View Full Version : An Obamacare story with a Happy Ending!

01-08-2014, 02:09 AM
Subject: What ObamaCare is Really About

Americans have to be the biggest morons on earth to accept this Socialist Program from the "Slug in a Suit.."

*What ObamaCare is Really About**

I'm a 54 year old consulting engineer and make between $60,000 and $125,000 per year, depending on how hard I work and whether or not there are work projects out there for me.

My girlfriend is 61 and makes about $18,000 per year, working as a part-time mail clerk.

For me, making $60,000 a year, under ObamaCare, the cheapest, lowest grade policy I can buy, which also happens to impose a $5,000 deductible, costs $482 per month.

For my girlfriend, the same exact policy, same deductible, costs $1 per month. That's right, $1 per month. I'm not making this up.

Don't believe me? Just go to <http://www.coveredca.gov/> <<http://www.coveredca.gov/>> , the ObamaCare website for California and enter the parameters I've mentioned above and see for yourself. By the way, my zip code is 93940.
You'll need to enter that.

So OK, clearly ObamaCare is a scheme that involves putting the cost burden of healthcare onto the middle and upper-income wage earners. But there's a lot more to it.
Stick with me.

And before I make my next points, I'd like you to think about something:

I live in Monterey County, in Central California. We have a large land mass but just 426,000 residents - about the population of Colorado Springs or the city of Omaha.

But we do have a large Hispanic population, including a large number of illegal aliens, and to serve this group we have Natividad Medical Center, a massive, Federally subsidized county medical complex that takes up an area about one-third the size of the Chrysler Corporation automobile assembly plant in Belvedere, Illinois (see Google Earth View). Natividad has state-of-the-art operating rooms, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fully equipped,
24 hour emergency room, and much more. If you have no insurance, if you've been in a drive-by shooting or have overdosed on crack cocaine, this is where you go. And it's essentially free, because almost everyone who ends up in the ER is uninsured.

Last year, 2,735 babies were born at Natividad. 32% of these were born to out-of-wedlock teenage mothers, 93% of which were Hispanic. Less than 20% could demonstrate proof of citizenship, and 71% listed their native language as Spanish. Of these 876 births, only 40 were covered under [any kind of] private health insurance. The taxpayers paid for the other 836. And in case you were wondering about the entire population - all 2,735 births - less than
24% involved insured coverage or even partial payment on behalf of the patient to the hospital in exchange for services. Keep this in mind as we move forward.

Now consider this:

If I want to upgrade my policy to a low-deductible premium policy, such as what I had with my last employer, my cost is $886 per month. But my girlfriend can upgrade her policy to the very same level, for just $4 per month. That's right, $4 per month. $48 per year for a zero-deductible, premium healthcare policy - the kind of thing you get when you work at IBM (except of course, IBM employees pay an average of $170 per month out of pocket for their coverage).

I mean, it's bad enough that I will be forced to subsidize the ObamaCare scheme in the first place. But even if I agreed with the basic scheme, which of course I do not, I would /never/ agree to subsidize premium policies. If I have to pay $482 a month for a budget policy, I sure as hell do not want the guy I'm subsidizing to get a better policy, for less that 1% of what I have to fork out each month for a low-end policy.*

*Why must I pay $482 per month for something the other guy gets for a dollar? And why should the other guy get to buy an $886 policy for $4 a month? Think about this: I have to pay $10,632 a year for the same thing that the other guy can get for $48.
$10,000 of net income is 60 days of full time work /as an engineer/. $48 is something I could pay for collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, one day a month.

Are you with me on this? Are you starting to get an idea what ObamaCare is really about?

ObamaCare is not about dealing with inequities in the healthcare system. That's just the cover story. The real story is that it is a massive, political power grab. Do you think anyone who can insure himself with a premium policy for $4 a month will vote for anyone but the political party that provides him such a deal? ObamaCare is about enabling, subsidizing, and expanding the Left's political power base, at taxpayer expense. Why would I vote for anyone but a Democrat if I can have babies for $4 a month? For that matter, why would I go to college or strive for a better job or income if it means I have to pay real money for healthcare coverage? Heck, why study engineering when I can be a schlub for $20K per year and buy a new F-150 with all the money I'm saving?

