View Full Version : .22 conversion kit?

05-20-2010, 12:22 AM
Hi all, pretty new here, just bought my first Kahr, a MK9 what a great gun!! Wish I knew about Kahr years ago.

I was thinking today after 200 rounds and wishing I had different grips, I wonder if Kahr will ever come out with a .22 or make a conversion kit for the ones we have now?

Glock has it, most 1911's have a kit, seems alot of companys are doing this. What's your thoughts?


05-20-2010, 04:27 AM
I wish they would. Sig Sauer has 22lr kits too for P220, P226 and P229. With Sig it cheaper to order them as a 22lr and buy a centerfire conversion kit. I sold a Walther p22 and traded a Taurus 9mm for a 229 and the 9mm conversion kit. Unfortunately the centerfilre conversion kit has been on BO for over 6 months. :(

05-20-2010, 06:36 AM
Hi all, pretty new here, just bought my first Kahr, a MK9 what a great gun!! Wish I knew about Kahr years ago.

I was thinking today after 200 rounds and wishing I had different grips, I wonder if Kahr will ever come out with a .22 or make a conversion kit for the ones we have now?

Glock has it, most 1911's have a kit, seems alot of companys are doing this. What's your thoughts?

MikeWhat do you think a .22 LR conversion or even a separate pistol will do for you? I shoot my .22 first everytime I go to the range, but I have my own reasons. I considered a conversion kit. As far as I know, they are only available for 5" barrels and mating frames. I believe the Kimber conversion (http://www.kimberamerica.com/shop/section.php?xSec=19) might work in my Springfield 1911, but my Browning Buckmark was only $55 more plus $25 for an extra magazine.

Last week at the Sitting Duck match with .22s there was a guy shooting a 1911 .22LR conversion and he had FTF on almost every shot. I was not impressed.

These conversions or .22 shooting in general are about seriously trying to hit bullseyes with tight patterns and about analyzing grip and trigger pull problems. Doing it on a stubby little MK9 sounds like trying to save even more on ammo, or that even a 9mm is a troubling amount of recoil.

05-20-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi all, pretty new here, just bought my first Kahr, a MK9 what a great gun!! Wish I knew about Kahr years ago.

I was thinking today after 200 rounds and wishing I had different grips, I wonder if Kahr will ever come out with a .22 or make a conversion kit for the ones we have now?

Glock has it, most 1911's have a kit, seems alot of companys are doing this. What's your thoughts?


Curious what kind of grip your wishing for and what you have on there now? Sometimes wishing is the first step towards making it happen.

05-20-2010, 01:50 PM
Hi all, pretty new here, just bought my first Kahr, a MK9 what a great gun!! Wish I knew about Kahr years ago.

I was thinking today after 200 rounds and wishing I had different grips, I wonder if Kahr will ever come out with a .22 or make a conversion kit for the ones we have now?

Glock has it, most 1911's have a kit, seems alot of companys are doing this. What's your thoughts?


not know that GLOCK actually made a 22 conversion kit???I realize that there are a couple of companies that do but I am unaware that GLOCK actually makes a 22 kit for thier guns. Can u direct me to their site where they do so??

05-21-2010, 06:53 AM
As far as the .22 conversion kit gos' GLOCK doesnt make it, its' an aftermarket company here's the link Advantage Arms Secure Online Store (http://www.advantagearms.com/)

The grips on it are the stock hard plastic ones, just not a good feel for me.

What do I think a conversion kit would do for me? More trigger time with my daily carry gun at alot cheaper price. From info found on the web your right about FTF, that seems to be the biggest complaint.

05-21-2010, 07:13 AM
As far as the .22 conversion kit gos' GLOCK doesnt make it, its' an aftermarket company here's the link Advantage Arms Secure Online Store (http://www.advantagearms.com/)

The grips on it are the stock hard plastic ones, just not a good feel for me.

What do I think a conversion kit would do for me? More trigger time with my daily carry gun at alot cheaper price. From info found on the web your right about FTF, that seems to be the biggest complaint.

