View Full Version : I upgraded my home security system

12-31-2013, 12:53 PM
I haven't been much of a fan of most of the pistol lockers that supposedly allow quick access to a home defense pistol. Most are too flimsy and aren't really all that quick for me when awoken in a dark room.

Since it is too much of a pain to get into the big safe every evening and morning, I was typically just tossing my PM9 in the nightstand each night.

Some recent news stories had my wife asking if we could have a bit more pistol available.

I found this little pistol locker thingie, http://www.fas1safe.com/, and just finished installing it. The thing weighs over twenty pounds and is made of thick, plate steel. It is nicely made too.

I mounted it behind the night stand, where it can't be seen by someone walking into the room (in case they get that far without me knowing). I still put my PMJ9 in the night stand each night, and open this thing so my i have a high capacity pistol within easy reach as well. In the morning, I toss the PMJ9 in its usual place and close the lid of the locker.

If someone does manage to tear this thing out of its mounts, I will have a bunch of wall and floor to rebuild. But, they will also likely have a loaded gun still encased in this steel box and not able to use on me if I happen upon them.

Anyway, I am pretty impressed with this product and thought I would share. Happy New Year!

Yogi 117
12-31-2013, 01:33 PM
Very nice alternative to the "HUGE" gun safe most of us have tucked away in some closet. Enjoy, looks like a very sturdy & secretive way to stay prepared. Happy New Year! :D

12-31-2013, 01:43 PM
Looks good. Thanks. Happy new year.

12-31-2013, 03:27 PM
Looks like a pretty decent little safe. I don't have any small children to worry about, so I keep my bedroom pretty well stock with firearms that I might need, from .22's to varmint dispatch, to pistols, rifles, and one of my shotguns handy in the bedroom.
And my dog sleeps in the kitchen outside my bedroom door and would bark up a storm at any stranger coming into the area.

12-31-2013, 03:41 PM
I have a huge safe tucked away in a closet AND a small handgun safe in my night stand that is cabled to my bed. I also have two more small handgun safes that I move around in my vehicles. When we travel in our Class A, I pull the small handgun safe from my night stand and cable it to the inside of our motor home. I don't believe in leaving guns unlocked while I am away from home. When kids are in the house, all guns are locked up at night....but in the day I always carry one. When we are home and no kids are in the house, there is always a gun unlocked and at the ready. These little safes have a useful purpose. Good purchase.

12-31-2013, 06:41 PM
I don't want to say how many "ready" firearms there are scattered around our house. Just know that there are no kids around and three dogs that have the run of the house. The non-defense firearms are safely locked up, though.