And think about those $4-a-month babies -
think in terms of propagation models. Think of just how many babies will be born to irresponsible, under-educated mothers. Will we get a new crop of brain surgeons and particle physicists from the dollar baby club, or will we need more cops, criminal courts and prisons? One thing you can be certain of: At $4 a month, they'll multiply, and multiply, and multiply. And not one of them will vote Republican.

ObamaCare: It's all about political power.*:mad:

Moral of the Story- Mexican Girls are easy!:behindsofa:

01-08-2014, 06:19 AM
I was looking for a different happy ending for Obummer.
Can't say out loud what that happy ending might be.
But it has nothing to do with Jocko and sheep...

01-08-2014, 06:27 AM
The whole concept of insurance works on some customers subsidizing others. The customers least likely to file a claim are supposed to be subsidized by those most likely to do so. But 0care throws that away and bases it all on income, which I doubt has any correlation to whether you go to the doctor or not. One might hypothesize that the poor don't take care of themselves as well, being fatter, smoking, etc., so they were the ones with higher premiums before, now it's the other way around.

I'm not so sure the rich are doing the subsidizing, anyway. If the government needs money they just qualitatively ease some out of their butt.

Everything now is so bass ackwards I just don't see any way to fix it. Elect who you want, I really feel it's way past the point of no return.

01-08-2014, 06:38 AM
The world of healthcare was always screwed up....the government always had their hands in it and made it difficult. It was always about subsidizing the poor and elderly. Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid.... The government has taken it a step further and now it is beyond hope. The best healthcare advice is: stay in shape, eat right, take care of yourself, look to natural health alternatives before you get sick and do your very best to stay out of the health care system. If you do need to use their system, do your very best to get back out ASAP.

Healthcare cost us before and will continue to cost us in order to give others their health care. It is not a fair world. It will continue to NOT be a free ride for those of us who pay the way for those who want it to be a free ride for them. The Politicians realize this and have turned it into a political issue. It is way past the point of no return now. It is about political power. I agree.

01-08-2014, 06:57 AM
There is nothing wrong with a good government overseeing the healthcare. The problem is that we don't have a good government. We have the government that we have, because we are complacent and allow it. When we decide that we've had enough the government will change, if we don't decide too, late.

01-08-2014, 07:02 AM
Sounds fine and dandy. But there are Many who have already decided that we have had enough. These are the folks who vote for a change. There are many more who like to be subsidized and the not so good government uses this to get their power. Healthcare is a venue for them to conduct their politics and keep their power. That was Downtownv's point.

Bill K
01-08-2014, 08:57 AM
My son got notice in October that his plan (an Atena plan that was fine for him) was being dropped because it didn't meet ACA standards. It would and did get dropped midnight December 26. Second week in October my son signs up for an ACA plan (Anthema Blue Cross blue Sheild) on the Connecticut exchange. The new plan costs way more but he will pay less for the plan because it will be subsidized due to his low salary. Yet he will still pay more because of the way deductibles work for the respective plans!

Mom & Dad (Me) call and write our two Senators and our Congresswomen. Get platitudes and talking points and form pro-ACA emails from our two Senator's staff. Worthless! At least our Congresswoman's staff got a bit involved by trying to get the company my son worked with to at least extend his then current plan to midnight December 26. No such luck my son was expossed with no insurance through no fault of his own for a number od days.

So as it happens my son has an appointment today with one of his Doctors but is going there without an insurance card. Turns out that though my son signed up the second week in October nothing showed up about him to the new insurer until December !2th!

To the insurers credit they scrambled to get things going for my son. He pre-paid his first payment before even getting written communication from the new insurer and then again on January 2nd when he received a letter/invoice to pay his first premium. Just so things didn't get screwed up he paid his first payment a second time but now online so that the insurance would be certain to go through and that there was a shot at having an insurance card to bring today to his Doctors office.

Long and short of it... My two Senators and their staff were worse than useless by trying to propagandize me concerning the ACA and asking that I keep them informed about how things go viz a viz my son's situation. My Congresswoman, via her staff, at least tried to do something though blaming things on the insurance companies not the ACA itself.