You could accomplish a lot just by dry fire practice. Beyond that, I can say that it took me awhile to accommodate the idea of what it cost to shoot. I would stick with the 9mm and plan on buying a bigger gun, even in .22, to do any serious bullseye shooting and drilling of basic principles. To do any really valid practice with your "daily carry", you have to have the recoil, gun control focus, and fatigue that goes with it (be shooting 9mm). Shooting .22 may be too relaxed a position if doing it a lot. It could be counterproductive. I always shoot .22 first and finish with a serious caliber. I think when I am done, I seriously practiced.

05-21-2010, 08:28 AM
My experience with .22 conversion has been all good. However, I have an original Colt conversion for the 1911. It has worked flawlessly on every 1911 I've put it on. Changing the top to .22 is an excellent way to work on technique. I put a bullet trap at the end of my hallway at home and fire way. The small stick-on round price stickers make an excellent bullseye.

05-21-2010, 11:59 AM
maybe someday (which will never happen) if kahrs get as popular in numbers as the glocks and 1911's we will see a 22 kit. Right now I would say it just won't happen, unless kahr decided to attack the solution. Would it sell?? Maybe but if it required one to maybe have a k9 for this kit to fit then it would eliminate alot of the kahr models out there. Probably alot easier to talk about this than to make it and make it profitable.

They might be better off starting from scratch and making a complete 22 kahr in some model and be done with it. But then we probably would bit-ch about the high price of the gun then to.

05-21-2010, 12:13 PM
You could accomplish a lot just by dry fire practice. Beyond that, I can say that it took me awhile to accommodate the idea of what it cost to shoot. I would stick with the 9mm and plan on buying a bigger gun, even in .22, to do any serious bullseye shooting and drilling of basic principles. To do any really valid practice with your "daily carry", you have to have the recoil, gun control focus, and fatigue that goes with it (be shooting 9mm). Shooting .22 may be too relaxed a position if doing it a lot. It could be counterproductive. I always shoot .22 first and finish with a serious caliber. I think when I am done, I seriously practiced.

I think we all shoot alot of 22 for practice and of course the lower expense. I do the opposite here, I shoot my carry guns right out of the holster first thing just the way they are, not reloading, no practice ammo, no prerange cleaning. At least for the first mag in each it's like a real world the time is come, gotta shoot the bad guy scenario. Then transition to the 22 or whatever play toys I've brought along. I just kind of figure if anything bad ever happens I don't want to be looking for my 22 to warm up.
If I ever become wealthy a Colt Ace will be on the shopping list. I've missed a few over the years, one day if there's enough days we'll link up.

05-21-2010, 12:28 PM
kinda have to agree with you (damn again), Now I just don't take a new gun out of the box and expect perfection, I do prep it, what ever make it is but if it ismy defense gun, then I tend to shoot it like I stole it. Why baby a defense gun,keep it clean, lubed and it will serve one well all the time.

Oh I just hate it when I agree with you!!!! I probalby wold not buy a 22 kit for kahr evne if they offered one. I have one of those 22 kits for my G19 and hardly every use it when I want to shoot the 22,I grab my MKIII target. In allm y 40 years of selling guns I never sold ONE COLT ACE. Sold alot of 1911's but no one wanted the ace... Course with the Smith and Wesson model 41's back then with extended ramp sights and u name it versions and the great, super High Standard model 22's back then, no one wanted the ace at all.

My my those Hight standard supermatic trophys and citations and olympic models and of course the Browning gold Metalist, oh to have such nice dreams.

05-21-2010, 12:37 PM
What I'd really is a "snap cap" that, when actuated, would extend its base and cycle the slide just enough to reset the trigger bar (half inch?). The benefits would be many:

No resetting the trigger manually.
Zero ammo cost.
Practice anywhere (within reason).
Prevent wear to parts, with minimal (trivial?) wear to the slide rails.
No gun cleaning afterward.

05-21-2010, 12:39 PM
kinda have to agree with you (damn again), Now I just don't take a new gun out of the box and expect perfection, I do prep it, what ever make it is but if it ismy defense gun, then I tend to shoot it like I stole it. Why baby a defense gun,keep it clean, lubed and it will serve one well all the time.

