:)

sas PM9
12-23-2013, 01:47 PM
It's the same in most states.....it's called greed. Gimmie your money we need MORE, it is never enough. In my city they are just finishing up on adding a sidewalk on frontage road near freeway. Part of adding it required major work near a lake [which means VERY EXPENSIVE project]. This sidewalk most likely will see very little use because of it's location. But guess what, city announced are taxes will be going up because they need more money to continue "serving us". The whole country is broken and out of control.:amflag:

/\ /\ /\ THIS!

It used to be you paid your taxes once and it covered everything.

Now they still take that same tax money and then they break down everything again and tax everything originally covered, separately.

Sidewalk tax, road tax, school tax, garbage pickup tax, car tax, house tax, special assessment on the ground your house covers for a rainwater tax, tire replacement tax, plus all the fees on your phone and gas and electric bills too.
Sheesh, how do we put a stop to it.


12-23-2013, 02:31 PM
In Calif you pay for registration of you car every year and it is based on what the value of the car is. During the holidays, I got into a spirited disc at a get together re this topic. I feel that it is unfair that if you buy a new car, you pay more than if the car is older. Is this a classic example of you should pay more because you can mentality? After all, I hit the same amount of potholes, same number of red lights and put the same wear and tear on the streets as a car that is older. I don't get it. What am I missing here?

You're trying to apply common sense to it. There is so little common sense in California you would think it a super power. BTW, I feel you're pain.....

12-23-2013, 03:45 PM
We don't have that stupid tax... We Have TOLL roads:)

We are lucky.....we are getting car pool lanes that you can pay extra to use.
It is like $8.00 more to use the lane that we already paid for.

12-23-2013, 03:52 PM
We are lucky.....we are getting car pool lanes that you can pay extra to use.
It is like $8.00 more to use the lane that we already paid for.

There's Traffic in MN????
try NJ to NYC at 7 am now that's fun!

12-23-2013, 04:10 PM
Coming soon! Gun Forum Tax

12-23-2013, 04:30 PM
In Calif you pay for registration of you car every year and it is based on what the value of the car is. During the holidays, I got into a spirited disc at a get together re this topic. I feel that it is unfair that if you buy a new car, you pay more than if the car is older. Is this a classic example of you should pay more because you can mentality? After all, I hit the same amount of potholes, same number of red lights and put the same wear and tear on the streets as a car that is older. I don't get it. What am I missing here?

That it has nothing to do with cars, per se. The variable part is a personal property tax....and deductible as such. Like real estate property tax is.

12-23-2013, 04:46 PM
Here in Georgia we pay an ad valorem tax each year at registration based on the book value of the vehicle. However, starting this year a one time tax is charged at the time of the first registration, and there after you are only required to pay for the tags. I bought one car this year and paid an ad volorem tax roughly equal to the previous annual tax. It's obviously a better deal for us, but you have to replace all your vehicles to get the total benefit.

12-24-2013, 08:28 AM
In Ohio we pay a sales tax on both new and used cars. We register our cars annually and everyone pays the same flat rate, rich or poor. Unlike the rest of the country Ohio only has two seasons. There's the winter season and orange barrel season. The winter season is when we plow snow on our roads and orange barrel seasons is when we try to repair all of the potholes that the snowplows create during the winter season. It's a never ending process. We also pay a gas tax to help maintain our roads and we take great pride in having some of the worst roads in the nation. You don't have to trust me on that. Just ask any interstate trucker. :)

Longitude Zero
12-24-2013, 08:59 AM
In OK you pay at vehicle purchase. The only ongoing cost to the state is annual license plate fees that are fixed based upon the type of vehicle you drive. We also pay just about the least gas tax in the nation.

12-24-2013, 10:07 AM
Darn lucky you don't live in Denmark where the taxes when one purchases a car more than double the purchase price. Consequently, most families have one car and everyone in the family has a bicycle. Bicycles are the predominant mode of transportation in Copenhagen.

12-24-2013, 12:26 PM
In Kansas, we pay the sales tax when we purchase the car, and the personal property tax when we renew our tags each year. The more the car is worth, the more the taxes on it are. Same with the real-estate property tax, the more your home is worth, the more you get taxed.

12-24-2013, 04:14 PM
In Texas, tag fee is based on the weight of the car/truck but with a base limit (sorry Fit/smart car owners). Basically, the more you wear on the roads, the more you pay. Sales tax and fees are a flat rate for all.
The ideal of allowing counties a property tax on cars and trucks was soundly defeated many years ago!
And, yes, every dang highway in the DFW area now under construction is a toll road. Our taxes bought and cleared the right of way, but I'll have to pay a Spanish corporation FOREVER to drive on it???