View Full Version : Bad 1st range trip with CW380

12-28-2013, 03:56 PM
Brought my new CW380 to range and nothing but problems.

Brought Remington, Blazer Brass and. PPU. Jamomatic big time I did the prep work and lubed with TW25 grease in all spots

I didn't polish the feed ramp though

The PPU was the best but the Remington and BB horrible. Just trying to load a mag it jammed every time And yes dropping the slide with the slide release

Going to give it a Frog Lube treatment tonight and maybe hit range again tomorrow

If still jamming back to Kahr it will go

Sort of disappointed seeing others having no issues. All I wanted to do was get my 200 in today My Sig 238 has been gold in comparison

12-28-2013, 04:12 PM
You didn't describe your malfunctions. After cleaning if it was my gun I would give it one more chance. Once your problems are posted maybe some here can help.

12-28-2013, 05:36 PM
When I would load a magazine and hit the slide release it would fail to load and go into battery 8 out of 10 times

Also would Fail to feed sometimes during firing mid magazine

It was very rare if I made it through a magazine without a failure to feed

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12-28-2013, 07:55 PM
Somebody on this forum mentioned that failure to feed is a problem with the magazine 9 out of 10 times. Do you have a 2nd mag to try out?

Gringo Pistolero
12-28-2013, 08:21 PM
First thing I would try is cleaning, do away with the grease and try a light oil. May not be the problem but that is where I would start. Hope you get it sorted!


12-28-2013, 08:46 PM
Somebody on this forum mentioned that failure to feed is a problem with the magazine 9 out of 10 times. Do you have a 2nd mag to try out?

I have 2 other magazines coming from grabagun. I will give those a try

I just finished giving it a Frog Lube treatment, will see if that helps. It helped with my XDS that was being a pita

I want to like this gun. When it did fire it was a pleasure

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12-28-2013, 10:12 PM
If you have not already, I highly recommend reading the following in the New Member Area of the forum before you shoot or disassemble your pistol again:

jocko: proper prep of a new Kahr
johnh: Kahr Lube Diagram
wintrout: Newcomer Welcome and Info Links

As well as the slide, disassemble your magazine(s) and clean them well. Even a small amount of friction from crud will hinder feeding.

New Kahrs are tight and need to be clean and properly lubed. Hopefully yours will break in properly. If it has problems, there is a wealth of knowledge in this forum to help.

12-28-2013, 10:54 PM
If you have not already, I highly recommend reading the following in the New Member Area of the forum before you shoot or disassemble your pistol again:

jocko: proper prep of a new Kahr
johnh: Kahr Lube Diagram
wintrout: Newcomer Welcome and Info Links

As well as the slide, disassemble your magazine(s) and clean them well. Even a small amount of friction from crud will hinder feeding.

New Kahrs are tight and need to be clean and properly lubed. Hopefully yours will break in properly. If it has problems, there is a wealth of knowledge in this forum to help.

Thanks Bob, yes I did read and thought I followed

I just finished with the Frog Lube treatment. I'm not sure how telling of a test this is but I ran through about 10 magazines by dropping the slide using the slide stop. All loads were successful with no jamming

I was able to rack the slide and load and eject each round in the magazine. The only jams I had was when I didn't rack the slide forcefully enough. 3 or 4 times

Hopefully this is a good sign. Guess won't know until I go to range again but at least it seems like a positive step

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12-29-2013, 07:36 AM
Sounds to me like you have a very tight gun. Did you lube it according to the lube chart? Your choice of ammo wasn't the best and could be contributing to the problem. Tight guns don't like dirty ammo.

12-29-2013, 03:53 PM
After diligently following the prep thread, I could hand cycle rounds flawlessly even before my first range session in my P380. In addition to all the recommendations, including polishing the feed ramp, I also polished the breech face. Give this a try, and don't forget to check your mag springs for the proper assembly.

12-29-2013, 09:44 PM
Sounds to me like you have a very tight gun. Did you lube it according to the lube chart? Your choice of ammo wasn't the best and could be contributing to the problem. Tight guns don't like dirty ammo.

Yes I did follow the chart. Seems to cycle better after the Frog Lube treatment

What ammo would you suggest? Please don't say WWB as that is some of the dirtiest stuff going

It's not like 380 is the most plentiful caliber out there

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12-30-2013, 04:54 AM
FWIW, I have had excellent results with the ammo you have already tried; UMC, Blazer Brass, and PPU. WWB gives my P380 nothing but trouble. So, if your gun is already finicky, I don't think WWB is the answer.

Now that you've cleaned and lubed your gun, I'm guessing you won't have any trouble with Blazer Brass or PPU. Use a firm grip and let us know how it shoots.

12-30-2013, 09:44 AM
Brought my new CW380 to range and nothing but problems.

Brought Remington, Blazer Brass and. PPU. Jamomatic big time I did the prep work and lubed with TW25 grease in all spots

I didn't polish the feed ramp though

The PPU was the best but the Remington and BB horrible. Just trying to load a mag it jammed every time And yes dropping the slide with the slide release

Going to give it a Frog Lube treatment tonight and maybe hit range again tomorrow

If still jamming back to Kahr it will go

Sort of disappointed seeing others having no issues. All I wanted to do was get my 200 in today My Sig 238 has been gold in comparison

Why didn't you prep it first???? Includes polishing the feed ramp. Work the slide many hundreds of times. Doubt it's your ammo. Doubt it's the grease. It's a New gun. Needs to be broken in. Be patient and work with it some more. You have not even put 300-500 rounds through it yet.

12-30-2013, 06:41 PM
Why didn't you prep it first???? Includes polishing the feed ramp. Work the slide many hundreds of times. Doubt it's your ammo. Doubt it's the grease. It's a New gun. Needs to be broken in. Be patient and work with it some more. You have not even put 300-500 rounds through it yet.

I did prep it minus the feed ramp polishing. I own or have owned Sigs, Smiths, Rugers, Springfields, Glocks, Beretta etc and have never had to polish a feed ramp on any of them.....ever

Guess Kahr is a different beast...

In any event I bought some training rounds tonight and have been running them through the fun with no issues....loading or cycling. All good

The rounds have the same shape as the WWB so I thought there might be an issue

All good so far...hopefully that translates to good range time next time out

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