Oh I just hate it when I agree with you!!!! I probalby wold not buy a 22 kit for kahr evne if they offered one. I have one of those 22 kits for my G19 and hardly every use it when I want to shoot the 22,I grab my MKIII target. In allm y 40 years of selling guns I never sold ONE COLT ACE. Sold alot of 1911's but no one wanted the ace... Course with the Smith and Wesson model 41's back then with extended ramp sights and u name it versions and the great, super High Standard model 22's back then, no one wanted the ace at all.

My my those Hight standard supermatic trophys and citations and olympic models and of course the Browning gold Metalist, oh to have such nice dreams.

I have a 73 vintage Smith 41 that I wouldn't part with for any amount of money, it's just an incredible shooting machine. Prior to it I had and still have a Match Target Colt Woodsman that I thought was the perfect 22 auto. Not so. I still shoot my Ruger MkII target often and like it alot. Lot's of good options out there. I never had a High Standard but a freind did and it was a joy to behold too. Had all the little barrel weights and gadgetry to play with to set it up just so. I ran into a fella at the range awhile back who had a Marble 22 conversion on a 1911. Never heard of it prior to that but it was just a slick running machine. Never missed a beat, accurate, very nice.

05-21-2010, 02:38 PM
for got about the colt 22. They made a super accurate slab barrel 22 woodsman target but they IMO never came close to the Smith model 41's back then. The 70's ear Bawanna was what I was referring to also. The finish and fit ont he Model 41's backthen was just like a rolex watch. So were the High standards. I remember the Hi Standard that ahd the barrel weights that one coluld attach. those were certainly the cadiallac of the 22's back them IMO, even over the Smith model 41, as Hight standard just made so many different variations of their 22 target guns. Those super matic citations and super matic trophy's were in a class by them selves IMO. The browning medalast was certaily one beautiful 22 and the wood grip and forend grips were just top quality, so typical of browning finish. But IMO would be 3rd on my list after the High Standards and Smiths and then Browning and the Colt woodsman target...oh my for those days again.

05-22-2010, 07:40 PM
I have a .22LR upper for an AR15. I use it extensively for plinking because of the cost difference over .223 ammo. I got it before there was such a good selection of .22LR guns on the AR platform. The M&P15-22 is probably the pick of the litter on those.

I never saw the need for a $250 .22LR conversion kit for the Glock, as my old Ruger MKII works great. If Kahr made a CW22 and priced it accordingly I think they'd have something for us to practice the trigger with. There is recently the Austria Arms M22 pistol (ISSC Austria (http://issc-austria.com/index.php)). I've seen these in the store for sub $400, but never got one.

mr surveyor
05-23-2010, 12:17 PM
I have a .22LR upper for an AR15. I use it extensively for plinking because of the cost difference over .223 ammo. I got it before there was such a good selection of .22LR guns on the AR platform. The M&P15-22 is probably the pick of the litter on those.

I never saw the need for a $250 .22LR conversion kit for the Glock, as my old Ruger MKII works great. If Kahr made a CW22 and priced it accordingly I think they'd have something for us to practice the trigger with. There is recently the Austria Arms M22 pistol (ISSC Austria (http://issc-austria.com/index.php)). I've seen these in the store for sub $400, but never got one.

Interesting pistol. Any links to "user feedback"? Unfortunately, in my opinion, the M22 has too much of a Glock style grip.... I prefer a more 1911 style grip angle and width. My Mk II 22/45 is a close as I have found, and it easily gets 500 rounds a month (or more) run through. I would love to have a .22lr in a CW grip/frame and have no doubt that Kahr could increase their sales and popularity immensely...IF they could "slay the giant". Creating a .22 cal semi-auto that actually works is a challenge few manufacturers have mastered.


05-23-2010, 12:41 PM
Long as we're talking 22's and at the risk of temporarily hijacking the thread here let me interject a question for the group.
My neighbor brought over a AMT AutoMag II. It's a 22 magnum. Said it wouldn't feed and cycle and I know they have a reputation for that. Anyhow it inherited it and it looked like it had been stored, lots of varnish, very dry, sticky, the usual. I broke it all down and cleaned and lubed etc and it seemed to cycle by hand much better. He eventually got it back and shot it, then brought it back, said "now it shoots but still dont cycle". He didn't tell me it wouldnt fire before. Anyhow I polished the feed ramp and that and took it to the range myself. It shoots but doens't make the slightest attempt to eject. It extracts from the chamber fine but doesn't kick out. Looking I don't see any kind of ejector. All my books have similar models but not this one, anyone else ever get that, book has 28,000 models but not the one you got. I found an online schematic that shows an ejector mounted on the frame (pretty common) but I don't see one on this one and I don't see anyplace even where it should be.
Anybody got one of these things that can see an ejector. OK, OK, I guess I'm begging for help here. Not manly but gotta do what ya gotta do ya know.