Keep your powder dry...

01-08-2014, 09:54 AM
Subject: What ObamaCare is Really About

Americans have to be the biggest morons on earth to accept this Socialist Program from the "Slug in a Suit.."

*What ObamaCare is Really About**

I'm a 54 year old consulting engineer and make between $60,000 and $125,000 per year, depending on how hard I work and whether or not there are work projects out there for me.

My girlfriend is 61 and makes about $18,000 per year, working as a part-time mail clerk.

For me, making $60,000 a year, under ObamaCare, the cheapest, lowest grade policy I can buy, which also happens to impose a $5,000 deductible, costs $482 per month.

For my girlfriend, the same exact policy, same deductible, costs $1 per month. That's right, $1 per month. I'm not making this up.

Don't believe me? Just go to <http://www.coveredca.gov/> <<http://www.coveredca.gov/>> , the ObamaCare website for California and enter the parameters I've mentioned above and see for yourself. By the way, my zip code is 93940.
You'll need to enter that.

So OK, clearly ObamaCare is a scheme that involves putting the cost burden of healthcare onto the middle and upper-income wage earners. But there's a lot more to it.
Stick with me.

And before I make my next points, I'd like you to think about something:

I live in Monterey County, in Central California. We have a large land mass but just 426,000 residents - about the population of Colorado Springs or the city of Omaha.

But we do have a large Hispanic population, including a large number of illegal aliens, and to serve this group we have Natividad Medical Center, a massive, Federally subsidized county medical complex that takes up an area about one-third the size of the Chrysler Corporation automobile assembly plant in Belvedere, Illinois (see Google Earth View). Natividad has state-of-the-art operating rooms, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fully equipped,
24 hour emergency room, and much more. If you have no insurance, if you've been in a drive-by shooting or have overdosed on crack cocaine, this is where you go. And it's essentially free, because almost everyone who ends up in the ER is uninsured.

Last year, 2,735 babies were born at Natividad. 32% of these were born to out-of-wedlock teenage mothers, 93% of which were Hispanic. Less than 20% could demonstrate proof of citizenship, and 71% listed their native language as Spanish. Of these 876 births, only 40 were covered under [any kind of] private health insurance. The taxpayers paid for the other 836. And in case you were wondering about the entire population - all 2,735 births - less than
24% involved insured coverage or even partial payment on behalf of the patient to the hospital in exchange for services. Keep this in mind as we move forward.

Now consider this:

If I want to upgrade my policy to a low-deductible premium policy, such as what I had with my last employer, my cost is $886 per month. But my girlfriend can upgrade her policy to the very same level, for just $4 per month. That's right, $4 per month. $48 per year for a zero-deductible, premium healthcare policy - the kind of thing you get when you work at IBM (except of course, IBM employees pay an average of $170 per month out of pocket for their coverage).

I mean, it's bad enough that I will be forced to subsidize the ObamaCare scheme in the first place. But even if I agreed with the basic scheme, which of course I do not, I would /never/ agree to subsidize premium policies. If I have to pay $482 a month for a budget policy, I sure as hell do not want the guy I'm subsidizing to get a better policy, for less that 1% of what I have to fork out each month for a low-end policy.*

*Why must I pay $482 per month for something the other guy gets for a dollar? And why should the other guy get to buy an $886 policy for $4 a month? Think about this: I have to pay $10,632 a year for the same thing that the other guy can get for $48.
$10,000 of net income is 60 days of full time work /as an engineer/. $48 is something I could pay for collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, one day a month.

Are you with me on this? Are you starting to get an idea what ObamaCare is really about?

ObamaCare is not about dealing with inequities in the healthcare system. That's just the cover story. The real story is that it is a massive, political power grab. Do you think anyone who can insure himself with a premium policy for $4 a month will vote for anyone but the political party that provides him such a deal? ObamaCare is about enabling, subsidizing, and expanding the Left's political power base, at taxpayer expense. Why would I vote for anyone but a Democrat if I can have babies for $4 a month? For that matter, why would I go to college or strive for a better job or income if it means I have to pay real money for healthcare coverage? Heck, why study engineering when I can be a schlub for $20K per year and buy a new F-150 with all the money I'm saving?

