View Full Version : Follower Dimple

01-06-2014, 12:45 PM
A crescent shaped dimple has formed in the front part of my magazine follower. Did anyone else have this happen to their CM9? I don't think it's from the feed ramp because there is space between the two areas. Would anyone know what caused this?


01-07-2014, 06:52 AM
I would bet it is a feed ramp touch and remember that barrel unlocks after firing and moves back a little to take up that "space". Good time to call and send in a clearer photo to see if kahr will deal with the feed ramp or tells you to wait till it brakes or grind off a 1/10th and polish it your self.

01-07-2014, 02:51 PM
I would bet it is a feed ramp touch and remember that barrel unlocks after firing and moves back a little to take up that "space". Good time to call and send in a clearer photo to see if kahr will deal with the feed ramp or tells you to wait till it brakes or grind off a 1/10th and polish it your self.
By golly, I think you're right. I've already removed some material from the feed ramp. I'll have to remove more. Thanks.