05-23-2010, 12:50 PM
Could it be an internal ejector, or perhaps use the magazine as an ejector? I've seen a couple of little 22's that did that, but they were rare and IMO junk. High Standards I've heard have magazine feed lips that crack, but nothing like this on AMT. Let me do some digging, I'll see what I can find.

mr surveyor
05-24-2010, 12:07 AM
The AMT's were beautifully made handguns, and fun to shoot.... if you don't mind single shot .22 mag pistols. A buddy and I bought one off a guy a few years ago and fought it for several trips to the range. Since he had more money into the deal than I did, I didn't get to analyze it and buy replacement springs and other parts. Ended up selling it for a small profit to a guy that knew it was problem prone. I'd bet he already knew the magic trick to make it work.

Every manufacturer that's ever attempted to build a .22 caliber semi-auto handgun has had to overcome the feed angle of the magazine, due to the rimmed cartridge, and the low power to slide weight ratio problem. So far, I think the only really successful models are centered around the fixed barrel blow-back design with rather lightweight retracting bolts. I'm really interested in the upcoming success of the Kel-Tec PM30. From what I hear from "the inside", the PM30 could be a smashing success in a hybrid locked breach - blowback design .22 magnum pistol (30 round magazine in the grip). If Kahr could figure that one out, and put a 12 round magazine in the same flat profile as the CW9, I would be all over it like a duck on a june bug.I would rather have it in .22 lr, but I know for a fact that KT is starting out with the .22 mag due to managing the power to weight ratio problem. They "may" offer it in .22 lr eventually, but I ain't gonna hold my breath.


05-24-2010, 11:19 AM
Good thoughts there Surv. I never really played with AMT's except 45 longslide hardballers. Great weapons those were.

05-24-2010, 11:29 AM
The AMT's were beautifully made handguns, and fun to shoot.... if you don't mind single shot .22 mag pistols. A buddy and I bought one off a guy a few years ago and fought it for several trips to the range. Since he had more money into the deal than I did, I didn't get to analyze it and buy replacement springs and other parts. Ended up selling it for a small profit to a guy that knew it was problem prone. I'd bet he already knew the magic trick to make it work.

Every manufacturer that's ever attempted to build a .22 caliber semi-auto handgun has had to overcome the feed angle of the magazine, due to the rimmed cartridge, and the low power to slide weight ratio problem. So far, I think the only really successful models are centered around the fixed barrel blow-back design with rather lightweight retracting bolts. I'm really interested in the upcoming success of the Kel-Tec PM30. From what I hear from "the inside", the PM30 could be a smashing success in a hybrid locked breach - blowback design .22 magnum pistol (30 round magazine in the grip). If Kahr could figure that one out, and put a 12 round magazine in the same flat profile as the CW9, I would be all over it like a duck on a june bug.I would rather have it in .22 lr, but I know for a fact that KT is starting out with the .22 mag due to managing the power to weight ratio problem. They "may" offer it in .22 lr eventually, but I ain't gonna hold my breath.


I know these Auto Mag II's got a bad reputation and obviously well deserved apparently. SO, I'm taking this one on as a personal challenge to make it run. Same fella that brought the Auto Mag brought an old revolver that was all in pieces and messed up inside. I got it running like a swiss........car? That might have been my personal miracle and I can not really expect another but I shall not give up, not easy anyhow.

mr surveyor
05-24-2010, 09:55 PM
go for it. No doubt the AMT's can be made to work. I wish I had been able to buy out my buddy's share before he sold it. I'd bet that some experimentation with springs, tuning the extractors, and maybe stoning the rails would have made a difference. Then again, I really never studied the feed angle on the mag followers related to the ramp. There has to be some magic to making them run. For all I know, they may just be ammo sensitive like Seecamp pistols and require a certain variety of ammunition.
