View Full Version : How many rounds?

Shooter xix
01-03-2014, 06:13 PM
So I've been looking for some info on how many rounds a kahr can handle. Not that I'm worried about it just want to know and I've seen some have put 1000 rounds without a problem some 5000 and so on. So just for s**ts and gigs how many rounds has everyone put down range with there kahr?

01-03-2014, 06:41 PM

Wait until you see his reply...

01-03-2014, 07:11 PM
Jocko's having computer issues. I think he quit counting long ago but at last count he was well over 32,000.
You ain't gonna wear it out.

I've always thought what a man I would be to shoot a gun right into the ground, kind of like my cars at trade in. Straight to the scrap yard.

With the exception of those that are ready for the scrap heap when new (I won't name names) I don't think there's many that a guy can actually wear out.

Sure new springs, maybe a part now and then, extractor, busted pin etc, but as a whole they'll go a long long time. Most just get bored and want something different long before they wear out.

Shooter xix
01-03-2014, 07:20 PM
32,000!? Dang

01-04-2014, 05:17 AM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)

Shooter xix
01-04-2014, 05:44 AM
Good answer lol

01-04-2014, 06:07 AM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)

We found us a new Jocko replacement! Amazing.

01-04-2014, 06:39 AM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)
Quote of the Year (2014) so Far!!!!!!
Nice Job, Enough to make an Indiana EYE-talian Proud!:D

01-04-2014, 07:01 AM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)

You didn't get the punctuation quite right and you spelled too many words correctly, but it was close enough. :)

01-04-2014, 07:05 AM
Was that jocko in yqtszhj clothes? this could be confusing if you keep doing that :eek:

sas PM9
01-04-2014, 09:45 AM
So I've been looking for some info on how many rounds a kahr can handle. Not that I'm worried about it just want to know and I've seen some have put 1000 rounds without a problem some 5000 and so on. So just for s**ts and gigs how many rounds has everyone put down range with there kahr?


I have over 1200 rds through my PM9, all original parts, running perfectly.

01-04-2014, 11:31 AM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)

Maybe it was jocko borrowing Y's computer. Guess he can't blame it on the keyboard no more.

01-04-2014, 11:36 AM
I cannot speak to the round count but my 2 are my1998 and my2002 with no signs of quittin'. I expect to be buried with them. I really don't think I'll tire of them either. Shoo tit lik yastol eit!

01-04-2014, 01:55 PM
1,197, 244...........rds.

01-04-2014, 03:06 PM
In Jocko's absence let me fill in on what his response would be:

"Jus tquit whining and shoot the fokker. you aint gonna break it. It runs faster than an illegar crossing our border. jus t sayin."

How's that???? :)

nailed it!

Shooter xix
01-04-2014, 06:22 PM
So it's looking like pretty much kahr has no limit to what they can handle. A little tlc here and there and there good to go.

01-04-2014, 06:49 PM
I will offer an alternative opinion. They are definitely worn out after 100 rounds. It could be dangerous to shoot them any more than that.

Kahr's have such a short life I have started a Kahr recycling center. I give $25 for all shot out Kahrs.

I assure you if anyone offers you anymore, they are probably offering to pay you through some African prince via the internet. This is a real deal offer. Hurry.

01-04-2014, 06:52 PM
Still trying to work that scheme huh Alfonse? That's so yesterday man. Time to modernize ya know?

01-04-2014, 06:53 PM
We found us a new Jocko replacement! Amazing.

I've been hanging around here so much and I've been so cranky lately because of work that imitating Jocko is quite easy at this time. :cool:

01-04-2014, 09:33 PM
Your saying Jocko is cranky? Wow, I hadn't considered that angle.

01-05-2014, 07:05 AM
I bought my pm9 in 2012 and I have 3,734 through it with no problems!

I love it!

01-05-2014, 08:17 AM
Let's put it this way. I've worn out three reloading machines trying to wear out my Kahr CM9 with no success. I can crack coconuts in the crook of my arm from racking the slide and the gun is still going strong. I told everyone at least a million times never to exaggerate their round counts and so far they haven't. So help me, Bawanna. :)

01-05-2014, 10:41 AM
Still trying to work that scheme huh Alfonse? That's so yesterday man. Time to modernize ya know?

Yeah, I probably ought to try something on the internet. :)

Shooter xix
01-05-2014, 02:32 PM
I'm glad to hear people having a lot of rounds down range with no problems. I had a cm9 for a little over a year and sold it to buy a cw9 I have somewhere between 600 and 700 rounds threw it right now of everything fmj's and a lot of different types of hp's with no problems of any kind. Like I said before I'm not to worried about wearing the gun out (and I know it's to soon to worry about replacing any parts) just wasn't sure when to replace the recoil spring and other parts. I use it as my ccw and have been told in the past to not shoot your ccw a lot but seeing here 3000+ rounds with no problems makes me feel a lot better about taking it out and having fun. Thanks so much for all the feed back.

01-05-2014, 04:04 PM
"I use it as my ccw and have been told in the past to not shoot your ccw a lot"

I don't think I would I agree with that statement, I have just gone through my 400th plus round in my CW40 and just beginning to feel confident with it. I'll feel better when I've shot 1000 rounds through it without any malfunctions.

Shooter xix
01-05-2014, 06:20 PM
I have a lot of confidence in my kahr and my ability to shoot it. I had 500+ rounds in my cm9 without a problem and now my cw9 hasn't had a single problem either.