View Full Version : CW9 & first gun

01-06-2014, 11:44 PM
I've gone shooting several times with friends but this is my first gun. Any tips or suggestions? Planning on taking it to the range this weekend and putting 100 or more rounds through it. Anything I should do before or after I take it out?

01-07-2014, 05:57 AM
Read the Prepping your Kahr sticky and don't get ticked off like I did if you run into some malfunctions after your first range trip. My second trip was 100 times better

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southern thunder
01-07-2014, 08:55 AM
Congrats and read the book.

01-07-2014, 09:08 AM
I read everything that came with it already. I will have to read the prepping your Kahr sticky. Figure I will try to go with the friend who got me into this just in case I hit any issues. Next up is take the Concealed Carry class

01-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Congrats on a great purchase.
Be prepared to buy several holsters; one type/style does not fit all wardrobes. Buy good quality and it will serve you for many years. Go cheap and you'll just end up replacing it down the road b/c it didn't fit the gun right, didn't have good retention, wasn't comfortable, etc.
Like any martial art, your pistol training is a lifelong endeavor; don't stop. Buy your ammo in bulk and shoot, shoot, SHOOT!

01-07-2014, 02:31 PM
Yeah I was warned before I bought that I would want to buy several holsters before I found one I like.

It's plain brass ammo but I found a deal here for 450rds for about $120. Good buy? Heard that most use cheap brass rounds during breakin and at the range and save the better rounds for "just in case they have to actually use their gun". Any thoughts?

02-04-2014, 09:46 AM
Finally went to the range this last weekend and put 200 rds through it with zero issues. Not a single fail to fire or misfeed. Took a friend who is more knowledgable about guns with me just in case anything went wrong and didn't end up needing to ask anything which I am very happy about. Now to go pick up more ammo because I blew through everything I had.

02-04-2014, 10:06 AM
Welcome and glad you pistol is breaking in well. Keep it clean and lubed per the lube diagram. Shooting is a skill that like any other improves with training and practice. Have fun and be safe.

Pulpit Pistol
02-04-2014, 10:52 AM
Welcome and glad you pistol is breaking in well. Keep it clean and lubed per the lube diagram. Shooting is a skill that like any other improves with training and practice. Have fun and be safe.

Amen to what everybody has said. The CW9 is a great concealed carry firearm. If you like IWB holsters, I found the Galco one to be very comfortable.

02-04-2014, 11:18 AM
Welcome and glad you pistol is breaking in well. Keep it clean and lubed per the lube diagram. Shooting is a skill that like any other improves with training and practice. Have fun and be safe.

Yeah I plan on taking a ccw class and then just hitting the range and having fun. As my friend said aim doesn't have to be perfect but if you group it tight it will stop whatever you are trying to hit

Amen to what everybody has said. The CW9 is a great concealed carry firearm. If you like IWB holsters, I found the Galco one to be very comfortable.

Have no idea what type of holster I like of want to get yet. Never used one yet so figure I will probably be trying a few. Might see if I can borrow a couple before I get one just so that I don't end up buying a bunch of them

02-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Have no idea what type of holster I like of want to get yet. Never used one yet so figure I will probably be trying a few. Might see if I can borrow a couple before I get one just so that I don't end up buying a bunch of them

I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but it would be best to abandon right now any hope of finding the one perfect holster. At least on the first try. As far as I know, everybody who carries concealed has a drawer full of holsters that, for one reason or another, didn't work out as expected. It's just part of the proposition. And the holster that is juuuuust right for one guy won't be at all right for the next guy. It's an experiment over time, so don't get discouraged if the first holster doesn't work out. It's possible that it will...but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

Oh, by the way, welcome to KahrTalk from "Deep in the Heart of Texas"! :)

02-04-2014, 12:25 PM
Oh I've already been told to expect to try at least a few before you find one you like...not love but at least like. That's why I figured if I borrow a few from friends that already have some laying around I might find one from them that I like. although I figure I will still end up buying a couple over time.

I am in Beaumont TX myself.

02-04-2014, 01:18 PM
I am in Beaumont TX myself.

I'm down in Corpus Christi, "The Sparkling City By The Sea".

02-04-2014, 06:56 PM
Just a suggestion but the Comptac minotaur was a holster that I found was highly recommended on a couple of other forums. Bought one and it is very comfortable. Out of the four holsters I have tried it is the one holster I like the best. I have heard good things about cross breeds too, I just am to impatient to wait that long for a holster.

02-04-2014, 08:16 PM
I think the borrowing is a great idea if you can find holsters that fit. Meanwhile, you can't usually go wrong with leather. There's a real nice rgrizzle in the marketplace forum that might still be available. I have one similar that is real comfortable.

Welcome. Thanks for the great reports.