View Full Version : P380 with CT Laser what to expect?

01-06-2014, 09:28 AM
I have looked at the P380 many times and the price always keep me from purchasing, at the gun shoe this weekend I bought a P380 with CT Laser on it owner only put 50 rounds through it, it looks new.

If it shoot and functions good it will replace my Ruger LCP.

I did clean and lube it and just waiting for good weather to shoot it. Any advise on break in? I got it for $450 was that a fair price?

01-06-2014, 11:48 AM
Congrats. With the CT? Sounds like a great deal. I'm sure others with more experience and expertise will chime in, but I just made the switch myself so here's my 2¢

IMO its a superior gun, -great trigger, true striker fired, last round hold open, better sights and barrel, + no "smiley" problem like the LCP. But the slide is MUCH harder to rack by hand. That takes some getting used to. I often rely on the slide release to feed the first round, as suggested in the manual, but I think you'll want to be ABLE to rack it by hand, so I suggest working on that.

Too bad the seller hadn't put more rounds through it. I got mine with about 200, put about 125 more myself, and its just about loosened up. While you're waiting on the weather, you may want to sit at home and rack the slide a few hundred times in your spare time.

There's a lot of info on a thread here regarding proper prep of a Kahr.

01-06-2014, 02:02 PM
Take it apart and clean it, I mean apart. Strip the slide down, clean the $#@&%! out of it, lube it and shoot it. Mine has over 4000 rnds. through it. Didn't loosen up until about 800 rnds. Use higher power ammo. keep it clean and lubed.