View Full Version : Wrong House

01-12-2014, 10:23 AM
This is not the typical rah rah homeowner shot the bad guy report. It's a very informative and well done report that touches on aspects regarding gun issues that affect us as citizens. My apologies if this has previously been posted.


01-12-2014, 10:30 AM
Wonder if it would have turned out the same legally, if it would have been your average Joe, instead of retired Le?

Longitude Zero
01-12-2014, 01:00 PM
In my home city/state we have had a few of exactly this type of situation. Criminals make or attempt entry and place the occupants in fear of their lives and get shot for their trouble. ALL have been civilians and to date all of the events were labeled justified.

Now up where he was in MD I have no clue what would have happened to a civilian in the exact same circumstances.

01-12-2014, 03:55 PM
Likewise, in Cleveland an armed defense is almost a daily occurrence. No law abiding citizen has ever been charged for defending himself.

01-13-2014, 07:37 AM
Good post. Thanks for sharing. Three comments:
One...it would have been legal self defense situation in NY too.
Two...it made me rethink about the importance of my SD ammo being able to clear windshield glass. I originally was not all that concerned about my SD ammo holding up because I felt there may never be a situation where I would need to shoot at someone through windshield glass. This is the perfect scenario to make me rethink my flawed assumption. I'm using Win Ranger T's which will penetrate windshield glass and hold relative accuracy (some deflection which is normal). However, Ranger T's are not bonded and will come apart. They will still function well, but a better round is probably the PDX bonded.
Three....another good justification for our 2A from a good LE who was lucky. I will forward to other folks I know who don't take seriously the importance to be ready....like I do.

Anyway, good vid. Thanks again.

01-13-2014, 08:25 PM
Yeah Gary I go thru this all the time thinking about what ammo to have. During my regular day I carry self defense ammo a little lighter round, don’t want anything over penetrating or something that will go thru. And when daytime is done and when I'm in my house I load the baddest rounds I have in that will go thru glass. So as I’m saying this I’m changing my mags from day time to night time. In home get the best you got, on the street go on the lighter side. This is my thought on this.