And think about those $4-a-month babies -
think in terms of propagation models. Think of just how many babies will be born to irresponsible, under-educated mothers. Will we get a new crop of brain surgeons and particle physicists from the dollar baby club, or will we need more cops, criminal courts and prisons? One thing you can be certain of: At $4 a month, they'll multiply, and multiply, and multiply. And not one of them will vote Republican.

ObamaCare: It's all about political power.*:mad:

Moral of the Story- Mexican Girls are easy!:behindsofa:
Now THATS one heck of a post. Well done.
You illustrated what many have pontificated here. One more wrinkle.....Medicine draws the best and brightest to its field. When the incentive($$) is removed to put up with the arduous task of becoming a doctor, who do you think will fill those roles? Think about it.

01-08-2014, 11:18 AM
Now THATS one heck of a post. Well done.
You illustrated what many have pontificated here. One more wrinkle.....Medicine draws the best and brightest to its field. When the incentive($$) is removed to put up with the arduous task of becoming a doctor, who do you think will fill those roles? Think about it.
Social workers. They like to help people, but don't care about money and don't have a clue. They never actually help anyone, so medicine will deteriorate to the realm of junk science and feel-good platitudes.

01-08-2014, 12:19 PM
Social workers. They like to help people, but don't care about money and don't have a clue. They never actually help anyone, so medicine will deteriorate to the realm of junk science and feel-good platitudes.


southern thunder
01-08-2014, 12:24 PM
It will hit the fan soon.

01-08-2014, 01:48 PM
If the Republicans would just introduce a bill to amend the portion of Obamacare that guarantees a profit to the Mega Billion Dollar Insurance companies through tax payer funded Bail Outs if the required number of young healthy people fail to sign up and the Insurance companies start to lose money by paying benefits to the older sick members with pre existing conditions who did sign up then the Insurance companies would pull out and scatter like ants effectly killing Obamacare....

Even the Democrats who are already trying to distance themselves from Obamacare would be very hesitant to vote for giving another huge Bail Out to the Mega Rich Insurance Giants....The bail out portion of Ovomitcare was the ONLY reason the insurance companies agreed to the ponzi scheme in the first place because it guaranteed them a profit even if the plan failed....

It may be that the Democrats real plan all along was to cook up something that was doomed to fail from the start and when it did to introduce Socialized Single Payer Insurance which I feel is unfortunately the future of Healthcare and Medicine in the new Amerika....

01-08-2014, 02:07 PM
If the Republicans would just introduce a bill to amend the portion of Obamacare that guarantees a profit to the Mega Billion Dollar Insurance companies through tax payer funded Bail Outs if the required number of young healthy people fail to sign up and the Insurance companies start to lose money by paying benefits to the older sick members with pre existing conditions who did sign up then the Insurance companies would pull out and scatter like ants effectly killing Obamacare....

Even the Democrats who are already trying to distance themselves from Obamacare would be very hesitant to vote for giving another huge Bail Out to the Mega Rich Insurance Giants....The bail out portion of Ovomitcare was the ONLY reason the insurance companies agreed to the ponzi scheme in the first place because it guaranteed them a profit even if the plan failed....

It may be that the Democrats real plan all along was to cook up something that was doomed to fail from the start and when it did to introduce Socialized Single Payer Insurance which I feel is unfortunately the future of Healthcare and Medicine in the new Amerika....

FukknA again

01-08-2014, 03:31 PM
There is nothing wrong with a good government overseeing the healthcare. The problem is that we don't have a good government. We have the government that we have, because we are complacent and allow it. When we decide that we've had enough the government will change, if we don't decide too, late.

I don't believer you used 'good' and 'government' in the same sentence. There is no such thing as a a good government and never has been. There's only various degrees of bad governments.

01-08-2014, 04:07 PM
I don't believer you used 'good' and 'government' in the same sentence. There is no such thing as a a good government and never has been. There's only various degrees of bad governments.

FukknA! THIRD time in one thread. A record.

01-08-2014, 04:24 PM

Moral of the Story- Mexican Girls are easy!:behindsofa:

Now that there is just downright funny!!